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Old June 9th, 2024, 12:21 PM
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Red face Re: RiverClan Evacuation thread - All RC members please read!

Bailey was looking for rodents. Spotting a mouse he pressed himself to the ground spitting his chestnut onto the ground. Nut peered back at him already on the other side of the mouse.

Nut seeing Bailey put out the chestnut he slowly began to nerve the prey. Smelling the appropriate fear he vocalized in a low pitch barley audible to the mouse it skittered out of the area to look for somnte other nuts to forage Bailey slapped his paw onto the mouse. Nut could smell a strong scent of affectionate pride comming off the older cat. Suddenly he was overwhelmed with fear scent anger and pain.

Bailey grabbed Nut out of the way. Gesturing for the kit to stay besides him he approached the mob of cats ready to offer his prey to express that they were not hostile.

(Nutkit is not deaf so you know in advance however he is mostly unable to understand verbal language.)

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Old June 9th, 2024, 12:26 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Evacuation thread - All RC members please read!

Originally Posted by taillow View Post

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she/her | riverclan deputy | 29 moons
Arriving to the twoleg den took pretty much the last bit of energy that Dusklion had. Her wounds had stopped bleeding thankfully but still radiated dull, deep pain within her. She gently slid Cobs down on the springy bed of moss near the den, out of the hustle and bustle. Her chest was still rising and falling as the deputy took more moss and replaced the earlier patch Berrypaw had put there. "You're okay, Cobs, I swear it. No one's gonna hurt you." She stayed next to her for a brief moment before turning around and surveying the scene.

Outsider scent was the first to come to her nose, and despite her exhaustion Dusk sent her claws out and hackles up. Crowglow was holding an unfamiliar kit, which had the deputies eyes narrowing. She'd leave it alone for now - a kit couldn't do them much harm. There were others though that were adults. The first cat had brought enough prey to feed quite a few cats. Though she was still wary, Dusklion flicked an ear in acknowledgement. "...Thanks. if you've got moss, we could use some of that." Whoever this stranger was, it was clear they weren't hostile. She would just... have to trust that for now.

A voice next to her had Dusklion looking down at another unfamiliar face. It made her uneasy, but this cat was young by the looks of it. Swallowing hard, the deputy looked around again. "...Not sure. Sorry we're in your territory, we'll be movin' on soon hopefully." She wanted to get as far away from this wretched battle as possible. "Actually, if you can gather up some moss, our medicine cats will need as much as they can get when they arrive. 'N if you know any herbs, those would be helpful too." She doubted this young outsider did, but it never hurt to ask.

Stepping forward she glanced at the gathered cats. "Listen up! We're waitin' here for the rest of the Clan. There's... there's been prey brought here, thanks to this outsider..." Dusklion hadn't caught a name as she glanced towards Bean. "If you need help, shout for me. Otherwise stay here. Warriors, keep an eye on the kits. I'll have your ears if any of them scamper off."

Upon looking for outsiders though she caught sight of a familiar pelt - one that no longer had a place in RiverClan after what she had done. "Minksplash!" storming over to the cat that matched the description Twilightstar had given, Dusk gave a lash of her tail - wincing as she remembered it was still broken. "Mind explainin' to me what the hell happened at the border with you 'n Cedarfrost 'n a WindClan apprentice??" she snapped, giving a lash of her tail

[ @Astraea @Spider-in-the-corner @IDIOTICBEAN101 @CollapsingStars @Desert Rain Frog @Hollyheart of thunder @ashtuft @Goopysharkboi @Silverfur & Co @Dakotaa @Snowyfeathr @Madelaine @Fish @PINTO BEAN @Spookez. ]
[ mentioning those who are currently at the evac den! ]

Minksplash looked up a Dusklion came up to her, clear anger in her voice. "Oh- that . . .? I was just defending our borders . . . the apprentice caught a rabbit that had gone over the border, on our side, so I was teaching her a lesson. And Cedarfrost did more damage than I did, I left well before Cedarfrost did." She mewed.

Duststar is the current leader of DesertClan! She has a semi-open den policy!


Rose stopped by to brush away all the dustbunnies!

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Old June 9th, 2024, 12:31 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Evacuation thread - All RC members please read!

Originally Posted by PINTO BEAN View Post
"surely there is right?"



“I think they’re bringing some.” Beaverkit answered after he heard Dusklion speak “But for the injured cats.”


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Old June 9th, 2024, 12:35 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Evacuation thread - All RC members please read!

He Smiled, And Nodded. Oh, I'm Bean, By The Way. And I'll Go Get That For You. There's A Good Bit Of Moss Not Far From Here! He Began To Pad Away, Going To A Pond Where Moss Grew. He Balled Up Some Into A Large Mass, And Brought It Back. He Let Out A Happy Purr, As The Large Barn Cat Rolled It To This Dark Tabby. She Seemed To Be Somewhat In Charge. He Knew Of The Clans, And Could Identify Them From The Cats That Came To His Barn. This One Was... RiverClan.... Wasn't That The Clan Ripple Came Too? Maybe His Joining Was Successful! Maybe His Adoptive Father Was Here Somewhere? He Didn't Wanna Bother Them, So He Walked Towards A Tree. Call Me If Ya Need Me! I'll Be In This Tree! He Called To The Cat That Was Announcing Everything For Now. He Climbed Up The Tree And Watched The Cats.... Was Ripple Really In There? Could He Be? He Searched For The Scarred, Blueish Tom In The Crowd. There Was Still Cats Arriving, So Maybe He Was Behind? Maybe His Burns Slowed Him? Ripple, Ripple, Ripple. Where Are You Dad? He Mumbled. He Watches The Cats. The Dark Tabby Was Probably The Deputy, As She Wasn't In Total Power And Command. Where Was The Leader Though? Probably Bringing Up The Rear. Hey,mUhm... Is This RiverClan By Chance? If So, Is There A Former Loner With The Name - Former Name - Ripple? Just A Question. He Called To The Dark Tabby She.
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Old June 9th, 2024, 12:37 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Evacuation thread - All RC members please read!

she/her | riverclan deputy | 29 moons
"Teachin' them a lesson huh? By what - shreddin' 'em like they were the rabbit instead?" There was a difference between defending borders and inflicting torture. Twilightstar had no real reason to lie - not when she'd already had enough warrant to go to war with them. "I don't give a rats ass who did what. You can drive trespassers back without torturin' them, 'specially if they're just apprentices learnin' the borders." Maybe it was the understanding now of how her actions had led them here, but Dusklion had made up her mind about this cat. If her brother got mad at her, then so be it. She couldn't bring back Fallownose, but she could straighten this Clan out so that nothing like what had happened tonight ever happened again - starting by removing those that dragged RiverClan through this mud to begin with.

"I want you gone. Startin' right now, you're no longer a RiverClan warrior - if I could, I'd drag your sorry hide straight to Twilightstar so you can tell her that you were just "teachin' a lesson". Get out of my sight, get out of RiverClan, 'n don't think about comin' back. If I see you back here, you're dead. Got it?" The deputy narrowed her eyes, claws still out as she waited for Minksplash to leave. If she didn't do so willingly, Dusk would drag her out by her tail.

She heard the loner calling to her, but she didn't acknowledge him for now. She'd respond after she finished dealing with the cat before her.

[ Minksplash - @Snowyfeathr ] [ Bean - @Desert Rain Frog ]
[ As discussed during her rejoining, Minksplash has been exiled from RiverClan due to her involvement in Twistedpaw's torture! If she doesn't leave in your next post, she is subject to attack by Dusklion! ]

dusklion is riverclan's deputy; if you need her, mention me!
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Old June 9th, 2024, 12:40 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Evacuation thread - All RC members please read!

Originally Posted by taillow View Post
she/her | riverclan deputy | 29 moons
"Teachin' them a lesson huh? By what - shreddin' 'em like they were the rabbit instead?" There was a difference between defending borders and inflicting torture. Twilightstar had no real reason to lie - not when she'd already had enough warrant to go to war with them. "I don't give a rats ass who did what. You can drive trespassers back without torturin' them, 'specially if they're just apprentices learnin' the borders." Maybe it was the understanding now of how her actions had led them here, but Dusklion had made up her mind about this cat. If her brother got mad at her, then so be it. She couldn't bring back Fallownose, but she could straighten this Clan out so that nothing like what had happened tonight ever happened again - starting by removing those that dragged RiverClan through this mud to begin with.

"I want you gone. Startin' right now, you're no longer a RiverClan warrior - if I could, I'd drag your sorry hide straight to Twilightstar so you can tell her that you were just "teachin' a lesson". Get out of my sight, get out of RiverClan, 'n don't think about comin' back. If I see you back here, you're dead. Got it?" The deputy narrowed her eyes, claws still out as she waited for Minksplash to leave. If she didn't do so willingly, Dusk would drag her out by her tail.

She heard the loner calling to her, but she didn't acknowledge him for now. She'd respond after she finished dealing with the cat before her.

[ Minksplash - @Snowyfeathr ] [ Bean - @Desert Rain Frog ]
[ As discussed during her rejoining, Minksplash has been exiled from RiverClan due to her involvement in Twistedpaw's torture! If she doesn't leave in your next post, she is subject to attack by Dusklion! ]
Minksplash nodded slowly and sighed. "Yes Dusklion . . . and- I guess I'm sorry but my words mean nothing. I'll leave." She murmured. She then turned and went out of the camp. Turning a corner, she disappeared.

Duststar is the current leader of DesertClan! She has a semi-open den policy!


Rose stopped by to brush away all the dustbunnies!

"Yeet or get yeeted. -Sun Tzu probably
Old June 9th, 2024, 12:44 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Evacuation thread - All RC members please read!

Originally Posted by IDIOTICBEAN101 View Post



“I think they’re bringing some.” Beaverkit answered after he heard Dusklion speak “But for the injured cats.”

"Well then we just wait!"

pausing rp here because I'm going to get in pool

"Baby who cares."

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Old June 9th, 2024, 01:07 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Evacuation thread - All RC members please read!

Grande Vanilla Bean Frappuchino With Wipped Cream
She/Her - 12 Moons - Friendly, Chatterbox - Outsider - Purrks: N/A
Fluffy white molly with flecks of light gray and heterochromic
eyes, one dark green and one light blue eye

Oh dear!! What was going on here? Grande was wandering around when she arrived at the abandoned twoleg deg. To her surprise, there were a bunch of cats gathering! And it seemed some were... Injured? What on earth happened to these poor cats? The fluffy white molly made her way to the group of cats, her eyes widened as she looked around. "Um, hello! I-I don't mean to intrude, but what is going on here? Is there anything I can do to help?" she squeaked out, wondering if she could help with anything.

[ Open to cats who need help!! ]
[Note: I plan on having her join RC so she's gonna need to help out!]
x ghostie is haunting this signature
Bean's favorite staff member Lillian was here
lio sneezed here (achoo)
you see crude graffiti... it spells "velli wuz here"
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Last edited by Bean; June 9th, 2024 at 01:07 PM.
Old June 9th, 2024, 01:14 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Evacuation thread - All RC members please read!

she/her | riverclan deputy | 29 moons
With Minksplash gone, the deputy turned around and glanced up at the tree that this 'Bean' outsider had scaled. She didn't trust any of these outsiders here and as such, kept her hackles raised. "...Dusklion. 'N yes, this is RiverClan. Don't recognize that name, sorry." With a grunt she glanced around once more. Oh - another outsider. Two others. It made Dusk nervous. It was getting a bit out of paw.

"Any cats here who don't belong to RiverClan - listen up 'cause I don't like repeatin' myself. I don't know you, 'n our Clan doesn't know you. However, since we're in your territory 'n so far none of you've been hostile yet, if you can help but huntin' or gatherin' moss... it would be... appreciated." She hated asking for help like this. "However if any of you prove to be violent or difficult, I will chase you out 'n defend my Clan. Got it?" Tired. Dusklion ducked her head to give her chest fur a few swift licks before looking up. "If you wanna go with this one-" Dusk pointed with her tail at Jagged, "-to collect more moss, that'd be great." A beat, and then... "...I'm Dusklion, but the way."

[ Bean - @Desert Rain Frog ] [ GWBFWWC - @Bean ] [ Jagged - @Madelaine ] [ Bailey, Nut - @Yoshdo ]

dusklion is riverclan's deputy; if you need her, mention me!
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Old June 9th, 2024, 01:19 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Evacuation thread - All RC members please read!

Male / About 5 Moons / Outsider / Sexuality Unknown
Pale bluish gray tom with tufts on his ears and nose and sandy patches with bright/light gray eyes

O-Okay. I’ll swim the rivers, climb the mountains, reach the skies… yeah… but first I’ll have to learn to walk without falling on my face, I think,


Conch, paws heavy with exhaustion and tired gray eyes sweeping the ground beneath his feet, crept through the unfamiliar territory with his head down. His heart beat was quick and only getting faster the further he walked, and slowly but surely, breathing was suddenly becoming a bit of a struggle. As much as Conch was overflowing with the excitement of entering this entire new world, this new system where he would meet face to face with the reasoning for it all, it was terribly nerve-wracking. The young and small tom could feel anxiousness at the pit of his stomach, keeping him hungry but ruining his appetite completely. It was a terrible feeling, but it could never outweigh his desire to meet his long lost siblings and understand the ways of his clan.

Conch walked alongside his sister, eyes still on the ground and heart proceeding to beat itself into a pulp. He wanted so greatly to take his mind off the nervousness, so shakily, he tried to speak to her. “Y-you… you know, Sorrel…” He finally raised his head to face the tannish-brown and swirled she-kit, begging his paws to quit shaking before she pointed it out. He tried to out a smile up on his face, but he could feel it faltering like crazy as he struggled to keep it up. Oh, how Conch was trembling. He was practically an earthquake by now. “S…so um- so- I know you’re excited, why would I ask, but- so- sorry. I- Well I’m excited too, r-really, but it’s just… it’s really n-nervous- we’ll, n-no- I’m really nervous… s-sorry…

Oh, just shut up! His thoughts snapped at him. Conch bit his lip for a moment to keep his mouth shut. Maybe staying silent would be a good idea… but no. Of course not. This was Sorrel he was talking about, what reason should he have to stay shut up? He had never stayed quiet around her before, and he saw no reason to start now, so Conch grunted and tried to keep up the small talk. “Anyway… th-the brother and the s-sister. I wonder how exactly he’ll greet us… um…maybe they’ll recognize us right from the s-start, like… platonic love at f-first s-sight… aha… YOPE-” The last syllable had been yelped out by Conch when he tripped on an unexpected stone on the ground and stumbled forward, eventually tilting forward too far and face planting muzzle-first into the dirt. It stung like crazy, but the gray and Sandy patched tom was too stunned to make any more sound.

Conch, still awkwardly sprawled on his stomach on the ground, blinked his gray eyes to try and get rid of the slight dizziness, and he held back a groan. Now wasn’t the time to freak his sister out about the fact that he was a clumsy idiot who was constantly falling and getting himself hurt- no, instead, he decided to just get up. But that was when something stopped him. The scent of the dirt. Conch’s eyes flashed in surprise, and with a wide gray gaze, he stared at the ground. That’s a new scent… could it be that of RiverClan? He felt a small smile cross his face. With a new kind of excitement, Conch laughed lightly and pressed his paws to the ground. As he heaved himself up onto all fours, he told Sorrel, “The g-ground… the scent, Sorrel!

Once he was up, with dirt smudged messily across the little tom’s face, Conch whispered enthusiastically, “…Yes, cats, I th-think…! They’re near, Sorrel, they’re near! It’s got to be RiverClan scent… ‘cause Y’know, rivers, and they s-smell like… rivers… ah, whatever! We’ve arrived, Sorrel, we’re here!” Smile blazing across the young and patched tom’s face, he looked around. “I… I w-wonder where they are, um… it’s a-amazing we made it in safely… isn’t i-it? Well, without me falling to my d-death, hehe… ahem…” He blinked a long blink before raising his head. I’ll try and sniff out for them… so far my nose has been our lead here. Let’s keep going. He tasted the air briefly, and quickly, he caught onto the same thing he had sensed earlier on. It had to be them. So quickly, he gestured Sorrel over to him with his tail. Then hurriedly, he started towards the scent. “Th-there! L-lots and lots of cats… I th-think! C’mon, c’mon!

It wasn’t long before Conch noticed an unexpectedly large group of cats headed in a certain direction, frantically moving along in a frenzy. He slowed his pace just a bit. Well that’s… odd, The patched tom thought to himself, bright gray eyes narrowing. I’d thought they lived together in peace, not wandering around wherever they feel like… is something wrong? Right in that moment, Conch’s heart sank down into the pits of his stomach. N-no… no… Panic was settling in at incredible speeds, and miserably, Conch began to tremble and quiver. W-what about Seapaw, a-and C-Cloverpaw… are they okay? Something’s wrong, o-oh no… what’s… He turned to face Sorrel, fear glazed across his gray gaze. “S…Sorrel? This isn’t right… why’re they moving like that? M- Ma said that they live in some sorta camp, not… oh, Sorrel, what’s going on? Wh-what about our siblings? What if th-they aren’t o-okay?

His heart pinched and his chest clenched. There’s only one way to find out… but what if they’re gone already or something? The trembling worsened, and as Conch began to creep forward towards the moving crowd, he felt the shivering cause trouble to his balance. His thoughts kept whirling. Wh-what if we arrive, an- a they’re hurt, or they’re… d-dead… and us! Wh-what if they hurt us? Dang it, dang it, dang it… Conch’s eyes began to sparkle and redden, and he tilted his head down to face the ground beneath him. I want them to be okay… s-so bad, please… please… Begging the formulating tears to fade away, he turned to look at Sorrel. “H-hey… I d-dunno what’s going on, but I d-doubt it’s a-anything good, Sorrel. Wh-where are they g-going?” Tears, sniffs, shaking. It was only getting worse, worse, worse. “I-I wanna go home- no, no I don’t, of course I don’t… but where are th-they g-going… wh-why… where… huh… S-Sorrel, I don’t… d-don’t… wha…” When words failed, tears streamed. The tom turned his head down again.

Shut up, SHUT UP!!! His thoughts screamed at themselves, battling violently in Conch’s mind. He shuddered. They’re going to be fine, they’re going to be fine, they’re going to be fine…! He repeated those words in his mind until they were close enough to the crowd to be easily seen. They’d be strong, they’d get through… everything is okay, Conch. Everything is okay. I’m okay. We’re okay. He turned back to Sorrel with the fur on his cheeks stained with tears and dry eyes, a questioning look in his eyes. “C-an y-you call out to them’r something? P-please, maybe? I dunno, I can’t… I c-can’t do it, sorry.


// This was a short and sad starter. Whoops. I wasn’t sure what to do- sorry if anything was written wrong, I’m still getting to know Conch as a character! ^^ \\

~ @constellation (Sorrel) ~
~ @occultation (Fadingsun) ~
~ @Dolomedes {Here’s this for you!} ~

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Have a nice day!
~ Fritz ~

Last edited by Weekend-Wondering; June 10th, 2024 at 08:53 AM.
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