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Old May 20th, 2024, 08:12 PM
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Default Re: Willow's Rise


Fallingpaw shook his head "no bored is all " he said with a shrug smiling lightly at the joke before licking his paw "climbing is fun I do enjoy it just bored. he meowed

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(art by Dolomedes)
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Old May 20th, 2024, 08:16 PM
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Default Re: Willow's Rise

"If you're bored, you're not enjoying it." Wolfhive quirked his brow before he scaled down the tree, shaking his pelt once he hit the ground.

As much as Wolfhive liked more clear areas for training, he thought the brush, trees, undergrowth -- all that might be ideal circumstances for a more advanced battle refresher. He didn't plan on demonstrating moves, instead wanting to spar briefly to see how Fallingpaw kept up.

"Once you're down here, we'll briefly go over the spar rules 'n get started!"

[ @Spider-in-the-corner ]
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Old May 20th, 2024, 08:21 PM
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Default Re: Willow's Rise


Fallingpaw got down "okay" he said looking at Wolfhive "so what are the rules?"
he asked

(sorry for the light responses low energy/motivation )

risingstorm is a warrior of ThunderClan if he is needed mention me+-
(art by Dolomedes)
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Old May 20th, 2024, 08:38 PM
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Default Re: Willow's Rise

"Should be pretty simple." Wolfhive took a second to stretch, working his muscles out to loosen them in preparation for this session. "No claws, if you bite don't break skin if you can avoid it. Accidents happen, but let's try to not have any.

"We're doing a mock battle to make sure if you have to fight, you can. I know you handled yourself pretty well in the raid.. but enough time's passed since then and you've been cooped up in camp, so this is just to test your reflexes and memory."
If all went well with this, Wolfhive would get his final assessment arranged - but for right now he just wanted to focus on the practice. "'N that's it, you don't need to win but try not to lose." Too badly, was the unsaid part. If Wolfhive completely pummeled him into dust that might be an issue, considering this was practice and a real enemy might wanna kill him.

Wolfhive would give Fallingpaw just a second to sink this information in before he moved. One leg moved to sweep at Fallingpaw's legs with the intent to possibly knock them aside, while a separate paw reached to bop him on the head.

[ @Spider-in-the-corners no worries! not rly worried about post length as long as you're reacting to actions / anything important. ]
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Old May 20th, 2024, 08:46 PM
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Default Re: Willow's Rise

Wolfhive would stay nearby to Mallowpaw in case she needed something, but not so close as to scare off the prey she was pursuing. Though he also sought to track prey, he had to be careful - he didn't want to go out of range to assist her, and he wanted to make sure he could remain alert of any nearby threats.

Luck must be on their side today: he didn't detect any issues, and he managed to snag a shrew and surprise a gopher rummaging around a freshly dug hole. It wasn't the most successful hunt but he didn't pay much mind to it - he was just happy to have caught something. Since the sun was starting to pass and he wasn't finding anything else (at least successfully), he opted to return to the meeting spot.

As Mallowpaw returned he waved to her with his tail, eyes bright at the side of her catch. "Nicely done! Keep going like this 'n you'll be catching half the prey in the forest in no time." Calling her a natural again was tempting, but he didn't want to come off as insincere - he just genuinely felt she might be. In comparison to how he used to be? He felt like a clumsy badger! Without the moons of practice he'd be more sloppy than Drizzlecloud was at her job. "You ready to head back? You can rest up for today, have your pick of the prey pile.. 'n if you're feeling up for it maybe see if the elders' want your mouse or vole."

[ @kittycatburmise no worries!! there is never a rush i just enjoy roleplaying with you and mallow ]
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Old May 21st, 2024, 08:11 PM
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Default Re: Willow's Rise

she/they | thunderclan hornet | 33 moons
It wasn't all that often that the hornet ventured out with cats who weren't Mudhound, Elkpaw, Bumblestar, or Wolfhive. But Redhawk knew she needed to be more... social. Be more open with interacting with different Clanmates. So she had decided to ask a Clanmate for a hunting excursion that she didn't know that much. "How've things been for you lately, Orangeblossom?" Hobbling along next to him, she had to admit she was getting somewhat better at this whole three-legged thing. Her twisted paw was kept off the ground as she continued forward.

Her tail waved in the air absentmindedly behind her as she turned her gaze forward but kept an ear angled to listen to her companion. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary here, though she kept her senses alert. She had put it out of her mind for a bit but now that there was nothing standing in between her and hunting... she knew she would have to re-learn how to with her... paw. Her paw. It brought back terrible memories, and none of them were related to the rock. No, instead they were focused on the vile cat who had spit such horrible things at her, the cat who had abandoned his sister despite his cries that he was nothing like his father. It made her heart hurt so she pushed them away, hoping Orangeblossom didn't notice as she ducked her head a bit to blink away the tears.

[ Orangeblossom - @Dolomedes ]
[ setting up some establishing posts, but this will be for the SAR patrol for ghostpaw! ]

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Old May 21st, 2024, 08:23 PM
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Default Re: Willow's Rise

Originally Posted by BEAR. View Post
"Should be pretty simple." Wolfhive took a second to stretch, working his muscles out to loosen them in preparation for this session. "No claws, if you bite don't break skin if you can avoid it. Accidents happen, but let's try to not have any.

"We're doing a mock battle to make sure if you have to fight, you can. I know you handled yourself pretty well in the raid.. but enough time's passed since then and you've been cooped up in camp, so this is just to test your reflexes and memory."
If all went well with this, Wolfhive would get his final assessment arranged - but for right now he just wanted to focus on the practice. "'N that's it, you don't need to win but try not to lose." Too badly, was the unsaid part. If Wolfhive completely pummeled him into dust that might be an issue, considering this was practice and a real enemy might wanna kill him.

Wolfhive would give Fallingpaw just a second to sink this information in before he moved. One leg moved to sweep at Fallingpaw's legs with the intent to possibly knock them aside, while a separate paw reached to bop him on the head.

[ @Spider-in-the-corners no worries! not rly worried about post length as long as you're reacting to actions / anything important. ]

Fallingpaw was mostly out of it by time they climbed down he listened to wolfhives word blankly but he was shot back to reality with the first hit and fell on the ground with a single bap Fallingpaws training rushed back to him and he jumped up swiftly he smiled preparing for his own leg sweep to wolfhives leg

(your pick if he nails the hit or not surprise me!)

risingstorm is a warrior of ThunderClan if he is needed mention me+-
(art by Dolomedes)
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Old May 23rd, 2024, 06:21 PM
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Default Re: Willow's Rise

Wolfhive had been a little too close, and hadn't given himself adequate time to bounce away cleanly enough to avoid Fallingpaw's reverse card attack. Wolfhive stumbled, didn't quite fall, and the second he somewhat regained his balance he sent a flurry of swipes toward Fallingpaw in the hopes of minimally getting him on the defensive.

[ @Spider-in-the-corner ]
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Old May 24th, 2024, 06:10 AM
kittycatburmise kittycatburmise is offline
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Default Re: Willow's Rise

Originally Posted by BEAR. View Post
Wolfhive would stay nearby to Mallowpaw in case she needed something, but not so close as to scare off the prey she was pursuing. Though he also sought to track prey, he had to be careful - he didn't want to go out of range to assist her, and he wanted to make sure he could remain alert of any nearby threats.

Luck must be on their side today: he didn't detect any issues, and he managed to snag a shrew and surprise a gopher rummaging around a freshly dug hole. It wasn't the most successful hunt but he didn't pay much mind to it - he was just happy to have caught something. Since the sun was starting to pass and he wasn't finding anything else (at least successfully), he opted to return to the meeting spot.

As Mallowpaw returned he waved to her with his tail, eyes bright at the side of her catch. "Nicely done! Keep going like this 'n you'll be catching half the prey in the forest in no time." Calling her a natural again was tempting, but he didn't want to come off as insincere - he just genuinely felt she might be. In comparison to how he used to be? He felt like a clumsy badger! Without the moons of practice he'd be more sloppy than Drizzlecloud was at her job. "You ready to head back? You can rest up for today, have your pick of the prey pile.. 'n if you're feeling up for it maybe see if the elders' want your mouse or vole."

[ @kittycatburmise no worries!! there is never a rush i just enjoy roleplaying with you and mallow ]

Wolfhive seemed happy with her catch. Eyes drifting down to his paws, Mallowpaw realised Wolfhive had only caught two pieces of prey- the same amount she had, including the mouse she had caught earlier. That fact, along with the praise he gave her, made pride swell in her chest. She was doing it. She would become a capable hunter, like the warriors she had seen coming back from hunting patrols.

Gratitude filled her as she looked at Wolfhive. He had taught her more than Mushroomcloud or Beetail, and he wasn't even her mentor. He had no duty to train her, but he had. "Thank you for taking me out," Mallowpaw told him, and the words were genuine.

Mallowpaw nodded at Wolfhive's next words, picking up her mouse and vole. It would feel good to walk into camp with prey, to finally be providing for her clan. She would follow Wolfhive's suggestion and give something to the elders too.
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Old May 24th, 2024, 01:46 PM
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Default Re: Willow's Rise


Fallingpaw bounded backwards after Wolfhive landed a few small hits and backed up into a defensive stance trying to find a good opening not able to spot one so he prepared for Wolfhive to attack

risingstorm is a warrior of ThunderClan if he is needed mention me+-
(art by Dolomedes)
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