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ThunderClan Medicine Cat Applications are open!

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Medicine Cat: Lightningstorm
Medicine Cat Apprentice: None

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Alchemist Kitsune Alchemist Kitsune is offline
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

If you need an extension, let me know a maximum of 3 days after the deadline.
If you need to be replaced, please have your character approach Lightningstorm with an in character excuse.
Herb patrols have a maximum of 5 herbs that can be carried per character; 8 herbs for those with The Collector purrk. Please make sure to provide a link to the post where your character gathered the herbs when handing them in or the patrol will be invalidated and your character will be punished.

| Lightningstorm |
21 Moons - WindClan Medicine Cat
Flock Together [Tier 3] - Inactive | Mind Reader - Active | Dreamwalker - Inactive

A small headache had made itself quite comfortable in Lightningstorm's head during early hours of dawn, making her very much the opposite. While the medicine cat had considered sleeping the headache away, she scoffed, realizing this was a prime moment to test out that flower Deadmoon had brought along during the last patrols she'd sent out. Bounding towards the herb storage, the small feverfew stood out among the other flowers, alone in a small indentation on the wall, awaiting its trial. It was a common enough plant, but not one she had seemingly taken notice of before. Not to her memory... and despite how lacking it had been when it came to cats, her herb knowledge was intact. Pristine. Almost seared into her mind. And so, throwing some caution to the wind, she chewed on the bloom. One petal first. Then a second. A third. Until the entire flower was gone with no adverse effects befalling her.

It took some time. It wasn't instant. But she could feel it. Her headache dissipating as the feverfew took hold. She'd held color theory when it came to herbs in her mind. How it seemed as if some herbs with similar colors seemed to carry similar properties. Not necessarily interchangeable, but seemingly in the same line of treatment.

The feverfew had been brought to her by accident. In a patrol where she had sent out for chamomile and daisy - two similar white flowers with yellow centers - feverfew had been brought along, confusing it for one of the other two herbs. An understandable mix up, but one that had made her wonder about its potential medicinal properties. Chamomile was good to soothe the heart. Daisy to soothe the body. It seemed feverfew was good to soothe the bloody headaches that she got from spending so much time thinking underground. Instantly, she made up her mind. She wanted more of these flowers. They would make a wonderful addition to her stock. A herb that targeted a single pain unlike poppy seeds was perhaps not too grandiose in theory, but she wasn't sleepy. Something poppy seeds always caused. This would be something she would prefer having stocked at all times if possible.

| Feverfew & Marigold |
[ Twilight Falls ]

| Lionscar [ @---Bluestar--- ] | Buttercuptwist [ @sleepyyjax ] | Birchear [ @Gator_the_Lesbian ] |

Mind made up and eager to restock her herbs - she had been starting to run a little low on some essentials, regardless - Lightningstorm rushed out of her den, passing by the burrows to assign patrols. "Lionscar, Buttercuptwist, Birchear, come on over here!

Got a small patrol for you lot. It's an easy one, never fret. And in a perfectly comfortably, serene spot, too. Now Birchear, I know you are a queen, and queens don't get sent out on patrol often, but I do believe a nice outing away from the camp in a patrol that's not as demanding as the usual patrols you lot get sent on might be nice. A pleasant break from the nursery shenanigans, if you will,"
she chirped pleasantly, her eyes on the cinnamon she-cat as she explained her reasoning, knowing she'd both seen and heard a few queens in these past moons express some level of want to traverse the territory every now and then. Not that she blamed them. Stars knew that the healer was probably not meant to be cooped up taking care of kits all day... although considering some of her patients, maybe it wasn't that different from her own endeavors after all. Which might lend even more credence to her belief that some time away might be good for the heart and mind.

"Now, Lionscar. Take these two over to Twilight Falls and go gather some feverfew and some marigold. Both like water, so I believe they will be right by the pool. Feverfew are easy to spot. Pretty little white blooms with yellow centers. Easy to distinguish from the other white and yellow flowers you'll be seeing in the area thanks to their scalloped leaves. Marigold I trust you all have seen enough. Bright yellow orange flowers with an equally vibrant stem. They are most similar to dandelions when in bloom."

| Broom & Dandelion |
[ Sunset Grove ]

| Deadmoon [ @gs29513 ] | Honeypaw [ @CloudlessEve ] | Sunpaw [ @Seamrog ] |


With one patrol down, Lightningstorm's mind instantly went towards the she-cat that had brought the feverfew that had become such an instant success for the medicine cat. She would be certain to try the herb in different circumstances to further test its efficacy, but for now, there were other herbs to search for, and considering the good luck the pale brown warrior had already brought her once, it was hard not to try and rely on her once more for more herbs. Especially such important ones. Broom had a small window of opportunity to be gathered, and it was closing down fast already. It wasn't her favored herb, but it had its uses. Dandelion, while having a longer stretch, was always a welcome sight... and she had begun to run lower than she preferred.

"You are a sight for sore eyes, you are," the calico chirped, a playful grin tugging at her whiskers as she continued. "Got a small patrol for you. Take Honeypaw and Sunpaw out towards Sunset Grove to search for broom and dandelion. Dandelion should be easy enough to spot. You lot have seen it enough. But just in case, it's a bit of a yellow mass of petals. They have hollow stems, but be careful when gathering them. Smoosh them up too much in your mouth and you won't be feeling your tongue for a day. Broom are just as unique. When you spot a bush composed entire of yellow flowers that look more like leaves than petals you'll have found the thing.

Now, 'fore I forget. Sunpaw has been demoted for some time. I trust he won't be any trouble, but if he is, you let me know. Been keeping an eye on him for health reasons, although I do believe a walk to the grove should be more revitalizing than harmful for him."

| Borage & Burnet |
[ Sedgewater Valley ]

| Crowtooth [ @Rani ] | Fleetsmoke [ @isla ] | Rabbitpaw [ @Oliver ] |

Right. That was two patrols out of the way, each in charge of one of her single most used herbs alongside more specialized but useful blooms. There were more herbs that she was running low on than she cared for, however. Borage and burnet among them. Greenleaf had proved to be high time for kits so far, and both were useful herbs to keep around for such an occasion. By instinct the medicine cat's gaze fell upon the black and white tom whose apprentice she'd pilfered. True, it hadn't been made official yet, but... a part of her seemed to thoroughly enjoy this tom. Something about him felt familiar. Friendly. The fact that he had been the first to openly call her out on her affliction despite his own problems had made it clear that he was a feline she must have been close to before it all happened.

It was silly, but she didn't want to actively hurt that relationship that might have been. That friendship that might still be. Even if she had admittedly swiped his apprentice from under his nose. In her defense, what else was she to do? Ignore a cat that was perfectly suited for the job just because he already had a mentor? That seemed ridiculous, and despite the tom having an obvious sense of humor, she didn't think he steered towards the ridiculous. Well... not in something like this, in any case. But perhaps a small peace offering wouldn't be a bad idea? An outing with Rabbitpaw, letting him know that she is not ignoring the fact that he truly was his apprentice first? Yes, that seemed like a good idea. Unless of course he took it the wrong way and assumed she was throwing it in his face, in which case... well... That's future Lightningstorm's problem, innit?

"Hey Crowtooth. A word with you, love," she called out, waving her paw at him. "Need you to go out to Sedgewater Valley and gather some herbs for me. I heard you took a patrol exploring there recently, so you should be more than familiar with the spot by now, right? Herbs I need are borage and burnet. They look pretty different to the usual herb I send you lot out to collect. Borage has very small, star shaped flowers, usually purple in color. The leaves along their stem are dark green and hairy. Even their scent is pretty distinct. Zesty... which does not reflect its flavor. Trust me on that one.

Burnet also has purple flowers, although those are spikier in nature. More like dandelions when they puff out. The dapper tigers to those dandiest of lions, you could say,"
she smirked, lapis hues twinkling with mischief. "Regardless, it ain't the flowers I'll be wanting, but the leaves. Medium sized. Basal in shape. Take Fleetsmoke and Rabbitpaw with you. Another warrior might be useful in case RiverClan's come back before they're supposed to."

Her gaze landed on the tom's momentarily as the apprentice's name came up, but no special mention of it was made. She didn't wish to make a big deal out of it. Have it seem some sort of special treat. It was a simple enough message. That just because he would be her apprentice soon, it didn't make Crowtooth any less relevant in his life. With a nod, she parted, needing to send out more patrols.

| Honey & Sticks |
[ Thunderglade ]

| Ashcloud [ @Fish ] | Wildpaw [ @/Oliver ] | Flowerpaw [ @/---Bluestar--- ] |

"Ashcloud!" Lightningstorm called out, spotting a gray tom as she walked away from Crowtooth, needing more items replenished. This patrol might be a little... problematic, but unfortunately, it needed to be done. Gratefully, she knew of a demoted warrior who's name had become synonymous with trouble for her, although it would be unfair to state she hadn't at least been trying. This little outing would no doubt test that resolve, though.

"Need some supplies restocked. Been sending multiple patrols to try and get more, but I'm afraid not many return with enough to make much of a dent in the demand. I want you to take Wildpaw and Flowerpaw to Thunderglade. I know it's the border, but considering all three clans seem to be trying to keep the peace while RiverClan is gone, I doubt ThunderClan will be an issue as long as you lot don't go across the border line. What I need is honey and sticks. Honey is self explanatory. You get it from hives, the whole honeycomb is preferred. You can sometimes spot some fallen bits shock full of honey underneath the nests. Try aiming for those if you can.

For sticks I want something sturdy. Different lengths are good. They are necessary for slings and casts, and I am running incredibly low on them. Seeing as how the ThunderClan border is shock full of trees, I'm hoping you lot will have better luck there,"
the oriental shorthair explained, a playful smirk on her face lighting her eyes momentarily before her countenance gained a more somber look to it. "Flowerpaw has been demoted for some time due to multiple infractions. I am not expecting trouble from her. She seems to be willing to prove she wishes to remain in WindClan proper... but keep an eye on her, and report any problems that arise."

| Sorrel & Tansy |
[ Starry Meadow ]

| Dapplebreeze [ @/AlchemistKitsune ] | Redface [ @nyme ] | Mosspaw [ @Rustleaf ] |

Almost done... And yet with greenleaf still upon them, Lightningstorm thought it prudent to send out for one particular herb she seemed to not have gotten in her herb storage at all. This one would be available for a while still, but it was harder to find in WindClan territory. Actually, both where. But there was no better time to find them, and if a cluster could be found, it would be an easy source of both herbs found within their own lands without needing to venture forth towards Twolegplace. Much as they had herbs she could never dream of finding in the prairie, there was danger in venturing there too often. It was reckless, and might bring unwanted attention. Best stick to the clan grounds for this moon.

"Dapplebreeze," the petite she-cat chirped, walking towards the polished, demure looking lieutenant. By this point in time, the medicine cat was well aware of the different furies and their hierarchy, albeit perhaps not fully familiar with them. The tan and cream warrior was one she was less familiar with, and considering how prim and polite she always seemed, the spotted herbalist considered it mildly amusing that she would be the second in command among the furies. Then again, Crowtooth and Hawkfur were not quite what she imagined when the term blind rage came to mind, so perhaps there were stipulations aside of anger then hit that came with the rank.

With the molly swiftly turning to look at her and greeting her with a respectful dip of her head and curious head tilt she proceeded. "I wish for you to take both Redface and Mosspaw to Starry Meadows and find some sorrel and tansy. They are a bit rarer, so don't feel too dreadful if you can't find any, but... I feel as if I've found both by the meadows before. Sorrel is... difficult to describe. It's a herb. Just... a herb. It has a slightly zesty scent, but the taste is... almost like a fruit of some kind? Mellow. Tansy is easier to recognize. Looks almost like a mix between a marigold and a dandelion, but it grows in clumps. The leaves are small, curly and a very rich, dark green. Can't miss 'em, love."

Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-closed den policy.

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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

Originally Posted by Alchemist Kitsune View Post
If you need an extension, let me know a maximum of 3 days after the deadline.
If you need to be replaced, please have your character approach Lightningstorm with an in character excuse.
Herb patrols have a maximum of 5 herbs that can be carried per character; 8 herbs for those with The Collector purrk. Please make sure to provide a link to the post where your character gathered the herbs when handing them in or the patrol will be invalidated and your character will be punished.

| Lightningstorm |
21 Moons - WindClan Medicine Cat
Flock Together [Tier 3] - Inactive | Mind Reader - Active | Dreamwalker - Inactive

A small headache had made itself quite comfortable in Lightningstorm's head during early hours of dawn, making her very much the opposite. While the medicine cat had considered sleeping the headache away, she scoffed, realizing this was a prime moment to test out that flower Deadmoon had brought along during the last patrols she'd sent out. Bounding towards the herb storage, the small feverfew stood out among the other flowers, alone in a small indentation on the wall, awaiting its trial. It was a common enough plant, but not one she had seemingly taken notice of before. Not to her memory... and despite how lacking it had been when it came to cats, her herb knowledge was intact. Pristine. Almost seared into her mind. And so, throwing some caution to the wind, she chewed on the bloom. One petal first. Then a second. A third. Until the entire flower was gone with no adverse effects befalling her.

It took some time. It wasn't instant. But she could feel it. Her headache dissipating as the feverfew took hold. She'd held color theory when it came to herbs in her mind. How it seemed as if some herbs with similar colors seemed to carry similar properties. Not necessarily interchangeable, but seemingly in the same line of treatment.

The feverfew had been brought to her by accident. In a patrol where she had sent out for chamomile and daisy - two similar white flowers with yellow centers - feverfew had been brought along, confusing it for one of the other two herbs. An understandable mix up, but one that had made her wonder about its potential medicinal properties. Chamomile was good to soothe the heart. Daisy to soothe the body. It seemed feverfew was good to soothe the bloody headaches that she got from spending so much time thinking underground. Instantly, she made up her mind. She wanted more of these flowers. They would make a wonderful addition to her stock. A herb that targeted a single pain unlike poppy seeds was perhaps not too grandiose in theory, but she wasn't sleepy. Something poppy seeds always caused. This would be something she would prefer having stocked at all times if possible.

| Feverfew & Marigold |
[ Twilight Falls ]

| Lionscar [ @---Bluestar--- ] | Buttercuptwist [ @sleepyyjax ] | Birchear [ @Gator_the_Lesbian ] |

Mind made up and eager to restock her herbs - she had been starting to run a little low on some essentials, regardless - Lightningstorm rushed out of her den, passing by the burrows to assign patrols. "Lionscar, Buttercuptwist, Birchear, come on over here!

Got a small patrol for you lot. It's an easy one, never fret. And in a perfectly comfortably, serene spot, too. Now Birchear, I know you are a queen, and queens don't get sent out on patrol often, but I do believe a nice outing away from the camp in a patrol that's not as demanding as the usual patrols you lot get sent on might be nice. A pleasant break from the nursery shenanigans, if you will,"
she chirped pleasantly, her eyes on the cinnamon she-cat as she explained her reasoning, knowing she'd both seen and heard a few queens in these past moons express some level of want to traverse the territory every now and then. Not that she blamed them. Stars knew that the healer was probably not meant to be cooped up taking care of kits all day... although considering some of her patients, maybe it wasn't that different from her own endeavors after all. Which might lend even more credence to her belief that some time away might be good for the heart and mind.

"Now, Lionscar. Take these two over to Twilight Falls and go gather some feverfew and some marigold. Both like water, so I believe they will be right by the pool. Feverfew are easy to spot. Pretty little white blooms with yellow centers. Easy to distinguish from the other white and yellow flowers you'll be seeing in the area thanks to their scalloped leaves. Marigold I trust you all have seen enough. Bright yellow orange flowers with an equally vibrant stem. They are most similar to dandelions when in bloom."

| Broom & Dandelion |
[ Sunset Grove ]

| Deadmoon [ @gs29513 ] | Honeypaw [ @CloudlessEve ] | Sunpaw [ @Seamrog ] |


With one patrol down, Lightningstorm's mind instantly went towards the she-cat that had brought the feverfew that had become such an instant success for the medicine cat. She would be certain to try the herb in different circumstances to further test its efficacy, but for now, there were other herbs to search for, and considering the good luck the pale brown warrior had already brought her once, it was hard not to try and rely on her once more for more herbs. Especially such important ones. Broom had a small window of opportunity to be gathered, and it was closing down fast already. It wasn't her favored herb, but it had its uses. Dandelion, while having a longer stretch, was always a welcome sight... and she had begun to run lower than she preferred.

"You are a sight for sore eyes, you are," the calico chirped, a playful grin tugging at her whiskers as she continued. "Got a small patrol for you. Take Honeypaw and Sunpaw out towards Sunset Grove to search for broom and dandelion. Dandelion should be easy enough to spot. You lot have seen it enough. But just in case, it's a bit of a yellow mass of petals. They have hollow stems, but be careful when gathering them. Smoosh them up too much in your mouth and you won't be feeling your tongue for a day. Broom are just as unique. When you spot a bush composed entire of yellow flowers that look more like leaves than petals you'll have found the thing.

Now, 'fore I forget. Sunpaw has been demoted for some time. I trust he won't be any trouble, but if he is, you let me know. Been keeping an eye on him for health reasons, although I do believe a walk to the grove should be more revitalizing than harmful for him."

| Borage & Burnet |
[ Sedgewater Valley ]

| Crowtooth [ @Rani ] | Fleetsmoke [ @isla ] | Rabbitpaw [ @Oliver ] |

Right. That was two patrols out of the way, each in charge of one of her single most used herbs alongside more specialized but useful blooms. There were more herbs that she was running low on than she cared for, however. Borage and burnet among them. Greenleaf had proved to be high time for kits so far, and both were useful herbs to keep around for such an occasion. By instinct the medicine cat's gaze fell upon the black and white tom whose apprentice she'd pilfered. True, it hadn't been made official yet, but... a part of her seemed to thoroughly enjoy this tom. Something about him felt familiar. Friendly. The fact that he had been the first to openly call her out on her affliction despite his own problems had made it clear that he was a feline she must have been close to before it all happened.

It was silly, but she didn't want to actively hurt that relationship that might have been. That friendship that might still be. Even if she had admittedly swiped his apprentice from under his nose. In her defense, what else was she to do? Ignore a cat that was perfectly suited for the job just because he already had a mentor? That seemed ridiculous, and despite the tom having an obvious sense of humor, she didn't think he steered towards the ridiculous. Well... not in something like this, in any case. But perhaps a small peace offering wouldn't be a bad idea? An outing with Rabbitpaw, letting him know that she is not ignoring the fact that he truly was his apprentice first? Yes, that seemed like a good idea. Unless of course he took it the wrong way and assumed she was throwing it in his face, in which case... well... That's future Lightningstorm's problem, innit?

"Hey Crowtooth. A word with you, love," she called out, waving her paw at him. "Need you to go out to Sedgewater Valley and gather some herbs for me. I heard you took a patrol exploring there recently, so you should be more than familiar with the spot by now, right? Herbs I need are borage and burnet. They look pretty different to the usual herb I send you lot out to collect. Borage has very small, star shaped flowers, usually purple in color. The leaves along their stem are dark green and hairy. Even their scent is pretty distinct. Zesty... which does not reflect its flavor. Trust me on that one.

Burnet also has purple flowers, although those are spikier in nature. More like dandelions when they puff out. The dapper tigers to those dandiest of lions, you could say,"
she smirked, lapis hues twinkling with mischief. [B]"Regardless, it ain't the flowers I'll be wanting, but the leaves. Medium sized. Basal in shape. Take Fleetsmoke and Rabbitpaw with you. Another warrior might be useful in case RiverClan's come back before they're supposed to."

Her gaze landed on the tom's momentarily as the apprentice's name came up, but no special mention of it was made. She didn't wish to make a big deal out of it. Have it seem some sort of special treat. It was a simple enough message. That just because he would be her apprentice soon, it didn't make Crowtooth any less relevant in his life. With a nod, she parted, needing to send out more patrols.

| Honey & Sticks |
[ Thunderglade ]

| Ashcloud [ @Fish ] | Wildpaw [ @/Oliver ] | Flowerpaw [ @/---Bluestar--- ] |

"Ashcloud!" Lightningstorm called out, spotting a gray tom as she walked away from Crowtooth, needing more items replenished. This patrol might be a little... problematic, but unfortunately, it needed to be done. Gratefully, she knew of a demoted warrior who's name had become synonymous with trouble for her, although it would be unfair to state she hadn't at least been trying. This little outing would no doubt test that resolve, though.

"Need some supplies restocked. Been sending multiple patrols to try and get more, but I'm afraid not many return with enough to make much of a dent in the demand. I want you to take Wildpaw and Flowerpaw to Thunderglade. I know it's the border, but considering all three clans seem to be trying to keep the peace while RiverClan is gone, I doubt ThunderClan will be an issue as long as you lot don't go across the border line. What I need is honey and sticks. Honey is self explanatory. You get it from hives, the whole honeycomb is preferred. You can sometimes spot some fallen bits shock full of honey underneath the nests. Try aiming for those if you can.

For sticks I want something sturdy. Different lengths are good. They are necessary for slings and casts, and I am running incredibly low on them. Seeing as how the ThunderClan border is shock full of trees, I'm hoping you lot will have better luck there,"
the oriental shorthair explained, a playful smirk on her face lighting her eyes momentarily before her countenance gained a more somber look to it. "Flowerpaw has been demoted for some time due to multiple infractions. I am not expecting trouble from her. She seems to be willing to prove she wishes to remain in WindClan proper... but keep an eye on her, and report any problems that arise."

| Sorrel & Tansy |
[ Starry Meadow ]

| Dapplebreeze [ @/AlchemistKitsune ] | Redface [ @nyme ] | Mosspaw [ @Rustleaf ] |

Almost done... And yet with greenleaf still upon them, Lightningstorm thought it prudent to send out for one particular herb she seemed to not have gotten in her herb storage at all. This one would be available for a while still, but it was harder to find in WindClan territory. Actually, both where. But there was no better time to find them, and if a cluster could be found, it would be an easy source of both herbs found within their own lands without needing to venture forth towards Twolegplace. Much as they had herbs she could never dream of finding in the prairie, there was danger in venturing there too often. It was reckless, and might bring unwanted attention. Best stick to the clan grounds for this moon.

"Dapplebreeze," the petite she-cat chirped, walking towards the polished, demure looking lieutenant. By this point in time, the medicine cat was well aware of the different furies and their hierarchy, albeit perhaps not fully familiar with them. The tan and cream warrior was one she was less familiar with, and considering how prim and polite she always seemed, the spotted herbalist considered it mildly amusing that she would be the second in command among the furies. Then again, Crowtooth and Hawkfur were not quite what she imagined when the term blind rage came to mind, so perhaps there were stipulations aside of anger then hit that came with the rank.

With the molly swiftly turning to look at her and greeting her with a respectful dip of her head and curious head tilt she proceeded. "I wish for you to take both Redface and Mosspaw to Starry Meadows and find some sorrel and tansy. They are a bit rarer, so don't feel too dreadful if you can't find any, but... I feel as if I've found both by the meadows before. Sorrel is... difficult to describe. It's a herb. Just... a herb. It has a slightly zesty scent, but the taste is... almost like a fruit of some kind? Mellow. Tansy is easier to recognize. Looks almost like a mix between a marigold and a dandelion, but it grows in clumps. The leaves are small, curly and a very rich, dark green. Can't miss 'em, love."


Mosspaw’s ears perked up at his name, he nodded to Lightningstorm and stood to wait for his patrol.

Dapplebreeze - @/AlchemistKitsune / Redface - @nyme

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