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Old March 6th, 2023, 08:18 AM
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Default Re: Follow The Leader [ riverclan event ]

Peachpaw padded over and joined" Cinderpaw come on its gonna be fun" she said

CInderpaw rolled her eyes and joined
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Old March 6th, 2023, 08:21 AM
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Default Re: Follow The Leader [ riverclan event ]

Shallowkit ran towards the call
I will change my name later to Koi Belly
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Old March 6th, 2023, 09:32 AM
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Default Re: Follow The Leader [ riverclan event ]

Originally Posted by Karlos View Post

➛ cloudedcry ;

; he/him | thirty-seven moons.
--the call of cloudedcry's name upon the other warriors drew him out of the den alongside lilycreek. gazing upon the kits and apprentices that gathered, he smiled. the young children had always had a spot in his heart – a real softie for the littles, he was. cloudedcry sat around the small kits and apprentices, tail swaying invitingly. looking to gingerpaw ( @mooncake ), kitekit ( @bunnipop ) and otterkit ( @Yugo. ), cloudedcry invited them over. “gingerpaw, otterkit, you two look lonely – and kitekit, we'll be playing soon, don't worry. come sit with me, you three.” anyone else could join them, cloudedcry wouldn't stop them, but it seemed these two needed a bit of attention. “are you guys excited?”
– #16/250

cloudedcry is open for a little chat session before the even begins – feel free to include your cat! the characters picked above were selected randomly; your character is not excluded from making their way into the conversation.

she/her | 0-1 moon

Her ears flicked as she picked up the sound of a very nice warrior, she deflated at the fact that she wasn't playing now but she would be a good girl and wait to play later. "Otay otay Kitey is coming." She rolled over to the warrior very satisfied with her sneaking abilities as she came up behind the warrior, "I'm very excited! What are we playing today? Mossball? Oh or maybe tag!"

[ @mooncake @Yugo. ]

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Old March 6th, 2023, 09:56 AM
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Default Re: Follow The Leader [ riverclan event ]

The brown kitten glanced at the warrior who called him over. Wait what did he call him. Kit…A KIT! I’ll have you know I’m not some stupid ki- his thoughts broke off as his paws waddled on their own bringing him to sit beside the older cat. He was brimming with anger..no what was the word again? Seething! Yes he was seething in anger. He was no kit! He was a warrior and a brave one at that.

After a moment of calming down he spoke through a cool and calm voice, ahem please just call me otter. I dislike being called a kit. he meowed. Hopefully this warrior would understand him..at least even a tad bit..?
Old March 6th, 2023, 03:06 PM
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Default Re: Follow The Leader [ riverclan event ]

Originally Posted by mooncake View Post


Gingerpaw looked up at the warrior. She had been a little lonely, and was happy someone had noticed. She didn't want to brood her way through the game. She was... well, she was hoping to talk to an apprentice. But this'll do! "Hello Cloudedcry," she said, bowing her head respectfully. "What do you suppose we're doing here today?" she asked, hoping he had more intel on the situation than she. The purpose of this odd gathering was rather shrouded in mystery and Gingerpaw looked forward to further details being revealed soon.

[ @Karlos | @ open ]

Originally Posted by bunnipop View Post

she/her | 0-1 moon

Her ears flicked as she picked up the sound of a very nice warrior, she deflated at the fact that she wasn't playing now but she would be a good girl and wait to play later. "Otay otay Kitey is coming." She rolled over to the warrior very satisfied with her sneaking abilities as she came up behind the warrior, "I'm very excited! What are we playing today? Mossball? Oh or maybe tag!"

[ @mooncake @Yugo. ]


Originally Posted by Yugo. View Post
The brown kitten glanced at the warrior who called him over. Wait what did he call him. Kit…A KIT! I’ll have you know I’m not some stupid ki- his thoughts broke off as his paws waddled on their own bringing him to sit beside the older cat. He was brimming with anger..no what was the word again? Seething! Yes he was seething in anger. He was no kit! He was a warrior and a brave one at that.

After a moment of calming down he spoke through a cool and calm voice, ahem please just call me otter. I dislike being called a kit. he meowed. Hopefully this warrior would understand him..at least even a tad bit..?

➛ cloudedcry ;

; he/him | thirty-seven moons.
--gingerpaw was quick to question why they were gathered here today, and though cloudedcry didn't have an immediate answer, he could conclude quite easily that it was something to get the cats out and about. each time he'd walked past the nursery or the apprentice den, the mews and cries and angry taunts were loud enough to cause his skull to split in two. he sighed. “while i'm not too certain just just yet–” (a brief way to teach younger cats to admit their own faults) “–i believe it may be a game of some sorts. something to get everyone out of the dens and moving.”

what game, though, seemed to be kitekit's question. mossball or tag… hm. “maybe lilycreek will come up with her own game,” cloudedcry suggested. it was the safest answer, as he really didn't want to deal with disappointed kits, but even if they weren't playing a game, perhaps he could make this event seem like one… yes, surely that'd work! otterkit came next, refusing the name 'otterkit' and simply preferring otter. “sure, otter. i'll call you whatever you like.” honestly, what did it change? nothing. that's what.

oh, but; “–just know that when it comes to your ceremony and all the fancy things, pikestar will still have to call you otterkit,” he wanted the child to be prepared to hear a name that they didn't seem to like. “but i'm sure that cats around the clan wouldn't mind calling you otter.
– #17/250





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Old March 6th, 2023, 03:22 PM
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Default Re: Follow The Leader [ riverclan event ]


Gingerpaw nodded at Cloudedcry and tilted her head to the side a little, looking down at Otterkit. Not a kit, huh? Then what in StarClan was he? Hm, kinda reminds me of me when I was a kit. Always quick to grow up. The small thing was seemingly defensive about this, Gingerpaw observed, based off of his stance... "So if you're not a kit, then what are you?" she asked curiously and not unkindly. She did wonder what the kit considered himself to be... Maybe he was an apprentice without apprentice duties.

[ @Karlos | @Yugo. | @ open ]

Last edited by mooncake; March 6th, 2023 at 03:35 PM.
Old March 7th, 2023, 07:46 PM
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RiverClan Re: Follow The Leader [ riverclan event ]

PIKESTAR ( he/them )
➣ open for interaction, he's very socially awkward...

Hearing the familiar tone of the nursery molly sound throughout the clearing, the mighty Lord of the Waters silently padded over, joining the growing group of kittens, apprentices, and some warriors. Whatever his clanmates had planned today sounded like good fun, and gosh darn it, Pikestar needed a moment of mindless fun in his life now and again. Hopefully, none of them would mind him participating. He was the clan’s leader, and a full adult, looking to join in on a most likely child-oriented event, so he was fully prepared to be judged to the moon and back for it. The oriental sat down, awkwardly keeping to themselves.

Last edited by Captain; March 7th, 2023 at 07:48 PM. Reason: coding messed up, ick...
Old March 7th, 2023, 08:34 PM
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Default Re: Follow The Leader [ riverclan event ]

ALMONDMILK; they/fir/glow || @canineantics

the feline watches as more and more cats gather around. mostly kits and apprentices, but soon a few warriors start to gather. one, rainglow, looks particularly anxious, eyes darting all over and tail swishing. nothin's ever that deep, man, almondmilk thinks. they're tempted to actually get up and go tell the warrior that, but the thought leaves their mind as quickly as it came on e they spot pikestar. fir watched the leader quietly come over and take a sit, sticking out like a sore thumb with how awkward he looked. the tabby bites the inside of firs cheek in contemplation before standing up and giving a big stretch of their limbs, soaking up the sunshine. "pikestar, hey man!" glow calls out, ambling towards the leader. "you're joining in? i totally dig that." save for the ones assisting lilycreek and pikestar, it looked like only three warriors were interested in the event so far.

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Old March 8th, 2023, 12:37 PM
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RiverClan Re: Follow The Leader [ riverclan event ]

PIKESTAR ( he/them ) ✦ @furrensic

One would think that a clan leader wouldn't be awkward in social situations, but of course, the large oriental tom tended to be a bit of a special case. He was used to meetings, and gatherings, and cats coming to him for whatever in his den. However, casual events just like this one tended to strike him in the social anxiety more than ever. Clanmates did not tend to really... approach Pikestar too much unless they needed something, or if they were assigned with him in a group of some sort―it was never by choice. However, to his surprise, the tom's name would soon by called out, causing the clan leader to flinch ever slightly.

Thankfully, his body would immediately calm itself as a clanmate he recognized as Almondmilk made their way over to him. "Hey, Almondmilk!" Pikestar meowed, trying his best to smile sincerely and not do anything stupid, although he feared his overall volume was a tad higher than he had wanted, "Yes, I thought it would be a nice change of pace, heh. You know, from all the seriousness and daily chores..." He also wanted to try and be a more active presence within the common community. It was better than being a recluse in his den all the time. "How're you doing today?" Pikestar eventually asked.

Last edited by Captain; March 8th, 2023 at 12:38 PM.
Old March 8th, 2023, 06:08 PM
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Default Re: Follow The Leader [ riverclan event ]

An event? Something fun in which all could participate? Um...SIGN ANTKIT UP!!! The small molly came blundering out of the nursery rather towards the tail end of the summoning, but with no less enthusiasm than any of the others. Skidding to a halt within the crowd, swelled with warriors and kits(and maybe an awkward leader) alike, the kit pranced in place, unable to keep still from excitement despite not actually knowing what was about to happen.
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