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: Mistlewhisker
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Old June 8th, 2024, 03:34 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars

Originally Posted by IDIOTICBEAN101 View Post



Beaverkit nodded “I can do that.” He said.
He could guide Fishscale when the medicine cats were healing, for sure.
The small brown tabby kept glancing at the nursery entrance.
Thankfully, no one seemed to be coming toward it so far.
That was a threat, at least.


Purrks ; Mindreader (inactive)

Fishscale kept her claws unsheathed, ready for another battle. She used her good arm to clear the blood from her nose, allowing her to finally take in other smells than just blood. The battered warrior gently pulled her kit towards her, gently licking him to give him some comfort. "Sweetbee, you are a wonderful kit, I am so lucky to have you."


Last edited by CollapsingStars; June 8th, 2024 at 03:35 PM.
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Old June 8th, 2024, 03:34 PM
Katiethewolfchild Katiethewolfchild is offline
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ShadowClan/RiverClan Re: The Forest Roars

Dunlinkit had been in the clearing watching Catfishkit and Muskratkit playfight when the battle began. As soon as she smelled cats that she didn't recognize she ran up to her sisters and ushered them into the nursery. Muskratkit was terrified but Catfishkit protested, causing Dunlinkit to send her smaller littermate a strict look. Dunlinkit was relieved when that was enough to get Catfishkit to head into the nursery, though reluctantly. She had been afraid that she would have to try more extreme measures. Muskratkit shook in fear as the three young kits headed into the nursery. Once they were in the nursery and hopefully safe Dunlinkit kept a close eye on Catfishkit, trying to make sure that she didn't try to sneak out of the nursery. Muskratkit whimpered in fear and leaned into Dunlinkit's fur. The much larger kit licked her much smaller's sister's fur in a matter she thought was comforting and muttered words that she thought was soothing as an attempt to help Muskratkit relax. She was just as frightened herself but she couldn't allow herself to show it, as now that her parents were dead she had to be the strong one. She couldn't act like the frightened little kit she felt like. If just her parents were still alive... Then she could act like the little frightened kit the massive kit truly was except for in size. But they were in StarClan and she couldn't even blame them or anyone. It wasn't anybody's fault that they had died as well as Baneberrykit and Algaekit, her brothers. It was devastating thinking about two small and promising lives ended so young and the fact the her parents death had left their surviving three kits, then just one moon old orphaned. She was terrified the the other clan cats would invade the nursery. She hoped that they wouldn't hurt kits, as she was pretty sure that that was against the rules but what if they didn't care and invaded the nursery anyways? What if one of both of her sisters were hurt or even killed? Even the thought made Dunlinkit want to cry but she forced herself to force back the tears, something she could barely manage to do. She couldn't cry. She had to be strong for her sisters.

Catfishkit was playfighting in the clearing with Muskratkit when the attack started. She was on top Muskratkit and winnimg, like she usually did when she played with Muskratkit. She liked winning! She was upset when Dunlinkit tried to usher her and Muskratkit, who was shaking with fear like a little tiny baby so she protested. "I can fight Dunlinkit!". "I'm not a tiny little baby anymore!" She reluctantly headed to the nursery, dragging her feet as a act of defiance when Dunlinkit gave her a strict face. She pouted once she arrived in the nursery. She wasn't a little baby! Dunlinkit was her age so why did she always act like her and Muskratkit were little tiny babies who couldn't do anything! She liked Dunlinkit but she was always no fun!

Muskratkit was being pinned by Catfishkit in a playfight when the fight began. Terrified and shaking Muskratkit willingly followed Dunlinkit to the nursery when she ushered her and Catfishkit into the nursery. Once they arrived Muskratkit leaned into Dunlinkit shaking because of fear while Dunlinkit picked her fur a muttered soothing words. It wasn't enough to calm Muskratkit down. She was glad that she had Dunlinkit but she desperately wished that Mommy and Daddy were still alive, even though she barely remembered them because she was only a moon old when they died. (All open to cats inside the nursery)

Last edited by Katiethewolfchild; June 8th, 2024 at 05:55 PM.
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Old June 8th, 2024, 03:39 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars

ft. Carrotdash - RiverClan || Shadow Fiend: Active

TW: Death.

Her foe was dead. They're all still a threat until they're dead. Supposedly blind gaze flitted around the battlefield, landing on Springlight [ @iliri ] tending to a mauled WindClanner [ @glitch ]. Stalking over to them, not caring that her maw, chest, and paws were likely covered in blood, the former Medicine Cat walked alongside the dilute calico for a moment. Just to deliver her words. "I trust you have a handle on patching him. If you do not, you're free to send someone to fetch me ; Dawnstar and Twilightstar have put me in charge of aiding the WindClanners, but since you're already doing it I will not intervene in this one."

Her gaze darted towards a certain brawl - Sleepypaw [ @Estelle ] fighting a RiverClanner [ @finley !! ] - and narrowed with deadly precision. "I have another matter to attend to." She grinned, fangs crimson with blood. "Excuse me." She said simply, and then melted into the shadows.

The shadows were her friends, her companion, her state of being as Lostspark slunk closer, her gait slow and measured. Sleepypaw seemed to have it under control, but Lostspark could not help but be drawn to their fight, her motherly instincts on high alert. One paw landed on her daughter was all it would take for her to snap.

Steps leisurely, Lostspark was only sidetracked from the cats she'd locked onto when an orange ball of fluff barreled into her side, bringing her out of her shadows. An irritated snarl worked its way out of her throat as she swiveled, unsheathed claws coming down hard against the warrior's head and slamming them into the ground, claws digging into the side of their face as she held them down, drawing beads of blood. "You chose the wrong cat to pick a fight with, goldfish." She murmured, voice a low croon near their ear, and then sank her jaws into their pulse point.

Dead within moments, just how she preferred, and then Lostspark was back on the prowl, melding with her surroundings again. The former Medicine Cat, supposedly meant to be blind as a bat, walked up silently behind Berrypaw [ @squidz ], her blood-speckled fangs bared in a ... was it meant to be an amused smile? "Hello, darling. Enjoying the view? I would suggest not engaging, else I'll have to hurt you too." She whispered, head cocked to the side as she came to a stop, having relieved herself of her shadowy cloak.

Leaving them feeling betrayed.
Breaking the bonds that you've made.

Last edited by Rose; June 8th, 2024 at 03:52 PM.
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Old June 8th, 2024, 03:39 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars

Originally Posted by Mica View Post

ShadowClan Deputy
she/her | 41 moons
[Large black cat with a half white muzzle and a pale green eye (left gouged out)]
Purrks: Beefed Up T3, Shadow Fiend
· · ────────────── · ·
[Fallenmoon - @SeonghwasBunnyEars ]
· · ────────────── · ·
Mistlewhisker followed the ShadowClan group to RiverClan territory, taking up the rear and ensuring no cats strayed too far. She knew that cats might sympathize with the fish, and might peel off to warn them. Luckily, it seemed as though no one had a mouse-brained idea such as that. They arrived under the cover of darkness, merging with the two clans already waiting. The shadow queen's right paw surveyed the camp, noting the two guards sitting outside the camp entrance. The distance, combined with her lack of a left eye, made it difficult to see who they were. Not that it mattered--they would likely perish the moment WindClan went through the front.

As the leaders discussed plans, Mistlewhisker noted a familiar pelt that did not belong in the battle. She stalked over to Fallenmoon, pale eye glinting in the night. "You do not belong here." She meowed, deep voice rumbling. Showing up uninvited, and before Dawnstar had arrived? It certainly seemed a lot of cats enjoyed doing that. Mistlewhisker considered Fallenmoon, wondering if she could make an example out of him. Perhaps another time. There were bigger fish to fry. "Return to camp immediately, or I will throw you to the fish below and let them pick the flesh off your bones."

The threat would neither land or not, but it hardly mattered. The call for battle was given, and Mistlewhisker joined the flood of vengeful cats streaming into battle.

Fallenmoon looked confused. The deaf Tom flattened his ears and sighed. Padding back to camp and not coming back.

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Willowtail of Riverclan is Tier 3 Beefed up <3
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Old June 8th, 2024, 03:44 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars

He/Him || ThunderClan Deputy
Beefed Up Tier III || Just a Scratch || Hulk SMASH
@leopardheart00 || @wolfie || @alec
(next up is alec ! Tackle Powerplay permission given /w\ )

The Calico did his best to keep his teeth securely in the shoulder, a bubbling growl coming from him. Wincing as Claws slashed at his lower shoulders and his chest. Eventually Spiderthroat aimed to place a paw on the others throat, finally letting go of the hold he had to fully stand up.

"Lookin for an easy kill? I won't let you piggy back offa me." the deputy huffed, turning his attention from the tom beneath him to one of his Warriors. A look of unamusement crossing his features.

If someone were to tackle him off of the RiverClan Warrior, now would be the perfect time.

"As long as I exist, you will always be loved."
Spiderthroat is the Deputy of ThunderClan
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Old June 8th, 2024, 03:44 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars

Windclan- SilverFur

Would make her way into the camp. Her white silver fur bristling and her eyes alight. She glances around and see the nursery and medicine den was defended, well that was off limits. She would keep mainly at the back seeing if she could identify any riverclan cat that needed to get shredded.

Knowing her luck she end up jumping ontop of a ally.
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Old June 8th, 2024, 03:46 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars

Originally Posted by Aroogi View Post

He/Him / Warrior / 27 moons / ShadowClan
CURRENT INJURIES: Clawed paws, torn ear, clawed flanks, clawed back
[ remind me if i missed any injuries, marigold ]



He wasnt expecting her to leap above him, especially not as wounded as she was. She landed on his back, claws digging in. He yowled in pain, attempting to buck her off. Before he even had a chance to retaliate, the warriors back leg slammed into his head, dazing him. As the molly leaped off him, he shook his head to get rid of the dazing, feeling her kick his back legs, sending him sprawling into the dirt. He rose to his paws and roared in rage. How dare she get the better of him! Everywhere on his body stung and dripped with blood that was both his own and not. He surged forward again, aiming to toss her backward with the force of his body, then follow up with a formidible bite to her scruff. He wasn't losing this battle!

She, Her\Lionheart\43 moons\Riverclan
"Are you listening, starchild?"

Purrks: Agatha Kitty ACTIVE!

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·

(I believe you got all the injuries except for that one on his shoulders^^)
She genuinely thought that'd be enough to get him to back off, but he was as stubborn as they come. He was drenched in scarlet and so was she. Her fur was all slick and drippy. She wasn't sure how much longer she could keep up with everything. But if this meant protecting her clan, she'd go all out. Blinking stars out of her vision, the Lionheart turned, surprised to be knocked onto the ground as soon as she got up.

Owltalon slammed to the ground with a pained grunt, her ears pinned. Teeth dug into her scruff and she let out a muffled yowl, brown paws struggling to regain her footing. If she kicked him off her right now, no doubt she'd loose some fur and flesh. It wasn't a deadly grip per-say, but it was a strong one. Raising her paws, Owltalon aimed at Tuftedtusk's forehead positioned her claws to rake across it. Her hindlegs lifted as well, positioned to rake across his belly.

He, Him\Warrior\24 moons\Riverclan
"Da da da we're dead-"

· · ─────── ·· ─────── ·

Fear made his fur bristle as panic settled beneath his skin. He hadn't been able to shake her off (obviously), and she was aiming for his throat. If his jaw wasn't broken, then he would've bitten her himself, but that wasn't an option anymore.

Deerspark struggled away, managing to veer his head to the side. Stars above, how'd he get in this position? He wasn't left without injury though, a flash of white teeth still struck and dug into his skin even if he was able to dodge slightly. Teeth and claws. Blood bubbled up from his forehead, the jerking away only made the scar worse. The attack of claws had ran all the way to his ear, splitting it. Pain quaked through his body as he struggled, his nose wrinkled. Okay, okay. This wasn't working. He'd have to try something else and fast or he'd be joining sliverpelt within seconds. Blood began pooling beneath him as Deerspark took a moment to think.

The warrior lifted up his claws and aimed at Bumblestar's shoulder, using his other paw to get a hit just above her eyes. He has no intentions of blinding the Thunderclan leader, but maybe the trickle of blood would at least fog her vision long enough for him to wiggle free.

@dino. // Bumblestar

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Old June 8th, 2024, 03:51 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars

Fallingpaw woke but still laid un moving his ear ringed and the pain was still there and his leg was drenched in his own blood he was going to die wasn't he? he didnt want to die and he could not die he would not he tried to stand his body was wobbly and his legs were weak he looked around trying to find help and not get killed


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Old June 8th, 2024, 03:55 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars

Originally Posted by Starfall View Post

He/Him || ThunderClan Deputy
Beefed Up Tier III || Just a Scratch || Hulk SMASH
@leopardheart00 || @wolfie || @alec
(next up is alec ! Tackle Powerplay permission given /w\ )

The Calico did his best to keep his teeth securely in the shoulder, a bubbling growl coming from him. Wincing as Claws slashed at his lower shoulders and his chest. Eventually Spiderthroat aimed to place a paw on the others throat, finally letting go of the hold he had to fully stand up.

"Lookin for an easy kill? I won't let you piggy back offa me." the deputy huffed, turning his attention from the tom beneath him to one of his Warriors. A look of unamusement crossing his features.

If someone were to tackle him off of the RiverClan Warrior, now would be the perfect time.
->> jayfrost <<-
[ he/him | riverclan | 29moons | beefed up t3 ]
a tall, silver classic-tabby with well groomed short to medium length fur and icy blue eyes
jayfrost head snapped around, steel blue eyes helplessly trying to spot his apprentice who appeared to have disappeared out of thin air while he had chased that other apprentice away when his eyes locked on spiderthroat. the grey tabby tom didnt recognise much except the fact that the thunderclanner was threatening to lean on his paw, probably intending to watch the other die right in front of his eyes, and the thought of his apprentice shifted to the back of his mind. this was his chance, his darn chance to actually make a difference, he had taken the loss last time but he wouldnt let himself be thrown around like back then. before he had even finished the thought the warrior found himself inches from the other, claws unsheathed and seconds away from piercing thunderclan flesh as he threw the deputy off his victim.

[ @wolfie @leopardheart00 ]

"i wish things were different, but it werent us who changed."

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Old June 8th, 2024, 03:56 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars

duck looked out again, she saw blood everywhere, she was curious about what would happen if she stepped outside, she sniffed around, it was an awful stench of all of the clans mixed together.

She knew she couldn't let her curiosity to get to her tho, she really wanted to go outside tho, she tried to fight her curiosity.

Turns out she couldn't, she lifted her paw to step out of the riverclan nursery, immediatly as she stepped out she was greeted with a pool of blood right in front of her.

(any cat can interfere into trying to get her back inside the nursery)

"Baby who cares."

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