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Old August 11th, 2023, 11:38 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by ~'Atlas-The-Lemon'~ View Post

BerryFrost stretched and padded out of her den. She saw Alserstep, of course, and she would love to talk to him but did he want to talk to her? Instead of mulling over the question, BerryFrost went to get a piece of fresh kill instead.
To say he jumped in alarm would be an understatement. Alderstep might as well have leaped up into the sky and fallen back down; he was so surprised. Because that was Berryfrost, right there. Right out of the den, inside the camp, very likely to be real. The russet tabby even blinked twice to make sure that he wasn't seeing things.

He wasn't. To his greater surprise, though, his sibling just walked past to get some food. Or maybe he wasn't surprised. Who knew what she remembered him as? Maybe Berryfrost didn't want to talk to him. Alderstep certainly wouldn't if he were in her place. Stars, he had been such a flea-bitten mange-pelt the last time he'd been around Berryfrost. He stared at her for a moment longer, wallowing in self-doubt before he got up to his paws.

Whatever she thought of him now, it didn't matter. The least Alderstep could do was welcome her back properly. Besides, he should eat too. He kept forgetting that. He stalked over to the prey pile, following after his sister. "Hey," he greeted gruffly. Ouch. That had not gone as planned. Oh well, here he was now. Alderstep took a small step back to give Berryfrost some space, not wanting to crowd her while she was trying to get some prey. Alderstep always hated when cats did that to him. It wouldn't hurt to be considerate just this once.
-- carrd / batshriek // fenneldrop
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Old August 12th, 2023, 08:00 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by .squid View Post
To say he jumped in alarm would be an understatement. Alderstep might as well have leaped up into the sky and fallen back down; he was so surprised. Because that was Berryfrost, right there. Right out of the den, inside the camp, very likely to be real. The russet tabby even blinked twice to make sure that he wasn't seeing things.

He wasn't. To his greater surprise, though, his sibling just walked past to get some food. Or maybe he wasn't surprised. Who knew what she remembered him as? Maybe Berryfrost didn't want to talk to him. Alderstep certainly wouldn't if he were in her place. Stars, he had been such a flea-bitten mange-pelt the last time he'd been around Berryfrost. He stared at her for a moment longer, wallowing in self-doubt before he got up to his paws.

Whatever she thought of him now, it didn't matter. The least Alderstep could do was welcome her back properly. Besides, he should eat too. He kept forgetting that. He stalked over to the prey pile, following after his sister. "Hey," he greeted gruffly. Ouch. That had not gone as planned. Oh well, here he was now. Alderstep took a small step back to give Berryfrost some space, not wanting to crowd her while she was trying to get some prey. Alderstep always hated when cats did that to him. It wouldn't hurt to be considerate just this once.
BerryFrost almost jumped from surprise.

She ended up picking a small piece of meat and sat down to eat it.

"Hello, Alder. Congrats on the deputy rank." She said, in her usual monotone voice.
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Old August 12th, 2023, 09:53 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing


Fawn'kit sat in the clearing her pelt swaying slightly by the wind, her and her siblings haven't spoken in a while, so she was lonely.
Sighing she stood up only to faceplant into the grass.
"Dang legs! Always fall asleep on me," she grumbled under her breath as she shook fiercely to wake them up only for her to fall onto her side and giggle at what happened.


"Names Barnaby B. Beagle! I am a loveable pooch and I love to tell jokes just like my friend Wally enjoys, but just call me Barn!
Hey let me tell you a joke!"

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Old August 13th, 2023, 12:41 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Goldenhawk paced around

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Old August 13th, 2023, 01:07 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Woodlow View Post

Plumkit - The Mischievous One
ThunderClan | Kit | He/Him | 1 moon
Finally! Plumkit grinned proudly as he heard Mudhound yelp with surprise. He was expecting the warrior to turn around and face him, after which the small kit would then laugh and insist that they play with him. So it came as a surprise when they plopped down right on top of him. The lilac kitten squeaked and squirmed under Mudhound's weight.

"Ack! Off! Off!" he squealed until finally the older warrior stood up and turned to face him with another yelp. Plumkit jumped up and shook away the sand clinging to his wispy fur. Then he gave that big oaf a side-eyed pout, huffing as he groomed his fur back in place. What was with this cat? You don't sit on your friends! Plumkit would have to give them a stern talking to.

"Grrr, you bad! Bad cat!" Mudhound should feel lucky that Plumkit was such a forgiving kitten or else he'd have gone and told his mama on them. After he had finished scolding the warrior he decided they definitely owed him some playtime. "Play with me! Now! Now!" with a mischievous giggle, the runty kit raced around Mudhound, aiming to nip at their ankles again as he ran.


Image of my oc was created using Clangen Cat Maker


As the warrior was silently freaking out the little kit just kinda... glared up at them, unhurt but offended. Really the only thing out of place after the bite and sit was the throbbing chomp on Mudhound's ankle and some displaced fur on the kitten. Not that the warrior noticed at all, of course, they were too busy internally loosing it.
Oh on the outside they were ~fine~ standing frozen and wide eye'd at the kit. Not glaring or anything. Just standing still and seemingly oblivious to the fact that they just got bitten by a kit who wanted attention. By all means they should be scolding the little thing instead they were panicking like they were at fault.

Every good panic comes to an end however, and Mudhound's was by the little scrap..... Scolding them? Effective nevertheless as the warriors giant head and body drooped, tail sagging and tucking between their legs. Nooooooo.... Muddy was a good cat! Not a bad cat! It was an accident!

At least the kit seemed willing to forgive by his demands and the way he hopped around nipping like a prized hearding dog. The warrior was bouncing around from paw to paw trying to get away! Though given they only had one paw eventually that involved them flopping over onto the ground. Totally on purpose.
"Ok ok Ill play Ill play! Just no more nipping please? Biting isnt a nice friend thing to do unless your gentle...." Mudhound leaned down and tried to gently mouth at the kit, kind of a brief grip of the mouth with no real pressure. It could be felt but it didnt hurt like this kittens biting did with those needle sharp baby teeth! "Like that! Doesnt hurt and is fun! Thats how you bite to defeat the (secretly a friend) Muddy-beast!" Hey now that was an idea! "Is that a game you wanna play? Brave warrior....." Oh starclan Mudhound didnt know the kids name "uuuuuuuh Bitestar! Yeah, Brave leader Bitestar fighting and defeating the three legged Muddy-beast? Bitestar would need to friend bite not hurt bite if he wanted to play~"

The warrior was getting really into it and excited despite the rough start but if the kit insisted on needle teeth biting then they'd just have to play mossball. The maine coon mix was not visiting the medicine cats den for wounds born of kit play!

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Old August 13th, 2023, 06:35 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

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Old August 13th, 2023, 11:06 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

It was early sundown, and that was good, because it was one of Dreampaw's favourite ties of the day. It meant that sleep was coming soon, and along with it, dreams. Was it ironic that he was called Dreampaw and that dreaming was one of his favourite things to do? Or what that why it was his name. It was something he had never thought to ask his mother before. The light-brown tom heard a grumble, then felt the hunger in his belly. He frowned. It hadn't been that long go when he had eaten, had it? Oh well, his belly was not to be denied. He made over to the prey-pile, selected a squirrel, and looked around for somewhere to eat it peacefully. Then promptly tripped over or crashed into someone. It didn't matter which, as he still ended up face-planting into the ground. He was still for a moment, hindquarters sticking in the air, dirt in his nostrils. "Mmpff," me mewed, then got up, shaking his head. "Sorry, there."

Ain't much that I know what to put 'ere...

"And that, my friends, is how a revolution dies." - Haymitch

Last edited by MockingRabbit; August 13th, 2023 at 11:07 AM.
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Old August 13th, 2023, 12:03 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by {Roach} View Post
She threw her paws back in a playful manner trying to get his mouth off of her scruff. "I slept great!," she mewed out playfully following with a giggle. "What are you doing still asleep don't you have patrols to do or something?," she asked trying to move his tongue away from her face only to mew in annoyance as her face was cleaned.


eveningdance // he/him // 43 moons


Try as she may, he doesn't let up with his cleaning until her fur is neat and tidy. He admires his handiwork once he's finished and tilts his head at her words.

"I was not sleeping." He meows plainly. "I go on patrols when I am asked. You'll learn once you become an apprentice."

" oh the places you'll go, little love of mine "
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Old August 13th, 2023, 12:51 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Rainfall | Male | Asexual | Status: nervous

Rainfall had been pacing around, jitters running throughout his fur at the upcoming battle with Shadowclan. What would they even do? WHY WERE THEY EVEN FIGHTING AGAIN? As anxiety and nerves controlled him, they forced him into a trot, head down as he looked at the floor. Starclan, help! Thought Rainfall, desperation seeping into the mixture of emotions his brain had brewed. Eventually, he was interrupted by an apprentice who’s name escaped him, running into him. He landed with a soft grunt from the impact. What was with apprentices and attacking him? He got up, swaying on his paws. “It’s okay..” he meowed, his breath had escaped him

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Old August 13th, 2023, 01:25 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by silverwynds View Post

eveningdance // he/him // 43 moons


Try as she may, he doesn't let up with his cleaning until her fur is neat and tidy. He admires his handiwork once he's finished and tilts his head at her words.

"I was not sleeping." He meows plainly. "I go on patrols when I am asked. You'll learn once you become an apprentice."


She tilted her head to the side with a confused expression on her face. "Wait you don't have to go on patrols unless your asked? Then what do you do all day?," she asked shaking out her pelt and walking close to Eveningdance's face, pushing herself onto her back and giggled as she found it funny that her father looked upside down.

"Names Barnaby B. Beagle! I am a loveable pooch and I love to tell jokes just like my friend Wally enjoys, but just call me Barn!
Hey let me tell you a joke!"

Last edited by Barnaby; August 13th, 2023 at 01:26 PM.
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