RowanMane opinions? Do you think he deserved his re-promotion?
Also- opinions on…welll- TurtlePaw, CrowPaw, and SumflowerFlareeee
''Rowanmane's repromotion was deserved, yes,'' Primroseadder mewed, voice soft and thoughtful. ''Was leavin' a bloody Troutstream out in the territory alone a good idea? Of course not, but what else was he supposed ta do? Snapjaw wasn't there with him whenever she was supposed ta be; if Snapjaw had been there, maybe Rowanmane wouldn't have been demoted in the first place.''
''Now that Rowanmane is a father, I do hope he realizes that leavin' a cat---especially a cat that was bleedin' out---alone in the territory isn't the best idea. He's a good cat, 'n I know that he'd sacrifice 'imself for Wisteriawren 'n their kits in a heartbeat,'' Primroseadder blinked warmly. ''I know 'd do so for Almondchatter 'n my half-siblings. For Adderstrike 'n Mosspaw, too. They're my family. So, yes, Rowanmane deserves his Lionheart position. Sunheart did well ta convince Owlstar to repromote 'im. Duskleaf, too.''
''As for Turtlepaw...she's not my favorite,'' Primroseadder chuckled softly. ''I think 'm goin' ta call 'er 'Miss Attitude' from here on out. It certainly suits 'er. And Sunflowerflare? I haven't interacted with 'er enough ta tell whether or not I like 'er as a Clanmate, so 'm goin' ta say neutral.''
'''N Crowpaw...'' Primroseadder's expression fell, eyes saddening. ''She didn't deserve ta go through all that she has. Poor girl...I'll protect 'er, if she'll let me.''