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: Mistlewhisker
Medicine Cat: Mossfreckle

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Grousepaw

: Fadingstar
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Medicine Cat: Lightningstorm
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Old July 10th, 2024, 07:42 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

Lightningpaw was close behind the two cats he generally did well to try and return with his Patrols. Lightningpaw padded over and dropped his moss he found. "Bleh that stuff tastes terrible!" Lightningpaw would complain as he dropped his moss at Lightningstorm's paws. It wasn't as much as the others though.

+2 moss @Kix @---Bluestar--- @Alchemist Kitsune
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Old July 10th, 2024, 07:44 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

"Thanks for the help Lightningpaw." She mewed. @Lightningpaw666
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Old July 11th, 2024, 03:26 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols


She would nod her head before heading towards the warriors den. "I'll enjoy my rest, thank you very much" she would smile, she was now off apprentice duties it seemed.
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Old July 12th, 2024, 09:47 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols


Tallgrass walked in with willowpaw holding the catmint in his maw

(4 + catmint)

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Old July 13th, 2024, 11:19 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

Originally Posted by Spider. View Post

Tallgrass walked in with willowpaw holding the catmint in his maw

(4 + catmint)
Willowpaw walked in with tansy in her mouth.

(Tansy / +4)

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Old July 14th, 2024, 05:51 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

WindClan Fury
he/him | 52 moons
[Russet tabby with tuxedo markings and sky blue eyes]
Purrks: Flock Together T3, Beefed Up T1, Radiohead [INACTIVE]
· · ────────────── · ·
[Lightningstorm - @Alchemist Kitsune ] [Snowpaw - @Windy ]
· · ────────────── · ·
Hawkfur strode into camp, azure gaze stormy with frustration and shame. He approached Lightningstorm, placing his borage and coltsfoot at her white paws.

[Hawkfur delivered 3 borage and 2 coltsfoot!]

"I deeply apologize--" He meowed, dipping his head. "I waited too long for Thrushfreckle. Here is what you asked for." His striped tail lashed behind him. "If you want me to go out again to make up for our tardiness, say the word." He did his best to give a cheeky grin, but it didn't sit well on his face and really just made him look nervous.

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
Hawkfur (WC) - Mistlewhisker (SC) - Eaglepaw (Outsider) - Birdpaw (SC) - Hillstrider (SC)
Mistlewhisker header and sig art by @/redshiftreign
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Old July 15th, 2024, 01:24 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

Beefed Up T1 [ACTIVE] Survival Instincts[ACTIVE] Just a Scratch

Whisperinghive quietly followed Crowtooth, his tail lashing slowly. The cold panic that gripped his heart like a hawk's talons started to loosen after a few minutes, his dull green gaze flickering around the area before speaking.

"I told her to watch the sky for hawks while I went to hunt a mouse..or vole." He started. Was he just being whinny? Was Flowerpaw being just fine and Whisperinghive just didn't like her? "I barely went 3 fox lengths away, and when I came back she had vanished. She ran off without telling me then came back with these heaps of prey." He explained to the older warrior. "I think she's stealing prey or just finding crow food. She 'caught' enough prey to feed
two staving queens in the time I caught two mice and a vole."
He continued, breathing in and out. "If I'm allowed to say this, I don't think she's fit for clan life. Flowerpaw in unreliable and irresponsible." Whisperinghive finished, anxiety gripping his heart once more. Did he say the right things? Would Crowtooth get mad at him? Whisperinghive didn't like it when cats got mad.


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Last edited by ChaosBringer.; July 15th, 2024 at 01:27 PM.
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

| Lightningstorm |
19 Moons - WindClan Medicine Cat
Flock Together [Tier 3] - Active | Mind Reader - Active | Dreamwalker - Inactive

Dark limbs made their way through the clan's entrance tunnel, celandine and sticks in maw as Rabbitpaw followed close behind. The patrol had taken longer than she had expected, but then... she hadn't planned for this to happen. To offer an apprentice that had been born when she had been a paw herself a position in her den. She really was too young. She had no intention of going anywhere anytime soon, even after Rabbitpaw earned his name. But in truth, the den did get lonesome... And he had everything she knew she would one day be searching for in an apprentice of her own. So why wait? Why not train him now, and have two medicine cats to care for the clan? It would certainly be a relief, knowing that in the event of her death the clan wouldn't be left to drown in their own admitted incompetence when it came to... certain things.

And yet she couldn't complain about today. Not of her own patrol, with the exception of that one clanmate who never showed, of course. Nor with the cats that had amassed waiting for her return. A purr escaping her, she greeted the lot of them with a tail wave, dropping her own parcel in favor of being able to communicate with WindClan's finest as they approached her. A frown marred her brow quickly, however, as soon as Deadmoon began speaking. She had trusted for Poppysong to be a competent warrior, considering the herbs she had sent for would help him. Both of them. Deadmoon herself had gotten two of each herb alongside another random, white flower with a yellow center. Feverfew, if she was not mistaken. Not a herb she was familiar with... but then, she was always open to testing new additions for her herb stores.

"I'll make a note of it," Lightningstorm mewed, her tone disappointed for a moment before she turned a more jolly smirk in the pale brown warrior's direction. "You and the paw did right, though. Cheers for that, love."

Usually the medicine cat would have focused more on the apprentice. She understood the ones still in training depended a lot on what the warriors offered them when it came to education. This one seemed generally apathetic and in no mood to speak, and frankly, the calico had better things to do than appease an apprentice that looked to be in the verge of throwing a temper tantrum. Instead she turned her attention towards the next patrol, twitching her tail at both Deadmoon and Spottedpaw to let them know they were dismissed. The both of them could probably use some rest after a patrol. Who knew, maybe that would take the stick out of the paw's arse?

"Is that right?" Lightningstorm mewed, brow raised as Snowbush talked about her own outing. It seemed at the very least both the demoted warrior and apprentice had done their share and the molly had encountered no problems. "Well, glad everything went well then. I see you brought plenty back. You have my thanks. Been running low on mushrooms and moss for at least a season now. Was beginning to worry in case of emergencies. You lot go rest. You've bloody well earned it."

Another twitch of her tail to dismiss the second patrol, and she turned towards the third. Tallgrass and Willowpaw had gratefully returned unharmed and well. No thanks to Batshriek, of course. The medicine cat was still admittedly peeved about that whole conversation, but she would be leaving it for now. The two that had bothered to be an asset to their clan had more than made up for that incompetence. Neither sensed much, and the herbalist could only assume they were exhausted. With a small purr of gratitude, she took the herbs from both and silently gestured towards the fresh kill pile and their nest. Another patrol who had more than earned a good rest.

Before she could even turn towards her herbs, another cat rushed towards her, and Lightningstorm's whiskers quivered with amusement. It appeared Hawkfur was in a rush, although it did not escape her how he seemed to be very much alone. He mentioned Thrushfreckle not being there for the patrol, which coaxed an irritated tail lash. How was it that the only patrol that hadn't had a single problems in it was the one she had expected some level of issues with? This was unacceptable! The worst part was that the cats who had bothered to do their work were the ones running in and apologizing.

"Don't you worry that handsome head of yours none, love," she purred, a teasing tone clashing with the lightning that seemed to sparkle in her eyes. "We were in dire need of this borage. And the coltsfoot will work fantastically for my testing. You go have a good rest. I'm pretty sure Bravebird will be prickly if she doesn't see you first thing now that you're back."

She wasn't certain what had brought upon that bit of teasing. The one meant for Bravebird. She hadn't really interacted much with the queen. And yet the words had flowed as if by instinct. Could she be remembering something? It didn't feel as if she was... and yet... She closed her eyes, momentarily trying to find any memory to grasp, coming up empty pawed and with a migraine. Well, if it was that easy, she would have gotten this whole mess figured out by now.

No use stressing about it, she supposed. She had herbs to safekeep. And cats to yell at. Namely two. She knew how some had failed her. And Snowpaw had evidently been around enough for Hawkfur not to complain for her absence. It could very well be that the herbs he had carried with him had been all the party of two had found, and she wasn't about to blame him for it. There were two, however, that had better have a good excuse if they didn't want to be running around the camp with new mentors and names to match.

"Thrushfreckle! Poppysong! Get your damn arses here. Now!"

@Mica [Hawkfur] | @gs29513 [Deadmoon] | @Kix [Snowbush] | @Spider. [Tallgrass] | @phantom [Thrushfreckle] | @MangofDoom [Poppysong] | @Fish [Spottedpaw] | @---Bluestar--- [Flowerpaw] | @Lightningpaw666 [Lightningpaw] | @Rustleaf [Willowpaw]
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-closed den policy.

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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

Flowerpaw nodded. "If you need anything else just let me know and I will get it for you." she mewed politely.
Alchemist Kitsune
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