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Old April 4th, 2023, 03:43 AM
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Default Re: Haven Springs


It was past noon by the time Beansprout arrived at Haven Springs. While this area wasn't the most familiar to him, he hoped he could find a bit of land prey for those of his Clanmates who preferred it. That, and it seemed Haven Springs hadn't been checked since... skies know when. Any RiverClan scent marks were faint and old, and that set the siamese on edge. He would have to renew the borders while he was here, and ensure there weren't any unwanted guests.

As he skirted the edges of the area, he picked up the scent of... hm. A mouse, or perhaps a shrew? Beansprout never was the best at differentiating between specific and similar land prey scents. Either way, he dropped into a crouch, using his nose and ears to find his way toward the creature. When he finally spotted the prey -- which happened to be a mouse --, its back was turned to him and it was nibbling on a seed. Perfect. With a small wiggle of his butt, Beansprout pounced squarely on top of the small rodent and killed it instantly. With a triumphant smile, the siamese picked up his kill and continued.

For the most part, marking the border was uneventful. It took up a lot of his time, though. The sky was a bright orange by the time he had finally finished, and he still only had the mouse to show for his efforts. Beansprout's paws were tired and his eyelids drooped, but he refused to return to camp with just one piece of prey. He needed at least one more, that way he was actually contributing something rather than swapping a mouse for a fish.

The shadows grew longer and Beansprout's patience grew shorter. Just when he was about to give up, the scent of a rabbit touched his nose. His heart pounding, the RiverClanner made sure to watch his every step. Rabbit was a delicacy for the Clan, especially this time of year. To bring back a tasty morsel like this would make his long day worthwhile. So, he took his time in sneaking up behind the creature, ensuring that this would be a guaranteed catch.

It took him far longer than normal, but Beansprout was in position. With another small wiggle of his haunches, he sprung forward, catching the rabbit just as it spotted him and tried to run away. First, his paws landed on it, pinning it to the ground as it tried desperately to escape. Moments later, it was dead; its neck broke with a quick nip.

Carrying his prey, Beansprout began the trek back to camp once more. His stomach was empty and his paws were about to drop off, and he could have sworn he nearly fell asleep walking. But nothing -- not even the Star Cats themselves -- could stop a warrior dedicated fully and unconditionally to his Clan.

// hunting/patrolling post \\

violetfreckle // [tc] need extra training? // rp tracker

do i die as the martyr or miscreant?
i'll make the call.

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Old April 5th, 2023, 11:28 PM
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Default Re: Haven Springs

@U.S.S. Catacombs

She cast Pondheart a warm smile as the brown molly found her. "And I'm Raccoonear, nice to meet ya!" She said happily before glancing at the reeds that marked the Riverclan exit and entrance. "Well, let's head on over" She started towards the direction of Haven Springs, a pep in her step. She was especially happy today, for no reason whatsoever, but mood swings were common for her, and today was a good and happy swing, but oh, what was to be tomorrow?

The pair arrived at Haven Springs at last, and she already heard a few birds singing their morning songs. She inhaled the fresh humid air before glancing back at the white molly behind her. "Aaand we have arrived! I'll split over on the left side and you can take on the right...right?"

raccoonear is a riverclan warrior | hound is a loner

Last edited by pxxylo; April 5th, 2023 at 11:28 PM.
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Old April 6th, 2023, 08:40 AM
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Default Re: Haven Springs


"Yes, of course." The kind she-cat says as she begins to head off to the right, just as Raccoonear had suggested. Taking in a deep breath of the humid air, she offers a quick smile over her shoulder before the white-furred molly begins to hunt.

Sniffing the air for prey, she catches the scent of a happily singing bird. Pondheart contemplates how many kits it could feed, and she goes off in search of the bird. When sees it, she waits until it hops along the ground. She slowly creeps towards it before pouncing - she flies, and lands by the creature. With a quick bite, it is dead.

She carries it towards Raccoonear before she digs a hole and buries the yummy prey. She smiles softly as she heads off and attempts to catch another bird, but that one flies away.
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Old April 12th, 2023, 07:16 PM
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Default Re: Haven Springs

She nodded before bounding away into where snow once was in Haven Springs. It was just about cold enough for there to be snow, yet it had all melted, and now the ground was moist and ready to bloom with new growth.

Lurking inside of a bush, her blue eyes gleamed through the leaves at the sight of a medium vole. One paw jerked out of the green, slamming down on the mousy animal with a small thud. "Sweet!" She whispered, dragging it into the bush and into her mouth before emerging from the bush and adding it to the hole that Pondheart had dug.

"Sense this is an emergency hunt, maybe we should stretch for a bit more prey... we need all we can get. I'm gonna go see if I can get one more animal." She cast her a kind smile before ducking back into a different bush.

@U.S.S. Catacombs

raccoonear is a riverclan warrior | hound is a loner

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Old April 13th, 2023, 09:11 AM
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Default Re: Haven Springs


Pondheart offers another soft smile before she goes towards a rustling bush. She grins before tackling the bush and pulling out an adorable squirrel. She then buries it with the other prey, not bothering to count how much they have gotten together. We make a good team for the betterment of the Clan. She thinks to herself.
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Old April 18th, 2023, 10:14 PM
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Default Re: Haven Springs

raccoonear returned for her punishment, ducking into a crouched down position by a tree as an unsuspecting squirrel dashed down the tree and into her trap. The squirrel eventually reached the tree's base, and she launched for it, landing in in her grasp and killing it with a stab of her claw. however, she needed two pieces of prey. she scooted over into a bush, praying for even a small mouse to come scurrying around. Luck was on her side that day because after some patient waiting a medium sized mouse skeddadled in front of her and she grabbed it and pulled it into the bush, biting down on it's neck and killing it. now to go back.

raccoonear is a riverclan warrior | hound is a loner

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Old April 27th, 2023, 03:02 PM
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Default Re: Haven Springs

~Batpaw | @~Fawn.Heart~
The young apprentice carefully headed out of camp, flicking her tail gently. This was a new experience! She had best make the most of it, and she felt like with this cat it would be great.

(sorry about the short length!)

Last edited by JusticeRabbit; April 27th, 2023 at 03:08 PM.
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Old April 27th, 2023, 03:20 PM
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Default Re: Haven Springs

Originally Posted by ~WallyDarling~ View Post
~Batpaw | @~Fawn.Heart~
The young apprentice carefully headed out of camp, flicking her tail gently. This was a new experience! She had best make the most of it, and she felt like with this cat it would be great.

(sorry about the short length!)

~A pretty white molly with pale gray and orange tortie markings and blue eyes~

The beautiful molly padded ahead, looking behind her to make sure the young apprentice was keeping up. A small purr escaped her jaws as she spotted the hot springs. Now wasn’t this nostalgic…? turning to the apprentice, she grinned. “BatPaw, have you ever been here before?” She asked as she dipped a paw into the hot spring. “When I was your age, I used to sneak here every moon with some of my den mates and we’d enjoy some night swimming. During Leafbare, we’d get super cold and were such a nuisance because us apprentices were always sick. I’m glad that this generation has some brains,” PebbleSplash laughs as she backs away from the pool of warm water… Her eyes dart around than to the apprentice… “Tell me, In a place like this, what kind of prey would you find?”

Great, a pop quiz…!
bump anytime! I don’t mind!
CHECK OUT: PebbleSplash
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Old April 27th, 2023, 03:28 PM
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Default Re: Haven Springs

Originally Posted by ~Fawn.Heart~ View Post

~A pretty white molly with pale gray and orange tortie markings and blue eyes~

The beautiful molly padded ahead, looking behind her to make sure the young apprentice was keeping up. A small purr escaped her jaws as she spotted the hot springs. Now wasn’t this nostalgic…? turning to the apprentice, she grinned. “BatPaw, have you ever been here before?” She asked as she dipped a paw into the hot spring. “When I was your age, I used to sneak here every moon with some of my den mates and we’d enjoy some night swimming. During Leafbare, we’d get super cold and were such a nuisance because us apprentices were always sick. I’m glad that this generation has some brains,” PebbleSplash laughs as she backs away from the pool of warm water… Her eyes dart around than to the apprentice… “Tell me, In a place like this, what kind of prey would you find?”

Great, a pop quiz…!
The cat shook her head. "no, but i dolike it here!" she flicked her tail, slowly wading into the warm water, warming her cold body. She had never swam before... Her mentor hadnt taught her yet, but she could stay here at least. She listened to the older molly's story, smiling at the enoyment the cat was having telling the story. Then it was the question. Her eyes widened. "er... Fish? And... Voles?" she said, taking a logical guess. The water might be too warm for fish, now that she thought about it, but the dirt and mud next to the lake seemed to have the right tempature for the burrowing creature. She blushed, slightly embarrased at herlittle knowledge of the prey in the area. It seemed like a reasonable anseer, but she got less and less sure as sge sat there, thinking about her reasoning. She really hoped she wasnt letting the older warrior down...
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Old April 28th, 2023, 09:25 AM
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Default Re: Haven Springs

Originally Posted by ~WallyDarling~ View Post

The cat shook her head. "no, but i dolike it here!" she flicked her tail, slowly wading into the warm water, warming her cold body. She had never swam before... Her mentor hadnt taught her yet, but she could stay here at least. She listened to the older molly's story, smiling at the enoyment the cat was having telling the story. Then it was the question. Her eyes widened. "er... Fish? And... Voles?" she said, taking a logical guess. The water might be too warm for fish, now that she thought about it, but the dirt and mud next to the lake seemed to have the right tempature for the burrowing creature. She blushed, slightly embarrased at herlittle knowledge of the prey in the area. It seemed like a reasonable anseer, but she got less and less sure as sge sat there, thinking about her reasoning. She really hoped she wasnt letting the older warrior down...

~A pretty white molly with pale gray and orange tortie markings and blue eyes~

“Voles, little one” she began, beginning to stalk something… “yes, Fish, no… although uncommon to find a Vole, it’s not impossible… You’re so much more likely to find a lizard or frog of some sort due to the warm water. For example,” she waved the cat over with her tail to reveal what she had been watching. It appeared to be a lizard of some kind… “Lizards have a very strong sense of hearing, so you have to be super quiet…” creeping forward, she pounced, landing square on the scaly creature.

PebbleSplash purred happily, even pointing to her catch… “If we both catch two prey, we can go for a quick swim, if you’re interested. It’s okay to have fun after putting in work.” She purred softly… “Show me your hunting stance, I would like to see your form…” she purred softly…
bump anytime! I don’t mind!
CHECK OUT: PebbleSplash
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