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Old December 11th, 2021, 07:48 PM
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Clans Re: December Gathering

Snowleap of Riverclan
Snowleap nodded with a kind smile present upon his maw. “I’ve seen you around camp, but it’s a pleasure to meet you personally,” He said, blinking at the she-cat before responding to her next words, “Indeed… I’m definitely not looking forward to it.” The tall warrior gestured to his bushy dark-grey coat of fur. “At least I have this to keep warm. Hunting will be much more difficult though… Finding anything with much meat on it these days is hard enough as it is.” He licked the fur on his shoulder, casually grooming his pelt as he usually did when talking to other cats.

“Enough of that depressing chatter, how are you doing today, Rosyfrost?” Snowleap asked, peering at her with his icy blue-eyes. His ears twitched at all the idle chit-chat that went on around them as cats conversed among the group, but he made sure to focus on the she-cat before him. He tended to get distracted easily if he started thinking about something else, but he was working on socializing better with his clan.

Last edited by Captain; December 11th, 2021 at 07:49 PM.
Old December 12th, 2021, 09:00 AM
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Default Re: December Gathering

Originally Posted by error View Post
She laughed awkwardly. “Not- really. I normally kinda keep to myself during gatherings, to keep out of trouble. But- why?” She tilted her head, quirking a brow.

( @Brightlight )

Lionshade padded in, looking around. He still kinda had to hide from Stormstripe and Morningpaw atleast until she became a warrior. He sat, looking around. Not much had happened yet- which was a relief during the beginning of a gathering.
( OPEN )

Silverflight padded into the clearing, eyes blank. Normal sucky life, and a chaotic gathering.
( OPEN )

Maplepaw padded in and sat down, her second gathering, and she had to try to expect that some chaos would happen. She pursed her lips, looking around.
( OPEN )

"I was just wondering. I was thinking of maybe trying to talk to other cats from other Clans this Gathering. But I don't know......" Slatefrost just left it at that.

A smell suddenly wafted through the air, blown around by the wind. It was familiar yet somehow foreign at the same time, and, distinctly...fishy. Slatefrost watched as Riverclan cats entered the beachy area, the second Clan to arrive.
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Old December 12th, 2021, 09:09 AM
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Default Re: December Gathering


--Brittleshore of Riverclan--

The grey elder padded slowly along the sand. He didn't know why he had wanted to come here when he could be curled up in his nice warm den. Already, it was getting too cold for him. The breeze was somehow getting through his thick fur.

Brittleshore didn't bother shivering though. He hoped Kestrelstar would just say whatever and then they could all go back home. Brittleshore looked around. He could see several Windclan cats around him, but he could also see Riverclan. Including the new medicine cat apprentice, and their medicine cat. Brittleshore looked up at the stones, hoping this would be over soon.
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Old December 12th, 2021, 11:03 AM
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Default Re: December Gathering

Originally Posted by Rani View Post

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Dear starclan this was going to be a depressing gathering. Peachfrost was missing Icicleripple was dead and while Snakeheart had received no news on Bounceberry he was well aware if something happened to the tom Dawnstar would not inform him. Wonderfully dull and dreary first gathering for his new apprentice.... Ah well maybe he could do a little instructing on proper etiquette for a medicine cat while the gathering occurred? Yeah explaining the expectations for the medicine cats was a must. So with a flicked tail to indicate he wanted Reedpaw to follow him Snakeheart made his way over to the regular medicine cats meeting spot and sat turning to his apprentice with a "So medicine cats of the other clans. Who are they and what do you know about them? Go."

@Nixey @Fletcher
@Nixey cccc

Almost as if Snakeheart had summoned him himself, Bounceberry poked his head into view past a couple of rocks, his head was held low as he skulked about the perimeter of the Seastones, but eventually moved to approach Snakeheart as he was interrogating an apprentice.

"Why are you bullying a child, my friend?" he snarked, plopping his butt down, "I-it's been quite a while, I have been busy, and avoiding these gatherings since the demotion of Ebonyfang. It has been hard, but I have managed just fine."

Please do NOT use bright/neon colors for your text while RPing with me, I cannot read it.

Bump me literally whenever, I'm quite busy and do need reminders!

Bounceberry is Shadowclan's Medicine Cat, apply for healing here. He has a semi-open den policy, make sure to read the rules!
Old December 12th, 2021, 12:57 PM
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Default Re: December Gathering


Honeypaw looked around happily, it had been a while since he'd participated in a gathering! He hoped he'd see some of his old friends. How much he would enjoy that!


Nightpaw gazed around a bit anxiously. He was nervous. It was his first gathering and he didn't know what the other clans would think of him!
Old December 12th, 2021, 02:58 PM
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Default Re: December Gathering


The tall tom weaved his away amongst the WindClan and RiverClan cats that had already arrived, silenlty glad that ThunderClan wasn't here yet. Hopefully he wouldn't run into Bubblebreeze, who knows what that evil she-cat was capabale of starting at a gathering.


The new warrior stuck close to RiverClan as they made their way towards the Seastones, her pelt fluffed up against the chill of leaf-bare. The molly let out a quiet sigh of relief when she saw that WindClan was already there, glad that the Clan hadn't been terribly injured or even driven out. Plus, two gatherings ago she had talked to a nice apprentice... Snowypaw she believed their name was. Hopefully they were alright.
Old December 12th, 2021, 04:55 PM
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Default Re: December Gathering

"Correct." Snakeheart was about it elaborate further but then in a fit of 'speak of the devil the shadowclan medicine cat appeared as if from nowhere earning a slight jerk of surprise from the older tom. "Evening Bounceberry and for your information Im not bullying a random child this is my new apprentice Reedpaw. Reedpaw, Bounceberry. He's the best of shadowclan so dont expect the others to be as good though if needs must you can trust him." The younger tom got a greeting nod and an understanding flick of a ear at his dislike of the gathering. Starclan knows the only reason Snakeheart came to the gathering was his refusal to let riverclan look bad by showing to a gathering missing a medicine cat. "As for your judgment on Peachfrost she can be cold yes but shes a good cat besides. Though you wont be meeting her today as, Bounceberry keep this secret please, she'd gone missing after the windstorm. When Twilightstar chooses her successor they'll probably come to riverclan for training so expect that." Cats went missing all to often and honestly though Snakeheart viewed Peachfrost as a friend he'd exhausted all the cares he could have about the situation. One apprentice he'd taught went, another came on and on.
@Fletcher @Nixey
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Old December 12th, 2021, 06:25 PM
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Default Re: December Gathering


The elder came slower than the other Windclan cats. It seemed she’d arrived with Riverclan. She waited for the Riverclan cats to go through before going over herself. She looked around for a place to sit. I wonder if there will be any young cats who will want to hear stories. Lavendesnap remembered loving stories from other clans herself when she was young. This was her first gathering as an elder, despite it being her forth moon of being one. She wasn’t sure what this generation thought of stories yet. She found what she deemed a cozy little spot and sat down. Her old pelt did little to nothing for the cold. She shivered silently, but remained optimistic. I wonder what’s going on across our borders.


The silver Riverclan tom looked around his gaze a bundle of awe and nerves. This was his second time coming to the gathering as a warrior. Last time he had been too timid to talk to any cat outside his clan. He wasn’t sure, yet, if he wanted to expand his horizon this time. You should! It’s what respectable warriors do. He looked around for one of the Windclan cats to talk to. They all look so scary! And didn’t they just go through a tragedy? Maybe I should wait for another clan? Yes that’s what I’ll do. But not Shadowclan, of course. So Thunderclan then. He shrank away from the Windclan cats and found a seat as far away from them as possible.

[Both open]
Eaglekit: A hyper and friendly Thunderclan kit.
Lavendersnap: A polite and quiet Windclan elder
Mallardstep: A lazy and even tempered Thunderclan warrior
Dragonflyfrond: An anxious and quiet Riverclan warrior
Hummingbirdkit: A sickly and gentle Shadowclan kit

I’m back from hiatus bump me mercilessly if I don’t respond! I may have forgotten.

~Warning: I write from my character’s perspective. Misunderstandings will be had, assumptions will be made~
Old December 12th, 2021, 08:23 PM
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Default Re: December Gathering

Cobwebpaw nodded as Toadpounce spoke, whiskers twitching with amusement at the stuttered greeting. Not to say that he was much better at speaking, but it was still a little entertaining. He recalled his father being a bit sporadic, even as a kit, so he was used to his father's general demeanor; though, he did seem a bit stressed. He supposed that was to be expected - Cobwebpaw had been raised to place family first, and now most all of them were gone.

His eyes flickered towards the seastones for a brief moment as Kestrelstar joined Twilightstar, and more cats - along with a strong scent of fish and river grass - flooded into the clearing. He wished gatherings wouldn't be so crowded. He absolutely despised being caught in the middle of giant hordes of cats, all babbling nonsense whilst shushing everyone else. The only reason he came was to get news on the other clans, but he usually stayed as far from the other cats as possible. He swallowed, shoving away worried thoughts and returning his focus to Toadpounce and his father nudged him gently with a forepaw. Don't be stupid, nobody's even around you.

"I've been... fine. Yeah, things have been alright." His tone had grown softer, a result of being half in his thoughts, half anxiously worried about cats... hearing him? It was odd. He supposed he didn't want to be heard saying anything stupid, or perhaps he was worried his voice sounded weird; he couldn't really be sure, as he didn't know himself what he was silently fretting over. He perked up some at the mention of his tunneler training, and a bashful smile formed on his face as he cast his gaze down towards his paws. "It's been going really well, Crowtooth is a good teacher. The other trainees are nice too. They're quiet." He thought he might be good friends with Jaypaw, if either apprentice would take it upon themself to speak to the other, but he didn't foresee that happening in the near future. Dawnstreak... he was less sure about. She seemed kind of neutral about everything. What he enjoyed was that there was no effort to make forced, awkward small talk. All three seemed to be content to simply exist in silence. Crowtooth on the other hand...

Cobwebpaw didn't know what to make of Crowtooth. The large tom was loud, extroverted, and spoke in a sort of strange way. Oddly, the young apprentice didn't really mind the tunneler's over-the-top behavior. Perhaps it balanced the three quiet trainees. His pale eyes flicked back up towards Toadpounce, and he attempted to continue the conversation. "Have you- err.. done anything interesting? Recently?" Starclan, he was bad at this. He supposed it was open ended enough that his father could answer anything, but he suspected it would be along the lines of having found a new way to maim prey, or 'I pestered some dying old elder in the medicine cat den the other day!' Ok, maybe that train of thought was a bit mean. His father wasn't that insensitive. Usually.


“and the human race is filled with passion. and medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. but poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.”
— john keating (robin williams), dead poets society

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Last edited by beau; December 12th, 2021 at 08:24 PM.
Old December 12th, 2021, 08:24 PM
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Default Re: December Gathering

Originally Posted by Rani View Post
"Correct." Snakeheart was about it elaborate further but then in a fit of 'speak of the devil the shadowclan medicine cat appeared as if from nowhere earning a slight jerk of surprise from the older tom. "Evening Bounceberry and for your information Im not bullying a random child this is my new apprentice Reedpaw. Reedpaw, Bounceberry. He's the best of shadowclan so dont expect the others to be as good though if needs must you can trust him." The younger tom got a greeting nod and an understanding flick of a ear at his dislike of the gathering. Starclan knows the only reason Snakeheart came to the gathering was his refusal to let riverclan look bad by showing to a gathering missing a medicine cat. "As for your judgment on Peachfrost she can be cold yes but shes a good cat besides. Though you wont be meeting her today as, Bounceberry keep this secret please, she'd gone missing after the windstorm. When Twilightstar chooses her successor they'll probably come to riverclan for training so expect that." Cats went missing all to often and honestly though Snakeheart viewed Peachfrost as a friend he'd exhausted all the cares he could have about the situation. One apprentice he'd taught went, another came on and on.
@Fletcher @Nixey

Bounceberry ducked his head in acknowledgement, "Y-yes, I understand, I will keep that a secret. I would say a shame, but she was a tad closed minded for my tastes," he let out a yawn and stretch, pinning his ears back and rolling his shoulders, "You a-are the only reliable one, train this new one well, though I don't have many doubts on that..." he returned to a sitting position, eyeing the full moon that hung above them.

Please do NOT use bright/neon colors for your text while RPing with me, I cannot read it.

Bump me literally whenever, I'm quite busy and do need reminders!

Bounceberry is Shadowclan's Medicine Cat, apply for healing here. He has a semi-open den policy, make sure to read the rules!
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