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Old November 7th, 2019, 05:10 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

[ @Venus ]

Leading the younger tom into the territory, Rosewater watched Graypaw closely. She didn't know why he was being punished- it wasn't her business to meddle with. Graypaw was not her apprentice, and neither was Pigeonpaw, so it did not matter to her. All she needed to do was watch him with his task as not to be punished by Lionstar. Calculating his size as well as her own, she nodded as she figured that they would, in fact, need two trips in order to complete the task. Of course, it would have gone faster if they had another set of paws, but Rosewater didn't want to risk breaking any rules. Whatever they had done to be punished, the gray-and-white she-cat didn't want to make it worse. She was rather frightened of what Lionstar would do if she were to disobey anything he or Frostflight said.
Rosewater's tail waved as they reached the designated destination, gaze flicking towards Graypaw. "You know how to collect, yes? Go to that area right there," she pointed with her paw, "and begin to collect. I will be over here doing the same. Collect as much as you can, if you can't carry all of it, we will save it for the next trip. Do not try anything funny- if I look up and you aren't doing what you have been told, I will not hesitate to take action. Understood?" She then moved to the patch of moss that she had chosen and got to work, subconsciously preparing herself for if she ever needed to turn Graypaw towards his task again.
Old November 8th, 2019, 08:45 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by ponyapan View Post
Rainpaw had to suppress his purr of amusement, nearly revealing his position. But he just couldn't resist it when he heard Eveningpaw talking to herself while she wandered around. Okay, maybe I can let myself relax a little. While it was important to be ready, it would be no good to be tense! Rainpaw readjusted himself, this time putting more flow into his stance. Maybe I'm getting the hang of this, after all.

He could smell Eveningpaw before he saw her. I'll make the move before she sees me! he thought, but then stayed in his place for another moment. Have patience, you're hidden, you have the high ground. Don't mess it up...! He took another breath, then waited until the right moment. Now! Eveningpaw had turned away and was about to walk the other way. This time, Rainpaw skipped the leap, since that could easily start badly. Instead, he darted forward and tried to pounce at her back legs using his whole weight.
Her legs buckled as she let out a yelp of surprise. She hadn´t expected Rainpaw to attack so soon! Unbalanced, she lurched backward and accidentally ended up crushing the tom beneath her rump! She grinned. ¨It seems that you little plan has backfired on you, delicious apprentice! I shall now consume you!¨ Eveninpaw let out an attempted menacing bark of laughter as she twisted around and chomped down on poor Rainpaw ´s ears.

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Last edited by Vessel; November 8th, 2019 at 08:46 AM.
Old November 8th, 2019, 09:06 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Starstruck View Post
Her legs buckled as she let out a yelp of surprise. She hadn´t expected Rainpaw to attack so soon! Unbalanced, she lurched backward and accidentally ended up crushing the tom beneath her rump! She grinned. ¨It seems that you little plan has backfired on you, delicious apprentice! I shall now consume you!¨ Eveninpaw let out an attempted menacing bark of laughter as she twisted around and chomped down on poor Rainpaw ´s ears.
(Psst, @Starstruck, you there? )

Oof! Rainpaw let out a grunt when he got crushed under Eveningpaw. Wow, I didn't even know that move existed. If she's mediocre, then cats can fly! She must be a strategic genius. He squirmed a little as Eveningpaw laughed theatrically. Then the pressure stopped, but before he had time to react Eveningpaw had turned around and bit his ear. "Hey, that hurt!" he meowed with a wince. But I shouldn't act like such a kit if I want to defend my clan some day, like Eveningpaw! He stretched himself to be as tall as he could. "Err, I mean, get out of my clan, mousebrain!" he declared in a pompous voice and tried to swipe at her.

Last edited by ponyapan; November 16th, 2019 at 11:27 AM. Reason: Mention
Old November 8th, 2019, 03:31 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by hxneysuckle View Post
[ @Venus ]

Leading the younger tom into the territory, Rosewater watched Graypaw closely. She didn't know why he was being punished- it wasn't her business to meddle with. Graypaw was not her apprentice, and neither was Pigeonpaw, so it did not matter to her. All she needed to do was watch him with his task as not to be punished by Lionstar. Calculating his size as well as her own, she nodded as she figured that they would, in fact, need two trips in order to complete the task. Of course, it would have gone faster if they had another set of paws, but Rosewater didn't want to risk breaking any rules. Whatever they had done to be punished, the gray-and-white she-cat didn't want to make it worse. She was rather frightened of what Lionstar would do if she were to disobey anything he or Frostflight said.
Rosewater's tail waved as they reached the designated destination, gaze flicking towards Graypaw. "You know how to collect, yes? Go to that area right there," she pointed with her paw, "and begin to collect. I will be over here doing the same. Collect as much as you can, if you can't carry all of it, we will save it for the next trip. Do not try anything funny- if I look up and you aren't doing what you have been told, I will not hesitate to take action. Understood?" She then moved to the patch of moss that she had chosen and got to work, subconsciously preparing herself for if she ever needed to turn Graypaw towards his task again.
"Yeah, yeah..." Graypaw grumbled behind Rosewater, sitting down by the patch of moss. "I know how to collect moss, alright? I'm not dumb." He turned his back to ignore her and began stripping the ground for moss.

When Rosewater turned her attention to her own patch, Graypaw sighed, scanning the area out of boredom. His gaze stopped on a nearby bundle of ferns, perfect to slip into and lose his supervisor. He stared for a moment, pausing briefly from his work. It was tempting. Graypaw didn't want to get in trouble, but curiosity picked his brain. His muscles tensed with adrenalin.

As his instincts took over, Graypaw quickly stalked his way over to the ferns, attempting to reach them before Rosewater saw.
Old November 8th, 2019, 03:47 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Venus View Post
"Yeah, yeah..." Graypaw grumbled behind Rosewater, sitting down by the patch of moss. "I know how to collect moss, alright? I'm not dumb." He turned his back to ignore her and began stripping the ground for moss.

When Rosewater turned her attention to her own patch, Graypaw sighed, scanning the area out of boredom. His gaze stopped on a nearby bundle of ferns, perfect to slip into and lose his supervisor. He stared for a moment, pausing briefly from his work. It was tempting. Graypaw didn't want to get in trouble, but curiosity picked his brain. His muscles tensed with adrenalin.

As his instincts took over, Graypaw quickly stalked his way over to the ferns, attempting to reach them before Rosewater saw.
Rosewater let out a sigh at the young tom's attitude. Her bundle of moss quickly grew, and after a few heartbeats, she looked up to check that Graypaw was doing as she had said. Her pupils narrowed, seeing that the apprentice was not in his designated location. She spotted him sneaking towards a fern, and she rolled her eyes, tail flicking. A surge of water rose from the river near them, rushing towards Graypaw.
The molly cleared her throat to attract his attention and tilted her head to the side, sitting down. "You're not very sneaky, you know." Her attention turned to the water, in which she turned her nose up and brought it closer to Graypaw. "Look, I don't want either of us getting in trouble. I would suggest that you do the task given or I will not hesitate to give you a bath." Rosewater's ears pointed forwards, an annoyed expression covering her face. Why couldn't he just listen?
Old November 8th, 2019, 09:13 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by xeno View Post

Sunblaze cheeks felt hot, even in the chilly breeze. She really was pretty, he thought, shuffling his paws nervously in the dirt. He hadn't realized how intensely he was staring at her until she spoke, snapping him out of his momentary trance. He jerked his head away and bashfully turned his gaze to his paws. Don't stare, it's rude. he remembered the advice of an old warrior who had once caught him aggressively eyeing down a particularly funny looking elder. Of course, she wasn't funny looking or an elder. He was so uncomfortable he wanted to crawl out of his skin. She was okay, right? Maybe he could just leave.. But somehow he just couldn't bring himself to lift his feet. They were rooted in the ground. Ugh. He hated this.

Sunblaze flushed violently at her next words. If he had no fur, he'd be beet red from head to tail. He couldn't help but squirm and fidget like a fish out of water. He was so preoccupied trying to keep himself composed, he hadn't noticed he was stirring up leaves with his tail. She was so nice.. She was being nice, right? Sometimes he couldn't tell. He flattened his ears against his head and forced a timid smile. "Thank you.." he practically whispered.

"Yes.. That's me. I'm Sunblaze.. You can call me whatever you like.. though." He dipped his head sheepishly, trying his darnest not to make eye contact. "Y'know.. if you want." Wasn't she cold? She wasn't even shivering.. Even after all these moons training and finally becoming a warrior in Riverclan, he could never understand how comfortable they were with water. He had since learned to grin and bear it, but he couldn't say it wasn't still unpleasant. "Aren't you cold? It's pretty cold.. And you're.. wet." The time he caught a nasty cough from being out in the snow too long came to mind.
He certainly was a nervous little cat. Nightsky would've found it funnier if she hadn't been worried about freezing at the moment. She'd probably be fine, as soon as she got the water out of her fur. A good night's rest in the warrior's den would help as well, and by tomorrow morning, she'd be back to new. She was young, healthy and strong; the holy trinity of what made a good warrior. "Anything? Well, that just opens up a world of possibilities," Nightsky purred in response, flicking a few drops of water off of her tail. It wasn't freezing out yet; despite the cold, she wasn't in any real danger. Had it been half a moon later or so, however, she could very well have been in trouble. She supposed she was lucky she'd come out here now and made a mental note to avoid the river from this time until it got warm again.

"Ah, I think I'll stick with Sunblaze. It's a very attractive name, I would say. It fits you perfectly." She mewed, her voice dropping back into a more flirtatious tone of voice. She stopped a moment later, however, at his concerned tone. He was actually worried about her. How sweet, she thought with a small smile. It was always pretty cute to see toms getting all flustered, but the concern was just as; if not more; precious. Nightsky was going to like this. He was fairly attractive (she thought, anyway), and a lot nicer than the toms she usually spent her time with.

"Don't you worry, love. I've got it under control, I'll be fine," She answered with another one of her bright smiles. He didn't need to worry about her. She could take care of herself, but that didn't stop it from being nice when someone did have something to say about her self-care. It was always good to know that you had someone on your side.

I mentioned on my profile that I was starting over. A fresh start is best for me right now; I've created quite a few new characters, and they will all be on my site, but not all will be used in roleplay right away. it's likely I'll bring them in more gradually.
Old November 9th, 2019, 06:03 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

It's been two or three moons now ever since he was dragged into this weird clan life. Many escape plans popped up in his head but with a huge crowd of cats constantly on guard it was impossible. Narrowing down the possibilities, unfortunately, it was either die by their claws or stay with the clan..forever. Besides the cold glares, rudeness and endless judging- he was treated quite well in Riverclan. Eventually, the white tom adapted to daily duties, food and tiring training which he skipped time to time, or most of the time. Who can count? Anyways. The clan cats got use to him after a moon or so and so did he, kinda. Ever since Skyclan joined Riverclan it put the tom at edge, leading him to stray in the territory longer than camp and some nights he drifted asleep under the stars. It's already hard to rely on his clanmates and now he has to these sky cats too. Each day the sky gotten cloudier and dark, the summer breeze slowly change shift to a cold wind flattening down his white fur. He flinched at how the water dropped to a chilly temperature already as he wad into the river weaving through the tall reeds. Now thinking about it, this will be his first winter in the forest. Thinking back on how desperate he was back in the city during winter made him only more timid. If the water turn ice, how can he eat? If the den gets too cold, how can he sleep? "How disastrous..," he grumbled as he stare at his reflection in the slow current water. Upon his broad white face is covered with old rat scars, nicked ears from old enemies and green eyes darkened with only troubles. He snorted, looking away instantly. 'A mess,' is what echoed in his mind. Greenfur then focused on what he was here to do. To catch fish. If there's one silver lining in this drama filled mess of a world, it's his skill to catch fish and how good it taste. He froze suddenly seeing a silver fish making his way close to him, his paw still with black claws ready to pierce it's scaly skin. That's it.. c'mere..

Last edited by tye; November 9th, 2019 at 06:05 PM.
Old November 9th, 2019, 11:18 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Pepperkins View Post
Raccontail looked up frantically as the fish was thrown, looking to Dirtfur like now how does that help??? Cowering under the badger, a wild idea popped into her head. She made a wild grab for the fish that had soared over them as a huge claw ran down her back. She yolwed in pain, turning to see the badger grabbing her angrily. With her last bit of strength, she grabbed the fish and ran it across the badger's face. It let her go and she quickly crawled out of it's way, hoping Dirtfur could handle it while she recovered.

(Sorry for the long wait!)

Well there goes my desert.... Dirtfur wisecrack and jumped at the huge badgery back, gripping it with his unsheathed claws. "Raccoontail, quick to there!" the brown tabby pointed a bramble bush with his tail. With effort, he barely bit the badger's ear and jump off to bounce over to the same bramble bush that he told the she-cat to come.
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Old November 9th, 2019, 11:27 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Dirtfur View Post
(Sorry for the long wait!)

Well there goes my desert.... Dirtfur wisecrack and jumped at the huge badgery back, gripping it with his unsheathed claws. "Raccoontail, quick to there!" the brown tabby pointed a bramble bush with his tail. With effort, he barely bit the badger's ear and jump off to bounce over to the same bramble bush that he told the she-cat to come.
Raccontail made a wild dash for the bramble as soon as she heard the call. Luckily the badger had turned it's back and not seen where they had disappeared to. She look towards Dirtfur terrifiedly, crouching low as she must have obviously stuck out in the green of the bush. Breathing heavily but quietly, she peeked out to see the badger stumbling around as it looked for them. "What do we do?" she mouthed worriedly, turning back to face the experienced warrior.

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Old November 9th, 2019, 11:30 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Territory

Originally Posted by Pepperkins View Post
Raccontail made a wild dash for the bramble as soon as she heard the call. Luckily the badger had turned it's back and not seen where they had disappeared to. She look towards Dirtfur terrifiedly, crouching low as she must have obviously stuck out in the green of the bush. Breathing heavily but quietly, she peeked out to see the badger stumbling around as it looked for them. "What do we do?" she mouthed worriedly, turning back to face the experienced warrior.
Dirtfur shoves mud and dirt on top of Raccoontail. "Survival, that's what we're going to do! I knew this day will come..." the tomcat look up at the sky blankly as if seeing a flashback.
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Last edited by Dirtfur; November 9th, 2019 at 11:39 PM.
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