"Nice to meet you Beetlewillow!" Nectarpaw accepted the thrush and took a bite. He spat out some feathers to the side and nudged the thrush towards the she-cat. "Thank you!" his nub tail flicked happily. The she-cat was so kind!
"How's your day been?" He asked.
Horsepaw is the current LavenderClan herbalist. He has an open den policy.
Pantherstep is the current AsterClan deputy. Please mention me if she is needed.
Fleetsmoke's ears twitched. She was stuck in camp with a damn shoulder injury! She wouldn't be if Stumblekit hadn't been a mouse-brain for sneaking out; then he had the audacity to refuse to thank her---and a few others---for saving his life!
With her free time, Fleetsmoke had been thinking. She had received a new apprentice---Jasminepaw---at the last meeting, but hadn't had time to train Echopaw. She might as well quiz them a bit here in camp.
''Hey, Jasminepaw! Echopaw! Come here; since I'm stuck here in camp, I'm going to quiz you both on the warrior code.''
Bump Policy: Bump after a few hours or a day!! I'm very forgetful
Posts: 470
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Re: WindClan Clearing
brownish ginger tabby | she-cat | olive green eyes
{``Quite well actually, been quite a long day. How's your training going, Nectarpaw? I'm sure you've done some of that today, yes?``}
[ Beetlewillow inquired, taking a few bites of the bird before returning it to the fluffy ginger apprentice. She looked around camp for a moment before returning to her remarkable gaze to Nectarpaw. ]
{``I'm sure you're doing great. Your mentor sure has a pawful with such a zealous and exuberant.. or rather animated apprentice.`` She continued. }
"Not today." The she-cat seemed kind so he'll be honest with her about training." [/B] I sure hope so. Training taking longer than I thought it would."[/B] he let out an awkward chuckle. "My first two mentors probably didn't think so." He shuffled his paw's before taking another bite.
Horsepaw is the current LavenderClan herbalist. He has an open den policy.
Pantherstep is the current AsterClan deputy. Please mention me if she is needed.
Bump Policy: Bump after a few hours or a day!! I'm very forgetful
Posts: 470
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Re: WindClan Clearing
brownish ginger tabby | she-cat | olive green eyes
[ Her whiskers twitched, clearly she had landed herself on a deeper connection with Nectarpaw than she would've thought. ]
{``Oh? Tell me all about it young one. I too struggled with my apprenticeship when I was about your age. My sister, you know Mossyfox, don't you? Well she mastered skills much faster than I ever did. So I totally understand how this might be arduous for you. Or, challenging.``}
[ The larger cat laid her tail along Nectarpaw's spine. Her eyes glowing with support, was kindness and understanding really there? It was hard to tell for sure. ]
"No I don't know Mossyfox. Sorry.." he mumbled, guilty that he didn't know her. He'll make sure to seek her out and get to know her, any friend of Beetlewillow is a friend of his!
"Well.." he mumbled, feeling a bit awkward still. He hasn't really told anyone how his lack of skill made him feel yet. "I just.. I don't think my old mentors liked me very much. I always asked them for training and they never responded." He sighed and pushed the thrush towards the she-cat. "Sometime's I feel like maybe I'm not worth the effort. I mean if two cat's thought that.." Nectarpaw didn't know for sure what they had thought, but this is his best guess. What could be the reason otherwise?
Horsepaw is the current LavenderClan herbalist. He has an open den policy.
Pantherstep is the current AsterClan deputy. Please mention me if she is needed.
Bump Policy: Bump after a few hours or a day!! I'm very forgetful
Posts: 470
My Mood:
Re: WindClan Clearing
brownish ginger tabby | she-cat | olive green eyes
{``Oh don't worry about it. Mossyfox doesn't necessarily love interacting with others anyway. ``}
[ She hesitated before continuing, he tail tapped gently underground. ]
{``I'm sorry you feel that way young one. Do you feel.. maybe a little resentment for those old mentors of yours? I mean that sure is terrible, to make a little one feel that way. Only terrible cats would do that.``}
WindClan Apprentice ★ She/Her ★ 11 moons "Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life"
Fallensky turned her attention away from Emberkit, her gaze flicking back to Fleetpaw. She purred as he placed the raven's feather in the crevice behind her ear, tipping her head. T-thanks... She murmured, remembering the time the feather had been helpful when they first met. And... Crow... I... It... It reminds me of... of my father. She croaked, failing to meet Fleetpaw nor Emberkit's gaze. Crow wasn't allowed in the clans, he'd already been rejected once. And what would happen if he did come to WindClan? Daywhisper would be forced to choose between him and Whiteflame! And for all she knew, he could be... dead. Her eyes flicked back and forth from her little sister to her crush.
Oh great stars above Fleetpaw! How does he always end up messing up so badly?! Eyes stretched wide and ears flattened, he crouched and leaned forward. Looking up at Fallensky with a desperation in his eyes. "I-I'm s-so sorry! I-I d-didn't...m-mean t-to...upset y-you!" He mewed. If his eyes could stretch any wider, they'd probably be the size of the moon. The skinny tom stretched up a little more, touching his nose to Fallensky's. "P-Pl-Please...d-don't...don't c-cry..." He pleaded, tilting his head to the side as he begged. He couldn't bear it if he did something that upset her.
@AlcatraxMoxie - Shrikeslip - since he was around too LOL :3
The tom was quick to step in, his voice calm and steady.
"Fallensky- deep breaths." The male said, he himself knew how this worked, it was hard to get back from something so painful.
@Luna16 (ty! :3) @SugarHeartzSage
《A Sentient Piece of Slime Who Can Write and Draw》
∆ My Characters Thoughts and Actions Do Not Reflect My Own! ∆
| Emo Slime |
Lycidas is The Sovereign of Sacrosanct
Cherryhawk is Lavenderclan's Deputy
Hemlockmouse is The Medicine Cta of [alt] Skyclan!