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Old March 12th, 2024, 10:23 PM
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Default Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]

Redhawk - ThunderClan Hornet

With Silverpaw spoken for, the reddish-brown hornet gave a smile and let her gaze travel over the rest of the gathering crowd. Most, unsurprisingly, were gearing towards battle - even her headstrong newest apprentice. A few were hunting. However there were... none for tree climbing. Apprehension dripped like water from a flooding leaf down into her paws and the hornet's whiskers twitched, paws kneading the ground while her tail drooped ever so slightly. She recalled being ecstatic when she was an apprentice to learn how to climb trees but... it seemed like no one here wanted to learn.

That was okay though. Maybe she would just... help out Mudhound or Wolfhive? She first glanced at the tripod, then at the new warrior - a brief flash of defeat in her gaze - before facing forward once more. She wouldn't let herself get too down over this - after all, this was a good turn out! Training the next generation was an honor and Red would do whatever was required of her.

Two that had approached didn't exactly specify what kind of training, but more so seemed to want to learn everything, and to both of them - Beachpaw and Timberpaw - Red offered an encouraging smile. "Hopefully t-this will be a good foundation to sss-start with; afterwards, you can both work with your m-mentors to build off of it!"

[ @Fawn @vellichor - for her direct interaction to the two! ]

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Old March 13th, 2024, 06:57 AM
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Default Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]

Wolfhive immediately noticed the surplus of apprentices who wanted to do battle training over anything else. That was fine, of course, but it sorta derailed the Hornets plans of having three groups. No one wanted climbing, a pawful wanted to hunt. Several said nothing.

Well, he gave them plenty of time to speak up. He supposed he'd just assign them. He didn't miss the look of defeat on Redhawk's face, but he'd already made up his mind about how they'd go about this, 'n he didn't think she'd mind. "Slight change of plans, Red. We'll just do a merge - you always wanted us to utilize the trees more!" The bright side of this, the apprentices who wanted to fight would get a bonus of climbing training. If they didn't have it before, they'd have it now - another step closer to warriorhood.

He could see Beetlepaw doing something with her tail - and it ilicited a response from Sheeppaw. He didn't really understand what was happening there but figured he'd just lump them together to be safe. He also saw Beachpaw, and noted his request, but the battle-side of things was pretty full and he knew he could cover this topic with him easily later.

"Alright, when I call your name stand by me and Redhawk. We'll be doing a joint session of fighting and climbing, which means if you've had neither, you'll have both under your pelt.

"Woodpaw, Oatpaw, Shadepaw, Copperpaw, Mousepaw, Elkpaw, Wisppaw, Echopaw, Firepaw, Mallowpaw, Dogpaw, Beetlepaw, Sheeppaw, Mantispaw, Timberpaw, Sunpaw, Forestpaw, and Swanpaw.

[ @Blazing @SeonghwasBunnyEars @Tiabirb @nyx @Hestia! @dino. @CrimsonOak @Starphobia @kittycatburmise @Katiethewolfchild @vellichor @Eden @Dark ]

"The next batch of names is going with Mudhound, who's gonna take you hunting. There's a lot of you, 'n we don't want any incidents so make sure you listen to them closely.

[ @Rani will be posting later today to get the hunting crew started. Stay tuned! ]

"Silverpaw, Salmonpaw, Fallingpaw, Cherrypaw, Daylightpaw, Echopaw, Beachpaw, Blazepaw, Flintpaw, Sprucepaw, Treepaw, Crowpaw, Poppypaw, and Leafpaw!"
[ @zozelen @Desert Rain Frog @Merp Machine @Spider-in-the-corner @bubble[error]. @Ladiebugg @Fawn @mars @Alchemist Kitsune @SuspiciousMindz @SpiritedWarrior @Estelle @Eden ]
[ BELOW APPLIES ONLY TO THE FIGHTING / CLIMBING GROUP! @tally will be continuing this to go into the battle technique ]

He'd give all the groups an opportunity to gather together, before he began to lead their group out of camp. Wolfhive wasn't taking the battle group far - just away enough from camp to where they'd be outta the way and have enough room for the dozen 'n then some apprentices.

"First things first for this session, you're gonna want to know how to climb a tree. It's easier to use trees that have clawmarks in them, 'cause that tells you where to put your paws. If they don't have that though, you can make it work - look for cracks in the bark where you can hook into." To demonstrate, Wolfhive reared upward to hook his foreclaws into the bark. He made a point of tugging downward, to show his claws had been caught in the crevices. "Then, push upwards with your hindclaws." He pushed himself from the ground and sank his backclaws into the bark, while his foreclaws reached up to latch onto the bark again.

Wolfhive made it up a couple branches before he stopped atop one, looking down at the crew below. "Even if you know how to climb, think of this as a refresher and make it up here. For those who haven't, might take you a try or two, but don't get discourage if it's hard. Just takes practice."

He leapt down from the branch to make room for the apprentices to work their way up. Once they were integrated a bit, Redhawk could take over to go over the battle move she wanted to try.

-- NOTE --

The battle / climbing sessions will count as 2 separate training sessions for the purpose of rank requirements! This means if your cat needs both (or needs to fulfill the 2 general slots), they get both as long as you have at least 3 practice posts going forward. This should include one climbing, one battle, and one of your choice of those topics.

Last edited by BEAR.; March 13th, 2024 at 07:21 PM.
Old March 13th, 2024, 07:30 AM
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Default Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]

Originally Posted by BEAR. View Post

Wolfhive immediately noticed the surplus of apprentices who wanted to do battle training over anything else. That was fine, of course, but it sorta derailed the Hornets plans of having three groups. No one wanted climbing, a pawful wanted to hunt. Several said nothing.

Well, he gave them plenty of time to speak up. He supposed he'd just assign them. He didn't miss the look of defeat on Redhawk's face, but he'd already made up his mind about how they'd go about this, 'n he didn't think she'd mind. "Slight change of plans, Red. We'll just do a merge - you always wanted us to utilize the trees more!" The bright side of this, the apprentices who wanted to fight would get a bonus of climbing training. If they didn't have it before, they'd have it now - another step closer to warriorhood.

He could see Beetlepaw doing something with her tail - and it ilicited a response from Sheeppaw. He didn't really understand what was happening there but figured he'd just lump them together to be safe. He also saw Beachpaw, and noted his request, but the battle-side of things was pretty full and he knew he could cover this topic with him easily later.

[b]"Alright, when I call your name stand by me and Redhawk. We'll be doing a joint session of fighting and climbing, which means if you've had neither, you'll have both under your pelt.

"The next batch of names is going with Mudhound, who's gonna take you hunting. There's a lot of you, 'n we don't want any incidents so make sure you listen to them closely.

] will be posting later today to get the hunting crew started. Stay tuned! ]

will be continuing this to go into the battle technique ]

He'd give all the groups an opportunity to gather together, before he began to lead their group out of camp. Wolfhive wasn't taking the battle group far - just away enough from camp to where they'd be outta the way and have enough room for the dozen 'n then some apprentices.

"First things first for this session, you're gonna want to know how to climb a tree. It's easier to use trees that have clawmarks in them, 'cause that tells you where to put your paws. If they don't have that though, you can make it work - look for cracks in the bark where you can hook into." To demonstrate, Wolfhive reared upward to hook his foreclaws into the bark. He made a point of tugging downward, to show his claws had been caught in the crevices. "Then, push upwards with your hindclaws." He pushed himself from the ground and sank his backclaws into the bark, while his foreclaws reached up to latch onto the bark again.

Wolfhive made it up a couple branches before he stopped atop one, looking down at the crew below. "Even if you know how to climb, think of this as a refresher and make it up here. For those who haven't, might take you a try or two, but don't get discourage if it's hard. Just takes practice."

He leapt down from the branch to make room for the apprentices to work their way up. Once they were integrated a bit, Redhawk could take over to go over the battle move she wanted to try.

-- NOTE --

The battle / climbing sessions will count as 2 separate training sessions for the purpose of rank requirements! This means if your cat needs both (or needs to fulfill the 2 general slots), they get both as long as you have at least 3 practice posts going forward. This should include one climbing, one battle, and one of your choice of those topics.

《 Copperpaw 》

they/them / thunderclan apprentice / ambitious

A wide grin spread across the brown tabby's face. "Perfect! Now I'll get both fighting and tree climbing!" they thought. "I'll come back to Aldercry with so much training!" They stepped next to the Thunderclan hornets as they called their name. They stood with their tail in the air and their claws sheathing and unsheathing in excitement.

They watched carefully as the new Thunderclan hornet show'd them the best way to climb. They stepped forward and inspected the bark for claw marks, like they were just shown. Copperpaw extended their claws and latched them into the claw-marked tree. With a huff, they straightened their hind paws to the tree and looked to make sure they were caught in the grooves.

They very slowly (and wobbly) made their way up the tree, slipping sometimes on the way. Their eyes focused on where they put their paws instead of looking upwards. They climbed onto one of the lower branches and their tail curled around the bark... just in case. They felt a bit sore but they were proud of themselves. "I did it!!" they thought in delight.
(@tally ; Redhawk , @Bear ; Wolfhive )

Old March 13th, 2024, 08:46 AM
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Default Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]

Finally! Forestpaw was going to get the training she so needed; she listened closely to the warrios, 'ok, hook you claws into the bark, and jump!' how hard would that be?

She looked around, all the apprentices had already been successful, what if she failed? What if she wasn't able to climb? she looked around nervously; I can't do it, I'm too small, I'm underprepared.

She looked around; maybe someone would be able to help?
[my cat needs HELP, she is anxious, so please help her!]

Last edited by Starii; March 13th, 2024 at 08:46 AM.
Old March 13th, 2024, 08:54 AM
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Default Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]

Wolfhive noticed Forestpaw seemed a little uncertain, and he moved to join her side. "Take a breath." It was a murmur, an attempt at being soothing. He didn't have a lot of experience comforting others, so hopefully that'd do something? "Start with one paw at a time." They could do it together, even. If that helped.

He beckoned her to join him beneath one of the trees and placed one of his paws against the trunk, claws latching between the bark. "Like this, okay?" They could take it slow. No need to stress over it.

[ @Starii ]
Old March 13th, 2024, 09:01 AM
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Default Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]

Originally Posted by BEAR. View Post
Wolfhive noticed Forestpaw seemed a little uncertain, and he moved to join her side. "Take a breath." It was a murmur, an attempt at being soothing. He didn't have a lot of experience comforting others, so hopefully that'd do something? "Start with one paw at a time." They could do it together, even. If that helped.

He beckoned her to join him beneath one of the trees and placed one of his paws against the trunk, claws latching between the bark. "Like this, okay?" They could take it slow. No need to stress over it.

[ @Starii ]

She looked back at the warrior, how helpful! she nodded to him, "sure, one step at a time" she repeated; copying his move she put her right forepaw on the tree; she could feel the park beneath her paw, she sunk her claws deep, using the barks rough texture to her advantage; when she put weight over it, her paw slipped back down to the ground.

"URGH!" she meowed frustrated at herself, I can't make myself climb a stupid tree! What an arsehole I am, she cursed at herself, hoping the senior warrior didn't hear her she tried again; with determination sparkling in her eyes, she tried again, this time with her left forepaw, she did the same process; she found a rough textured area, and sank her claws as deep as she could without breaking them, this time she waited for wolfhive to tell her what to do next 'perhaps there is something else I'm supposed to do before I put the weight on my paws?' she thought to herself.

She looked at the warrior, waiting for his next move.
Old March 13th, 2024, 09:15 AM
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Default Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]

Judging by her reaction, Wolfhive's attempt at comfort must've been okay. She seemed to refocus her attention on the task at paw - tree climbing. "You got this."

She did not, indeed, have this, as she hooked one paw in and tried to put her weight on it without gripping with her other. Whoops! Maybe he wasn't clear enough? Was his earlier demonstration not a good reference? Wolfhive hadn't trained others on tree climbing before, the plan prior to adaption was that he would be the battle trainer. "Hey, do you remember what I said a bit ago? Climbing isn't easy, it takes practice. Don't let it discourage you -- you'll get the hang of it!"

He used his other paw to hook into the bark, a repeat of how he gripped it with his other paw. "Make sure both your front paws have a secure hold, then you can put your weight on them." He didn't want to go too fast, so he paused to give her time to make the adjustment. "Now you can use your legs to push off the ground, and you wanna latch them into the bark too."

[ @Starii ]
Old March 13th, 2024, 09:55 AM
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Default Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]


Apprentice - ThunderClan - Tom

Woodpaw paddled forward as his name was called, and he gazed up at the warrior before at the other group of apprentices now surrounding him, also interested in battling. He saw Blazepaw too, which is not surprising.

Continued to listen attentively and quietly, he watched as young Thunderclanners started to attempt to climb one by one. The tabby's eyes glinted as he looked up at the large trees. Won't any apprentices fall if everyone goes like this without order? Walking nearer towards the edge, at one of the trees where there are fewer cats, the apprentice tried climbing.

Listening to Wolfhive, he unsheathed his claw where claw marks could be seen and slowly rose, slipping every so often, yet remaining steady most of the time. Throughout the way, he fell for a bit and had to retry, but it didn't stop him. Taking a deep breath, he finally got to one of the lowest branches after several tries. He clung up and watched as a few others continued to attempt. Some proved to be failing while others were successful.

He should be doing okay.
@Bear @tally

Last edited by Blazing; March 13th, 2024 at 09:56 AM.
Old March 13th, 2024, 10:20 AM
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Default Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]

Dogpaw nodded at Wolfhive's words. She hooked unsheathed claws into the crevices of a tree and climbed up onto one of the lower branches easily, as she had had a climbing lesson back as a kit, as back then the kit curriculum had been mandatory. She had needed a climbing lesson and one other to become an apprentice.

When other apprentices began climbing Sheeppaw hooked unsheathed claws into the crevices of a tree and climbed up onto one of the lower branches as easily, as Dogpaw had, as she had also had a climbing lesson as a kit, as the two sisters were the same age, despite the fact that Sheeppaw was larger than her, as she was larger than most ten moon old apprentices, though she wasn't massive.

Beetlepaw was relieved that she was doing the training she had wanted to do, though she was also training in climbing. She listened to Wolfhive's instructions and when it was her turn hooked unsheathed claws into the crevices of her chosen tree and easily climbed up to a branch, as easily as her two sisters, as she was the same age as her sisters despite her much smaller size and had also had a climbing lesson with the kit curriculum as a kit.

Mantispaw nodded. Having both fighting and climbing training would be quite helpful and help her become a warrior sooner. When they left camp and Wolfhive began instructing them in how to climb and showed them how it was done Mantispaw nodded and watched as some of the other apprentices climbed up a tree. Once she thought she had watched long enough she had a try at it herself. Hooking unsheathed claws into the crevices in the tree, the six-moon old climbed up carefully. She arrived at one of the lower branches without too much trouble. She had wanted to take a climbing kit curriculum lesson, but she hadn't been able to find anyone to teach her. To be utterly honest she had wanted to take a kit curriculum lesson in everything that was offered, but she hadn't been able to find anyone to teach her. @tally @BEAR.

Last edited by Katiethewolfchild; March 13th, 2024 at 09:19 PM.
Old March 13th, 2024, 11:13 AM
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Default Re: get off your butts before we make you [TC APP EVENT]

*Cherrypaw looked for her group*

( @Desert Rain Frog @Merp Machine @Spider-in-the-corner @Ladiebugg @Fawn @Starii @mars @Alchemist Kitsune @SuspiciousMindz @SpiritedWarrior @Estelle @Eden @BEAR. @tally )

(Wasn't sure if I was supposed to mention all. If not, please let me know so I can delete this and redo it)
testing my activity. plz don't bother me too much.

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