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Old May 16th, 2024, 06:46 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

Originally Posted by IDIOTICBEAN101 View Post



Kestrelsoar nodded to Lightningstorm, before looking for her patrol-mates "Sunnypurr? Mosspaw?" She called out in search of the other two cats.


@ollie - @Rustleaf

Tom - He/They - 26 Moons - Purrks:N/A

Sunnypurr stood and walked over to the other cats, Kestrelsoar and Mosspaw.

( @IDIOTICBEAN101 @Rustleaf )
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Old May 16th, 2024, 07:10 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

Deadmoon [ @gs29513 ] | Honeypaw [ @CloudlessEve ]

TallGrass nodded his head towards the medicine cats request Dandelions Tallgrass knew a few things here and there such as flowers made his nose run but nothing more besides that he walked over to find his patrol mates first he found honeypaw a bright young apprentice who seemed to be quite joyfully about the coming patrol "Hello honeypaw" he purred greeting them with a nose boop to the forehead "We just got to wait for dead moon then we shall go ehh." he said calmly and kind as he looked through the crowd for the last patrol mate.

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Old May 16th, 2024, 08:39 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

Well, at least she wasn't being sent after something truly disgusting. Deadmoon was pretty ambivalent towards herb patrols, they weren't as fun as hunting but certainly less stress-inducing than border patrols. Though perhaps her issues with the border were just paranoia, seeing as it was really only Riverclan they were actively at war with. Yeah no, that was definitely a reasonable cause for suspicion and not wanting to be there considering how many cats had been killed there in recent moons. But herb patrol, she could do that. And it seemed like Honeypaw was coming along, which would be good. Give her some semblance of responsibility, as well as a taste of general life. It wasn't just training all of the time, as fun as the kid would probably find that.

It seemed that Tallgrass was quick on the draw after Lightningstorm gave him command of their little outing, and Deadmoon was hopeful that, if nothing else, he wouldn't flake out halfway through. She also might be able to bring back a decent amount of things this time, seeing as dandelions and cobwebs were both things she could definitely identify and had never seemed particularly scarce. She just hoped she could find some dandelions with flowers still in the yellow state, rather than having to brave the puffs of nose-tickling. Making her way over to Tallgrass and Honeypaw (her shoulder wasn't as bad anymore!!) she mewed a crisp Lead the way Tallgrass! and giving a small smile to Honeypaw. @Spider-in-the-corner @CloudlessEve (Spider, you're doing the starter in the territory, right?)
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Old May 16th, 2024, 10:50 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols



Kestrelsoar smiled at the other two cats "Are we all ready to go?" She asked kindly.


@ollie - @Rustleaf

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Old May 16th, 2024, 04:31 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

Originally Posted by IDIOTICBEAN101 View Post



Kestrelsoar smiled at the other two cats "Are we all ready to go?" She asked kindly.


@ollie - @Rustleaf

“Yep!” Mosspaw replied.

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Old May 18th, 2024, 03:54 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

He/him | WC Apprentice Tunneler | Moons: 7 | Purrks: Dreamwalker | Part Manx cat

Wow! His first patrol! His first actual patrol and with Crowtooth and Winterpaw! Wow! He was so lucky, very lucky yes indeed. The blonde apprentice bounded from where he was originally laying down to give his aching paws a rest from the constant movement but it was like they hardly hurt anymore through his excitement of having his first ever patrol. Oh wait, ow, yes, they still hurt but definitely not enough to sit out of a patrol, not his first ever patrol. And it was for Miss Lightningstorm which was nice because he had a herb patrol that he needed to make up to her for from failed attempt during the mink fight. He was still sad that didn't work out as well as he wanted but that the past is the past and now he was more trained to kind of know what he's doing. Mostly.

"Here Crowtooth!" Rabbitpaw chimed as he trotted up to his mentor and began to look around the space for Winterpaw to show up as well. Though then he looked to Miss Lightningtstorm and offered a smile, "I'll get all the best things, no worries!" Having prey afterwards sounded fun, chatting sounded fun. Rabbitpaw was quite social even if sometimes he wants to hide away from everything ever. Perhaps that's why tunnels fascinate him a lot, they were nice and quiet. Though he liked being around his clan most of the time. Though now that he was thinking about herbs and Miss Lightningstorm he was reminded once more of his hurting paws. Though he didn't want to worry Miss Lightningstorm, mama, and Crowtooth over something so little. So just gotta find the herbs! Herbs are fun, or at least, they were like magic to him! So fascinating when you really think about them, little plants that hold so much capability to heal the hurt is a crazy idea and even crazier is that they are gifted with skilled cats like Miss Lightningstorm who understands how to use that magic!

Anyways daisy leaves and ivy, that sounded simple enough though that was because he was just doing the collecting part. Daisies sound like the flower that he had given Miss Lightningstorm before the mink fight, and ivy sounded unique enough to not get mixed up. In the worst case scenario, Crowtooth and Winterpaw would let him know if he mixed up anything so he wasn't too worried but repeated the descriptions in his head a couple of times just to be on the safe side. Ivy and daisy leaves, yep yep! He turned his attention back to his mentor and waited for the older tom to start leading the patrol out.
[ @Rani - Crowtooth | @zozelen - Winterpaw | @Alchemist Kitsune - Lightningstorm ]
[ Sorry this took so long, oops, time got away from me hehe ]

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Old May 18th, 2024, 08:56 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

Winterpaw stood with his mentor and fellow apprentice, Rabbitpaw, when Lightningstorm called out their names for patrol. Daisy leaves and ivy... no bees this time, then. There was always a non-zero chance there'd be some sort of bee incident, Winterpaw supposed, but they weren't gathering honey this time. So probably safe.

Judging from Crowtooth's complaints, his mentor sounded a bit overworked... hopefully Lightningstorm knew not to push him too far. Crowtooth always seemed ready to help his clan, but perhaps there was a side to him Winterpaw didn't know. A tired one. Hm... Maybe him and Rabbitpaw could try and handle things instead, at least for this patrol.

And according to Crowtooth, he considered Rabbitpaw and Winterpaw "two of the best apprentices in the clan." That was very high praise, especially since Crowtooth hadn't been his mentor for even a moon yet. Perhaps he was joking? No, that didn't seem likely... and he agreed with Crowtooth's point when it came to Rabbitpaw. The younger apprentice really was dedicated.

If it was true Crowtooth believed that, then Winterpaw would have to be even more diligent for his mentor. He couldn't let the warrior down.

"Yes, we will," Winterpaw agreed to Crowtooth's promise. He had asked for their answers, after all. "Come back with... oodles of herbs, like Crowtooth said." Now Lightningstorm would know she could place her trust in them. He wasn't opposed to conversing with her once they got back, Winterpaw should probably be more familar with his medicine cat, anyways. What wisdom had Lightningstorm gained over the seasons?

"I'm ready to head out," Winterpaw said with a nod. "And I will help you 'catch all the best things,' Rabbitpaw."

@Rani @Dolomedes @Alchemist Kitsune

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Last edited by zozelen; May 18th, 2024 at 08:59 PM.
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Old May 18th, 2024, 11:40 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

If you need an extension, let me know a maximum of 3 days after the deadline

If you need to be replaced, have your character approach Crowtooth with an in character excuse
Hunting patrols, have your character report the amount and type of prey caught and insert links to the submitted prey store addition when reporting, or your hunt will be invalidated, and your character will be punished

Windclan Tunneler/Fury | He/him | 51 Moons
Power Card: Cold Gust

Right so, patrols had not gone out for awhile with the recent chaos in clan. It hadnt come back to bite windclan just yet, however that'd been them getting lucky and the clan was going to need prey and secured borders and soon. So as soon as the fury had permission to send cats out he was marching right over to the patrol area with the vigor of a cat who was on a mission and had been thinking about this for awhile.
"Alright ya'll! Patrols are goin' out on orders o' Twilightstar so gather up!"

[Sedgewater Valley - Riverclan Border]
[Optional prompt: The wind here is strong today and seems to be at war with the river, whipping it into a dangerous roiling mess.]
"Swiftfire! Take Blazesong, Thundersnow, and Rabbitpaw wit' ya ta the riverclan border. Keep sharp an' dont start thin's. However if they are started send Rabbitpaw back ta get help and end 'em, we aint messin' around anymore. Be careful."
A gift to his apprentice for being unable to properly show him the riverclan border on their territory tour. With a full patrol and Swiftfire the kid would be safe and Crowtooth trusted him to fulfill the role of runner should things go wrong.
@Tiabirb @zBlaze @Marigoldwhisper @Dolomedes

[Whispering Wetlands - Shadowclan Border]
[Mandatory prompt: While you see nothing the sounds of twolegs and falling trees coming from the pine forest are loud. Something is wrong.]
"Shouldnt be no trouble wit' Shadowclan so Wolffang ya can take Littleshock an' Vinepaw wit' ya ta their border no issue. Be friendly but aware if ya see 'em, were still allies after all."
Crowtooth really didnt foresee issues on that border at all. Between the alliance and a reasonable cat like Mistlewhisker to control the rats it should be fine, though it was still shadowclan so total trust wasnt ever going to occur. Who Crowtooth didnt trust at all was Littleshock, but the ex deputy could keep her in line.
@TheNyanCatMinecart @Poprock @Tallstar

[Thunderglade - Thunderclan Border]
[Optional prompt: Spring has sprung and the squirrels are going nuts in the trees. A potential meal, if you care to spend the energy to get them.]
"Deadmoon yer up and takin' Honeypaw an' Spottedpaw ta the thunderglade. Dont cause issues if ya see 'em alright?"
Windclan would need them soon afterall though Crowtooth trusted Deadmoon to keep the peace.
@gs29513 @CloudlessEve @Fish

Hunting next and Crowtooth cast a worried glance at the dwindling prey pile before resolving to send out a good few of those to stock up. An upcoming battle would potentially mean injured warriors unable to hunt, so more prey meant that would be less of a worry.

[Windy Hills]
[Optional prompt: A doe and buck rabbit are teaching their large litter of young rabbits to forage today. A walking nibbling feast for cats!]
"Vixenstare if ya could snag Watertail an' Mosspaw fer a huntin' patrol ta the windy hills that'd be great. Keep an' eye out fer vultures but since theyre stickin' ta the falls mostly ya should be fine."
As long as they were catious it should forestall any disasters.
@SeonghwasBunnyEars @Rustleaf @ChaosBringer.

[Sunset Grove]
[Optional prompt: A herd of peaceful deer are grazing in the grove today. A large but lovely obstacle.]
"Warmsun Im sendin' just ya an' Lightningpaw ta the grove today. Get as much as ya can please, the grove is usually good fer that."
@Desert Rain Frog @Lightningpaw666

[Starry Meadow]
[Optional prompt: Whats that smell? Its sweet and spicey and wonderful and everywhere mmmmmmm~ Its.... Uh oh its catmint!]
"Hawkfur ya on the other paw take yer apprentice ta the starry meadow. Be respectful (as always) but Snowpaw an' ya should be able ta find some good mice there."
Was it sacrilegious to hunt in their burial ground? Crowtooth thought not but he supposed he'd be getting a starclan nightmare soon if not.
@Mica @Mizu

[General territory]
[Optional prompt: Starclan help you all everything seems to be getting stuck in your fur today. The long furred cats are especially struggling.]
"Finally lets send uuuuuh Silverrose! Ya lead Barleypaw an' Lichenpaw out anywhere an' just get as much as ya can. I'll leave details up ta ya I trust ya."
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Old May 19th, 2024, 06:04 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols

"Water holds memories."

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·

The large tom was surprised to see that the clearing was empty when he hobbled over at the sound of his name. Another patrol so soon? Oh stars, he hoped he wouldn't weigh them all down.

Thundersnow sat quite awkwardly into an uneven sit. He didn't hear who was coming with him, he did get half their names though. He began grooming himself as he thought of ways to get around faster. He couldn't think of many (only rolling) so he gave up halfway through.

@Tiabirb // Swiftfire
@zBlaze // Blazesong
@Dolomedes // Rabbitpaw

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Old May 19th, 2024, 07:36 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Patrols


She stalked from the warrior's den in silence, peeling from the shadows of warmth and rest. Swiftfire glanced momentarily at Crowtooth, explaining what was her patrol's task would be. "You got it," She nodded, taking note of Thundersnow, she stood nearby, calling out to the remaining cats who had not shown yet, "Blazesong and Rabbitpaw! We have work to do!" She remained standing, though she did look over at Crowtooth, "With the storm that's about to hit them, I won't be looking for trouble there. It'd be a waste of energy."

She paused, thinking about Rabbitpaw's job as a runner. Briefly, she worried that what happened to Twistedpaw would repeat itself; Why did these cats always thrust their apprentices on her? She couldn't tell him that she felt guilty for letting Twistedpaw out of her sight. She couldn't explain the bitter feelings of fear and self-loathing for what had happened. All she could say?

"I won't let anything happen to Rabbitpaw..." Swiftfire promised quietly, mostly in an effort to reassure herself and keep at bay the rising waves of anxiety.

@zBlaze @Marigoldwhisper @Dolomedes @Rani
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