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Old March 10th, 2024, 10:52 AM
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Default Re: March Gathering

Originally Posted by Poprock View Post
Apprentice || He/him || 8 Moons || Purrks: Bewitched: Goop

Dead in the center of the group was Goopypaw, padding towards the seastones with an extra pep in his step. The chance to finally interact with other clans was setting his pelt ablaze with excitement. He'd only been to one other gathering before, and he'd been much too nervous to even speak! The calico chuckled to himself at the memory. If it weren't for so many kind cats in his own clan like Squirrelpaw, Midnightpaw, Palepaw, and the enforcers he might still shake like a leaf if anyone looked his way! Now though? Goopypaw was feeling like making his first cross clan friend.

《 Nectarpaw 》

he/him / windclan apprentice / people pleaser

He followed the rest of his clan into the gathering, his nub of a tail swaying behind him softly. He eyed the cats and was confused to see the absence of Riverclan in the clearing. "It's for the best." he though, seeing as though they damaged and stole our herbs. Speaking of clan relations, he decided if he was to make friends if any of the clans it would be Shadowclan. He noticed a calico apprentice looking nervous with a Thunderclan apprentice talking to them. He padded over and raised his head to meet the cat's gazes. "Hello! My name is Nectarpaw! What's yours?" he meowed.
(@Poprock ; Goopypaw , @Katiethewolfchild ; Mantispaw )

Last edited by nyx; March 10th, 2024 at 10:56 AM.
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Old March 10th, 2024, 11:10 AM
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Default Re: March Gathering

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

゚。 Mossfreckle (ShC)
 ゚・。・゚ they/he ~ medicine cat apprentice
Mossfreckle nodded solemnly at Elkpaw’s first string of words, however, as the apprentice spoke exittadly, the words tumbling proudly and quickly out of his maw, the medicine cat apprentice could not help but twitch the corners of his white muzzle into a grin - he was cautious of the situation, as always, but he allowed the slightest sliver of his own naïveté to slip out to meet halfway with Elkpaw’s, ”Was it bigger than youuuu,” he meowed in a playful teasing tone meant to feed the excitement rather than diminish it with the degrading tones of a feline who had better things to do then listen to a small scrap of an apprentice brag about a snake he killed… he just wasn’t that kind of cat, whether he truly cared was neither here nor there and he cared on this night alone about the tippy-tappy apprentice who had come over because they were lonely and had quickly decided “hey their not that bad… more frieeennnddddssss.”

{ @Rose ~ Lostspark } { @dino. ~ Elkpaw } { @tally ~ Redhawk }


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Last edited by ellie; March 10th, 2024 at 11:12 AM.
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Old March 10th, 2024, 11:22 AM
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Default Re: March Gathering

Redhawk - ThunderClan Hornet

Oh that's right - Lostspark was blind. It was... eerie seeing her face up close. A ThunderClanner had done that, and despite her hatred for ShadowClan Redhawk found herself disgusted with whichever Clanmate had left those scars. It was difficult to not stare, but eventually the hornet was able to pull her gaze away. So the cat next to her was her apprentice. That had been rather quick, but the hornet could see the wisdom in having two adult trained medicine cats. "Nice to meet you both," she greeted back with a respectful dip of her head.

Feeling Elkpaw lean against her leg, she glanced down at him. His frown confused her until she realized how tense she was, being around ShadowClan. Red made a conscious effort to relax her legs a little, now seeing that the two before them weren't exactly the "threat type".

...Oh no. Not the snake story. Redhawk stifled the embarrassment that made her pelt red-hot, glancing between the two medicine cats. Mossfreckle seemed similar to her in wanting to not take away from Elkpaw's imagination. Redhawk was grateful for that. "Yes, he did a very good job," she added with a prideful glance at the young tom, then another to the medicine cats. She gave the tiniest shake of her head to indicate that it wasn't actually true, a gesture meant for just them so as to not take away or embarrass Elk at his first gathering.

[ ack sorry for the wait @Rose @Fawn<3 @dino. ]

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Old March 10th, 2024, 12:50 PM
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Default Re: March Gathering

Hollytail just, spawns.
(Female, Windclan)
We used to be close but ppl can go from ppl u know to ppl u don't. And what hurts the most is ppl can go from ppl u know to ppl u don't. -Selena Gomez
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Last edited by _*LAutnhaesntaar*_; March 10th, 2024 at 12:51 PM.
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Old March 10th, 2024, 01:57 PM
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Default Re: March Gathering

9 moons || he/him || WindClan Apprentice
medium furred tom w/ black, grey and white fur; gold eyes

Gathering time! Hushpaw hadn't been to one of these yet and he was quite excited to be here and how off to the other apprentices and warriors. How else were they supposed to know not to mess with him if he wasn't here to personally let them know? Initially, he wanted to find a solitary apprentice and sneak up on them, give them a good scare and all that, but golden eyes catch on his mentor, a cat named Cloverhoney who was bouncing along all happy and stuff. Hushpaw wasn't particularly close with her, but he guessed now was as good a time as any!

Scrapping the idea to sneak up on another clan's apprentice, Hushpaw sets his sights on his mentor, dropping into a hunters crouch before sprinting up and popping up right next to clover! "Boo!" He exclaims, grinning wide and brightly. "Did i scare ya? Did I?"

[ @silver. - Cloverhoney // forcing clover hush interactions upon you :chaos: ]
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Old March 10th, 2024, 04:22 PM
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Default Re: March Gathering

Originally Posted by Rani View Post
Windclan Tunneler | He/him | 49 Moons
Power Card: Cold Gust

Another day another gathering. Yeah usually Crowtooth didnt go to these. Bonding rarely happened as it was supposed to in the 'peaceful meeting' so this was useless in terms of its original intent. What was it useful for? Information gathering. Figuring out the strifes between the clans, who had what resources depending on what they bragged about, and maybe hidden knowledge from blabby warriors.

And Crowtooth sucked at that. And hated it. So he generally didnt go.

Buuuuut the tom had been trying to be more proactive and less reactive of late, and he needed as information as possible on the damn mink that were terrorizing windclan. ....Also on what was happening in shadowclan, with the ally thing Crowtooth needed to know what fights windclan was going to be dragged into.

He'd been luck on that front as, padding into the gathering with his typical 'I just climbed a hill' wheezy breathing he spotted the shadowclan cat who'd been in the meeting. Mistlewhisker, right? Well he took the opportunity and padded over, ignoring the apprentice beside her, and spoke.

"Yer lot's been quiet fer all the noise ya spouted before. An' I know shadowclan, after all the effort ya made for the little shindig we both were at 't aint 'cuz yer all takin' a nap.

Ya lot don' do peaceful or calm, yer plannin' something."
None of the rasped words were accusatory or insulting, just matter of fact coming from a tom who'd spent an entire childhood being repeatedly attacked by shadowclan. They didnt do quiet, they didnt do peaceful, and when it looked like they did they were simply laying in wait and preparing for their next strike.

Normally Crowtooth wouldnt give a single rats ass about that unless he had an indication that it was aimed at his clan, but they were allies now. Whoever shadowclan attacked in their next planned reign of terror, it now involved windclan. So he wanted to be prepared and in the know, not clueless.

So he sat, calm and raspy as always and concluded "I wanna be 'n the know here, whats the point of this deal 'f we can' be open wit' at least warnin's fer.... trouble on the horizon." There, as diplomatic and reasonable as Crowtooth could be without outright demanding 'what the hell are yall doing youre suspiciously quiet'. If his larger then Mistlewhisker stature, heavily scarred pelt, and deep wheezing broken voice accidentally scarred Squirrelpaw who he was paying little attention to he genuinely didnt mean to but honestly cared little.

@Micanomancy @furrensic

Originally Posted by furrensic View Post

she/her. 9 moons. small russet molly with brown markings and yellow eyes.

squirrelpaw's become accustomed to both gatherings and meetings. although, she's still much more comfortable with meetings. less cats, not to mention she knew the cats at the her clans meetings save for any outsiders that had joined. she's aware of the truce at gatherings. unfortunately, she is also painfully aware that a lot of cats, including her clanmates, are unpredictable and don't care about the truce at all. she's also aware of the way the sand feels much more gritty underneath her right paw than her left paw..weird. she feels exhausted already.

she's managed to stay beside mistlewhisker during the walk to the seastones, it's no different once the clan starts to disperse. she offers her mentor a small smile. oh..awesome..thunderclan was one of the first here, too! she heaves a heavy sigh. a blanket of dread wraps around her, and she silently wonders if a fight will break out tonight.

soon, windclan rolls in. it seems like only moments after they arrive, a massive tom starts to make his way over to the duo. nerves growing, she scoots closer to mistlewhisker, shuffling her paws as an attempt to calm herself. okay, this guy was huge - larger than her mentor, even. scars littered his pelt, and his voice was raspy, broken – the windclanner was just intimidating in general. him saying that shadowclan was planning something did not help, either. squirrels eyes are saucer-like, lips drawn in a tight frown as she stares at the tom.

she shuffles back, cowering behind mistlewhisker if the larger molly allowed it. what's he talking about..? why does he want to know? did someone in shadowclan tell him we're planning something..? nobody would do that...right? why's it his business?!? a million questions are in her mind. oh stars. this is!! scary!! adults are scary.

[ @Micanomancy @Rani ]
ShadowClan Enforcer
she/her | 38 moons
[Large black cat with a half white muzzle and pale green eyes, left gouged out]
Purrks: Beefed Up T2
· · ────────────── · ·
[Squirrelpaw - @/furrensic ] [Crowtooth - @/Rani ]
· · ────────────── · ·
Mistlewhisker raised a cat brow when the ragged-breathed tom trundled over to her and Squirrelpaw, looking as though he was about to start a conversation he wouldn't be able to finish. Mistlewhisker felt a flicker of shame for thinking something so mean about the older cat, since she did have a begrudging respect for him. He was clearly loyal to Twilightstar, and trusted enough to be allowed to the WindClan and ShadowClan leaders' meeting. She dipped her head when he approached, then listened with cool neutrality as he immediately started rambling off mild accusations about ShadowClan planning something. She almost snorted. Of course they were planning something. However, due to Vulturefang's demotion, that "something" wouldn't be happening until a new deputy was chosen, and the clan was deemed ready. And she would be damned to the Dark Forest if she let that slip.

She could feel rather than see Squirrelpaw shuffling behind her, afraid of the WindClan warrior. Usually, annoyance would have prickled her pelt at what she once would have considered an ungraceful show of cowardice, but only tired affection warmed her chilled skin. And perhaps, a brief flash of mischief. "Crowtooth," she purred, deep voice rumbling like distant thunder. "Have you met my apprentice, Squirrelpaw?" A silly question, as she knew for a fact he hadn't. She sidled out of the way so Squirrelpaw was in full view, pale eye glinting in the moonlight. Let the kid get a taste of involuntary interaction. "Squirrelpaw, this is the WindClan warrior Crowtooth. You can tell he's WindClan by the way his scent is similar to the moors at the border."

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
Hawkfur (WC) - Mistlewhisker (SC) - Eaglepaw (Outsider) - Birdpaw (SC) - Hillstrider (SC)
Mistlewhisker header and sig art by @/redshiftreign
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Old March 10th, 2024, 06:18 PM
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Default Re: March Gathering

WindClan Warrior

Another Gathering, but this time Swiftfire trailed behind her Clanmates. Her eyes were downcast, and worried thoughts kept invading her mind. She found herself a spot, sitting and quietly observing the crowd.

[Swiftfire is open for interaction]

ThunderClan Warrior

Her usual bounce hadn't been diminished simply because she had lost an eye in the recent attack. Skunkstrike strode into the Gathering with her tail held high and a grin on her face. She stood around for a bit, then chose to get cozy and flop where she stood, sprawling out for the long night.

[Skunkstrike is open for interaction]
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Old March 10th, 2024, 10:07 PM
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Default Re: March Gathering

| Sprucepaw |
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Saying the apprentice was out of it was a gross understatement. The ten moon old simply did not want to be here. The last time he had some incredibly scary, monstrous cat had brought out a rotten, flapping cat with him and presented it to the cats with Angry atop the rock. The former kittypet wasn't sure if that had been some sort of ritual performed by these star worshippers. He had doubted it at the time, considering how The Boulder had whisked him and that other former outsider away from the meeting that night. But now? After seeing all the carnage Angry and her little hive minded idiots did killing anyone who dared to be different, he honestly would not have been surprised. He knew the ThunderClanners had a very high opinion of themselves over the other star worshipers for some reason, and as far as the chocolate point could tell, this was all nothing more than a delusion. A lie told to themselves so they could continue pretending they weren't all just as bad as the rest of them.

Fudge wasn't naive, though. He didn't believe the clan he had wound up in was inherently worse than the rest. That was just the way life worked. Cats were terrible, horrid creatures. They would stab you in the back without a second thought unless somehow convinced to work together. He understood this much at least. Had guessed so far that was the reason for the strange, star worshipping indoctrination that seemed to start at so young an age. That brought four bands of cats that wanted to tear each other's pelts together once a month in the semblance of peace. He just... hadn't fully worked out where the skinned, rotten cat came in. Given time, however, he was certain he would get it. It just required focusing on their day to day lives... which granted he didn't really care to do on most days.

A yawn escaping the young tom, he remained by the edges of the gathering crowd of cats, deadpanned emerald hues unattentively staring ahead. He really didn't understand why he had come along. Well... that was a lie. He had hoped to spend some time with The Boulder, knowing that the giant enjoyed places with tons of cats like these... but now that he was here, the long furred apprentice realized he probably wouldn't be able to find the feline in this mess of cats anyways. Curling his tail around his paws, he licked his whiskers, boredom getting the best of him as he hoped this meeting would just be over with already so he could go back to camp and sleep.

| Open |
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Old March 11th, 2024, 02:57 AM
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Default Re: March Gathering

Windclan Tunneler | He/him | 49 Moons
Power Card: Cold Gust

A pair of narrowed hetrochromatic eyes fixed on Mistlewhisker was a clear but quiet 'I see your deflections rat' even if be begrudgingly let off (for now). He at least could respect not wanted to answer questions even if he found it annoying.

Apparently the other warrior wanted focus to be shifted onto her apprentice, a bit odd, usually mentors were more protected and viewed no attention as good attention. But then again, shadowclan apprentices were not usually so cowardly and shy. Maybe this was trail by fire in an attempt to toughen her up or something, well Crowtooth wasnt a cat to torment apprentices unless they deserved it and this one didnt seem to.

A future shadowclan warrior not as willing to maul windclan at the drop of a feather was a good one, the tunneler would try and foster that. Hey, maybe it'd work on Mistlewhisker too.

A grey eye flicked down to look at Squirrelpaw, an unintentionally scary look though he did sit down at least to not tower as much. "Greetin's Squirrelpaw, rare name fer a shadowclan cat but pleased ta meet ya. Ya don' have to be scared o' me, our clans are allies even 'f we've been at war a long time ago, an' 'ts a gatherin' besides. Aint no-one gonna start trouble tonight lest they wish ta face the ire o' all the leaders." The tom coughed, rasp a bit bad tonight turning his words especially gravelly.

"'d introduce ya ta my apprentice but I don' think she's comin' tonight." Fair enough its not like Crowtooth usually came to these shindigs. "Prey runnin' well enough fer yall? I bet riverclan's happy the ice 'as melted though 't don' look like they've had time ta enjoy it." There neutral topic on a shared thorn in the side they could speculate and talk on until guard had dropped enough for Crowtooth to pry about shadowclan again.

@Micanomancy @furrensic
Have an outsider who needs healing? Pm me!
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Last edited by Rani; March 11th, 2024 at 02:58 AM.
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Old March 11th, 2024, 06:21 AM
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Default Re: March Gathering

Originally Posted by FrostyGalaxy View Post

9 moons || he/him || WindClan Apprentice
medium furred tom w/ black, grey and white fur; gold eyes

Gathering time! Hushpaw hadn't been to one of these yet and he was quite excited to be here and how off to the other apprentices and warriors. How else were they supposed to know not to mess with him if he wasn't here to personally let them know? Initially, he wanted to find a solitary apprentice and sneak up on them, give them a good scare and all that, but golden eyes catch on his mentor, a cat named Cloverhoney who was bouncing along all happy and stuff. Hushpaw wasn't particularly close with her, but he guessed now was as good a time as any!

Scrapping the idea to sneak up on another clan's apprentice, Hushpaw sets his sights on his mentor, dropping into a hunters crouch before sprinting up and popping up right next to clover! "Boo!" He exclaims, grinning wide and brightly. "Did i scare ya? Did I?"

[ @silver. - Cloverhoney // forcing clover hush interactions upon you :chaos: ]

she/clover // 19 moons // windclan warrior.


GASP! Oh, how could it end this way? Her dear apprentice, here to take her life! Such a travesty! Such betrayal! With a loud, overexaggerated gasp the tabby puffs up in faux fear, eyes blown wide and claws digging into the dirt. She was terrified! Absolutely horrified! Woe is clover, is this how her life is to end? Stumbling on her paws, appearing to wobble, she flops over onto a side and gives one last pathetic gasp before falling limp. And there clover stays for a few moments before cracking an eye open to gauge Hushpaw's reaction.

Hopefully the little act really made him think that she had died from fear of his sudden, terrifuing appearance! And if not... Well, it was fun anyway!

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