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Old September 20th, 2022, 12:36 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Male[he/him] - Post 4

Watching as a group of his clanmates came running at the rogue Ratpaw just watched from the sidelines. It was actually kind of funny, but he tried not to laugh out loud. Well it was funny until the rogue came at him. Fearful Ratpaw moved around to hide behind the first warrior he could find. Peering over their shoulder he stuck his tongue out and swiped his left paw at the intruder. "Get out of our camp!", Ratpaw yowled. He wasn't going to let this rogue take him. He was a Shadowclan cat!

┌─────── ∘°∘♡∘°∘ ───────┐
@Rabbiteye; @The Vast; @Willowfern; @Estelle; @Undertaker; @SplashyLumi; @cloudy sky; @Fox_Void;
└─────── °∘∘♡∘∘° ───────┘

Marigoldleap is my main character and is currently an outsider if anybody wants to roleplay with her or has a small plot they need an extra cat for.

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Old September 20th, 2022, 01:40 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

@Angelique - @Willowfern - @The Vast - @Estelle - @SplashyLumi

He hissed as the kit was quickly guarded. Now what? He was beginning to regret coming here, but he knew not to let fear overtake him. The entrance. If he could make it out, maybe he could outrun them. They knew the territory, but it was dark. He had a chance. Ignoring the curses thrown at him, he quickly scoured their camp again, looking for the most in-direct way of getting to the entrance tunnel. Then he spotted his way out. Not cat seemed to be guarding it. He charged forward, aiming to the entrance tunnel. That is what they would expect.

Ain't much that I know what to put 'ere...

"And that, my friends, is how a revolution dies." - Haymitch

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Old September 20th, 2022, 05:41 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

With Racoonpelt stepping in front of her, noticing his sympathetic look, the white lady squinted her eyes gratefully for his help before looking back. And oh goodness; Nightshiver hadn't expected for so many warriors to show up at once. It was good! Of course, but the queen found it difficult to keep track of everything, uncertain where to look. She just took a teensy step back when she thought to have caught Dawnstar in her peripheral vision, though alerted by Dappleleaf's voice. Stepping aside, as she glanced towards the queen, Nightshiver found herself besides her now (oh goodness, didn't she still have four little ones?), turning her gaze back onto the commotion just in time to notice the outsider trying to attack Ratpaw. The queen's breath caught in her lungs as she was about to warn Ratpaw to get away, moving forward just a step, but Iceeyes was faster and thank StarClan came to the apprentice's aid. Some breath escaped her as she saw Ratpaw safe, moving aside a step once more when Larkpaw joined though remained more focused on the scuffle in front. To be quite honnest, when the outsider made a run for the exit, Nightshiver didn't even think of following him - the warriors might take care of that if they wish, but the queen found herself moving toward Ratpaw instead (and while she normally wouldn't have left the nursery, she was concerned for him, and did wait until the outsider was a fair distance ahead, nor was it like she'd been the only one guarding it. Far from that).
"A-are you... Al..right?"
She asked Ratpaw quietly; Nightshiver didn't think him injured physically, it didn't look like it, but chances were this might've been a bit of a scare for the new apprentice.

[ @Angelique @Undertaker @The Vast @Rabbiteye @Katlike @Fox_Void @Willowfern @cloudy sky @SplashyLumi - Apologies if I missed anything, lots of posts ]

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Old September 20th, 2022, 06:02 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Rabbiteye View Post
@Angelique - @Willowfern - @The Vast - @Estelle - @SplashyLumi

He hissed as the kit was quickly guarded. Now what? He was beginning to regret coming here, but he knew not to let fear overtake him. The entrance. If he could make it out, maybe he could outrun them. They knew the territory, but it was dark. He had a chance. Ignoring the curses thrown at him, he quickly scoured their camp again, looking for the most in-direct way of getting to the entrance tunnel. Then he spotted his way out. Not cat seemed to be guarding it. He charged forward, aiming to the entrance tunnel. That is what they would expect.

He hissed as the outsider made a break for it, this guy wasn’t getting off that easily! He had tried to attack an apprentice! That was not going to fly.
Iceeyes had never really had any alliance to anyone before, so the concept of a clan was absolutely new to him, yet he couldn’t help but feel a swell of responsibility in his chest as the outsider sought the exit. ShadowClan was Iceeyes’ home now, and he knew for certain that he wasn’t going to let anyone mess with his new home.
Taking a breath, Iceeyes darted forwards, leaping for the outsider’s throat, he wanted this sorry son of a fox to have a wound to remember no matter what, even if he did die shortly after receiving it.

[ @Angelique @Estelle @Undertaker @The Vast @Katlike @Fox_Void @cloudy sky @SplashyLumi ]
Probably permanent roleplay hiatus, though I’ll be around nonetheless. Might make some throwaways every now and then for people’s plots + Non-Clan cats and Nonwarriors roleplay characters.
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Old September 20th, 2022, 11:40 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Jaja View Post
Nectarbuzz led him into a clearing, huffing. What did this kit even want? Puny kit.. He thought. "Okay. What have you learned already?" he mewed, sitting down.

(I'm sorry for the late reply!! (◞‸◟ㆀ)ˢᵒʳʳʸ )

sparks of excitement fizzled throughout his whole body as galekit took long strides to keep pace with the warrior. sure, he was a larger kit, but he was still a kit, nonetheless. but his size wouldn't stop him at all. and before he knew it, galekit was being asked a question. the tom tilted his head to the side. "well... not much. i know how to do this!" he immediately fixed his amber eyes on the cat's tail aaand... bam! pounced! afterwards, he looked up at nectarbuzz expectantly.

there's courage in being terrified, but still going forward.

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Old September 21st, 2022, 04:16 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Willowfern View Post

He hissed as the outsider made a break for it, this guy wasn’t getting off that easily! He had tried to attack an apprentice! That was not going to fly.
Iceeyes had never really had any alliance to anyone before, so the concept of a clan was absolutely new to him, yet he couldn’t help but feel a swell of responsibility in his chest as the outsider sought the exit. ShadowClan was Iceeyes’ home now, and he knew for certain that he wasn’t going to let anyone mess with his new home.
Taking a breath, Iceeyes darted forwards, leaping for the outsider’s throat, he wanted this sorry son of a fox to have a wound to remember no matter what, even if he did die shortly after receiving it.

[ @Angelique @Estelle @Undertaker @The Vast @Katlike @Fox_Void @cloudy sky @SplashyLumi ]
!Blood warning!

One... Two... Three! He pulled back almost in the nick of time to avoid his first attacker's claws. Blood welled up in the gash on his throat. He hoped that the wound was not too deep, but he had no time to worry about in now. He doubled back on himself to escape through the dirt-place tunnel. Once through, he would be free. He was glad that there had only been one who was trying to stop him.

Ain't much that I know what to put 'ere...

"And that, my friends, is how a revolution dies." - Haymitch

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Old September 21st, 2022, 08:23 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Dappledleaf snarled, giving the other cats at the nursery a look before running after the outsider. "Iceeyes! Flank him from the right." She called, watching as the rogue was running towards the dirtplace tunnel. She'd try to block that and slashed out her claws at the cats side, hoping she'd break skin. No cat would dare to come into her Clan and threaten her family. All of these cats were her family. She'd kill for them. She kept an eye out for Birchpaw, Sagepaw, and Larkpaw, hoping her three children would stay out of the fight.

{ @Rabbiteye @Willowfern }
once the strings are tied, you are nothing but a puppet

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Old September 21st, 2022, 08:35 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

|+| Adder`Fang sat peacefully in the clearing, eating a vole. |+|
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Old September 21st, 2022, 01:19 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

Post Count: 3/100

Larkpaw watched from the sidelines as the loner barreled towards the entrance. She stared, utterly bewildered for a few moments. He was going to get caught. He was going to get caught. It was inevitable. So why was he doing the obvious? But then Lark noticed the subtle way the loner’s body was leaning in a certain direction, and then she was hit by her own idiocy. Of course, it was something even she would have done in her loner days if needed to make an escape. Make every cat think she was going a certain way, and then zip out another. Yet all she could take was a single step forward and open her mouth with zero time to call out a warning. It all happened so fast, over before she could blink. She had been too late. Lark had hesitated, and now if that loner got away, she would feel eternally responsible for any injuries caused to any cat.

Yet still, when Dappledleaf practically lunged headfirst into the fight, it took every single cell in Lark’s being to will herself to remain beside the nursery and refrain from running after her foster mother. She would probably only distract the other warriors if she also joined the fight. No, Lark would stay here unless she was needed, which she probably wasn’t, seeing that she was still a partially untrained apprentice. Mouth set in a grim line, Larkpaw lashed her tail against the ground, that being the only movement she made other than the occasional blind.

[ @Willowfern - Iceeyes / @cloudy sky - Dappledleaf / @Rabbiteye - Unnamed Loner ]

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Old September 21st, 2022, 02:57 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Clearing

@Willowfern - @cloudy sky
His eyes widened as a she-cat leaped in his path. With another cat just behind him, he could not afford to to tussle, else he would be taken down. He slashed an unsheathed bunch of claws at her face, then moved to either leap over, or dive under to freedom.

Ain't much that I know what to put 'ere...

"And that, my friends, is how a revolution dies." - Haymitch

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