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Old May 10th, 2020, 09:17 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

[ @Slushie ]

Irisflame fought the ever-growing urge to rip his pelt off, claws digging into the dirt with such force that she might kill the earth itself. It wasn't like she'd had any fighting experience, really, but she'd put her all into it. She could picture it now...wiping that self-centered smirk off of his disgusting face with a single paw-flick. She had to kill him at least three times as he spoke before she could calm down.
"Excuse me?! There's nothing weak about admitting injury. The only weak thing here is your maggot-self who isn't strong enough to admit that he was wrong for abandoning his own daughter! You aren't even strong enough to admit weakness, you're so selfish and horrible!" She yowled. Her voice was loud enough to be heard from the other side of the clearing, and she was darned proud. This foxface deserved it. How dare he yawn?! At least her comments about her mother woke him from his tiring phase.
"I'm not lying! How dare you call me a traitor when you abandoned your own kin?! I thought you were my father! But instead you left me to die because you were too cowardly to face your own loss!" She hissed, her pelt spiking. To heck with being calm, "Shadowclan has given me more than Thunderclan ever could! And, boy, am I glad I don't have to see your face everyday." She growled, her hackles slowly retreating to their original flat position. She'd had enough of his stupid games. She was almost glad the gathering had ended. It was sad enough that she'd had to face all this. At his 'touching' parting words, her pelt frizzed with a final dose of anger.
"May Starclan light your path with a sick, depressing life." She hissed back simply, turning away from the tom. She finally had the time to process all of the announcements. Wait. Blue...Bluegorse? She almost fell to the ground as she recalled those fateful words. Bluegorse was dead. Some stupid wolverines got to him. She choked on tears that threatened to fall. Oh, Bluegorse. Why is my life falling apart? Everytime something good happens, something worse takes place. She paused, lifting her head to the sky. May you find plentiful hunting grounds and always run free. Starclan light your path- elder. She added the last part as a gentle tease, a reminder of when they first met. Then off she went, to join her clan.

❝shine bright, little star.❞

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Last edited by Moon Lily; May 10th, 2020 at 09:17 PM.
Old May 11th, 2020, 10:35 AM
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Default Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by Moon Lily View Post
Runningpaw felt a smile tugging harder at her lips at the story. A runaway, huh? She's more rebellious than I thought... Not to mention that she has Riverclan's deputy as a mentor. She still couldn't get over that. But she was so modest... She didn't seem to like to bask in the attention as she did.
"Hey, don't be shy. You can tell me anything. You can brag if you want. You have some pretty cool things going on."
Foxpaw smiled. "Well I actually kind of kitnapped, by two Thunderclan warriors after I ended up in their territory. Then I escaped and tried to find home but I couldn't so I stayed in an old fox den, while I was there I watched two dogs fight. One of them won honorably but when he turned to leave the other dog killed him... I was really scared and alone when Sootflare found me. When I got back to camp Lionstar was very disappointed in me and now I'm trying to prove I'm good enough. I still remember those dogs. Sometimes I have nightmares about it. Sometimes I'm the honorable dog... but sometimes, I'm the evil one. Either way, I die in the end." she said. When she'd started her story she'd been full of happiness, but now she just sat with her head bowed.
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Last edited by Exis; May 11th, 2020 at 10:35 AM.
Old May 11th, 2020, 08:20 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

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Twilightstar dipped her head to two leaders as ThunderClan and RiverClan began to head home. There was nothing overly eventful she learned during this meeting besides ShadowClan seemed to think they were the strongest clan in the forest now? She didn't know nor care so long as her clan was left in peace.
"WindClan let's go home!" Twilightstar yowled, leaping down onto the sand to lead the clan back to their territory.

Originally Posted by implimm View Post
"Well, if you can think of something productive for ShadowClan to do, let me know and I'll pitch the idea to Icestar later," the tom says sarcastically. He couldn't much fathom the concept of his Clan leader wasting time or her precious energy on anything that wasn't violent, truthfully. Beastspark on the other paw was potentially thoughtful enough for something that didn't include bloodshed. His eyes move over to the deputy for a moment while Nettlespark entertained the thought.
"You will," he says suddenly, snapping back out of it. He could only reassure the molly so many times, but he didn't mind. "And..." He becomes a little bit quiet again while Whiskernose speaks. It took a lot of energy to contain himself, surprisingly. Nettlespark's mind was a maze of 'drive him away' and 'run!' but all he could manage to do was sit there, playing in the sand at his paws like a sullen little kid. But out of the blue, he gets a paw to the nose! Flinching with visible shock, he gives a cross-eyed look to the culprit: Deadpool's paw. Then he looks at Deadpool herself, confusion bright in his eyes. She thought he wasn't going to play nice? Embarrassment forces his rather poofy pelt to almost wilt down as he shrinks into a crouch, though no amount of embarrassment could make him seem less like a cotton ball at this point.
He says nothing until Butterflypaw is mentioned. He'd entirely forgotten that she'd have needed a mentor, too. The tom blinks at his Clanmate. It seemed a little bit funny that they both had gotten former WindClan members to mentor, but surely that was the best outcome they'd possibly find. "It's almost like they assigned the little guys to us on purpose, seeing as we helped out then," the tom contributes lamely, still rather stuck on the nose pap after all. It was also what she'd said- They only saw each other once in a while. Once in a while... That was unfortunate. All of a sudden, the desire to ask her about maybe hanging out some other time bubbles up out of the dark and he has to bite his tongue not to blurt it out. How silly! Of course she wouldn't agree to something like that! They were barely even friends yet anyway, how could he think- Green eyes flash as he peeps up at the she-cat while she spoke to Whiskernose, lingering for a couple of heartbeats before turning away again. Nettlespark idly doodles long swirling arcs in the sand. It sure was newleaf.
@Rainquail @Moonraven
Deadpool might try and do something like that, finding something productive for ShadowClan to do that didn't involve fighting. From her point of view, RiverClan's been pretty helpful to the other clans, she felt the only reason they fought with ShadowClan was because of Icestar. She wondered if Beastly had the same type of bloodlust that his leader did.
The molly found it endearing how supportive Nettlespark was being with her. It was nice, he was normally pretty kind but he still had his weird moments. A chuckle leaves her maw at his reaction to her boop, he does that poofy thing with his fur again. It made her wonder what other reaction she could get him to do. Would Whiskernose react the same way if she did it to him? She glances at the warrior, still waiting for his reply to her questions, before looking back to Nettlespark. One second he was a ball of fluff and the next he was deflated, did she do something wrong there? Or not since he perked up with the apprentices being mentioned.
She nods in agreement to his words, Deadpool's head snaps in the direction of the stones as Duskstar yowls a closing to the gathering. That was followed by RiverClan's departure and then Twilightstar calling them to head home. "Ah, home I go." Deadpool sighed somewhat sadly as her leader gathered her clanmates to head back to camp. "See yous next Gathering?" She questioned the pair as she got to her paws.
@implimm @Rainquail

Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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Old May 11th, 2020, 10:59 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

"Wouldn't dream of missing it. I'd never see you otherwise." Whiskernose mewed, a promise to see her next gathering. He gave Deadpool an affectionate nudge before she left.
Aw, heck. Now he was getting weepy.
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Old May 12th, 2020, 04:50 AM
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Default Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by Mentallyunstable View Post
Foxpaw smiled. "Well I actually kind of kitnapped, by two Thunderclan warriors after I ended up in their territory. Then I escaped and tried to find home but I couldn't so I stayed in an old fox den, while I was there I watched two dogs fight. One of them won honorably but when he turned to leave the other dog killed him... I was really scared and alone when Sootflare found me. When I got back to camp Lionstar was very disappointed in me and now I'm trying to prove I'm good enough. I still remember those dogs. Sometimes I have nightmares about it. Sometimes I'm the honorable dog... but sometimes, I'm the evil one. Either way, I die in the end." she said. When she'd started her story she'd been full of happiness, but now she just sat with her head bowed.

Runningpaw blinked curiously as she told her tale, her amber orbs dilating with an almost overwhelmed feeling. It was the same one she got when she'd been taken aback, but slightly more...curious. There was so much more she wanted to learn about the she-cat, and she found herself staring fixedly at her with a small frown on her features. Too bad I can't see her until the next gathering... She huffed silently. And I'll probably be a warrior around then, too. That thought brightened her up, her energy returning to her paws.
"I...I'm sorry to hear that. But hey, look. You'll get better! I know you will. And besides...Soot- Sootclaw? Sootfur? Either way, he'll help you I know it." At Twilightstar's call, she hopped up, her head swiveling to face the dark furred she-cat. It was her time to go.
"Nice talking to you! I'm Runningpaw, by the way. What's your name?" She scampered over to join her clan before she turned back to ask the question. She had to hurry.

❝shine bright, little star.❞

i've shut down all rps, but i'll be semi-online for vms and pms.
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Old May 12th, 2020, 09:20 AM
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Default Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by Moon Lily View Post

Runningpaw blinked curiously as she told her tale, her amber orbs dilating with an almost overwhelmed feeling. It was the same one she got when she'd been taken aback, but slightly more...curious. There was so much more she wanted to learn about the she-cat, and she found herself staring fixedly at her with a small frown on her features. Too bad I can't see her until the next gathering... She huffed silently. And I'll probably be a warrior around then, too. That thought brightened her up, her energy returning to her paws.
"I...I'm sorry to hear that. But hey, look. You'll get better! I know you will. And besides...Soot- Sootclaw? Sootfur? Either way, he'll help you I know it." At Twilightstar's call, she hopped up, her head swiveling to face the dark furred she-cat. It was her time to go.
"Nice talking to you! I'm Runningpaw, by the way. What's your name?" She scampered over to join her clan before she turned back to ask the question. She had to hurry.
"Foxpaw.. My name is Foxpaw! Hope to see you again on patrol soon!" Foxpaw called before joining her own clan.
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Old May 12th, 2020, 09:49 AM
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Default Re: May Gathering

Smiling one last time at Flowerleaf, Puddlepaw got up from the sandy floor. "I guess I'll see you around camp," he mewed, softly. He had enjoyed his first gathering and couldn't wait for the next one. Walking away, he scampered over to follow his clanmates back to camp.

Berrypaw waved her tail in a goodbye to Sparrowpaw, before hopping up and following Lionstar and the rest of her clan back towards camp. She couldn't wait for the next night, when she and Sparrowpaw could teach Swiftpaw and Slashpaw a lesson.

Sycamorerain shook his head. He must've gotten lost in his thoughts and hadn't noticed the majority of his clan was already leaving. So, he got up and dusted the excess sand off his fur, before heading to catch up with the rest of his clanmates.
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Old May 13th, 2020, 08:19 AM
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Default Re: May Gathering

Moonpaw stared up at the Seastones again. They were so pretty. . ."Bye, Puddlepaw!" she yelled. @Puddletail
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Old May 13th, 2020, 01:59 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by Echobreeze18 View Post
Moonpaw stared up at the Seastones again. They were so pretty. . ."Bye, Puddlepaw!" she yelled. @Puddletail
Puddlepaw turned away from the leaving group as he head his name being called. It was one of the other apprentices who he hadn't really talked to. "Oh...bye, Moonpaw. But, aren't you coming with us? The gathering is over now, we're all going back to camp." The tom tilted his head, not exactly sure why she was saying goodbye if they were going back to camp together.
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Old May 14th, 2020, 10:41 AM
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Default Re: May Gathering

These things always seemed to drag on and on, then snappily come to a close the instant anyone found some cat to talk to. Nettlespark watches the leaders begin to take their leave from where he sat, and as his eyes slide back over to Deadpool she announces she'd be following her Clanmates home. Disappointment picks at the inside of his belly and for one lasting moment, the warrior wants to argue that she stay behind for a little while longer. Standing up, the tom shakes his pelt off and nods to the WindClan she-cat. He didn't want to see her at the next Gathering. What he wanted was- The tom's ears prick up as the Clan cats around them really clear out, and after glancing around it seems to sink in. His reluctance ebbs away in a tide of resignation, and he flicks at Deadpool's nose with the tip of his tail. A smirk twitches at one corner of his maw. "Next Gathering then, if you're not here I'm paying a visit to WindClan personally and marching you here myself." The promise was as real as the three who came to talk together here now, and indeed Nettlespark didn't seem to be joking. After another heartbeat, his lingering gaze shifts to his own denmate with a sharp intake of breath signifying the shift in moods. "Alright. Home we go, home we go. Let's walk together." He nods to Whiskernose and siddles up to the other tom's flank with one more glance at Deadpool before they go.
@Moonraven @Rainquail
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