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Old February 14th, 2022, 12:19 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Streamstone

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By the way that Rowanmist reacted, Kestrelstar would be willing to bet that he was right - Goosefury's sudden disappearance was taking a toll on the tom, so he made a note to perhaps pull him aside later. Generally, the leader didn't have the time to go searching for every missing Clanmate. But maybe putting effort into this one could show that he really did care for his Clanmates and their worries. He'd table the thought for now; the meeting had to be continued.

For the love of everything good in the world, why did cats feel the need to keep talking? Kestrelstar fixed the group at the center of it all - Blizzardsky, of course. Mistypaw, who he was surprised to see. Otterstorm, Petuniapaw, Flintstrike, Creamfrost, Stormpelt... From where he stood on the Streamstone, Kestrelstar watched with annoyed yellow eyes. If the warriors before him wanted to act like apprentices, then maybe a few demotions were called for at this time. Wormbite seemed to join the meeting, and not for the first time Kestrelstar knew he would have to speak with all of the shields. Did they not understand that they held a certain level of responsibility within the Clan?


Not necessarily a yowl, but Kestrelstar's voice boomed out over the crowd as he rose to his paws. Blizzardsky had essentially started this with his yowl (he was now silently thanking Rowanmist's way of approaching things) but all of his Clanmates who continued to come forth and gang up on him... Kestrelstar certainly did not like that. "Otterstorm," he snapped, shooting a glance the warriors way, "No one here is a traitor. Blizzardsky is not a traitor, as I have stated before. Now unless you want a moon of removing ticks out the elders fur, I suggest you be quiet." Next his gaze landed towards Creamfrost who seemed to be asking for his opinion on their behavior. "Frankly, you both are acting like untrained apprentices." Disappointment swirled in his gaze as he shook his head.

Sweeping his gaze out to the rest of the crowd, pointedly landing on Stormpelt who seemed to saunter up and only serve to stir the pot, but he managed to mask his irritation - this meeting needed to progress and then end, for stars sake. "Anyone else who feels like shouting mindless arguments instead of bringing forth actual concerns like Rowanmist did will find themselves tasked with cleaning out all of the camps dens." If they wanted to go and find out if he was serious, Kestrelstar would certainly let them. Hopefully his harden gaze and raised voice demonstrated just how serious he was. Right now his gaze was particularly on Creamfrost, Flintstrike, and Otterstorm. Blizzardsky... was being Blizzardsky but Kestrelstar knew he would eventually need to speak with the tom.

Hopefully for now no more voices would speak up. "Now, if I can continue with the meeting..." Another warning sweep of his gaze before clearing his throat. "With Sparrowskip moving into the deputy position, it leaves one spot open among our Shields. I'm pleased to announce that Snowleap will be taking that spot. He is an active presence around camp and is always going out of his way to ensure the daily Clan duties run smooth." There was still one spot open, left empty by Goosefury, but he wanted to speak with Rowanmist and perhaps search for the missing tom first before filling it. Briefly, he cast his gaze into the crowd in an attempt to meet the toms eyes.

"This meeting is dismissed."

With that, Kestrelstar dismissed his Clanmates with a flick of his tail before leaping off the Streamstone. He landed just a bit unsteady, a curse of his missing toes, but easily regained his balance. "Shields that are present, if you could gather in my den please." He looked around, noting Plumstorm, Wormbite, Lizardfrost, and the newly appointed Snowleap were the only ones present. He let out a sigh and looked to Sparrowskip. "Can you speak to Rowanmist? Ask him when the last time he saw Goosefury was." Hopefully by getting the two talking, Sparrowskip could prove his intentions to the warrior. He gave the deputy a nod and a small smile before disappearing into his den to await the shields.

[ please don't mention or quote me here! i read every post ^^

also shields, if you guys could post your characters coming to kes' den, he's got a decision he needs help with ]

Last edited by spade; February 14th, 2022 at 12:33 PM.
Old February 14th, 2022, 12:39 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Stars, his clanmates didn't know how to listen. Did they geninuely believe Wormbite was against living up to his threat? (A part of him reasoned it would only worsen the chaos. Perhaps he would drag them away and then came the snowballs. ) He sighs, rolling his eyes inwardly as he rises to his paws to attempt to put a stop to this nonsense. The oriental is stopped in his tracks as a gust of wind hits him and he immediately ducks down, burying himself into the closet warmest body. Wormbite's nose twitches, "Raccoonear, " He mewed quietly, asking for confirmation in such a way. Haha. Well. She was warm. If this was happening, he would just relish.

The Shield flinched back as Kestrelstar's loud voice bellowed across the camp. It wasn't directed at him but ugh, never a fan of loud noises. He slowly lifts his gaze but everything.. it's a useless effort. He can't pinpoint where the leader may even be and it quickly drops to the floor out of embarrassment. Wormbite hadn't realized it had worsened. He knew it was always ... withering but stars, ...

He does his best to listen to Kestrelstar but his head is somewhere else. He registered how.. Snowleap was now a new shield. Wormbite jerked up, removing himself from Raccoonear's side. Snowleap! LYNXFALL! A conversation late at night flashes inside his head. There is the subtle smile, not noticable by anyone who was not friendly with the Dark Lord. Wormbite was glad Snowleap's lover was able to join.

After that, the meeting was dismissed and he was quick to run into Kestrelstar's den for warmth. He coughed, leaning against a wall.

❝ hold on tight to this time,
this place 'cause everything you know will be erased.
you were born inside your head.
and that is where you'll be when you are dead. ❞

-- the sleepy consumes me --
Old February 14th, 2022, 12:53 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Streamstone

So much pointless bickering. It was getting so bad that Plumstorm's head was beginning to ache as she shut her eyes. She loathed gatherings of cats, but today was a special kind of loathing. Because she disliked Blizzardsky. He was a creep, and disgusting, and honestly she often wondered if he was lacking mentally... He had absolutely no control over himself nor his actions, words, and thoughts. But that didn't mean that others had any right to begin throwing serious accusations around. The guy's dumb, not traitorous!

Kestrelstar finally snaps, and for good reason. Grateful to be hopefully leaving the stupid arguing behind (if anyone else wanted to flee the scene while dramatically crying out about how they only wanted to help, Plumstorm would quit her job and move to the countryside to live out her days as the protagonist of a slice-of-life story, she would swear it) the shield opens her eyes and looks up at the tom atop the streamstone. Well, at least everything was done with. Standing she begins to turn to resume her rest, when he calls for the shields to come to his den. Of all the days-

With a groan the cat sinks her tail low and follows.
Old February 14th, 2022, 02:39 PM
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RiverClan Re: RiverClan Streamstone

❄ Snowleap (he/them) ❄

➢ Drawing his tongue over his chest fur a few times, the long-furred oriental continued to listen to cats bicker and argue with Blizzardsky, which made the Riverclan warrior shake his head as he released a sigh through his nose. However, a familiar voice that he had not heard in quite some time made Snowleap’s ears perk up. He turned his head to see none other than his old mentor, Blizzardwind, confronting the loud tomcat. Heh. Something about that made him smile, seeing the senior warrior telling cats to be adults for once. That was his teacher for you, never hesitating to speak his mind. Though some cats deserved it, acting the way that they did. More and more childish cats seemed to be popping up at these meetings and Snowleap didn’t like it one bit. Creekfoot’s little meltdown was still fresh in his mind from the last one. Kestrelstar didn’t deserve to have to deal with such things, at least that’s what the Riverclan tomcat believed. After that was all done, the dark long-furred warrior was a little surprised to see Blizzardwind work his way through the crowd to come sit beside him, somewhat taking the open spot beside him where Raccoonear had been sitting. Sure, the tall warrior had seen his mentor here and there around camp, but they hadn’t really talked since Snowleap had his warrior ceremony many moons ago. He had been a quiet and reclusive student, but he had done his best to become the best warrior since then. He blinked at the large silver-furred tomcat as Blizzardwind glanced at him and then voiced an exasperated grumble, turning his gaze back towards Blizzardsky. “There seems to be more and more cats like him these days, it makes me sad.” Snowleap meowed, shaking his head as he replied to the senior warrior in a soft-spoken, respectful tone, “We can only hope that his kits have wise mentors like you to make sure they turn out as strong and caring warriors.” He smiled slightly at his mentor after he said that. It was nice to talk to Blizzardwind again, without a doubt. The silver tom was much older than he was, obviously, and for a time, Snowleap had been worried they wouldn’t speak to one another again until they were both in Starclan. That aside, it was nice to hear Blizzardwind’s voice again. They had missed him, no doubt about it.

However, as Blizzardwind and Snowleap caught-up and complained together about these idiotic clanmembers, Kestrelstar’s stern yowl was enough to make the young Riverclan tomcat flinch and immediately raise his gaze back up to the Streamstone. Great Starclan, when was the last time Snowleap had such a reaction? It was a habit of theirs when it came down to cats raising their voices around them (because of their stern, scolding parents nonetheless). He couldn’t blame the yellow-eyed tomcat though, seeing as cats had refused to shut their mouths. Precisely why Snowleap had kept himself silent until Blizzardwind had spoken to him. The longhaired oriental’s fur lay flat as their racing heart eventually calmed itself. He watched as Kestrelstar snapped at Otterstorm for claiming Blizzardsky was a traitor and threatening Riverclan to stop these stupid arguments. The tall warrior nodded, silently agreeing with the gray-furred tomcat’s method of handling this. With that done, the clan meeting continued without any more delay. Thank the stars for that. Snowleap went back to casual grooming while listening to Kestrelstar’s words, licking his paw and drawing it over his face. Ah yes, a new shield to take Sparrowskip’s place, that was right. He had almost let that slip his mind again! The young dark-furred tomcat awaited to hear Rac- Wait what? He stopped grooming and looked up at the clan leader with wide blue eyes.

Had they heard him correctly? Snowleap. Snowleap had been named Riverclan’s brand-new Shield. That was his name that Kestrelstar had said just now, sounding happy to say it too. Immediately, his heart swelled with excitement. Had his hard work around camp really been that noticeable? He couldn’t help but let a bright smile take up his expression, looking at his old mentor Blizzardwind for a short moment, hoping his teacher would be proud of him. And just like that, the meeting was now over and the clan leader was jumping down from the Streamstone. Oh mousedung, was he really ready for his responsibility? Surely he was, right? If Kestrelstar saw him as fit to take Sparrowskip’s place. Snowleap quickly stood up and headed off to the leader’s den, along with the other Shields. It didn’t feel real that he was actually one of them now. But even with his racing heart, the newly named Riverclan Shield would proudly wear this title and help his clan. This was an important moment for him in his life. He would do anything to not mess it up. He was glad Lynxfall had been here to witness it.

// @poppy. //
Old February 14th, 2022, 02:51 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Streamstone

When Kestrelstar’s voice boomed threw out Riverclan, Yarrowkit squeaked, and dived into the snow. that was SCARY! she thought. She knew it was kittish, but she lay there, whimpering in the snow, her tail drooped.
Old February 14th, 2022, 04:14 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Spottedkit walked away. WOW, Sparrowskip and Snowleap are real good warriors, I hope I get one of them as a mentor! she smiled at the thought. And when I become an apprentice, I'm gonna work twice as hard as all the other apprentices!
Hi guys!
Iḿ so sorry about taking such a long break, I wasn feeling emotionally well, and then made a big move to a new state. I am going to start over with all new characters. All my other cats can be remembered, or talked about, but I will not be using them anymore. If anyone can update me on what happened while I was gone, that would be really helpful, and I love roleplaying with everyone on site.
Old February 14th, 2022, 04:58 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Palebrook shook her head. Honestly, the Coan was starting to become the next ThunderClan. It was disgusting, to see her Clanmates shout out and fight each other like a group of unhappy kits. They were warriors, grow up already! Palebrook was a bit surprised to hear that Sparrowskip would be the next deputy. She hadn’t even known that the deputy was still alive. She had assumed he was dead. Apparently not. Palebrook stood up when Kestrelstar called the meeting to an end and padded away. She didn’t want to hear another second of this.

Frostpaw left as soon as Kestrelstar announced the meeting over, her ears ringing with all the shouting. She would find some cats who weren’t shouting nonsensically.

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Old February 14th, 2022, 05:31 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Streamstone


Sparrowskip was relieved as Kestrelstar stopped all the arguing, and nodded as the tom asked him to speak to Rowanmist. He'd be sure to do that, goodness the roughness of being deputy had already started. He could only hope that he wouldn't end up like his father had.
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Old February 14th, 2022, 05:45 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Brambletree dipped his head as the leader finished and padded away from the streamstone
Lost motivation for this site, may come back some time but assume all my cats have died. I will not be bringing them back if/when I return
Old February 14th, 2022, 05:47 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Streamstone

Creamfrost was not angry at Kestrelstar's last message, He decided to just leave the meeting, he didn't care, he didn't catch anything, H, and that is how kitty pet life is supposed to be. "I don't even care, I don't give a mouse tail" He said

(Creamfrost has left the meeting)

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