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Leader: Bumblestar
Deputy: Spiderthroat
Medicine Cat: Wolfhawk
Medicine Cat Apprentice: None

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Deputy: Mistlewhisker
Medicine Cat: Sleepysunrise
Medicine Cat Apprentice: Silentpaw

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Old December 17th, 2023, 01:45 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

She/they | 27 moons | Ultimate Predator
As Drizzlecloud slipped over to her and immediately started fussing, Redhawk pulled her ears back and shrank away a little. "Y-Yeah. It's gone n-now, thankfully - Ssssp-piderthroat came and k-killed it." Lifting up her paw, the reddish-brown somali extended it towards the medicine cat carefully. "I think i-it's just a sss-sprain. I l-landed wrong." It didn't feel broken, and nothing was sticking out really. Hopefully it would just be able to be wrapped up and kept off for a few days, that would be best...

As she held it out for Drizzlecloud to inspect, Red held her breath on the question she wanted to ask for a moment. Would it be rude to ask? The medicine cat was older, so maybe she knew of her sister? "...Do you, uh... You k-knew my sss-sister right? G-Gentledoe?"

[ @Omari no worries at all!! ]

Last edited by taillow; December 17th, 2023 at 01:45 PM.
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Old December 17th, 2023, 09:53 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den


A raspy purr would slip out of the tom as he felt Drizzlecloud's warmth surround him. It was his attempt at comforting her, as if he wasn't as sick as he really was. It was the thought that counted, right?

As much as he rejoiced feeling the she-cat on his head, he would nudge her a little to indicate he needed to lift his head again. The tom would uncurl slowly, turning to the paste and sniffing it a moment. He could already tell this was going to be bitter and as he lapped it up, he made a sour face.

He'd look towards Springpaw, noting this moment. She'd grown so much since he first met her on the battlefield with Gentledoe. Sparrowpelt let out a soft sigh, tucking his head into the curve of the nest once more, allowing the herbs to do their thing now. There wasn't any words he could muster out in that moment. Nothing more than a "Thank you both," that could express his feelings.

He was tired. So tired now.

@Omari @rudolph

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Old December 19th, 2023, 10:20 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear || thunderclan medicine cat apprentice
purrks: herbal knowledge - tier 2 | the collector | mind reader | skip the steps[all perm. active; sts for battle training]

“Here… sorry that… it took me… a little bit… it had…seemed that… the cobwebs… were stuck… within the… deeper parts… of the herb… storage,” Springpaw explained, hobbling out with her jaws lightly clasped around a bundle of cobwebs and marigold that were lightly dangling from a small leaf-like bundle. Unfortunately, due to how relatively slim their herbal storages have been, finding any potential herbs to help heal any anguishing wounds like Silverstorm’s current gashes. With careful consideration, the young molly hobbled her way next to the feline and gently began to use some wet moss to cleanse out any potential bacteria that developed within the wound, narrowing her eyes as she worked her way with cleaning out the wound. “May… I ask… how this… happened?...”

@Desert Rain Frog [ apologies for how late--and bad--this is! been exhausted from school and homelife here lately ]
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Old December 19th, 2023, 10:56 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by rudolph View Post

long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear || thunderclan medicine cat apprentice
purrks: herbal knowledge - tier 2 | the collector | mind reader | skip the steps[all perm. active; sts for battle training]

“Here… sorry that… it took me… a little bit… it had…seemed that… the cobwebs… were stuck… within the… deeper parts… of the herb… storage,” Springpaw explained, hobbling out with her jaws lightly clasped around a bundle of cobwebs and marigold that were lightly dangling from a small leaf-like bundle. Unfortunately, due to how relatively slim their herbal storages have been, finding any potential herbs to help heal any anguishing wounds like Silverstorm’s current gashes. With careful consideration, the young molly hobbled her way next to the feline and gently began to use some wet moss to cleanse out any potential bacteria that developed within the wound, narrowing her eyes as she worked her way with cleaning out the wound. “May… I ask… how this… happened?...”

@Desert Rain Frog [ apologies for how late--and bad--this is! been exhausted from school and homelife here lately ]
SilverStorm Winced At The Moss, It Didn't Hurt That Much But Still Hurt. A Lynx.. It Attacked Me While I Was Hunting. He Slightly Purred. It Didn't Get Out Without Losing Its Face Fur.. And Maybe It's Eyes? He Batted At A Loose Bit Of Moss, Careful Not To Move Much.
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Old December 20th, 2023, 11:46 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

She/they | 28 moons | Ultimate Predator
Hearing the yowl from the nursery, Redhawk didn't need to investigate too much right now to know that Drizzlecloud and Springpaw were needed. After peering into the normally calm den and seeing Wolfpaw wrestling - and winning - with a snake, as well as Tawnykit injured, the warrior shot from the nursery to the medicine den. Spoked her head in, rather breathless from the startle. "Drizzlecloud, S-Springpaw. The nnn-nursery. There's a s-s-sssnake. Tawnyk-kit... p-please come." With that the reddish-brown warrior ducked back out and headed to the nursery on fast paws.

[ @Omari @rudolph - for the snake in the nursery since drizzle and spring were called to come! ]

Last edited by taillow; December 20th, 2023 at 11:52 PM.
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Old December 21st, 2023, 09:22 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear || thunderclan medicine cat apprentice
purrks: herbal knowledge - tier 2 | the collector | mind reader | skip the steps[all perm. active; sts for battle training]

It didn’t take long for the young healer to dart into action, oriental-shaped ears swerving upwards as she bolted up onto all fours, focusing on the red-furred feline that dashed into the medicine den. A snake in the nursery was not a good sign. Who would even allow a snake to sneak into camp anyway? It just showed how irresponsible some cats can be these days. “Let… me gather… the required… herbs for… this,” Springpaw muttered, focusing measly on the decreased herb storage as she hobbled her way towards the indented holes. Oh dear, with how determinately low their storages were, they may need to send some cats out to find any herbs that could help with how potentially detrimental a bite could be. For now, she may need some of the ragweed and marigold to help with any potential infection. “I… will head… to the… nursery… Drizzlecloud… we may… need that… one herb… stinging nettle… I think… in case… there is… any… poison… we don’t… have any,” Springpaw explained, her voice muffled by the leaf-like bundle that she was carrying before approaching Redhawk, her eyes narrow as she awaited for the molly to lead her to the nursery. “Lead… the way.”

@Omari @tallulah [ ill go ahead and and make a quick post in the nursery ]
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Old December 21st, 2023, 07:08 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den


Redhawk had only poked her head into the medicine den for mere moments, and the context of her words–from what she managed to pick up, at least–shocked her. She pulled herself up to her paws, darting to the back of the den to search through their herb storage. What they needed was catmint and stinging nettle–she could only assume, at least… But they had neither. Their storage was quite low. Sucking in a sharp breath, she glanced to Springpaw for a moment before she headed to the mouth of their den. “I’ll be back soon, I’m going to take a quick run out into the territory–hopefully I can find some herbs that we need. Go, tend to the kit as best as you can, I’ll be back as soon as I can manage!” And with that, Drizzlecloud sprinted out of the den, out of camp, and out of sight.

[ @rudolph @tallulah – Drizzlecloud is going to run out into the territory to hopefully find some catmint and stinging nettle, and then I’ll post in the nursery ]
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Old December 27th, 2023, 12:04 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

( @Omari )

After finishing his discussions with the Hornets, Drizzlenight turned to seeking out the high ranks. He decided to start with Drizzlecloud, the medicine cat who shared half of his name. The black tom hadn't ever interacted with either medicine cat beyond small talk, so he had little clue how they'd react to his proposition.

Padding into the medicine den, the warrior called out, "Drizzlecloud! If you're available, I'd like to talk to you about something important."


( @rudolph )

Once he was finished speaking with Drizzlecloud, Drizzlenight sought out the medicine cat apprentice. Springpaw, that was the name.

"Springpaw?" he called out. "I need to speak to you about something, if you're not occupied with something more important."
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Old December 30th, 2023, 08:09 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

long-furred, oriental-shaped, gray-and-orange calico molly with blue eyes; torn right ear
purrks: herbal knowledge - tier 2 | the collector | mind reader | skip the steps[all perm. active; sts for battle training]

Exhaustion had practically been creeping over her bones, even with the young feline being at least around sixteen moons old now. The result of constantly working had been catching up to her, and it was looming immensely over her shoulders like a ghastly dream that chased her through the night. She was currently occupied by the herb storages, eying its scarcity with a heavy frown. Patrols were needed more than ever, yet it had seemed that her body hadn’t caught up with the fact that the colder days were vastly approaching. It was going to be relatively difficult to gather any necessary herbs for the coming future days of harsh leaf-bare, but it was better than nothing if she was wanting to get through it as a whole. Even with the stinging of the crisp air against her body, her numb nose detected the scent of one of her clan-mates strutting into the den. Her eyes briefly fluttered for a moment as she didn’t detect anything vile from her coming visitor, but begrudgingly heard him speak out for the medicine cat apprentice’s appearance. Her limbs aching against the biting cold, she quietly grunted as she pulled herself up onto all fours, making her way towards the mouth of the den.

“I’m… all ears… Drizzlenight,” Springpaw called, the young healer’s vibrant blue eyes locking with the black tom-cat’s similar blue, noting his proposition with speaking of something important. She hadn’t ever interacted with the feline that shared a similar name to her mentor, but it was quite amusing to think of the fact that she would be interacting with a feline whose name shared similarities with her mentor. “What… is it… that you… state is… important?… I would… presume… that… Bumblestar… heard first… about this… information… beforehand… correct?” She asked, caution lacing her voice as her brows creased forward with concern. If the important information that the warrior in front of her was spilled without any warning towards Bumblestar first, then that may lead to trouble.

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Old January 2nd, 2024, 05:03 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat's Den

Originally Posted by Swiftheart <3 View Post
(nah you're fine, I totally get it!)
Cloudkit weakly ate the herbs, his gaze still Clouded. He looked up at Springpaw. "Im.. sorry.."
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