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Leader: Bumblestar
Deputy: Spiderthroat
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: Mistlewhisker
Medicine Cat: Mossfreckle

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Grousepaw

: Fadingstar
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Old June 6th, 2024, 01:17 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars


Crowbreeze worked his paws into the earth, staring at the RiverClan camp wall. His heart pounded, and he was nervous, excited, and scared all at once. What was going to happen to him?

Would he survive?

Would he… die?

Fear plagued his thoughts, and Crowbreeze began to pace frantically.



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Old June 6th, 2024, 01:35 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars

Shadowclan molly

Stagskull padded over as her name was called, her ears pinned back. A battle! Sweet bloodshed against the trouble makers of the clan~. But in the end, all of this is to protect the rest of the clans. This battle isn't for fun. It isn't over a small grudge. It's for crimes against every clan. Deaths, attacks, trespassing, prey stealing, the list goes on!! "Dirty fox-hearts." Stagskull cursed under her breath. Her ears twitched as her name was called to flush out the dens. The molly nodded and awaited the signal to go, her claws sheathing and unsheathing impatiently.

She followed as Dawnstar led them out of camp and to the border, her tail lashing side to side with excitment and menace. And Mistlewhisker was here! 'Maybe I could impress her somehow? Hmm.' Stagskull thought as they stopped at the Hillcrest, staring at Dawnstar. 'Shall we start?' She heard, her claws digging into the ground.

@Mica [Mistlewhisker mention]

Beefed Up T1 [ACTIVE] Survival Instincts[ACTIVE] Just a Scratch. Windclan, 20ish moons.

Whisperinghive shot to his paws, his tail lashing as he padded over to the growing group of cats. A raid! Finally. Those fish-breath fox-hearts deserved it. He bowed his head at Twilightstar's orders. No kits, queens, elders,
or med cats. That was fine. 'I am no kit killer. A warrior...That can be arranged. A few deaths would teach the fish a lesson.' Whisperinghive thought as he followed Twilightstar, his paws itching to run and fight. Ok, ok..From the front. That was ok.

@Moonraven @constellation (Both are for you, Con!)

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Old June 6th, 2024, 01:39 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars

Twigstep layed In his nest quietly his legs was still giving him trouble maybe he would go see Mistyshard tomorrow he thought to himself he had been grateful for the company Mudsmoke had offered earlier and was still thinking of the young warrior when he sat up in his den finally knowing he wouldn’t be able to sleep
@squidz(he’s in the elders den but he’ll come outside once the attack is announced)
Vinepaw wishes you well

Specklepaw is the current medicine cat apprentice for Frostclan
Hyenaslash is the current medicine cat for Sunclan he has an open den policy


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Old June 6th, 2024, 01:40 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars

Originally Posted by Undertaker View Post

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

The shadows were disturbed as monstrous-sized she-cat left the mouth of the cave. The leader tested her shoulder again, putting most of her weight on it, and was pleased to see that she got nothing more than some mild soreness in return. It was mostly healed but it would be best to avoid taking any damage there if possible.

"Yellowtwist, Lostspark, Mossfreckle, Briarsplash, Slytiger, Shrewstep, Rookpaw, Honeybite, Tuftedtusk, Mistlewhisker, Willowpaw, Sleepypaw, Bloomingblaze, Doeflame, Darkfall, Darkcloud, Bristlethorn, Stagskull, Rasberryswirl, Squirrelpaw, and Fogwatcher. Get up, we're heading out." She demanded, leaning down to stretch out her muscles.

"Lostspark, when we meet with WindClan. I need you to stick around the bunnies. Twilightstar said her medicine cat is unable to join them in the battle. So, to make up for the mess of some of your stupider clanmates, I'll need you to play medicine cat for them. Of course, that doesn't exempt you from fighting. Mossfreckle can give you some extra herbs, or loot RiverClan's medicine cat's den if needed." She told her daughter. She felt a little bad about springing this on Lostspark, but she knew she could handle it.

"Sleepypaw, Willowpaw, Squirrlepaw, and Rookpaw. Depending on how well you fight, I will count the raid as your warrior assessment so long as you've completed your training requirements." She was hoping this motivated them to do their best. Especially Rookpaw, Dawnstar had chosen her to see how loyal she was to ShadowClan. This was her chance to prove herself.

"Mossfreckle, I doubt your time in the medicine den has softened you. But keep Fogwatcher nearby. He can help you with any duties since Grousepaw won't be with us." Dawnstar wasn't worried about her former warrior-turned-medicine cat. But backup never hurt.

"Bloomingblaze, Bristlethorn, and Stagskull. I want you to focus on chasing RiverClan out of their dens. We need them all out, destroy what you want if you'd like."

"The rest of you can do as you please. I don't care who you fight with but try not to lay claws on their queens, kits, elders, or medicine cats unless, of course, they attack you first. Since we're working with ThunderClan and WindClan tonight, try and keep an eye on them. I doubt they'll need it, but helping them is the least we can do since they were kind enough to invite us to their fun." Outside of the show of force, there wasn't any reason for ShadowClan to raid RiverClan.

Well, excluding Dawnstar's grudge. They still needed to pay for the Mourning Ruins. Dawnstar still didn't understand how in the world they set it on fire, but maybe she'll spend some time trying to figure out how to burn a chunk of RiverClan territory while they're gone.

The leader beckoned her clanmates to follow her as she led them out of the camp. The walk from their new camp to the border was longer than usual, but nothing taxing. Twilightstar and WindClan arrived not long after they showed up, and after grabbing ThunderClan it was straight to RiverClan's territory. After they stopped at the hillcrest, Dawnstar took a moment to stare at the camp as Twilightstar questioned them.

Dawnstar was pretty sure that everyone was more than ready. Oddly enough, the scarred leader wanted to watch the chaos unfold. It was rare to have three clans come together against one, this was a moment worth committing to memory before they were all at each other's throats again. It would be super nice if their clanmates did not run around and make their leaders' lives harder, but there were always a few who just couldn't behave. The she-cat twisted her tattered ear in both Twilightstar and Bumblestar's direction as they decided where to hit. How boring.

"Go where you please." Dawnstar barked over her shoulder to her patrol. She might have been more mindful without ThunderClan and WindClan, but since they were here she didn't see the need to be too careful.

"Shall we start?" Dawnstar asked, looking over the other two she-cats. Dawnstar was almost vibrating with excitement. RiverClan better make this entertaining.

* You MUST include your character's Clan in a header in each of your posts. This is to avoid friendly fire and limit confusion with fights and the tallies.

* ShadowClan may attack which ever den they feel like. They should not attack the medicine cats, queens, kits, or elders unless they attack first, then they're free game.

* ShadowClan cats not named in this post should not be roleplayed as participating. IC action will be taken if your character is caught participating without permission.

* ShadowClan apprentices who actively participate and engage in battle, can consider this battle their assessment if they have at least 80 posts or purchased the Fast Learner purrk, and have all their training requirements done.

* ShadowClan cats caught attacking their own clanmates, their allies, ThunderClan, or WindClan without a valid reason, or assisting RiverClan cats, will be exiled and attacked on sight by Dawnstar. She will fully try to murder and maim your cat, so they better run fast.



Bloomingblaze walked up and followed Dawnstar.
She was a little worried about the participating apprentices, but she was sure they would be alright.


Witheredstar is the current leader of SunClan, she has an open den policy!
Rapid Recovery-Raccoonsun(RiverClan)
Silver Tongue-Whitekit(ThunderClan)
Chill of Death-Leopardpaw(WindClan)
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Old June 6th, 2024, 01:45 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars


◢◣ Raggedear | 28 Moons | He/Him ◢◣
fluffy, large russet tom with yellow eyes, torn left ear, & black paw tips


Raggedear’s yellow eyes slid over to his side as a grey ShadowClan she-cat took a place next to him and gave him a respectful smile. He gave a friendly nod in return, a slight smile plastered on his face. “No need to worry. We’re all a team right now.” He mewed reassuringly, the only betrayal of his nerves being a slight twitch of his ear. “You smell like ShadowClan. The name is Raggedear- don’t be afraid to call if you need assistance.” The large tom offered with a respectful dip of his head.

Briefly, his gaze flitted towards Bumblestar and the other leaders. Now that ShadowClan was here, it was only a matter of time before they gave the order to attack. Raggedear felt warmth spread to his paw tips at the high praise it felt to have his leader want him in her group for the main attack. An honor, it was. He would prove today that Bumblestar made no mistake in choosing him.

[ mentions: @ophelia | @dino. character mention ]

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Old June 6th, 2024, 01:55 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars


she/her. 11 moons. small russet molly with brown markings and yellow eyes.

starclan, please don't let me die. I'm too young. mistlewhisker would be..disappointed. goopywhisker would be...I don't want to think about it!! I'd be losing my best friend and he'd be losing his! just – AAAAA, squirrelpaw's mind is racing. and if she'd thought the overwhelming sense of doom was bad on the way to riverclan's camp, it was even worse when dawnstar leads her and the rest of the group to the Hillcrest. her heart drums against her chest, blood rushing in her ears. there's far too many scents. too many.

once again, just like at the meeting, dawnstar's words sound like faint murmurs she can just barely make out over the alarms ringing throughout her head. this could count as her assessment? if I don't die, if I don't die, she thinks bitterly. just because she was here doesn't mean she has to fight, right? I can just..ask..them to leave nicely, she reasons. though it does next to nothing to calm her anxiety, legs trembling and paws shuffling against the ground, tail lashing in a rapid manner.

thrown into a war. as if confrontation wasn't her worst fear. perhaps starclan's got annoyed with all those prayers of hers, and this is her punishment.

[ closed for now ]

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Old June 6th, 2024, 02:04 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars



Caveclaw nodded "Yes, when the rain is done." She stated.
They were surprised at Dewpaw's sudden compliment.
"You will end up a great warrior." Caveclaw then responded.
She truly trusted that despite any difficulties, Dewpaw would raise to the title.


Witheredstar is the current leader of SunClan, she has an open den policy!
Rapid Recovery-Raccoonsun(RiverClan)
Silver Tongue-Whitekit(ThunderClan)
Chill of Death-Leopardpaw(WindClan)
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Old June 6th, 2024, 02:09 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars

Wolfhive was among the cats Bumba had gathered, and was crouched down near his 'ma in preparation. As one of the cats plating support, he'd be one of the last cats in - but he'd make RiverClan bleed tenfold if given the opportunity.

His ears twitched at ShadowClan's arrival, but as no one called for the attack to start, he remained in his spot. He didn't really see the need to get chatty with the other Clans especially when they were so close to the fish. (Not that he would, regardless.)
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Old June 6th, 2024, 02:20 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars

Originally Posted by IDIOTICBEAN101 View Post



Caveclaw nodded "Yes, when the rain is done." She stated.
They were surprised at Dewpaw's sudden compliment.
"You will end up a great warrior." Caveclaw then responded.
She truly trusted that despite any difficulties, Dewpaw would raise to the title.



Purrks ; Well insulated
(forgot to put riverclan for the last few posts, thats my bad)

Dewpaw opened her eyes she grinned up at Caveclaw. She then closed them once more, continuing to rest against her Mentor. Her mentor, though with lacking some fur here and there, made a good cat to lean and rest on. The apprentice was starting to fall asleep.
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Old June 6th, 2024, 02:24 PM
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Default Re: The Forest Roars

RiverClan Warrior
Icetail twitched uncomfortably in her nest, unable to sleep. She wasn't sure why. Something on the air made her fur prickle uneasily, but she shook it off. As her fellow warriors also began to rise, she decided that she wasn't mentally insane and got up, stepping into the cool night air.
"We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets…we will never surrender."-Winston Churchill
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