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Old June 17th, 2024, 08:10 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Pure black pelt; Barely visible dark gray mackerel tabby markings; amber eyes
She/her || 4 moons || Shadowclan
Agatha Kitty

Shadekit flicked her ear, annoyed. What kind of lame answer was that? Because he wanted to know for him? She narrowed her eyes and opened her mouth to snap at Mosquitokit, but his abrupt question startled her. She gazed at him doubtfully. "Yes, I have stripes," she answered. Not many cats brought that up before, and she hadn't really thought about it. It was just the way she is. Are they hard to see? I suppose they are, but... Why ask about it? What do stripes matter? She was unsettled by the way Mosquitokit was staring at her intensely. Her fur prickled slightly.

He notices things, she observed. He doesn't seem too bright. He doesn't have good social skills. Her mind rapidly assessed Mosquitokit. He isn't a threat. She stored all the information away in her brain, just in case. It's always good to learn a potential foe. Their weaknesses, strengths. potential, she thought. He doesn't seem foe-y like at all.


Again, sorry for the overly late and short reply ;-;

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Old June 17th, 2024, 09:43 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✧ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──

"Oh. Oh, I think I see now. S'hard to see 'em in this light but...yeah. Yeah, neat." Is she upset or is she just like this normally? He can't tell, the longer he considers it. He's worried that if he backs off and it turns out she isn't upset with him or anything, does that make him the bad one, for initiating an interaction and then backpedaling on an assumption? This is hard. Maybe he likes that, though, somehow—he feels the only way it'll ever get easier, this 'taking to other cats' thing, is if he just keeps doing it—, because he hasn't given up on talking to her yet. Matter of fact, he's doubling down:

"My name's Mosquitokit. Jus' so you know. Um...you can tell me your name, now, an' uh..." Mosquitokit swallows. He still can't bring himself to look right at her for very long.

( Her:
-Older than him
-Two ears
-Four paws
-One tail
-Black coat—with stripes!

He feels good about what he knows now. He also has a new line of questioning.

Struck with a dizzying wave of inspiration and almost too excited about how perfect he thinks it'll play out, Mosquitokit leans forward, dark eyes rounded—"How old're you?"

He feels so clever because he'll probably be able to segue into talking about apprentice stuff with her once he knows how close she is to it, and from what he's seen so far, a lot of older kits really enjoy talking about that kind of stuff. So he's practically mastered talking to other cats, now. Mosquitokit bites the inside of his cheek to suppress a giddy smile, feeling as though he's just solved a particularly difficult riddle, or passed some kind of test. Even if she is cross with him, maybe she'll be so excited to talk about apprentice training that she'll forget to be. Cross, that is.


( you're a-okay!! take your time and write what you feel :} )

Last edited by dagnyme; June 17th, 2024 at 09:43 PM.
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Old June 18th, 2024, 09:10 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Sootpaw exists.

On hiatus from June 21st to July 14th. Do not bump me/send me messages, they will go unresponded to.

┏━━━━━━━━━━ ❈ ━━━━━━━━━━┓
Springlight is ThunderClan’s current medicine cat.
She has a semi-closed den policy.
Feel free to DM or VM me if you have any questions or concerns!

Please know that my character's personal thoughts and opinions do not reflect my own.
I am simply playing as their character.

My writing often depends on my motivation and therefore due to having autism, I struggle with maintaining focus for writing.
I hope that's understandable.

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┗━━━━━━━━━━ ❈ ━━━━━━━━━━┛

worm wiggled his way in owo
ghostie is haunting this sig!
surprise! it's velli, several months late. shocker
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Old June 18th, 2024, 10:09 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Owlwing trotted into the Shadowclan clearing, his stomach growling and hoping for something to eat.
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Old June 18th, 2024, 10:13 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Male / 6 Moons / ShadowClan / Sexuality Unknown
Russet tabby tom with cream-brown fur around the torso, blue and yellow heterochromatic eyes, and a naturally sinister expression

Well there’s no point to misery without joy, now is there? Just like there’s no point to beauty without brains! That last part is something that you, my friend, need to work on!


Marshykit sat with his tail resting over his front paws, beaming. The story had not been terrible, in the russet and cream tabby tom-kit’s opinion, and he would be surprised if Shadekit had nothing good to say about it. Even if these thoughts would make him appear overconfident in himself and his storytelling abilities, looking on the bright side, they kept him motivated to be social. No matter how Shadekit reacted to his story and little lesson/moral, he was never going to stop telling stories. His clanmates could cringe and cry at the sound of his storytelling, and Marshykit would not care in the least. Shadekit was no exception, so as Marshykit awaited her response, he prepared himself for anything. Expect disappointment and one is unable to be disappointed! He thought to himself, brightly. What a wonderful world we live in! Then quietly and patiently, he continued to wait out Shadekit’s response.

Throughout Marshykit’s sea-and-Shadeshadow story, Shadekit had been a quiet listener. Even better, she had not even tried to sneak away! Marshykit had been glad for it. Yes, it just goes to show that she’s already nicer than my last story victim… Shadekit was strangely respectful. In the beginning, she had seemed to be… well, yes, anti-social, but… maybe she isn’t so bad. I suppose, again, that making assumptions is never the correct choice. Onward with the waiting, onward with patience! I will be thrilled to see her react at all… let alone happily! As the moment of silence went on, Marshykit proceeded to tap his tail tip against the ground and shift his paws restlessly. This was one of the best parts of storytelling as it was… the reaction. Whether it be a good one or a bad one, usually they were decently interesting, and Marshykit adored the anticipation of awaiting them. This was one of those moments, and as he sat, his heartbeat picked up and his mood, slowly but surely, raised.

Eventually, Shadekit’s reaction began to show itself, and Marshykit’s eyes flashed with excitment. Here we go! Did she love it? Did she hate it, despise it? Was it boring? Was it very interesting? I wonder… But then, sudden and without the slightest of warnings, Shadekit didn’t seem… happy. Just in case Shadekit being ‘not happy’ wasn’t enough description, Marshykit decided to take a quick guess and assume that the dark she-kit was angry with him. The russet and cream tabby’s eyebrows rose up, and happiness still dancing in his heterochromatic gaze, he stared at his denmate. Oh, lovely! He told himself, tail-tapping-tempo increasing like mad. The small smile returned to his face, and he tilted his head to his right. This should be fun. She’s going to yell or snarl, now isn’t she? I wonder what she’s got to tell me off about… hm! But when Shadekit spoke to him, she was not clear on what had angered her. In a hiss, she told him that he had only wasted her time with his story and small lesson on sociability, and Marshykit’s ears perked. The to,-kit certainly was not upset, only mildly confused. ‘Not anti-social’, she had told me… well, well, well! I was the judge of that, and I have decided… this she-kit is a liar! Ha, she couldn’t even handle a small tale without getting fired up! What a wonderful kitten! With her last comment out of the way, Shadekit told him that she was going to be on her way, that she would be getting going. I all of the dark mackerel she-kit’s words had come out as a hiss. Despite her snappiness, however, it didn’t stop Marshykit’s joy, and as usual, the tabby tom-kit simply kept on smiling.

He watched as Shadekit began to stalk off with narrowing blue and yellow eyes, whiskers twitching with amusement. He cleared his voice and called out to her, “Well, Shadekit, I deeply apologize for your impatience, but the show must go on!” He purred for a second, before adding, “I’m sure you’ll be better off heading away on your merry way, anyway… without my company, that is! Enjoy your miserable social life, my friend! Your story was fun to tell, you’ll even be the villain next time, aha! Lovely, isn’t it?” At that, he turned around to head to the side of camp opposite from Shadekit. Then with a deep breath and a final smirk, he disappeared into a bush to go set up a roleplay scene with some stones.


// Sorry this is late and short, I’ve just finished a trip! This’ll be my last post for this particular roleplay ^^. So it’s looking like they’d be rivals, but if you have any other ideas, feel free to tell me! I’m open for anythint! In addition, you can choose whether you’d like to reply to this or not, or just leave it here. \\

~ @SnowheartTC ~

How’s it going?

Replies will come a bit slowly until June 4th, EST!

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Have a nice day! ~ Fritz ~
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Old June 18th, 2024, 10:44 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Silkpaw chills in the clearing.

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Old June 18th, 2024, 03:26 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Midnightpaw loomed.

[open ? ? ... mostly just an activity post]
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Old June 18th, 2024, 04:48 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Wildkit walks over to mosquitokit " Hey whatcha doing? Would you like to hang out my head feels better?"
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Old June 18th, 2024, 06:16 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Dizzycloud starting pacing around randomly after being half alseep for 45 minutes. Then she stepped on someone's tail. They would live, so she didn't say anything.

"Tomatoes are in the same family as some of the world's deadliest poisons. That just goes to show how rebellious tomatoes are."
"What about how the apple can fall far from the tree?"
"No, sometimes the tomato falls from the plant."

Ɛ> Toyhouse <3
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Old June 19th, 2024, 12:42 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing



Russetkit was still just kind of a ball of anger.


Witheredstar is the current leader of SunClan, she has an open den policy!
Join SunClan!
Rapid Recovery-Raccoonsun(RiverClan)
Silver Tongue-Whitekit(ThunderClan)
Chill of Death-Leopardpaw(WindClan)
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