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Old May 30th, 2024, 08:11 PM
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Default Re: RC Camp Defense Event - Open to apps + up

Originally Posted by squidz View Post

very large & muscular light brown tabby tom with stark greenish-blue eyes and a torn ear; beefed up tier 1

[ riverclan warrior | tomcat | 50 moons | gruff & battle-hardened, yet thoughtful; loyal to a fault ]

Stagheart nodded, padding over to Dusklion and the rest of his team. Although the drill was for something dire, he couldn't help but feel amused and even a bit excited for this practice run — it meant they'd be more prepared in case WindClan fulfilled their testy promise. He waited patiently as the rest of his Clanmates assembled.

[ short post bc i'm leaving for vacation hehe - i will try to respond if it comes back to me over the weekend and if i have downtime, but if not feel free to skip over my turns if needed <3 will be officially back June 4th!]

Willowpaw bounded over to her mentor. "Same team!" She purred

(have a fun and safe trip <3 )

"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever"
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]@/Beanz@/mars@/Merp Machine@/CrimsionOaks@/WCUEhoneyfur@/Hollyheart of thunder@/MaplestrikeWCUE@/PINTO BEAN@/AriaTheFiremaiden@/Mike29@/constellation@/Snowyfeathr@/KestrelPaw

Willowtail of Riverclan is Tier 3 Beefed up <3
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Old May 30th, 2024, 08:14 PM
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Default Re: RC Camp Defense Event - Open to apps + up

Originally Posted by Neptune. View Post

10 moons || she/her || RiverClan Apprentice || Silver Tongue
medium furred silver smoke she-cat; blue eyes

Attacking team? That worked perfectly for Wrenpaw. Any chance she could get to practice her battle skills - especially being on the offensive - was one she would take gladly. That said, she follows the rest of the attacking team out into the territory to begin preparations, tail folded neatly over her front paws as clear blue eyes glance around at the rest of the group.

"So," she begins the conversation, "are there any strategies you're itching to try?" The question is directed mostly at Dusklion, and Wren levels her gaze on the deputy specifically, though the question is open to the rest of the group as well.

[ @taillow - dusklion // @SeonghwasBunnyEars - willowpaw // @paris - larkthroat // @Seamrog - duskleaf // @Katiethewolfchild - sparrowpaw // @Mica - eaglepaw // @Blazing - pigeonpelt // @constellation - redwater // @Marigoldwhisper - deerspark // @squidz - stagheart // @Malinovy - paleshadow // @Rose - wisteriawren // @Ian - talonpaw // @Minkuu - swiftstream // @leopardheart00 - brokenstream ]
Willowpaw raised her tail with a wise look. "I learned a move where I kick off of a tree which is efficant for landing on backs. I could use that and distract them then Bam! You guys come outta nowhere! It could be like... two little patrols."

"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever"
- Park Seonghwa
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]@/Beanz@/mars@/Merp Machine@/CrimsionOaks@/WCUEhoneyfur@/Hollyheart of thunder@/MaplestrikeWCUE@/PINTO BEAN@/AriaTheFiremaiden@/Mike29@/constellation@/Snowyfeathr@/KestrelPaw

Willowtail of Riverclan is Tier 3 Beefed up <3
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Old May 30th, 2024, 08:48 PM
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Default Re: RC Camp Defense Event - Open to apps + up

50 moons • RiverClan warrior • she/her
long-furred, mostly black tortoiseshell she-cat with sharp blue eyes

A familiar and welcome voice caught her attention, and Blackfrost nodded in greeting as her former apprentice approached. "Bearsnout," she returned warmly. "It seems Fadingsun has seen fit to prepare for a possible attack in the face of all the recent upset with WindClan. We'll be practicing camp defense specifically."

Fadingsun's voice rang out once more, and Blackfrost listened quietly. When he finished, she got to her feet and stretched. "That's you and me," she said mildly, referring to Fadingsun's mention of the two when listing those that would be defending. "Looks like we're defending. Could be good gor me to loosen up these joints." Blackfrost wasn't old by any means, but she still had her aches and stiffness as the seasons went by.

@chickadee — Bearsnout
" The heart has it's reasons...
of which reason knows nothing "
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Old May 31st, 2024, 03:54 AM
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Default Re: RC Camp Defense Event - Open to apps + up

|[ Mud'paw ]|
he/him | 23 moons | RC warrior | more of a hunter
__________________________________________________ ___

It seemed a good amount of clanmates were showing up to the battle training event, this mud didn't really enjoy these types of things he might as well practice. He was getting rusty and with the potential war between them and Windclan on the horizon he couldn't get caught lacking anything. As the cats piled in he noted a mischievous kits presence, he didn't bother though seeing as Talonpaw was trying to handle it.

Fadingsun then rose his voice again, speaking about what he was planning to do. Okay so two teams, attackers and defenders? Makes sense. Both included fighting obviously but atleast he got practice. He listened as Fadingsuns called names and put them into groups. He wasn't in the first group so he was probably in the second one, he thought but the moment he heard his name called he felt the immediate shame. Of course Fadingsuns knew of his punishment and that he had been demoted, mudsmoke wanted to curl up in bawl and just sink into the ground. He knew no one would not care but he cared! This was his pride getting squashed to the ground after being called mudPAW a name given to apprentices. He felt his fur rise long his back as he stared at his paws in embarrassment, if only he could just shrink to the size that no one would notice him. He didn't even want to look around to see if he knew anyone here because he knew he did. Maybe he should have just not come to participate in this.

{short silly text}
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Old May 31st, 2024, 11:14 AM
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Default Re: RC Camp Defense Event - Open to apps + up

purrks ; the collector , herbal knowledge t2
15 moons . one lame leg
tags ; @occultation - fadingsun , @taillow - for dusk mention
trigger warnings for this post: none

cobwebpaw swished her tail at the news she'd be on the defending team with fades- fadingsun. she snorted. dusklion was rubbing off on her. speaking of dusklion, she was a bit peeved she wouldn't be on her mentor's team, but she was glad she could defend. cobweb had been doing quite a lot of battle training recently, and knew she would do well working on the other side.

she padded up to fadingsun, determined to at least bond with the newish leader a little bit. they hadn't talked but at all, and cobwebpaw was ready to prove that she wasn't just a whiny apprentice. she waved her tail in greeting, smiling softly. ' hi! '

' bitter choco decoration,
eat it all without saying a thing '

cobwebfern ☆ warblerpaw
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Old June 1st, 2024, 01:20 AM
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Default Re: RC Camp Defense Event - Open to apps + up

She/Her | Purrk(s): Just A Scratch

Em. Wisteriawren felt more than a little awkward as she sat there in silence, gold-flecked blue eyes drifting from one cat to another. These cats who were so much younger than her knew so much more than she did. . . it made her feel a little out of place. Finally, after a couple moments (and after scooting closer to where RiverClan's deputy was), she spoke up, voice soft. "I don't... I don't know how to fight, Dusklion. I've seen it before, but it looked too fast for my eyes to follow.// I'd really love to learn, though."

[ @taillow - Dusklion ]


Leaving them feeling betrayed.
Breaking the bonds that you've made.
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Old June 1st, 2024, 10:59 PM
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Default Re: RC Camp Defense Event - Open to apps + up

she/her | riverclan deputy | 28 moons
Cloverpaw was a name that she hadn't heard in sometime. Immediately concern pooled in her eyes and for a moment the deputy thought about lying her tail across Breezy's back to offer some sort of comfort. Dusklion couldn't imagine what it was like to lose a sibling - as much as her brother annoyed and frustrated the living daylights of out her, the thought of him dying... was not... one she...wanted... to-

Then the topic circled back around to her and Fades and immediately any thoughts of trying to comfort the Lionheart made her feel awkward so her tail remained on the ground. His assurance though that he didn't blame her for what was happening had her glancing away. It was a lie, but at least he wasn't going out of his way to snarl and spit at her like he probably wanted to. "You don't have anythin' to apologize for, Breezy. You've been doin' good work. Keepin' your head down 'n focused on the Clan. That's all we can ask for right now, 'til we get ourselves outta this hole." Lifting her gaze back up it was genuine to the tom, accompanied by a light smile.

Turning back now as her brother split the teams up - and thankfully handled Fishkit - Dusklion first noticed that the attackers were two short than the defenders. Shortly after it also sunk in that she was leading the attackers. She knew it was a drill, a practice run, and that someone had to do it. But it hurt her heart a little to be leading the attackers - just another reminder of how it had been her actions that led to them likely being attacked in the first place.

But she hid all of this thankfully and simply gave her brother a nod. She was just overthinking, she had to be. Flicking her tail Dusk led her group towards the camp entrance and ducking out of it, mulling over the questions everyone asked. "...I've got a few ideas, yeah," she nodded to Wrenpaw, then cast a glance at the more eager of the warriors. Some were quiet but some expressed the desire to get ready and go - she hoped they would bring that same passion into the actual raid (it made her hopeful to see now). They were still waiting on a few but the deputy hoped they'd show up soon.

"That would work if we had any trees in camp," the deputy added on to what Willowpaw was saying. The only had the Floodstone - ick, she hated that name still - it wasn't near the entrance of camp and likely wouldn't be reached before the defending team counterattacked. Wisty scooting closer to her had Dusk's expression softening immediately, then her brows pinching together in worry at her confession. She hadn't yet been introduced to the Clan - her brother hadn't called a meeting in about a moon - so she had no mentor to guide her. "After this, I'll teach you some moves, okay? For now... stick close with me 'n try 'n follow what I do. I'll talk you through the whole thing."

Looking now to the group of cats Dusklion thought for a moment how she wanted to go about this. "Here's what I'm thinkin' we do. They'll likely be expectin' us all to come in through the front - but I don't think WindClan is gonna file in all nice 'n stuff for us. So I'll lead the charge through the front of camp, 'n half of you will crash through the camp wall there," the deputy flicked her tail to the right, "'n the other half, through there," and then flicked her tail again to the left. The walls hadn't been that repaired since ThunderClan's raid on them, so they were looser than what a normal camp wall should be - perfect for the raid (she made a note to reinforce them after this event).

"We're outnumbered though, set up to mirror how the actual raid'll likely take place. It's just practice though - so use it as experience for when WindClan doubles up on you, because they will." ...Was now a good time to use this as a little motivational speech? "...I know I'm the last cat that should be givin' any sort of speech but... WindClan'll be tough. They'll come at us with everythin' they've got. It'll be a difficult fight, but I've got faith in each of you, 'n in this Clan, that we'll pull through it. Together, as one. I know I've got a ways to go before I earn back the trust of this Clan, but... I be there with you all, when this happens for real, on the front lines defendin' our home. We're rebuildin' this Clan, all of us, 'n it'll take more than WindClan's wrath to knock us down." The start of a grin upturned her maw as she nodded to her group.

"...Any questions on the plan of attack? 'N don't worry about the camp barrier - I'll gather some volunteers to help reinforce it after this event."

[ Seabreeze - @Dolomedes ] [ Fadingsun - @occultation ]

[ Willowpaw - @SeonghwasBunnyEars ] [ Larkthroat - @paris ] [ Duskleaf - @Seamrog ] [ Sparrowpaw - Katiethewolfchild ] [ Eaglepaw - @Mica [ Pigeonpelt - @Blazing ]
[ Redwater - @constellation ] [ Wrenpaw - @Neptune. ] [ Deerspark - @Marigoldwhisper ] [ Stagheart - @squidz ] [ Paleshadow - @Malinovy ] [ Wisteriawren - @Rose ]
[ Talonpaw - @Ian ] [ Swiftstream - @Minkuu ] [ Brokenstream - @leopardheart00 ]

dusklion is riverclan's deputy; if you need her, mention me!
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Last edited by taillow; June 1st, 2024 at 11:02 PM.
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Old June 2nd, 2024, 04:50 PM
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Default Re: RC Camp Defense Event - Open to apps + up

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ Brokenstream | 20 MOONS | HE/HIM ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
sleek golden bengal tom with light green eyes, jet black ears & back legs
pixelgif by @/SnowheartTC


Brokenstream nodded slowly as Dusklion spoke, devising a plan for their practice attack. She was smart, Brokenstream reckoned, to come up with something so quickly in the face of impending danger. Real danger. The tom flexed his claws into the ground, the only thing betraying his nerves. "You're our deputy!" He blurted out, forcing himself not to let his ears lie flat out of embarrassment. "You are RiverClan, and so RiverClan is you." He said quickly, blinking appreciatively at her. Even if Dusklion had put them in this position, Brokenstream was confident her and Fadingsun would do anything to get them out.

He shook his head as his deputy asked if they had any questions. "I'll ambush from the side." He offered, glancing around at his teammates.

[ Willowpaw - @SeonghwasBunnyEars ] [ Larkthroat - @paris ] [ Duskleaf - @Seamrog ] [ Sparrowpaw - Katiethewolfchild ] [ Eaglepaw - @Mica [ Pigeonpelt - @Blazing ]
[ Redwater - @constellation ] [ Wrenpaw - @Neptune. ] [ Deerspark - @Marigoldwhisper ] [ Stagheart - @squidz ] [ Paleshadow - @Malinovy ] [ Wisteriawren - @Rose ]
[ Talonpaw - @Ian ] [ Swiftstream - @Minkuu ] [ Brokenstream - @leopardheart00 ]

pixelgifs by @/SnowheartTC
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Old June 2nd, 2024, 05:02 PM
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Default Re: RC Camp Defense Event - Open to apps + up

// RC // She/her // Warrior // 20 moons //

Redwater shook out her fur. “I’ve got an idea…” she waited. Was she allowed to speak? Dusklion had been a little irritated with her lately… Red understood that.

“Well…” she murmered when it seemed like she had the old go-ahead.I agree with not going in through the center. Bad idea. But if we split up, we are weaker in our groups. I think we should send one group in first—smallest group that is—and have them battle, distracting the defenders long enough for reinforcements to come through the camp walls. That way, we have a small element of surprise, and our chances at taking over the camp-“ she winced.”Improve.”

Hah. Dusklion’s face. HADN’T EXPECTED THAT, HUH? Redwater flicked her tail. She looooved surprising Dusklion. LOVED IT.

[ Willowpaw - @SeonghwasBunnyEars ] [ Larkthroat - @paris ] [ Duskleaf - @Seamrog / Sparrowpaw - Katiethewolfchild ] [ Eaglepaw - @Mica [ Pigeonpelt - @wrenpaw - @Neptune. ] [ Deerspark - @Marigoldwhisper ] [ Stagheart - @squidz ] [ Paleshadow - @Malinovy ] [ Wisteriawren - @Rose ]
[ Talonpaw - @Ian ] [ Swiftstream - @Minkuu ] [ Brokenstream - @leopardheart00 ]



Snowyfeathr, Myling, Desert Rain Frog, and AritheFiremaiden all live here. (they get wifi, books, snacks, treats, and all the awesome things)
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Old June 2nd, 2024, 08:19 PM
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Default Re: RC Camp Defense Event - Open to apps + up

she/her | 8 moons | 88/100
[Golden and white tuxedo tabby with green eyes]
Purrks: Dreamwalker, Herbal Knowledge T2
· · ────────────── · ·
· · ────────────── · ·
Eaglepaw nodded along as Dusklion gave her plan, the apprentice eyeing the camp walls the deputy mentioned. She didn't know about how WindClan fought, but if they wanted to prepare for multiple intrusions then that was what they would do. Having no questions, ready to go wherever Dusklion told her, Eaglepaw waited.

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
Hawkfur (WC) - Mistlewhisker (SC) - Eaglepaw (Outsider) - Birdpaw (SC) - Hillstrider (SC)
Mistlewhisker header and sig art by @/redshiftreign
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