Echopaw- silver tabby with a heavily scarred pelt, most noticeably, her missing eye, missing tail, and a scar over her throat. Her remaining eye is copper-coloured.
"The rush crashes over me like a wave in the sea
It floods all of my senses and tastes, oh, so sweet" /lyr
Echopaw flopped into her nest. Fatigue crashed over her like a wave, and she napped for a few minutes, before getting up and giving her heavily scarred fur a quick grooming. She wanted to introduce herself to some apprentices and picked one of them randomly. The fluffy white apprentice a few tail-lengths from her. "Hey there," Echopaw squeaked, "Name's Echopaw, came back from outsider purgatory yesterday. Well, I was gone for eight moons. Uh, my mentor is Risingstorm, we did some training. What about you? Who do you have as a mentor? I... might not know them cuz of how long I've been gone for, but hopefully they're nice, whoever they are."
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Re: ThunderClan Apprentices' Den
Originally Posted by RavensCall
Echopaw- silver tabby with a heavily scarred pelt, most noticeably, her missing eye, missing tail, and a scar over her throat. Her remaining eye is copper-coloured.
"The rush crashes over me like a wave in the sea
It floods all of my senses and tastes, oh, so sweet" /lyr
Echopaw flopped into her nest. Fatigue crashed over her like a wave, and she napped for a few minutes, before getting up and giving her heavily scarred fur a quick grooming. She wanted to introduce herself to some apprentices and picked one of them randomly. The fluffy white apprentice a few tail-lengths from her. "Hey there," Echopaw squeaked, "Name's Echopaw, came back from outsider purgatory yesterday. Well, I was gone for eight moons. Uh, my mentor is Risingstorm, we did some training. What about you? Who do you have as a mentor? I... might not know them cuz of how long I've been gone for, but hopefully they're nice, whoever they are."
Snowpaw Pure white pelt; light mackerel tabby markings; Icy blue eyes
She/her || 6 moons || ThunderClan Apprentice Well Insulated
Mentor: Sparrowpelt • Post Count: /100 • Profile • Bio
Snowpaw flopped down into her nest, giving her rumpled pelt a few licks. She was exhausted after a day of training. And it was super fun! She thought, I hope every day is like that! She turned her head when another apprentice started talking. It was someone she didn't know, which was weird, she knew almost everybody, and-- Ohhh! Echopaw used to be an outsider! "Hi!!" Snowpaw replied excitedly, all traces of exhaustion gone. "I'm Snowpaw! My mentor is Sparrowpelt, he's super cool. We did a hunting patrol, and he taught me so good, I caught a mouse on my first time! It was amazing!! Risingstorm's your mentor? Cool! What's he like?" But before Echopaw had a chance to answer the question, Snowpaw started chattering, seemingly forgotten the question. "What was being an outsider like? I bet it was crazy!! Your scars are so cool, how'd you get them? Ooh! Was it an enemy cat? Was it a dog??" Then her eyes grew wide, and she whispered, "Was it a badger!?!" She knew about badgers. Well, not really, but she knew they were after her! And she had proof! Well, not really, but who cares! Her tail swished against the ground restlessly, all her playful energy restored.
❝ Spooky, scary skeletons
Send shivers down your spine
Shrieking skulls will shock your soul
Seal your doom tonight ❞
My characters and me are separate beings. Whatever my characters say or do, it is not a reflection of how I feel. Character Bios + Trackers +Pixelgif Shop
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Echopaw let out a soft chuckle. Snowpaw was just like Echopaw's own younger self. "Slow down, slow down," she replied. She gave Snowpaw a small pat on her (surprisingly fluffy) head before she responded. Wait, WHO... did she say her mentor was? Echopaw had to do a double take before responding. "Sparrowpelt?" she repeated, her voice in an ecstatic tone, "He's a really nice cat. He's actually my dad, funnily enough. As for Risingstorm-" She paused to think before responding. "He's a little on the strict side, but that's okay with me. At least he actually does his job..." The last sentence was grumbled in a tone dripping in disdain. "I'm referring to other mentors I had, not.... Sparrowpelt. Dad does his job. My mentors before Risingstorm weren't very good at mentoring." Echopaw hoped that would be enough, but remembered that Snowpaw asked about her scars. If I had a mouse for every time an apprentice asked about my scars, I'd have two mice, which isn't a lot but it's weird it happened twice. ANYways- Trying to not cringe, Echopaw told Snowpaw what she got them from. "Uh, my scars. Wasn't a badger, it was weasels. A lot. Of weasels."
Sootstorm is a ShadowClan Warrior. If she is needed, feel free to mention me!
Sootstorm is open to teaching apprentices ambush training! ShadowClan Apprentice Training
Alpinepaw led the way to the Apprentices' Den. She walked into the den and searched for a place to eat at. Fortunately, there was an empty spot at the very back of the den. Alpinepaw walked there and sat down. She dropped the plump vole onto the ground.
Honeydew padded into the Apprentice's den right behind Alpinepaw, she followed her to an empty spot in the very back of the den, she sat down right beside her. "You eat first, and then tell me what's going on." she meowed softly
ps some characters are already on the new site and deleted on the old....some are already still on the the process of moving it over on the new site!
Alpinepaw began to eat the vole. After several mouthfuls, she stopped and licked her maw. Several seconds passed and Alpinepaw started to speak. "Honeydew, do you have any friends? Any cats that you hang out with?"