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Old May 16th, 2022, 08:05 AM
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Default Re: Hunting Scavengers [Private Event]

Fangtooth growled, he was ready for battle...

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Old May 16th, 2022, 12:01 PM
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Default Re: Hunting Scavengers [Private Event]


He glided through the unexpected terrain with ease. As he spent the majority of his nights in places much like these, the tabby had become accustomed to it. The sound of frogs hit his ears, a familiar one, one that the Tom found enjoyable. What was less enjoyable was the humidity that surrounded him, making his coat feel heavy. This was made worse by the mucky wetland he found himself in. It made sense why Dawnstar wanted it, it felt like Shadowclan. But he personally would've prefered somewhere dryer.

The calico stood with the rest of the patrol. Not sitting to prevent the rest of his coat becoming filthy. He listened carefully, disappointed in how vague the instructions were. He’d have liked to know exactly what to expect, but that's life. He sighed. Teamwork and vague instructions, this will be fun He thought sarcastically. He looked around at the other cats, the best he could hope for was to be put on a good team.

“Whatever you are physically, male or female, strong or weak, ill or healthy--
all those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. All those other things, they are the glass that contains the lamp, but you are the light inside.” -Jem Carstairs
Old May 16th, 2022, 08:19 PM
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Default Re: Hunting Scavengers [Private Event]

Juniperpaw was hyped. She had been chosen by the epic supreme leader who was really one of the coolest cats she had ever met to be part of something. She lifted her tail as she padded after Dawnstar, making sure to keep her eyes from wandering. In doing so, Juniperpaw advertised her importance, how cool she was and the very person who had called on her. Though, as the blue molly walked through the clearing, the number of cats with her grew by like twenty-five cats. No! Now no one would recognize how distinguished she was. She glared at the collection of cats, her breath catching at the sight of her.

The villain who claimed to be a child of the epic empress, the very cat who happened to be her current mentor. Shoot. This was going to be awful. Well, if she could ignore her, it might be fine. Green eyes jolted to her highness, as Dawnstar began to speak. There was a threat! No wonder she had amassed this great company of warriors! And no wonder Juniperpaw was one of them. Forget Lichenspark, this would be absolutely perfect. She would do so great that the sovereign of their great clan would take over her training herself.

No! Groups?! This would be awful! Juniperpaw blinked, completely insulted, yet too interested to turn away. She was infatuated, an idiot with an unholy amount of adoration for someone who had never even spoken to her. One day, someone would show her that devotion left you with broken promises and unmet expectations, but for now, her devotion was not something that would be so easily swayed. Of course, the promise of blood and a chance to prove herself didn't help with destroying her hopes.

that's all folks


rose stole carmen's identity
Old May 17th, 2022, 07:30 AM
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Default Re: Hunting Scavengers [Private Event]

Fiercefire was ready. Whatever the threat may be, he'd get rid of it!
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Old May 17th, 2022, 07:46 AM
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Default Re: Hunting Scavengers [Private Event]

The young she-cat looks at the other cats ready. Hmmphf. Why so many? They make her feel self-conscious. Frozenrose lets out a soft sigh and looks at Dawnstar, her heart darkenning. She shakes out her sleek white fur and looks around for Marigoldfrost - her sister. It fills her with joy to see that her sister is not here. She looks for Poppy'tail and grins when she does not see her. It may be a good thing - but that is besides to point. No cats to annoy her - well, apprentices are annoying - will make her job easier. Or so she hopes.

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Old May 17th, 2022, 08:57 AM
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Default Re: Hunting Scavengers [Private Event]

[ @Undertaker I will be inactive in the second half of June, idk if the event is that long]
~Cactuspelt, She/Her~
Finally! Dawnstar was helping with something she could do! Hunting some toads, she hoped she didn't have to fight anyone, but knowing Dawnstar, there would be. For now, she easily hunted and killed a toad, burying it for later. Maybe she would be screwed over by the team she was put in, maybe not, but hopefully she would get somewhat useful teammates. She saw her apprentice Dustpaw [ @AllSeer ] in the distance. She hoped she wouldn't make a mistake infront of them.
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Old May 17th, 2022, 10:21 AM
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Default Re: Hunting Scavengers [Private Event]

Pigeonpaw hurried after Dawnstar and the others. She'd gotten efficient at navigating Shadowclan's terrain with her amputated paw. But as the ground became softer and water, poking through with thick rough roots, Pigeonpaw slowed down to pick her way carefully. While her hood paws found some traction so stay shallow in the marshy ground, her stub cut right through the much and sank. She adapted and went back to limping slightly to put less pressure into her stub as she walked to keep from sinking.

She qas nearly out of breath when Dawnstar finally stopped and hopped up onto a root. She found a dry spot to stop and rest while the leader gave her instructions. Intruders to dispose of. Pigeonpaw decided not to think too hard on the mystery of it and instead looked over the cats who'd come out spotting her mentor Cougarivy. She hoped she'd get to be on her team.
Old May 17th, 2022, 08:25 PM
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Default Re: Hunting Scavengers [Private Event]

Dawnstar was a bit disappointed to see that so many cats that had initially been interested in acquiring a new rank weren't here now. It didn't really matter now, she supposed that it was time to get on with the event. The leader couldn't help but find it amusing without how many of her cats seemed uncomfortable in the wooded swamp, the mud took some getting used to, but beyond that, they should feel relatively at home here.

After counting the number of cats she concluded that she'd only be able to make around four groups.... which mean that one of their guests was going to be unhunted. After some silent debating, she settled on leaving that abnormally large fisher alone, as much as she would have liked to test her clanmate's claws against the predator considering the fisher had recently kitted in a hollow tree, Dawnstar felt it safer to focus on getting her cats all back home alive. The drier section of the wetland would have to be left alone.

"There are four threats I want gone before the sunrise. I will assign you your teams and then you can go and hunt them down. Fiercefire [ @Hawkice ], Poisonpetal [ @WillowBlows12 ], Badgerscar [ @Spotty ] , Redpaw [ @GoldenDays ], Softpelt [ @Pancake ], Brackenfire [ @poppy. ]. You're are team Otter. I would suggest looking along the water, there's a group of three otters that although come off as timid, are quite aggressive. Challenging them has proven irritating considering that they like to retreat to the water often. I would suggest keeping them on land as much as possible." Dawnstar had met the little ankle-biters while checking out the water. She had taken to a cypress tree when the three had come charging at her. Dawnstar was cocky but not stupid, she knew better than to take on a losing battle. It was one with the clans and another thing with predators.

"Pineshade [ @Frecklewing ], Aspenpaw [ @Erebus ], Vixensnarl [ @NinjaBloss ], Orchidmoon [ @Naiad ], Catuspelt [ @Glitch_Candle ], and Juniperpaw [ @Pheasantflight ]. You're team Owl. There's a horned owl that lives around here, it's as fearless as ShadowClan warrior and just as nasty. As much as I admire its tenacity, I want it gone. It keeps stealing our prey. I'd be careful with the smaller members of your team, I would be shocked if it picked one of you up." Dawnstar gave a pointed look at the apprentices as she spoke. If that bird stole one of her clan's apprentices then things would become personal. She needed these hairballs to serve as future warriors of ShadowClan.

"Hailstorm [ @mabel. ], Cougarivy [ @Ravensong ], Cinderblaze [ @starry ], Cloversun [ @Rabbiteye ], Sootwhisker [ @Kyo ], and Snakebite [ @V01DRYD3R ]. You're Team Raccoon. There is a family of raccoons living in a burrow. There's a pair, one male and one female, and if I heard right they recently had a litter. They come off as curious at first, but as soon as they deem you a threat they become irksome. The female usually hangs around the burrow, but the male likes the trees. He's smart and likes to drop out of the trees unexpectedly." The raccoons were new, she hadn't seen them here moons back. She had met the male while trying to climb trees, and it took some patience and track to find their burrow and the female. As much as she could empathize with raising a family, Dawnstar had claimed this territory for her clan, and coons needed to get evicted.

"Fangtooth [ @Aqua Catrina ], Foxwhisper [ @flopsy ], Warblermoon [ @Atticus ], Frozenrose [ @Kateri ], Spiritfire [ @RiztheHuntress ], Pigeonpaw [ @Toodle ]. You're team Beaver, there's a dam some ways down that could serve as another bridge across the water. The only problem is that the dam is occupied by a very territorial beaver. As far as I know, it doesn't really ever leave the dam and gets extremely aggressive when you set a paw on it. It's big and it bites, I would do everything in my power to avoid getting bit, and try luring it out of the dam before challenging it." She had nearly had a clash with that beaver's teeth not long after trying to hunt here, she had been trying to cross the dam to get to the other side of the swamp without needing to get wet when that grumpy old thing came lumbering out and chasing her off the wooden structure.

"If any of you get into too much trouble, pull back or call for me. I don't need any of you dying for a rank. Unless you have any questions off you go." Dawnstar waved the teams off and then glanced at the ShadowClan's newest apprentice. "Dustpaw [ @AllSeer ], you'll be sticking with me. We can see if we can find any herbs around here and go toad hunting." Dawnstar would naturally be doing sweeps to make sure that her cats were alright, and not being stupid, but helping a furball with her training and looking for herbs wouldn't hurt to keep the leader preoccupied.

[All the teams and threats were randomized, jsyk]
  • This Event will officially end on the 25th or sooner. Targets not killed will automatically retreat.
  • Any Competitors not assigned a team are disqualified from this event(since I've given about 2 days to reply here).
  • This is optional, but I would like five sentences a post. You don't need to go into great detail but I need to see how your cats react to their teammates and how they approach certain situations with more than just one-liners.
  • Please do be like "so-and-so ran up to the raccoon, blinded them by scratching at their eye, and killed them by biting their throat". There's a reason you guys are put into teams, please do not solo kill your targets.
  • These threats are supposed to be pretty difficult to take down, hence the teams, and why Dawnstar hasn't attempted fighting any of them herself. It's highly likely they'd kill her going at it solo.
  • Please set up a posting order going in order in response to this post.
  • If someone takes longer than 12 hours to post, skip them and/or give them a friendly reminder after 6 hours.
  • If you are skipped twice in a row, and unless I'm given a reason, I'm going to assume that you are busy or no longer have any interest in this and disqualify your cat.
  • If you have any questions or concerns message me.

siggy art by redshiftreign
Dawnstar is the leader of ShadowClan and will shred you if you enter her den. She has a semi-closed den policy.
ShadowClan Resources ||| Dawnstar ||| ||| Kit Curriculum Finder

Last edited by Undertaker; May 17th, 2022 at 08:29 PM.
Old May 17th, 2022, 09:01 PM
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Default Re: Hunting Scavengers [Private Event]


Sootwhisker glanced at her teammates. They were all really close, so she walked over. "Alright...listen up. We may not really know each other, or like eachother...but hear me out. We are a team. We are not scaredy kittypets, we are warriors!" She yowled. "Now...let's kick some mouse-brained raccoon tails!" Sootwhisker stood proudly, lashing her tail, determined to show the threat who's boss. She wasn't going to let some thief win.

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Last edited by Kyo; May 17th, 2022 at 09:03 PM.
Old May 17th, 2022, 09:04 PM
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Default Re: Hunting Scavengers [Private Event]

• Softpelt •

Softpelt felt confident. Otters? With six cats working together, they should be able to easily gang up on some oversized water rats.

She trotted over to her assigned clanmates with her tail held high. A smile made its home on her muzzle as she spoke. And, of course, she already had a base plan; it was simple. Simple enough to carry out easily, and for others to make changes to as needed. She felt like this could work nicely, but input would be taken and appreciated.

"Everyone heard Dawnstar; water rats swim. So, I was thinking... when we find the otters, we could pair up into groups to fight these things. One of us could attack from the front, the other from the back; then, if the otters turn to flee to the water, they'd be blocked by another cat."

Softpelt sat down, her sleek and fluffy tail coming around to rest in her front paws as she waited for her clanmates' opinions. She didn't want to make them feel like they were being bossed around, but on the other hand, she didn't want to fail their task.
Always eager to impress, especially higher ranks. She was ashamed of it, but on the other paw, she was a cheeky cat and she knew it. What's more, Softpelt was almost proud of it.
Mixed feelings, yaaaaaaay.


Possible future character above <3
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Last edited by Pancake; May 17th, 2022 at 09:11 PM.
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