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Old April 1st, 2020, 10:36 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by Katwhisperer View Post
Lightkit followed the scent to the roots of a tree. He pounced on where he thought it was. Fresh-kill scent filled his nostrils. "I got it!" he called to Nightkit He dropped it in front of her. "Do you want to share?"
Nightkit shakes her head, suddenly her ears perk up and her heart drops “I-I think the medicine cat realized we took stuff... we should get back into camp before anyone realizes we are gone.”
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Old April 1st, 2020, 11:56 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory


A pout grew on Eveningpaw's mouth. "Okaaaaaay.." She nodded reluctantly at her mentor's words. "That's what I said-- the other ThunderClan cats might not like us!"

The russet apprentice trotted back over to join her mentor, keeping her gaze trained on the ground. There were so many leaves! So much.. stuff in the undergrowth. How could they even see their prey? Every stick she passed had her murmuring an unconscious "Wow," and her head would turn to keep her focus on it until it disappeared behind them. So many distractions in ThunderClan! "I like WindClan's territory better," she whispered harshly to Summernight.

lio was here ♥
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Old April 2nd, 2020, 10:29 AM
Wolfsli123 Wolfsli123 is offline
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by TeamRiverRipple View Post
Fogwhiper padded into her position, her ears flattened in concentration.

{Now we just have to wait for @Clover'Wish_101}
Greyheart accidently let his tail brush a leaf behind him, startling the rabbit. Fortunately for him, it hadn't seen Fogwhisper, and was headed straight for her.
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Old April 2nd, 2020, 10:32 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by \\/\/ View Post
Greyheart accidently let his tail brush a leaf behind him, startling the rabbit. Fortunately for him, it hadn't seen Fogwhisper, and was headed straight for her.
Fogwhisper leaped out of position, her paws stretched out wide. She hissed, landing straight on top of the rabbit. She bit down hard on it's neck, blood washing it's brown fur. She dropped it, licking the blood off her muzzle. "Good job."
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Old April 2nd, 2020, 10:35 AM
Wolfsli123 Wolfsli123 is offline
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by TeamRiverRipple View Post
Fogwhisper leaped out of position, her paws stretched out wide. She hissed, landing straight on top of the rabbit. She bit down hard on it's neck, blood washing it's brown fur. She dropped it, licking the blood off her muzzle. "Good job."
"Sorry about that. Thanks for the save though," Greyheart said, slightly embarrassed by his mistake.

Last edited by Wolfsli123; April 2nd, 2020 at 10:36 AM.
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Old April 2nd, 2020, 10:37 AM
Smile, she said.
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by \\/\/ View Post
"Sorry about that. Thanks for the save though," Greyheart said, slightly embarrassed by his mistake.
Fogwhisper glared at the tom. "Don't. Dwell. On. It." She growled, turning back to the catch.
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Old April 2nd, 2020, 10:45 AM
Wolfsli123 Wolfsli123 is offline
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by TeamRiverRipple View Post
Fogwhisper glared at the tom. "Don't. Dwell. On. It." She growled, turning back to the catch.
"Um. Ok?" Greyheart said, somewhat alarmed by the hostility. He opted to wait for Fogwhisper to bury the catch before moving on.

Last edited by Wolfsli123; April 2nd, 2020 at 10:46 AM.
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Old April 2nd, 2020, 03:57 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

The dilute calico she-cat was padding carefully along the branch, her ears swiveling every which way as she sniffed the air for any scent of birds or squirrels within the branches. Though as Ratwhorl called her name, the she-cat glanced down towards the tom, ears flicking in question. Listening to his words, Moonbird turned her orange eyes back to the trees, scanning for a mass of twigs and leaves, the tell-tale sign of a nest. She soon spotted it, and padded forward, picking up on the sound of small chirps. "Looks like you were right!" She called down to Ratwhorl, before taking the last few steps along the branch up to the nest. There were three more chicks within it, with no sign of the parents anywhere. Moonbird paused for a moment as she reached out her paw, noticing that this was the beginning of new signs of life within the forest. But Thunderclan needs the food. With a few bites, Moonbird had killed all the chicks, lifting the small bodies up with her mouth before leaning over the branch, showcasing the kill to Ratwhorl below.

@implimm @Salt

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Old April 2nd, 2020, 04:15 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory

Originally Posted by implimm View Post
Plumpaw rolls her eyes as her Clanmate descends from the branches to stand before her. "Yeah, right." Moonbird hardly seemed like the hard-working type, but then again in her blind anger, the apprentice was being less than fair and far more than just unreasonable. "You were just ready, must have been lucky having a mentor dedicated to your upbringing. Flintstar never reassigned me one after mine had decided they had better things to do than train me when I reckon I had a pawful of sunrises left in my training." She scoffs, but her whining had definitely deflated her ego and intense anger towards the warrior. Now, she seemed to be more keen on complaining than attacking Moonbird for things the she-cat had no part in. "Then, the simpleton that Duskstar tossed to me finally tried getting me to shut my mouth when I asked why she overshadowed all of you and the new apprentices with her stupid declaration of making herself leader! He had the nerve to ask me if I ever left camp to go on a patrol before, and the most real training I get is when I'm by myself or around other apprentices whose mentors or warriors are showing them things." She turns her icy hot blue eyes onto Moonbird again suddenly. "So of course I want your special treatment, Moonbird. Or else I'll be a foreverapprentice who gets to watch all of you guys come and go." By the time she'd finished her tirade to the undeserving cat, Plumpaw had deflated. Now, her expression was just... Disappointed, maybe. Cross still, but also disappointed.


Moonbird listened quietly as Plumpaw began ranting about her struggles with reaching warriorhood, finally taking a moment to calm herself from her own previous anger. Moonbird wasn't the type of cat to get angry very often, and when she was, she usually tried to avoid others. That's what she had been doing, before Plumpaw came across her sulking in the woods. With a clearer head, Moonbird told herself that Plumpaw's anger was justified. And she did agree with her on her negative views of Duskstar. Ever since becoming leader, the she-cat hadn't really been nice to... well... anyone in reality. Moonbird had always taken Flintspirit to be nice, and she appreciated that quality in him. Though she did notice that Plumpaw didn't seem to have that positive of an opinion on him either, to which she decided not to criticize.
Once Plumpaw was done, Moonbird remained quiet for another moment, orange eyes no longer narrowed, but widened with realization as thoughts flew through her head. "I... I guess I shouldn't have been so angry with you at first, you just caught me at a bad time." She admitted with a small smile, hoping to help diffuse some of Plumpaw's anger. And if she could maybe, just maybe befriend the apprentice, then maybe she could help her achieve her warrior status faster. "Now that I am aware, your situation is definitely worse than what I was moping around about earlier. And your anger towards me, is completely justified, and I won't hold it against you." Now a more serious expression took over Moonbird's face, but there was also something a little... sly about it. "But, I think I can help you." The small she-cat sat herself down, tilting her head slightly in thought. "All you need is a few more instances of training, right? But your mentor is a mouse-brain, right? Well, no where in the warrior code or any other rulecode does it say that the training has to be with your mentor, right? Just with another warrior." Now, here, Moonbird let a sly smirk cross her face. She was a nit-picker of rules, that was for sure. "Well, you've got yourself a one-hundred percent guaranteed fresh new warrior right here. Who's not going to be stupid about training someone, especially someone not too much younger than herself."

Originally Posted by wren View Post
The small white warrior made her way out in the open air, enticed by the sounds of strained birdsong ringing through the healing trees. It was a beautiful day despite the grey of the clouds and the gentle pattering of rain against the mossy earth. She enjoyed days like this where most warriors stayed in to avoid getting soaked by the rain- though Lamb felt otherwise about it. It was refreshing, it tended to drain her physical mind and wash away all those pesky thoughts of what ifs and worries. She had taken someone into her company though against her normal walk. They seemed to need a walk just as much as she did.

“It’s a beautiful day huh!” she said quietly passing by a small dip in the path which was filled to the brim with leaf litter, she sank into it a bit struggling but managing to pull herself the rest of the way through with a huff.

She glanced back at her company her eyes glistening with a rather wonderful fondness. She supposed they were planning on hunting today, she wouldn’t let them. Perhaps it was rather selfish of her to want to only talk to someone when she felt as lonely as she did, or perhaps rude she’d picked them based on their facial expressions. Though hopefully they’d never know. The small she cat moved along the path deep in thought not daring to turn and glance back at them before something caught her eye. A mushroom! It was beautifully yellow... so prominent among the growth that surrounded it. “Look!” her voice was filled with a youngsters wonder as she padded close and dropped into a crouch to smell it. “Oh it’s so pretty... the yellow is quite bright compared to everything around it..” she observed

(( Im sorry it’s trash ))

Foxboud padded along behind Lambsprint, keeping a lookout at the forest around them, always on the lookout for any danger. At the she-cat's words, Foxbound sent a glance upward, looking at the gray blotches of sky that could be seen through the tree branches above. "I... guess?" She meowed, tail flicking with question as she glanced back towards Lambsprint, who had already moved on to marvel at something else. Chuckling to herself a little, Foxbound followed suit, also taking a look at the mushroom. "Well, yeah. It is very vibrant." She chuckled, not being able to resist Lambsprint's excitable attitude. Foxbound herself was more mellow, but she would allow herself to marvel at life's small wonders. "It's good to know that the forest is growing back, hopefully Thunderclan's spirit will be boosted by seeing all this new growth starting." The ginger she-cat was sure looking forward to having the cover of the forest back, she'd missed it quite a lot for the past few moons.

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Last edited by RedHead; April 2nd, 2020 at 04:58 PM.
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Old April 2nd, 2020, 07:28 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Territory


Shadepaw treaded away from the camp. The apprentice was thinking of a way to get rid of the former leader/ deputy, Flintst- Flintspirit. Sore, the said apprentice, doesn't care much of Duskstar becoming leader... but he will use others to take care the one who decided to take over; but if it doesn't go well, the Turkish Angora could find a way to become a deputy, then leader of ThunderClan... then the whole forest.
He rested down, and closed his eyes to have a visual image of a plan he had been organizing.
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