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Old June 20th, 2017, 08:56 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

Peachkit peeked into the elders den but seeing as there were already cats in there seeking the elders she turned away and waited for the cats to come out. Peachkit washed her glossy cream colored pelt and waited. She poked her head in longer and hoped not to get spotted. She was curious she wondered "I wonder why they're out here seeking the elders?" Peachkits eyes sparkled with wonder and she watched the kit approach the elders.
Old August 5th, 2017, 01:15 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

Blackheart huffed They haul me out of my den and once I was on dry land they still forced me to come to the camp...I wouldn't have cared if I drowned, I'm old that's what's suppose to happen to me. she groomed her pelt well aware of the brisling pelts of other elders from Riverclan," Can ya snap outta it, I'm too old to scratch ya even if I wanted to."
(Two starters cuz it accidently double posted)
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Last edited by Mango; August 5th, 2017 at 01:19 PM.
Old August 5th, 2017, 01:16 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

Blackheart huffed They haul me out of my den and once I was on dry land they still forced me to come to the camp...I wouldn't have cared if I drowned, I'm old that's what's suppose to happen to me. she groomed her pelt well aware of the brisling pelts of other elders from Riverclan," Can ya snap outta it, I'm too old to scratch ya even if I wanted to."
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Old August 5th, 2017, 02:54 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

Originally Posted by Chameleon View Post
Blackheart huffed They haul me out of my den and once I was on dry land they still forced me to come to the camp...I wouldn't have cared if I drowned, I'm old that's what's suppose to happen to me. she groomed her pelt well aware of the brisling pelts of other elders from Riverclan," Can ya snap outta it, I'm too old to scratch ya even if I wanted to."

Shaking his golden fur to rid it of the water, an apprentice stepped into the elder's den. His green eyes were sharp as he scanned over the cats in the elder's den. Canarypaw knew that the flood could have taken a big toll on the elders of his clan, and he knew how stubborn they could be. He had just been talking about them with his sibling not too long before the flood. They could be so stubborn enough as to refuse help from a medicine cat, and being the cat he was, Canarypaw wanted to make sure they were okay. He knew some simple healing techniques, due to Daypaw being the medicine cat, but nothing with herbs. He only knew how to throughly check over a cat for injuries and how to apply cobwebs to a wound.
Pelt still damp, Canarypaw walked deeper into the den and sat down at the first elder, the one closest to the entrance. He sniffed the air, a faint scent of Shadowclan entering his nostrils. Smiling, he looked up at the dark-furred she-cat. "Do you mind if I make sure you're okay? I want to be sure that the elders are all fine despite that nasty flood."

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Last edited by RedHead; August 5th, 2017 at 02:55 PM.
Old August 5th, 2017, 03:00 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

Originally Posted by RedHead View Post

Shaking his golden fur to rid it of the water, an apprentice stepped into the elder's den. His green eyes were sharp as he scanned over the cats in the elder's den. Canarypaw knew that the flood could have taken a big toll on the elders of his clan, and he knew how stubborn they could be. He had just been talking about them with his sibling not too long before the flood. They could be so stubborn enough as to refuse help from a medicine cat, and being the cat he was, Canarypaw wanted to make sure they were okay. He knew some simple healing techniques, due to Daypaw being the medicine cat, but nothing with herbs. He only knew how to throughly check over a cat for injuries and how to apply cobwebs to a wound.
Pelt still damp, Canarypaw walked deeper into the den and sat down at the first elder, the one closest to the entrance. He sniffed the air, a faint scent of Shadowclan entering his nostrils. Smiling, he looked up at the dark-furred she-cat. "Do you mind if I make sure you're okay? I want to be sure that the elders are all fine despite that nasty flood."
Blackheart snorted, "Be my guest, I'm just sore I think...and that excersise should rid me from fleas and ticks for a few days atleast..." she trailed off starting a story," I remember when I was your age...young 'un...I was always an adventurous apprentice. I'd go moonhigh hunting in Riverclan territory, probably foolish of me...an it was against the warrior code, my mentor caught me though... I also had a crush on a Windclan tom, Gooseflight. We were lovers and often argued over who'd join the other ones clan... luckily he fell in love with someone else...now that this storm passed I wish I was in Windclan 'cuz I wouldn't of had to flee the storm, yet again I'd of had to flee a fire... Anyways, I also thought I'd be leader, and no, I wasn't even deputy..." she purred as Canarypaw prodded at her. @RedHead
RIP Blizz

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Last edited by Mango; August 7th, 2017 at 08:55 PM.
Old August 8th, 2017, 12:47 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

Originally Posted by Chameleon View Post
Blackheart huffed They haul me out of my den and once I was on dry land they still forced me to come to the camp...I wouldn't have cared if I drowned, I'm old that's what's suppose to happen to me. she groomed her pelt well aware of the brisling pelts of other elders from Riverclan," Can ya snap outta it, I'm too old to scratch ya even if I wanted to."
(Two starters cuz it accidently double posted)
It wasn't uncommon for Quailkit to want to come into the elder's den, they often liked to visit the older cats and see if they needed help even if they were still only a kit. Most of the time the elders politely declined and instead took the time to tell the kit a story, which more often than not the young cat accepted gleefully, sometimes spending the entirety of the day in the elders den listening to whatever it was that the older cats were telling them. Today was no different either, for the young brown and white tabby came into the elders den, hauling a mouse with them by the tail. In one more moon they would be an apprentice and it would be their duty to help the older cats, so might as well get a headstart on it right? Besides, Quailkit enjoyed being able to help others, whether the cat was the same age as them, older, or younger, whoever they were Quailkit wanted to be able to extend a helping paw.
So with a bright look in their eyes that were starting to change yellow the older they got, the young cat made their entrance into the den of the old retired warriors, pausing to look around to see who would most likely be needing the mouse they had.
Ears perking up towards one of the elders who seemed to have the others up in a tizzy, Quailkit cautiously approached Blackheart, dipping their head and gently laying down the mouse in front of the old she-cat. While they weren't sure about how she smelled, not quite used to the smell of Shadowclan, the kit wouldn't let that stop them from offering kindness.
"Excuse me ma'am, would.. You like to have this mouse? I haven't seen you around camp before, are you one of the um.." Flicking their ear, the kit had to rack their brain to remember the name of the other clan. "The Shadowclan cats?" With the question, the younger cat's head tilted as they fixed their gaze curiously up at the other cat, taking a seat. As the kit spoke, they spoke with a gentle, polite tone, one that they used when speaking with any cat really because generally speaking, Quailkit was a very polite young tom.

Meanwhile a particular smokey/ashy grey kit stuck his snout into the elders den. He had seen another kit come in here with a mouse and was curious what he planned to do with it, even though it was pretty obvious that he was probably going to feed it to one of the elders. Then again, Vireokit was fairly young and didn't really think about it. Technically, he wasn't supposed to be out of the nursery, but he was a very curious young kit and usually ended up sneaking out anyways, either following a bug or just looking for something to study and observe.
Blue eyes focusing on Quailkit, seeing them talking to the elder, the much younger kit came padding over with their tail held high in curiosity and intrigue. The smell of the elders den was strange with the scent of the two clans mixed together, but it didn't bother Vireokit in the slightest, then again, there were very few things that seemed to bother the strange young kit.
As Blackheart seemed to be focused on Quailkit, Vireokit focused in on the elders tail, eyeing it curiously but not desiring to reach a paw out for it yet.

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Old August 8th, 2017, 10:32 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

Originally Posted by Chameleon View Post
Blackheart snorted, "Be my guest, I'm just sore I think...and that excersise should rid me from fleas and ticks for a few days atleast..." she trailed off starting a story," I remember when I was your age...young 'un...I was always an adventurous apprentice. I'd go moonhigh hunting in Riverclan territory, probably foolish of me...an it was against the warrior code, my mentor caught me though... I also had a crush on a Windclan tom, Gooseflight. We were lovers and often argued over who'd join the other ones clan... luckily he fell in love with someone else...now that this storm passed I wish I was in Windclan 'cuz I wouldn't of had to flee the storm, yet again I'd of had to flee a fire... Anyways, I also thought I'd be leader, and no, I wasn't even deputy..." she purred as Canarypaw prodded at her. @RedHead

After Canarypaw had sniffed the elder over and deemed nothing wrong, he calmly day and listened attentively to Blackheart's stories. He enjoyed it when other cats rambled on, it gave him things to think about. And start co cersatuons with. But elders were never hard to start a conversation with. Canarypaw knew that much. The golden tom flicked his ears at the mention of her having love for a Windclan tom. "Ive always belived that love should be able to exist anywhere. Because, sometimes cats in different clans are the ones meant for each other." Canarypaw wasn't much of a love-talker, but when he did talk about it, he could be extemley deep. And in the eyes of felines his age, romantic. But he was only stating what he though to Blackheart. Getting an older cat's opinion on his beliefs. Of course, if she had an argument against his starement he wouldn't change his own opinion, unless her argument was strong.

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Old August 9th, 2017, 10:35 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

Originally Posted by Duskflight View Post
It wasn't uncommon for Quailkit to want to come into the elder's den, they often liked to visit the older cats and see if they needed help even if they were still only a kit. Most of the time the elders politely declined and instead took the time to tell the kit a story, which more often than not the young cat accepted gleefully, sometimes spending the entirety of the day in the elders den listening to whatever it was that the older cats were telling them. Today was no different either, for the young brown and white tabby came into the elders den, hauling a mouse with them by the tail. In one more moon they would be an apprentice and it would be their duty to help the older cats, so might as well get a headstart on it right? Besides, Quailkit enjoyed being able to help others, whether the cat was the same age as them, older, or younger, whoever they were Quailkit wanted to be able to extend a helping paw.
So with a bright look in their eyes that were starting to change yellow the older they got, the young cat made their entrance into the den of the old retired warriors, pausing to look around to see who would most likely be needing the mouse they had.
Ears perking up towards one of the elders who seemed to have the others up in a tizzy, Quailkit cautiously approached Blackheart, dipping their head and gently laying down the mouse in front of the old she-cat. While they weren't sure about how she smelled, not quite used to the smell of Shadowclan, the kit wouldn't let that stop them from offering kindness.
"Excuse me ma'am, would.. You like to have this mouse? I haven't seen you around camp before, are you one of the um.." Flicking their ear, the kit had to rack their brain to remember the name of the other clan. "The Shadowclan cats?" With the question, the younger cat's head tilted as they fixed their gaze curiously up at the other cat, taking a seat. As the kit spoke, they spoke with a gentle, polite tone, one that they used when speaking with any cat really because generally speaking, Quailkit was a very polite young tom.

Meanwhile a particular smokey/ashy grey kit stuck his snout into the elders den. He had seen another kit come in here with a mouse and was curious what he planned to do with it, even though it was pretty obvious that he was probably going to feed it to one of the elders. Then again, Vireokit was fairly young and didn't really think about it. Technically, he wasn't supposed to be out of the nursery, but he was a very curious young kit and usually ended up sneaking out anyways, either following a bug or just looking for something to study and observe.
Blue eyes focusing on Quailkit, seeing them talking to the elder, the much younger kit came padding over with their tail held high in curiosity and intrigue. The smell of the elders den was strange with the scent of the two clans mixed together, but it didn't bother Vireokit in the slightest, then again, there were very few things that seemed to bother the strange young kit.
As Blackheart seemed to be focused on Quailkit, Vireokit focused in on the elders tail, eyeing it curiously but not desiring to reach a paw out for it yet.
Blackheart glanced at the Riverclan kit," Why, thank you." She meowed to Quailkit," What's your name? I'm Blackheart." She added taking a small bite of the mouse wondering how they found a mouse in Riverclan territory, she had just grumbled over the fish and taken it gracefully from the Riverclan apprentices and snapped at the Shadowclan apprentices. Since she wasn't welcome in Riverclan, she glanced up at Vireokit and smiled," Hello. Were you looking for a specific elder?" She meowed. She knew a bunch of the elders from her warrior days at the gatherings.
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Old August 9th, 2017, 10:49 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

Originally Posted by RedHead View Post

After Canarypaw had sniffed the elder over and deemed nothing wrong, he calmly day and listened attentively to Blackheart's stories. He enjoyed it when other cats rambled on, it gave him things to think about. And start co cersatuons with. But elders were never hard to start a conversation with. Canarypaw knew that much. The golden tom flicked his ears at the mention of her having love for a Windclan tom. "Ive always belived that love should be able to exist anywhere. Because, sometimes cats in different clans are the ones meant for each other." Canarypaw wasn't much of a love-talker, but when he did talk about it, he could be extemley deep. And in the eyes of felines his age, romantic. But he was only stating what he though to Blackheart. Getting an older cat's opinion on his beliefs. Of course, if she had an argument against his starement he wouldn't change his own opinion, unless her argument was strong.
Blackheart laughed," Well you know the warrior code says only take a mate in your own clan." She purred in amusement," I know that too...but I'll tell you one thing...I wasn't much for listening as an apprentice towards that rule. I spent apprenticehood in love with a Windclan apprentice who refused to speak to me...which was silly of me. He was smart in not allowing himself to fall in love." She meowed.
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Old August 18th, 2017, 03:56 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Elders' Den

Originally Posted by Chameleon View Post
Blackheart laughed," Well you know the warrior code says only take a mate in your own clan." She purred in amusement," I know that too...but I'll tell you one thing...I wasn't much for listening as an apprentice towards that rule. I spent apprenticehood in love with a Windclan apprentice who refused to speak to me...which was silly of me. He was smart in not allowing himself to fall in love." She meowed.

Canarypaw cocked his head in question. Sure, he followed the warrior code with his heart, but still, the part about not being allowed to be mates with another cat in a different clan bothered him. Because some cats just had a love outside of their own clan. And love was not something that could be controlled. "Yeah,
I guess that is smart."


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