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Old November 9th, 2021, 09:28 PM
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Default Re: November Gathering

Shadowheart felt a little rollercoaster of emotions in that moment. First, joy when she saw the little smile that had lit up Streampelts face. Then, a pang of worry as she wondered what had caused him to suddenly frown, before a bit of embarrassment made her pelt feel a little hot at his next words. Goodness, she didn’t think she looked that tired, was it really that bad? Well, whether it was or not Shadowheart was not going to complain about being able to sit in a spot with Streampelt for the gathering and not have to fear being found on the Riverclan border shared with Thunderclan. Trailing behind the tom, Shadowheart had a little bit of a goofy grin along her muzzle as she was thrilled to be back around Streampelt, and quite quickly took a seat once they had reached the spot Streampelt had been bringing her to. Casting a glance around, Shadowheart seemed to think before blinking back towards him and tilting her head “What have you been up to since I last saw you?”

"I am out with lanterns
looking for myself"

Old November 9th, 2021, 09:37 PM
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Streampelt purred lightly as she sat down but worry was still visible in his green eyes. "Nothing much. Just hanging about, thinking about the next time I would get to see my best friend. We got some new ranks in Riverclan recently so that's good, I guess." He meowed. He couldn't find what else he could say that wouldn't be hurting his clan so instead he settled on Shadowheart's problem. "What about you? Why do you look so tired?" He wanted Shadowheart to be ok, to live to see another day and not be sent to Starclan. She was probably in good health but if she kept looking like this, maybe even worse, then she would start having some problems that could risk her life.
Old November 9th, 2021, 10:11 PM
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Default Re: November Gathering


Sundew was enjoying the lack of view, he couldn’t quite see the clan leaders much, which just gave him more time to gingerly pick at the sand with his claws. He had to admit, the sand felt nasty on his paws compared to the grass in the forest. It would get stuck between his pads, and the small individual grains latched onto his fur. He grimaced, lapping at his right paw in attempt to clean the sand off. He had been satisfied with his work, afterwords noticing the cat who had sat next to him. He perked up, but seconds later he returned to his regular bad-posture sit. He gave the cat a low energy grin that faded in seconds, he was trying his best to give a good impression, despite his dislike of interactions. But he wasn’t doing to great. He grumbled to himself as he contemplated whether speaking. The cats strong pine scent had told him they were a shadowclan cat, but that didn’t affect his decision much. He came to the conclusion that he should atleast say hello, to avoid being too rude.
“Hey,” Sundew meowed, trying to think of an introduction that didn’t sound too eager, but also wasn’t too boring. “I’m Sundew. I don’t think i’ve seen you around before, what’s your name?” @Nixey

Last edited by Tidepool; November 9th, 2021 at 10:14 PM. Reason: forgot to mention
Old November 9th, 2021, 11:16 PM
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Default Re: November Gathering

Wormbite | Riverclan Shield | @implimm @:Grimmlin:
"Yes. Me, " He mewed back, nodding in confirmation. His name was indeed Wormbite. A quiet oh, escaped from the oriental and his gaze slowly shifted towards Sparrowskip. There was real consideration in there whether or not to oblige Plumstorm's order of shutting him up but he decided to go along with option two. Entertainment. "Look, Sparrowskip. A crab, " Wormbite mewed, gesturing towards a random direction. Job complete, he was still standing there as the conversation continued.

"We're clanmates, " He confirmed, seeming that he was now part of this - he took a seat next to Sparrowskip. His long tail curled over his paws, hunching over slightly as he now watched the two. ".. I'm not sure.. why we would need to be close?" He confessed, pausing for a moment before nodding -"Alright. We can be. I suppose that answers my question then. We're friends, " (That includes you Plumstorm. )

❝ hold on tight to this time,
this place 'cause everything you know will be erased.
you were born inside your head.
and that is where you'll be when you are dead. ❞

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Old November 10th, 2021, 12:37 AM
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Default Re: November Gathering

[ @:Grimmlin:, @x ghostie, @~Fierce~ - Fierce don't think I didn't notice you get your bum over here and join the party or else ]

Plumstorm finds herself compelled to glance in the direction that Wormbite indicated. It was an impulse. Despite knowing, KNOWING nothing was there, she looked. Turning back to Wormbite and Sparrowskip, she huffs. There was nothing there. "Friends, what an accomplishment." She'd never had one of those before, unless a mentor counted. And honestly, that was depressing.

After another heartbeat, something else catches the shield's attention. Extending an arm, she pokes at the nearest of the two toms. "Look," she says while nodding towards the gathering cats. They were barely within sight but, she'd spotted someone familiar. Another shield had finally shown up, someone Plumstorm herself had never spoken with or interacted with by any means. "Someone call them over, I don't remember what their name is. Quick before they get too busy to come and sit here with us." It seemed like this would be a shield party. And, to have a shield party, they kind of needed the other shields.
Old November 10th, 2021, 12:57 AM
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Default Re: November Gathering


The former loner nearly fell as she scrambled up the rocks to the Seastones, following the rest of ShadowClan. Lilacpaw watched the gathering cats through narrowed eyes. She was terrified in the inside, of course, at meeting more wild cats, but Lilacpaw couldn't let any cat see that. Jutting her chin up, she sat down, ignoring the looks being directed at her,some openly hostile and some curious.


[ @Wicked Whirlpaw || @TheNyanCatMinecart - time to get the three Ivypaws meet lol]

Stars, the ShadowCln leader, Dawnstar, was even more massive than Ivypaw had orginally thought. She was a huge dark brown tabby with glowering amber eyes. Shrinking, the tortie-and-white she-cat got to her paws, weaving her way through the crowd, to a she-cat staring up at Aspenstar and Kestrelstar. Ivypaw's heart thudded as she looked over her shoulder. Phewf, she couldn't catch sight of Dawnstar. Gee, that cat was more terrifying than a badger.

She turned to the she-cat who Ivypaw was next to now, and flattened one of her ears nervously.

"H-hey," she stuttered, almost in a mumble. Ivypaw looked at the she-cat. She smelled like fish... minnows? Must be RiverClan. Ivypaw shifted her paws, continuing, hoping the cat wouldn't simply ignore her. "I-I'm... Ivypaw. Of ThunderClan, um, what's yours?"

She cursed herself inside for being so nervous. Why couldn't she just speak and not stammer?
all that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing
Old November 10th, 2021, 12:57 AM
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Default Re: November Gathering

// @implimm @x ghostie @~Fierce~


Sparrowskip wasn't sure of Wormbites intentions of pointing him in a random direction but he kinda just.. brushed over it with a roll of his eyes. A warm glow filled his eyes as Plumstorm and Wormbite confirmed their "Friendship". "Really the best accomplishment, especially for you." He said looking at Plumstorm. Sparrowskip spun his head around as Plumstorm highlighted the presence of another shield. This was basically their own little gathering at this point so he decided to call her over. "FIERCEROAR! Don't think you get to miss out on this, get over here!" If she didn't come over willingly Sparrowskip would organize for her to get dragged over. "If she doesn't come, we'll bring her over with force." Sparrowskip said with a chuckle. He did wonder where Sagewhisper was however, he hadn't really seen the cat lately and he wondering if they would have to make the trek back to camp to drag them over too.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
❝this dream isn't feeling sweet❞
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
|| ʚcharacter siteɞ ||

Last edited by marshy; November 10th, 2021 at 12:59 AM.
Old November 10th, 2021, 08:41 AM
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Default Re: November Gathering

Fierceroar spun her head to look at her caller. Oh, it was Sparrowskip. One look confirmed that his companions were Plumstorm and Wombite. She sighed before dragging herself over to them. She wasn’t up for a social interaction right now but they were Shields, right? She didn’t know how that made a difference to the situation but she sat down with the group when she arrived. “What’s this all about?” She had a hunch that it had to do something with the Shields but she would let the others tell her. She felt a small hope in her heart as she quickly realized that she wouldn’t have to spend the Gathering alone.
@implimm @x ghostie @:Grimmlin:
Old November 10th, 2021, 08:47 AM
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Default Re: November Gathering


Stormpelt walked away from Bramblepaw. He remembered the Last Gathering He shivered. The Fight he had with the Shadowclan warrior where he had about His Mother Greypelt who gotten killed by that evil Shadowclan warrior. He was surprised he was allowed to come this gathering. He wanted someone to talk to he hasn't said a word to any other clan so he wanted to talk to someone else. But he wasnt gonna talk to shadowclan at all. The only other clan he has friends in is Thunderclan. @poisoned poppy
On Hiatuses

Last edited by Galaxy_; November 10th, 2021 at 08:47 AM.
Old November 10th, 2021, 08:52 AM
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Default Re: November Gathering

Originally Posted by mystical View Post

The former loner nearly fell as she scrambled up the rocks to the Seastones, following the rest of ShadowClan. Lilacpaw watched the gathering cats through narrowed eyes. She was terrified in the inside, of course, at meeting more wild cats, but Lilacpaw couldn't let any cat see that. Jutting her chin up, she sat down, ignoring the looks being directed at her,some openly hostile and some curious.


[ @Wicked Whirlpaw || @TheNyanCatMinecart - time to get the three Ivypaws meet lol]

Stars, the ShadowCln leader, Dawnstar, was even more massive than Ivypaw had orginally thought. She was a huge dark brown tabby with glowering amber eyes. Shrinking, the tortie-and-white she-cat got to her paws, weaving her way through the crowd, to a she-cat staring up at Aspenstar and Kestrelstar. Ivypaw's heart thudded as she looked over her shoulder. Phewf, she couldn't catch sight of Dawnstar. Gee, that cat was more terrifying than a badger.

She turned to the she-cat who Ivypaw was next to now, and flattened one of her ears nervously.

"H-hey," she stuttered, almost in a mumble. Ivypaw looked at the she-cat. She smelled like fish... minnows? Must be RiverClan. Ivypaw shifted her paws, continuing, hoping the cat wouldn't simply ignore her. "I-I'm... Ivypaw. Of ThunderClan, um, what's yours?"

She cursed herself inside for being so nervous. Why couldn't she just speak and not stammer?

Ivypaw looked over, suprised. "But my name is I-Ivypaw too." Ivypaw mental cured herself for stuttering, as Ivypaw wasn't a shy cat, nope, definitely not, it was just that she was...... well..... suprised. She hadn't expected another Ivypaw. It was.... well..... suprising. Ivypaw was confused.
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Eva, Loner Kit. Softkit, RiverClan Kit. Ivyshade, Dark Forest Warrior. Fierceheart, RiverClan Warrior.

I'm really bored most of the time so feel free to shoot me a vm if you wanna roleplay. I usually never say no!

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