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: Mistlewhisker
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Old June 25th, 2023, 04:17 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  Deadfeather of Shadowclan - Schzoid Personality Disorder - Non-binary (afab) - Gray with black markings and near red, amber eyes. Purrks - Shadow Fiend (status - off), Beefed Up ˚*• ̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

Yeah, they hadn't forgotten was still known as the Vicious Queen, or whatever else she was called. Wait... had no cat honestly never brought prey for the Shadow Queen to eat before? What the hell? Honestly I am slowly losing faith in the other cats of this clan. They thought before asking; "Has no cat really brought you prey to eat? I mean you can skin it if you want, but I mainly brought it as a gift for you to eat." Really. The fellow cats of their clan were incompetent.

- @Undertaker (Dawnstar)

velli was here with lots of spray paint
marshall snuck around
Reply lengths/time depends purely on my Motivation, please be patient as I have Dysgraphia and ADD [adhd without the h]
The Awaiting Horrors... [KNY RP] | Dragcave
please feed my beautiful ampharos some berries (also so i can get dp but :3)

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Old June 25th, 2023, 06:06 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den



The dark tabby tom padded towards the den entrance. His green gaze held a steady, stoic, look as he inhaled silently. He shifted a little, feeling the pelt that draped over his shoulders shift with him. Hopefully this would start them on good terms, he'd never actually spoke one on one with Dawnstar before. The prickles that moved through his paws had him antsy to get this over with. There was a couple things Hawkbite needed to discuss with the leader.

"Dawnstar, it's Hawkbite. May I enter?"




Last edited by SuspiciousMindz; June 25th, 2023 at 10:32 PM.
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Old June 26th, 2023, 10:29 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by lio View Post

huge, dark grey tabby tom with orange eyes and many scars.

He had been watching her expression silently, his eyes holding nothing more than a glint within them. His expression remained unchanging, but internally his heart was pounding. Even the most stoic of warriors could get nervous when facing their leader with such a proposition, yeah? Regardless, even as his left ear twitched repeatedly and his tail swayed behind him, Nighthound was silent. He had said what he wished to say, and that was that. There was no need for anything more, a mere waste of breath and a waste of time.

Then, she spoke. Her answer was one to be expected, one he had already prepared himself for the moment he had approached her den. While he certainly hadn't been expecting his words to be called cute, the massive tom briefly nodded his head and allowed a thin smile to curl at his lips. Orange eyes held her gaze, unwavering as he opened his mouth.

"Then I will respect your decision. There is nothing more to ask. I may serve my Clan with or without being deputy- a mere rank does not change that," he responded.

It had been worth asking, however. A show of his loyalty, perhaps? Proof of his dedication to ShadowClan? It did not matter- he had asked, and that was that. The answer did not change what he felt, nor did it change the pride in himself for taking the step to do sich a thing. The suggestion itself was the most difficult part, after all. He would not have forgiven himself if he had been too cowardly to even approach Dawnstar's den.

So, that was done with. He got his answer, and he would be fine with it.

Huh, so he was just accepting her answer without throwing a fit or anything not even trying to convince her to change her mind. Larkfire had done pretty much the same when she asked about the deputy rank. It was weird having cats that weren't her Enforcers just accept whatever she said. As they should, but still weird. Well, all the same, Nighthound didn't look hurt or like he was going to run around and brood about it either.

"Huh, I really wondered how in the world I missed you." The leader lost her smile and peered at Nighthound with open curiosity. Such a strange way to show loyalty, but it was loyalty nonetheless. He wasn't being deceitful about it either. Dawnstar knew when cats lied to her. It was almost like she was a Mind Reader, but that was impossible. Still, she's never been wrong when she got this strange feeling that told her someone was lying to her.

He might be even better than the last one, much better. He could be trusted to a certain extent whereas he could not. "I like your guts and I like your bluntness. You've taken a different approach when it comes to proving your loyalty. It's amusing. Rather than the deputy, how about I give you an Enforcer Rank? You'd be more helpful to me there than you could be as a deputy." Dawnstar's Enforcers were the ones to get any real work done.

Originally Posted by Octavia! View Post
(quick note, shade has not opened his eyes until this post)

Tigerfang carried the grey kit in his jaws, who giggled and let out an excited squeal. Shade was about to open his eyes, his eyelids slowly revealing his eyes, which were bleached kitten-blue. The first thing little Shade saw was Dawnstar, covered in scars from head to glorious tail. "Mama?" he managed to blurt out. Tigerfang let out a grumble. "I found him in the territory. Some idiot left their kid for no reason. All the kid remembers is his name. He said his mother called him Shade."
@Undertaker - Dawnstar(hope she doesn't mind a child pestering her every five seconds >:^) )

Dawnstar was in the midst of unsheathing her claws and ready to rake them across Tigerfang's face when the queen just waltzed into her den without permission, but she paused she noticed the kit the tom was carrying. Did that hairball just call her mama without her permission?

The seething leader sat down, keeping her claws unsheathed as her tail jerked around behind her angrily. "You do not enter my den without my permission, Tigerfang. Do this again and you'll lose sight in one of your eyes." The Queen warns. "If you want to keep the hairball, go take him to the nursery, we don't have a Shadekit so that'll be his name. Just keep him out of my fur. If you don't want him, go pawn him off on one of the other queens or Nightshiver." Dawnstar just wanted them out of her fur.

Originally Posted by Alchemist Kitsune View Post

| Mousepaw |

Mousepaw could leap for joy! Bigmum had agreed! She had, she had! She was going to teach him how to skin, and and, she was even inviting him inside! Yayayayayay! That was so awesome! Thankfully, the husky apprentice had thought ahead - Fuzzy did say he had to think think, heh heh - and he had brought along his mouse! That way, he didn't have to make Bigmum wait while he got something from the fresh kill pile. That would have been super duper rude, and he was not rude, nope nope nope.

With almost uncontainable giddiness, Mousepaw dipped his head to grab his namesake and nodded enthusiastically. Not wanting to keep the leader waiting, Mousepaw went inside, his tail high in the air in a playful fashion. Now he would be able to learn something new and surprise Fuzzy with his knowledge. Oh, he bet his mentor would be super, duper pleased with him! Once he was feeling better, they could go training, and then come back to make the best nest ever with fresh pelts, oh yes. Sitting down, the gray apprentice dropped the mouse, nudging it with his nose away from himself as he gave the leader a focused, gleefully expectant look.


@Undertaker [Dawnstar]

Dawnstar took a seat directly in front of the apprentice, pleased to see that he had brought something to the skin. She reached out with a single claw and hooked it into the mouse's tail, lifting it to inspect it and then set it back on the ground, pushing back towards Mousepaw. "It's been a long time since I've tried skinning a mouse, my claws and paws are too big for such a thing now. If you wanted me to show you how to skin something, you'd need something bigger, like a rabbit or even a snake. My claws will just end up tearing through a mouse." Dawnstar meows.

It was true, Dawnstar was one of the largest cats in the entire forest, and her paws and claws were equally as large to match her. Mice were too hard for her to skin anymore. "So, how about I instruct you instead of doing it myself? You'd probably learn better that way over watching me as I explain the process. Unless you want to bring me something else to skin, but whatever we're skinning you need to make sure you eat I don't like wasting prey."

Originally Posted by Lillian View Post
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The Toyger had entered the clearing in time for Icethroat's rant, having stayed in the shadows so as not to add to the chaos. Once it was over with, he quietly followed Dawnstar into her den. She said she wanted to nap, so Slytiger would nap with her.

Risking getting punted, the tom boldly padded into her den and plopped himself down beside her with an uncharacteristically soft smile. "I'm going to lay with you. I'll hiss at anyone who tries to bother you." And that was that. Dawnstar had no choice in this matter. Unless she punted him which was about a fifty-fifty chance. Oh well, it was worth the risk!


She had reached her limit today. Dawnstar had wasted so much time and brain cells explaining herself to an idiot, only to have said numbskull scurry off because he could deal with what he had tried to dish out. On top of that seeing all those graves dug up, her mother, Roanpaw, and Ravenblaze, it left this pain in her chest that would not leave her.

Pain, even emotional has a biological purpose, to teach, to educate, or so she was taught. So though it hurt, there were no frustrated tears this time. Her eyes had dried after her last emotional breakdown. Right now was a learning moment. Cats can grow strong enough to whisper at the iron bars that hold them and see them bend out of their way, like the craziest magic. That's what love can do: fix souls, fix brains, and cure all or so she's been told. Cats made love sound so important and fantastic. She wishes she could have mastered that way, but it's hard when you've been starving for so long. One can sit and call for help. One can act like there is no cage, wear a mask of coping and normality. One can rage against the bars. Yet what love makes simple, no other thing can solve.

There is another escape route, yet it is one into another great pain. It is possible to be so emotionally starved that you slip through the bars, no longer bound but with your soul crumbling. That was her way out. What followed was endless emotional marathons on bleeding knees. She's learned how to hide the pain, how to look normal. She understands why some go cold inside to escape the pain of isolation, why they let their empathy wither and die: numbness over feeling, mental anesthesia. Dawnstar didn't think she was quite there yet, but she was pretty darn close with this latest loss. Her empathy, she was pretty sure had withered away a long time ago. She had yet to reach the point of numbness but was working on it.

The leader was pulled out of her weird, spiraling, nonsensical thoughts at the approach steps encroaching upon her rare private time. She couldn't sulk at the Moonlit Grove, and even though she had already warned the clan against bothering her, there was always someone. Dawnstar didn't even bother looking up, she just gave a loud warning growl as the cat just walked into her den and settled down beside her. She knew those paw steps.

"I love how you assume that you're not bothering me." The leader snarled back, recognizing the stupid flower's scent and voice. She was too drained to bother with more than that. He clearly wasn't going to move unless she physically got up and yeeted him herself, and she didn't want to do anything right now. Her head had taken quite a beating and her headache seemed to practically throb with movement so just laying down in the dark was of some help.

Originally Posted by RandomAckermann View Post

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  Deadfeather of Shadowclan - Schzoid Personality Disorder - Non-binary (afab) - Gray with black markings and near red, amber eyes. Purrks - Shadow Fiend (status - off), Beefed Up ˚*• ̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

Yeah, they hadn't forgotten was still known as the Vicious Queen, or whatever else she was called. Wait... had no cat honestly never brought prey for the Shadow Queen to eat before? What the hell? Honestly I am slowly losing faith in the other cats of this clan. They thought before asking; "Has no cat really brought you prey to eat? I mean you can skin it if you want, but I mainly brought it as a gift for you to eat." Really. The fellow cats of their clan were incompetent.

- @Undertaker (Dawnstar)

Dawnstar stared at Deadfeather for a long silent moment and then looked at the rabbit with a hint of suspicion. It was unlikely Dawnstar would eat any old thing that any of her clanmates would bring her anyway. Who knew if they had doused it in deathberry juice? Dawnstar continued to stare at the rabbit for another few heartbeats and then looked at Deadfeather. "You didn't poison it did you?" She didn't think Deadfeather disliked her enough to kill her. She felt they were quite tolerant of her, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

Originally Posted by SuspiciousMindz View Post



The dark tabby tom padded towards the den entrance. His green gaze held a steady, stoic, look as he inhaled silently. He shifted a little, feeling the pelt that draped over his shoulders shift with him. Hopefully this would start them on good terms, he'd never actually spoke one on one with Dawnstar before. The prickles that moved through his paws had him antsy to get this over with. There was a couple things Hawkbite needed to discuss with the leader.

"Dawnstar, it's Hawkbite. May I enter?"

She was never going to get any peace in this clan, was she? Dawnstar groans softly as she hears her newest quest call for her attention. She should start trying to sleep in the Enforcers' private area, but if she stopped settling in her den who knew trouble cats would stir up in her absence? Sucking in a deep breath of air, the leader rises into an upright position and replies.

"Come in, Hawkbite." She hoped whatever he wanted wasn't too complicated or troublesome.

siggy art by redshiftreign
Dawnstar is the leader of ShadowClan and will shred you if you enter her den. She has a semi-closed den policy.
ShadowClan Resources ||| Dawnstar ||| ||| Kit Curriculum Finder
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Old June 27th, 2023, 12:47 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

huge, dark grey tabby tom with orange eyes and many scars.

As Dawntar stared at him, her smile falling, Nighthound shifted on his paws. While he happened to be quite the stoic cat, having the leader staring into your very being curiously was sure to make anyone nervous. But as she continued, he held his head high and listened.

Huh. Well, if he had been expecting anything, it wasn't that. Nighthound stared at the Shadow Queen, his eyes widened slightly to reveal his shock. He had been fully expecting to simply get dismissed, returning to his duties as a warrior and a father and that being that. But Dawnstar seemed to have other plans, though he would not complain. Instead, after regaining his composure, the massive tom felt a smile curl onto his lips and he nodded curtly.

"Then I accept. I will stand beside you and my Clan as an Enforcer."

the tale of six
has come to an end.

ameko ♥
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Old June 27th, 2023, 01:01 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  Deadfeather of Shadowclan - Schzoid Personality Disorder - Non-binary (afab) - Gray with black markings and near red, amber eyes. Purrks - Shadow Fiend (status - off), Beefed Up ˚*• ̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

[OK ngl I love Dawn and Deads interactions together]]

A soft chuckle escaped their maw. "No I didn't poison it, and even if I had, it wouldn't be that easy to kill you." The Shadow Queen was cautious, something that had likely been learned the hard way. It sure as hell learned the hard way for them. "Honestly I am doubting the loyalty of our clanmates, if they've never brought prey for you."

A heartbeat passed before they spoke again. "I mean if you don't trust me, you can inspect the rabbit yourself, or have me eat a piece. But I assure you, Dawnstar, I wouldn't do anything to harm you. Not intentionally."

velli was here with lots of spray paint
marshall snuck around
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The Awaiting Horrors... [KNY RP] | Dragcave
please feed my beautiful ampharos some berries (also so i can get dp but :3)


Last edited by LostInTheOrchids; June 27th, 2023 at 01:05 PM.
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Old June 27th, 2023, 05:26 PM
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The tom didn't hesitate to push through the entrance, swinging his head around and grasping a small fox pelt in his jaws. The tom gently laid it before Dawnstar. It was much smaller than a normal fox pelt, it even held a very rabbit-like fluff texture. Hawkbite sat down, letting her examine -- or whatever she'd do with -- the pelt.

"Woollyfeather and I discovered a fox den in the territory. I suppose the dog attack scared the parents away, so we took care of the young kits in it," Hawkbite explained after a moment. "One less generation of fox to worry about."

The tabby tom paused for a moment, taking in a sharp breath. He allowed Dawnstar to speak, if she were going to, before he'd continue with the reason for his presence. "I'm sure you've realized this isn't the only reason I'm here though so let me cut to the chase," Hawkbite began, lifting his chin slightly despite the nerves that tingled in his paws still.

"I've been serving this clan for a while now, Dawnstar. I sit before you asking to be your Enforcer. If I haven't earned it through my service, then sparring you is open and I will do so, gladly. Anything to prove I deserve this spot," Hawkbite spoke with confidence. "You've tasked me with two apprentices, one that doesn't seem to care to provide for his clan, which we need to address, and another that is too aloof to realize how serious training really is. Both were a challenge and yet you chose me for it, that must speak for something. I've completed every patrol tasked, stood by you through battle, and displayed my loyalty countless times. I believe I'm suited to become your Enforcer."

There was a pause for Hawkbite as he searched the leaders face for any sign of thought or decision. His own eyes were stoic, refusing to get his hopes up in the event she shoots him down. The warrior dipped his head a little in respect before lifting his chin once more. "I'm also aware you're searching for a deputy, and I just want you to know I'm throwing my name into that hat. I'm not asking for that position though, just informing you of my interest. You may -- or may not -- tell me otherwise, but I believe you know who you want and you're simply testing your clanmates. It's smart and I look forward to seeing your choice when the time comes," Hawkbite blinked slowly in respect.

He stopped talking, for now. Letting her address one situation at a time. They would need to discuss Snakewither soon, but before he drained her energy completely, this was first.




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Old June 29th, 2023, 11:40 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

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The brown tabby limped into Dawnstar's den, dried blood on her coat and Ivysnake's body draped over her back. Her green eyes burned with undisguised fury and her claws scraped the floor of the den.

"Dawnstar! ThunderClan cats killed Ivysnake! Wolfpeak and I accompanied her near the border to gather herbs, and we encountered a patrol of three ThunderClan warriors. A fox distracted Wolfpeak and I, and they took the chance to gang up on her. She killed two of them before the third managed to kill her before fleeing. It was completely unprovoked and cowardly. They crossed the border to do it!" she snarled, Ivysnake's body the only reason she wasn't pacing back and forth in a rage.

Still, her claws were hurting from where she had unintentionally been continuously scraping them against the ground. Not that she cared, she was too angry to even notice.

@Undertaker @Kay~ @TheNyanCatMinecart [just so you know the body has been delivered!]
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Old June 30th, 2023, 10:32 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

- @Undertaker @Lillian @TheNyanCatMinecart

[This took place before I shelved Wolfpeak]

Wolfpeak followed Vixensnarl into Dawnstar's den. Ivysnake didn't deserve that, and now we didn't have a medicine cat in line to take over for Elmshadow. The massive tom stood behind the enforcer as she talked.

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Old July 1st, 2023, 04:45 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by lio View Post

huge, dark grey tabby tom with orange eyes and many scars.

As Dawntar stared at him, her smile falling, Nighthound shifted on his paws. While he happened to be quite the stoic cat, having the leader staring into your very being curiously was sure to make anyone nervous. But as she continued, he held his head high and listened.

Huh. Well, if he had been expecting anything, it wasn't that. Nighthound stared at the Shadow Queen, his eyes widened slightly to reveal his shock. He had been fully expecting to simply get dismissed, returning to his duties as a warrior and a father and that being that. But Dawnstar seemed to have other plans, though he would not complain. Instead, after regaining his composure, the massive tom felt a smile curl onto his lips and he nodded curtly.

"Then I accept. I will stand beside you and my Clan as an Enforcer."

[We can end this here, so reply is optional]
Huh? He really hadn't been gunning for a promotion in the slightest. The brief shock on Nighthound's face came and went just as quickly. She still wasn't completely certain what went on in Nighthound's head or if just blind loyalty was what really drove him, but she was hoping that he could become as dependable as Cougarivy, Larkfire, and Vixensnarl were when it came to the clan. "Purrfect, I'll have it announced at the next clan meeting," Dawnstar told him, dismissing him with a wave of her paw.

Originally Posted by RandomAckermann View Post

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚  Deadfeather of Shadowclan - Schzoid Personality Disorder - Non-binary (afab) - Gray with black markings and near red, amber eyes. Purrks - Shadow Fiend (status - off), Beefed Up ˚*• ̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

[OK ngl I love Dawn and Deads interactions together]]

A soft chuckle escaped their maw. "No I didn't poison it, and even if I had, it wouldn't be that easy to kill you." The Shadow Queen was cautious, something that had likely been learned the hard way. It sure as hell learned the hard way for them. "Honestly I am doubting the loyalty of our clanmates, if they've never brought prey for you."

A heartbeat passed before they spoke again. "I mean if you don't trust me, you can inspect the rabbit yourself, or have me eat a piece. But I assure you, Dawnstar, I wouldn't do anything to harm you. Not intentionally."

[Yeah, their dynamic is amusing]
Still not a Mind Reader, but she knew they weren't lying about not poisoning the rabbit. These days it was safer to ask such questions outright. The leader rolls her eyes at the last comment, she was amused about how being a little confident and being a skilled fighter could insight into feeble minds. Although she supposed a little insanity and a lack of a moral compass also helped with the image so many had in their heads of the ShadowClan Queen.

"I can fetch my own prey, I prefer gifts that I don't need to stick in my body, and as you can see I don't have the greatest faith in my own clanmates for my own reasons. But I appreciated the gesture nonetheless." Dawnstar explained after Deadfeather commented on cats not bringing her prey.

"You're fine, I believe you," Dawnstar told them. Dawnstar wasn't all that hungry, but keeping as much mass and bulk as she had did require food. Plus, she had gotten into a bad habit of eating even if didn't feel like it. So long as she didn't feel like a bloated pig, all was well. She took a few bites out of the rabbit, chewed, and swallowed. She hummed a quiet note of gratitude, she knew he hadn't poisoned it but there was still that tiny bit of doubt that never seemed to leave her.
[We can wrap this up here unless Dead has more to bug Dawn about.]

Originally Posted by SuspiciousMindz View Post



The tom didn't hesitate to push through the entrance, swinging his head around and grasping a small fox pelt in his jaws. The tom gently laid it before Dawnstar. It was much smaller than a normal fox pelt, it even held a very rabbit-like fluff texture. Hawkbite sat down, letting her examine -- or whatever she'd do with -- the pelt.

"Woollyfeather and I discovered a fox den in the territory. I suppose the dog attack scared the parents away, so we took care of the young kits in it," Hawkbite explained after a moment. "One less generation of fox to worry about."

The tabby tom paused for a moment, taking in a sharp breath. He allowed Dawnstar to speak, if she were going to, before he'd continue with the reason for his presence. "I'm sure you've realized this isn't the only reason I'm here though so let me cut to the chase," Hawkbite began, lifting his chin slightly despite the nerves that tingled in his paws still.

"I've been serving this clan for a while now, Dawnstar. I sit before you asking to be your Enforcer. If I haven't earned it through my service, then sparring you is open and I will do so, gladly. Anything to prove I deserve this spot," Hawkbite spoke with confidence. "You've tasked me with two apprentices, one that doesn't seem to care to provide for his clan, which we need to address, and another that is too aloof to realize how serious training really is. Both were a challenge and yet you chose me for it, that must speak for something. I've completed every patrol tasked, stood by you through battle, and displayed my loyalty countless times. I believe I'm suited to become your Enforcer."

There was a pause for Hawkbite as he searched the leaders face for any sign of thought or decision. His own eyes were stoic, refusing to get his hopes up in the event she shoots him down. The warrior dipped his head a little in respect before lifting his chin once more. "I'm also aware you're searching for a deputy, and I just want you to know I'm throwing my name into that hat. I'm not asking for that position though, just informing you of my interest. You may -- or may not -- tell me otherwise, but I believe you know who you want and you're simply testing your clanmates. It's smart and I look forward to seeing your choice when the time comes," Hawkbite blinked slowly in respect.

He stopped talking, for now. Letting her address one situation at a time. They would need to discuss Snakewither soon, but before he drained her energy completely, this was first.


The ShadowClan leader's eyes gleamed with newfound delight as Hawkbite pulled in a pretty-looking fox pelt with him. It was too small to be a full-grown fox, so she figured it must be a kit's. Did he find a den or spot a younger one without its parents around? Dawnstar got up and quickly padded over to inspect the pelt, tattered ears raised to listen to Hawkbite's explanation.

So it was a den. She was a little disappointed to hear that they hadn't taken out the parents, but fewer foxes were great for ShadowClan. She doubted that it would lower the frequency of the fox attacks, still, it was a start and she got a nice pelt out of it. "Well done, I'll have to see about keeping an eye out for the parents, but less spawn to cause trouble for the Clan." She replied, taking her eyes off the pelt to meet Hawkbite's gaze as he went on.

They took on a more serious note as Hawkbite implored himself to take the place of an Enforcer. He went into detail as to why he believed he was more than fit for one, but the bit about his apprentice caught her attention amongst everything else. She assumed the one with the lack of care was Snakewither. He had worked so hard to get back here and now he was throwing it all away, why come back at all? Dawnstar should really stop getting undeserving cats second chances.

"I already had plans to make you an Enforcer, you've proven your dedication to the clan, hardworking, and intelligent enough to handle the rank of an elite," Dawnstar said, hooking her claws through the fox's pelt and pulling towards the back of her den, settling near the fox tail that Mirehound had gifted her. She was lucky her den was so large otherwise fitting this stuff in it would be hard. She might have to get rid of some of this stuff sooner or later lest it start becoming clutter. It hadn't hit that point yet, thankfully.

"You catch on quicker to my... tests than other clanmates. You're more insightful than you look." She scoffed. Dawnstar did already have her mind made up on who'd be deputy, has been for a moon now. Problems just got in her way before any announcement could be made, and it was interesting to see who had the guts to come and actually ask for the position. It showed ambition, which was a bit different from greed. Initiation wasn't bad, it was when greed starts getting in the way blinding cats, as well as an entitlement.

Dawnstar had that problem when she was still a warrior. It had gotten... adjusted over the seasons as she learned and grew. "What this about your apprentices." Dawnstar purposely avoided his comment on his desire for the deputy rank.

Originally Posted by Lillian View Post
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The brown tabby limped into Dawnstar's den, dried blood on her coat and Ivysnake's body draped over her back. Her green eyes burned with undisguised fury and her claws scraped the floor of the den.

"Dawnstar! ThunderClan cats killed Ivysnake! Wolfpeak and I accompanied her near the border to gather herbs, and we encountered a patrol of three ThunderClan warriors. A fox distracted Wolfpeak and I, and they took the chance to gang up on her. She killed two of them before the third managed to kill her before fleeing. It was completely unprovoked and cowardly. They crossed the border to do it!" she snarled, Ivysnake's body the only reason she wasn't pacing back and forth in a rage.

Still, her claws were hurting from where she had unintentionally been continuously scraping them against the ground. Not that she cared, she was too angry to even notice.

@Undertaker @Kay~ @TheNyanCatMinecart [just so you know the body has been delivered!]
Originally Posted by Kay~ View Post
- @Undertaker @Lillian @TheNyanCatMinecart

[This took place before I shelved Wolfpeak]

Wolfpeak followed Vixensnarl into Dawnstar's den. Ivysnake didn't deserve that, and now we didn't have a medicine cat in line to take over for Elmshadow. The massive tom stood behind the enforcer as she talked.

Nose twitching as the fresh scent of blood flooded her nostrils, Dawnstar's eyes were glued to the entrance of her den as Vixensnarl limped into her den. The scent of blood was mingled with the scent of raw rage, an unmoving body on her back. Her amber gaze was rather calm as she set her eyes on Ivysnake. The tension in her shoulders, the full-on shudders that caused her flanks to twitch, betrayed her. Her tail fluffed itself out and her hackles rose higher and higher as she listened to Vixensnarl's explanation.

Another kin was lost, but it was a bit more than that. Ivysnake was a ShadowClan medicine cat. ThunderClan hadn't just robbed Dawnstar of her family, but ShadowClan of a healer. The fact that this attack was utterly unprovoked... and those damn foxes. She needed to do something about the foxes and then deal with ThunderClan. "Well, now they're just being asses for no reason. But this is too far. This is going to cost them more than just some territory." Dawnstar grumbled behind a throaty snarl of outrage.

"You two, go and visit Elmshadow. I'll take care of Ivysnake's body. ThunderClan will pay for this. It's inexcusable, medicine cats are off-limits. How dare they!" The last bit was muttered to herself. Even Dawnstar had yet to breach that little rule. The fact that they were purposely targeting ShadowClan and just upright crossing their border was a serious issue. She might have an idea of how to fix her fox problem and ThunderClan's insolence in one go. "I'll call a clan meeting."

siggy art by redshiftreign
Dawnstar is the leader of ShadowClan and will shred you if you enter her den. She has a semi-closed den policy.
ShadowClan Resources ||| Dawnstar ||| ||| Kit Curriculum Finder

Last edited by Undertaker; July 1st, 2023 at 04:46 PM.
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Old July 1st, 2023, 10:48 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Leader's Den

- @Undertaker - @Lillian -

"Oh,, Uh. I forgot to give these to you, Dawnstar." Wolfpeak said as he flipped the two Thunderclan warrior's pelts off of his back and laid them in front of his leader.

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