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Default Re: In Our Homes We'll Burn [ EVENT - OPEN TO ALL ]

Beast of Bounty-
A buff dirty brown Tom

Mud had been traveling through the kittypet place due to the unnatural heat when he smelt something familiar something he hoped to never have smelt again.He quickened his pace and looked up to the sky where there was fire smoke would follow and man was there smoke everywhere.Ge heard the cries of certain animals mostly cats but a few cry’s from uprights.He came across a house with the door open and a cat wait why weren’t they moving? He started to run this was bad real bad.But this may be a chance for opportunity specially to fill his pockets.when he was up the steps he moved carefully his bigger frame made it harder for him to squeeze into spaces.What the hells goin on why are you just standing there we need to move!”he said while trying to lead this kittypet to safety.

Vinepaw wishes you well

Specklepaw is the current medicine cat apprentice for Frostclan
Hyenaslash is the current medicine cat for Sunclan he has an open den policy


Art made by RamenThePidgeon
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Old Today, 11:25 AM
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Default Re: In Our Homes We'll Burn [ EVENT - OPEN TO ALL ]

she/her | 10 moons
[Golden and white tuxedo tabby with green eyes and a heavily scarred face]
Purrks: Dreamwalker, Herbal Knowledge T2
⋆˖⁺‧₊☽ The Star ☾₊‧⁺˖⋆
· · ────────────── · ·
[Rushwater - @redshiftreign ]
· · ────────────── · ·
Being limited in her movement sucked. Though, Nathaniel's family visited her semi-frequently, and Rushwater was always around to entertain her. Eaglepaw had never known him to be very expressive--hell, she hadn't really known him at all due to him being missing for her entire childhood--but he seemed intent on keeping her spirits up. She had a suspicion that it helped him too.

Eaglepaw had been enjoying a quiet night outside of the den, watching the new members of their little... place, or whatever it was. She refused to interact with them, since they were also displaced RiverClan cats. She wanted to avoid RiverClan whenever possible. Her dream with Dusklion still haunted her, both positively and negatively.

It started slowly. The sky gradually changed color; from a deep blue to a sickly grey and orange. Eaglepaw watched it, brows furrowed in confusion. Was this a thing that happened in the Twoleg place? She had heard that the stars didn't come out as often, since StarClan was hiding from the Twolegs. But she had never seen this before. It took several heartbeats, but eventually Eaglepaw's large ears picked up a strange noise in the distance, coming from the many buildings that closed off one side of the green-space Nathaniel's healing den was in.

Beep. Beep. Beep. ... Beep. Beep. Beep.

Eaglepaw pushed herself unsteadily to her paws, putting limited weight on her injured front left leg. Now that she was moving out from under the wooden bridge over the stream, Eaglepaw could see just how light the sky had gotten, as though the sun was rising early. But the acrid, cloying scent that drifted over the park foretold danger. Eaglepaw had never seen fire before, nor smelled smoke. But it didn't take experience to know that something was wrong. Very, very wrong.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

The wailing from the Twoleg dens grew louder as more and more alarms went off, the fire licking up gasoline-painted walls and consuming the soft, dry insides of the apartments. Eaglepaw stared in horror at the dens, watching the flames climb higher and higher. Twolegs were running around, giant, bright red monsters with blinding lights screaming down the small Thunderpaths towards the dens. Eaglepaw shrank back as Twolegs raced by, wailing in unfamiliar tongues.

Then she saw the cats. Covered in soot and burns, they rushed for the bridge. Eaglepaw gasped, stumbling back a step before making a beeline for the den. She tore the blankets--that's what Nathaniel called them--from her nest, dragging them out onto the dry bank of the stream and laying them out. She cleared the den of the larger blankets, making room for Nathaniel to work while creating a broader space outside where they could accommodate more cats. She didn't dare touch his herb storage. She had been trhough this twice before. Crises, that is. She knew what to do.

Eaglepaw limped out of the den and up onto the bridge, taking a deep breath to steel herself against the pain coming. "OVER HERE!!" She cried, voice cracking from disuse over the last moon. "IT'S SAFE HERE!" Pain bloomed across her heavily-bandaged maw, and she gasped as stars sparkled in her vision. But she pushed past it. "UNDER THE BRIDGE!!"

Purpose. She had purpose now. And she wouldn't let it go to waste. She hadn't been able to follow her dream of becoming RiverClan's medicine cat apprentice, but she could help the kittypets and outsiders.

[ANYONE WHO NEEDS HEALING GATHER UNDER THE WOODEN BRIDGE. Eaglepaw will work with Nathaniel [ @Rani ] to heal anyone who needs it!]

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
Hawkfur (WC) - Mistlewhisker (SC) - Eaglepaw (Outsider) - Birdpaw (SC) - Hillstrider (SC)
Mistlewhisker header and sig art by @/redshiftreign

Last edited by Mica; Today at 11:25 AM.
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Old Today, 02:58 PM
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Default Re: In Our Homes We'll Burn [ EVENT - OPEN TO ALL ]


Ginger had always been a restless kit. Though, obedient, her curiosity could not be contained so she often found herself silently stalking her home in the cover of darkness. Familiarising every nook and cranny a million times over until she'd discovered all the secrets that were to be found. But surely there was more to learn? Sleep was a challenge but evening was an adventure.

Small pawpads tapped softly against the wooden floors as the kitten explored the well known apartment. Peering around every corner with the hope to find something new. Weaving around the dozens of toys scattered about as to not wake her sister. Round blue eyes glowed as she chased shadows. Nothing more intresting to study this time, all she could do was revert back to her usual midnight wanders. But this was activity was growing a bit tedious.

Moonlight illuminated the russet kittypet as she quietly frolicked through her home. Pausing for a moment, she blinked inquisitively at a small flicker of fire drifting ominously through the light breeze that managed to find it's way into the apartment. What was this strange thing? Fascinated by the floating ember, Ginger idly reached out a slim paw to bat it, only to flinch back with a shcoked hit of pain. Tears threatened to spill as she gazed in horrified bewilderment at the burning red mark that scored her tender paws.

Breath quickening, an obscure change it her cozy home was suddenly made painfully obvious. The air was carrying wisps of smoke and the pale, cool shine of the moon was replaced by a sickly orange lustre. Uncannily similiar ginger fur bristled in panic at the danger promising sight. Feeble claws slid out for the first time as the kitten shakily turned her head in the direction of the plume. Flames had consumed the door already and were hungry for more.

A small gasp could be heard as snitten witnessed the uncaring blaze devour everything in it's path. Her whole world was being burned down in a psychedelic haze. Backing up in a hurried panic was one of the first things she did as flames roared and unnatural noises blared around her. It was spreading quicker than she could think. Choking on smoke and stumbling around blindly. Chaos was dominant, peace nonexistent. Sparks assulted her without mercy in a burning frenzy, clinging to her soft pelt as she tried desperately to ward them off.

Droplets of water dripped down her face but were futile in subdueing the heat that surronded her on all sides. Calm demeanour completely destroyed in this nightmare; Ginger's mind was in shambles. Shrieks of terror joined her own in chorus, belonging to Snowdrop who unfortunately was suffering this pain as well. Frantic pale blue orbs scanned in vain for her littermate. All she could hear was screams. How could this happen on such a peaceful night? Why was such torment forced upon the kittens? The answers were all unknown and would remain that way unless she survived.

The snitten's saviours arrived after what seemed like eternity. The fume disfigured sight Rhiannon was a beam of light among the raging inferno. Rasping sobs left the kitten's smoke damaged throat as she floundered towards her mother in anguish. Sinking into her snowy white fur upon contact. Sniffling and forcing out pained mews "Mama!" Everything hurt. Some stray embers still clung to her russet pelt as she wept. She was overwhelmed by this ongoing experience. All she wanted was tranquility and to be freed from this scorching pain.


Nightgaze kit finder!

Please tap on the eggs and small dragons!^^
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Old Today, 05:46 PM
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Default Re: In Our Homes We'll Burn [ EVENT - OPEN TO ALL ]

@OBigBrainO @Tallstar


Former TC ~*~ Kittypet
He didn't have to wait too long before two cats approached him. He could feel the heat building behind him. Duck stared wide-eyed at the brown cat as he spoke. This cat was trying to lead him away! They didn't understand! He stayed firmly where he was, trying to ignore the pain in his pads. "I-I can't leave! My Twoleg! She's still in there!" His voice was cracking and wheezing. The effort it had taken to call over the sound mixed with the smoke he had inhaled was wearing it down.
He looked at both cats with large pleading green eyes. "We can't leave her! You have to help me save her!" He turned his head around, trying to go back inside to save her regardless of what the other two did. He yelped and stumbled back through his door (cat door). The fire had gotten closer than he had expected. It was almost completely engulfing the entrance of his house. He wracked his brain. There was a way to save Lily. There was. He would find it. He just had to think.
Crash! He yelped. It sounded like parts of his house were caving in. The thought, made tears begin to well up in the edges of his eyes. It really was all being destroyed. He shook his head. There was no time for that now! He turned back to the other cats. Panic was causing the fur along his back stand on in. "Th-that's ok! We-we don't have to go through the front! We can go in through the back!" He began to lead them to the back, but had to stop and grit his teeth. His pads were blazing with pain. "No...no!" He forced himself to take another step. He had to ignore it! He had to go on! He wouldn't leave her.
Sending good vibes

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Old Today, 06:49 PM
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Default Re: In Our Homes We'll Burn [ EVENT - OPEN TO ALL ]

Kittypet Queen | She/Her

In the blazing oranges and reds that shocked through the black of soot Rhiannon was a ray of white light that broke through this painful veil. If only for a moment.

Unlike Nathaniel, a once clan cat familiar with danger and with the at least passing knowledge of how to survive hardship and wildfires Rhiannon was a lifelong kittypet. She knew nothing of devastation, of survival, and any effort to fight againt the blaze would be a risk only won with harsh sacrifice.
But above her lifestyle Rhiannon was a Mother.

The lynx point was more a snarling tiger then a house cat, bounding over a fallen burning beam with a single bound and cutting through opaque black smoke like the heat and soot didnt char her throat and the fire didnt singe her paws. None of it mattered, the molly could hear her kit in this darkened room and so would rip it apart to find Ginger.

"Just keep breathing darling, just keep making noises Im getting you out of here soon, you'll be alright my dove I just need you to keep fighting for me."
The words were constant as Rhiannon shoved open closets, overturned cushions and pushed up crumbling furniture trying to find her baby. She could hear Gingers whimpers and cries and begging and it made her frantic and desperate to find her, but the noises source was impossible to pinpoint over the crackling of the house burning down around the two and the shrill noises of the firetrucks nearby trying to dampen too many fires and the firealarms blaring.

It was too much, too much and Rhiannon could distantly feel the horrible spots of pain blooming along her white fur as she tore through the room to find her daughter. It was agonizing, worse then anything she'd ever felt before but it didnt matter, agony didnt matter, only her baby did.

Eventually Ginger was found, at the cusp of it being too late.

With a sickening snap things fell apart literally this time. A large bookcase, half destroyed as is and remaining upright by only the grace of the gods did not seem to hold it anymore as a piece fell.... Right toward Ginger.
Rhiannon moved without thinking.

The queen slammed into the thin burning wood, using all her momentum and weight to push it away even as she screamed, embers digging into her skin and searing her pelt, ripping and cutting as the wood crashed into the floor, a bare tails length away from the young molly. Rhiannon didnt want to know what she looked like as she turned to face her daughter, couldnt comprehend the state of the large throbbing patch on her shoulder she couldnt fully feel, but she imagined it was horrible.

It hardly mattered though, the queen could still move, could still her kitten out of this, and she could deal with the huge injury that'd no doubt change her life later. Dashing over despite the pain the kittypet queen grabbed Ginger by the scruff and carried her kitten away leaping over the cinder remains of their home and sprinting away from fire and ember to break out into the night air.

It was honestly not much less chaotic out here, twolegs and neighborhood cats dashing around both as the world ended, some of the humans trying to stop the blaze and others just weeping for what was lost. It was a loud riot of pain as the flames just kept spreading and so the molly didnt stop until she was on a nearby corner and had some space, finally putting down Ginger to look over the kitten.

"I- You, ok?" Rhiannons voice was wheezing and pained, smoke damage choking her from within and prompting a horrible hacking cough as adrenaline started to fade. Everything hurt and her chest was screaming but it didnt matter, it just didnt. "We're gonna wait for a bit.... Ya Pa- he's-.... Snowdrop-" How was she to say that Rhiannon just wasnt sure if Nathaniel was going to be able to get out with Gingers trapped littermate, that they might loose them tonight, be forced to move on alone if they didnt get out of the house soon. The molly couldnt, just couldnt and she slumped to the ground, still focused on checking Ginger for injuries and ignoring her own but desperate for a rest for her battered form.

This was all hell, but the molly would remain strong for her baby as long as she could manage it.

@Morrigan @redshiftreign (if a certain man wants to help come to the rescue)
Have an outsider who needs healing? Pm me!
Rani's Characters for adoption.
Headers/ art credits here & pfp by ZenoOfDreams~

Last edited by Rani; Today at 06:50 PM.
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