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Old June 8th, 2024, 08:51 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Header by @/Dolomedes / Male / About 5 Moons / ThunderClan / Sexuality Unknown
Chocolate-brown and russet tabby Tom with fluffy fur and bright amber eyes, thin scars on his legs and a large scar shaved across the bottom half of his face that exposes several teeth

Sure, I’ve got half a face, but you’ve got yourself half a brain, so I’m sure we’ll get along just fine, ey?


Rosekit stood still with his eyes on his tortoiseshell denmate, just moments before he had decided to pull his Snap-and-Surprise prank on the innocent she-kit. It was beginning to feel incredibly backwards for Rosekit himself to be doing the teaching, because it every previous training encounter he had experienced during his lifetime, it had always been somebody else’s knowledge getting passed down to him and never the other way around. And yet here he was, still holding onto his kit rank, already coughing up some advice for somebody else. It made the young tom extra proud of the skills that he had picked up along the way, proud of the fact that he was good enough to show others at his same age the things that they didn’t know. Rosekit was even beginning to debate trying things like this out more often- just to show off around his denmates.

The russet tabby tom-kit found his gaze wandering back to the nursery once again, and the image of kittens sleeping lazily beside their parents, dreams building up in their heads, entered his mind. Well, not that I don’t sleep, but… The fluffy tabby narrowed his eyes and proceeded to squint at his den. …now I’m over here thinkin’ ‘bout what all Raggedear said to me, the stuff ‘bout how I’m no different just for wantin’ to be best of the best, that stuff. Why didn’t I think’a that earlier? Ain’t it my job to just watch an’ observe, bein’ a kit and all? I should’a caught on earlier… ha, idiotic me… He sniffed and turned back to face Dawnkit, mindlessly beginning his decision to throw out a small prank. As he decided, he multitasked and kept on thinking. Anyway, what I mean is they’re over there relaxing more than me… well, a bunch of them, that is. There could easily be exceptions, but I wouldn’t know. Hopefully I put in the extra work by workin’ harder than ‘em all and puttin’ in some extra effort. I better, ‘cause otherwise there ain’t a point to all’a this trainin’ crap I’ve got myself all wound up in, now is there?

The russet tabby knew for a fact that it wasn’t exactly an average event to find a kitten turning his ‘fun little game of mossball’ into a hardcore training session and/or educational opportunity, but that was not enough to satisfy the fluffy tom. What Rosekit needed to know was that he would have a good head start by the time he became an apprentice, and it was going to take a while for the result of that to show itself. In other words, he would only feel fulfilled once he made it to his apprenticeship and got that oh-so-great ‘paw’ into his title. Only then would he truly see the confirmed outcome of his self-created “training sessions” such as this. Some of ThunderClan’s warriors have told me that my mentor’ll be happy with some’a their workload gettin’ taken off’a their shoulders. See? Here’s why I’m preparin’! I don’t wanna be the reason my mentor hates cats my age, so why not start avoidin’ that sorta thing early? There’s a whole lot I can change in my future just base’n off of what I’m doin’ now. It’s pretty crazy, but pretty cool, too. With that thought out of the way, Rosekit prepared to toss out his prank.

He went through the quick process of staying calm and suddenly seeming to have quite a dramatic mood swing, frightening his tortoiseshell denmate and snapping at her, before leaning back and smirking at her. Ah, lovely- now time to hope I didn’t traumatize ‘er TOO too badly with that, hehe- like I said, love pranks, and so far, they’ve never gone too far for me. I’m just that nice with ‘em all, just enough to avoid crossin’ others’ boundaries. Guess that makes me the bets kind’a prankster… huh. Cool. But just in case there was something he wasn’t seeing, Rosekit focused his amber gaze on Dawnkit’d face to get a closer look at her reaction. Sometimes he had to look more closely to see the real emotions cats were feeling. He had never been the best at reading facial expressions, especially with kittens and elderly cats. Hey, if I scared ‘er too much, at least I know she accepts apologies, and that’s just thanks to my pride-sacrifice earlier this mornin’. Anyway, I bet she- wait… huh…

That was when Rosekit noticed something unexpected. Dawnkit made a sudden leap backward, tail flying over her face. A heavy wave of surprise fell over the tabby tom-kit at the sight of her reaction. He had been expecting a slight jump, nothing anywhere this much of a scene, but he could only assume that a smile was developing behind the fur of her tail. But once he kept on staring at Dawnkit, Rosekit came to realize that there was no smile at all. With a surge of confusion, Rosekit felt himself go stiff, and eyebrows furrowing, he forced his vision to land directly on Dawnkit’s face. Something wasn’t right here, she wasn’t laughing. She wasn’t even smiling. Instead, there was instant fear flashing across the young she-kit’s gaze, and all of Rosekit’s hopes in a safe, friendly reaction were crushed. He felt his stomach clench and turn at the sight of the pure terror in her eyes.

Eventually, Dawnkit seemed to begin to get over her freak out and get back on her feet. With wide, unblinking eyes, Rosekit stared her down. Yo, the heck was all’a that crap… He wondered silently, confusion building up and becoming obvious in his gaze. That ain’t right… yeah, nah. Nobody goes flyin’ backward in fear when some little angsty tom-kit snaps at ‘em. There’s somethin’ more, I’m guessin’! He scanned Dawnkit briefly for any sight of some sort of scar or mark that could suggest that she had some kind of issue during he past, but from that quick and mildly lazy scan, he didn’t notice anything. She looked just fine, at least on the outside. I guess whatever it is could’a been some sorta verbal thing… not sure who her siblings an’ parents are, but maybe they weren’t the best… or… ah, shut up, self! He shook his head to clear the thoughts, finally blinking and abandoning the subject of Dawnkit’s apparent struggle of the past. Whatever, I ain’t gonna pry on her business. Heck, my scar’s been followin’ me everywhere I go, and it ain’t like I’ve got even the slightest idea where it came from. I don’t care much anyway, either, so let’s get a move on with this. Back to trainin’ things, I s’pose.

A few seconds after Dawnkit had panicked in response to Rosekit’s prank, she got up and prepared to try out the crouch. The russet tabby tom felt ready to judge and praise, the severity of his criticism depending on how successful Dawnkit ended up being with her pounce attempt. My balance was real crappy when I first started, so I shouldn’t be TOO bratty ‘bout that… everything else though? Ah, heck it, I’ll yell at ‘er all I wanna! He watched carefully as Dawnkit balanced her paws, starting to take note on as much as he could, scavenging the fight out for any possible mistakes that Dawnkit could possibly be making. Balance, weight, speed, sound… balance, weight, speed, sound… The tabby kit repeated on loop in his mind, tracing each and every step that his denmate made until she fully reached her balance. He saw the multicolored she-kit’s tail stick straight out from behind her, just as he had demonstrated, and he felt his heart lift a little. It was out of character for him to feel proud of anybody, so of course he wasn’t happy with pride in her; Rosekit was proud of himself for doing well with his crouch example. Perfect, first step to warriorhood! His thoughts announced. Now I’ll be a great mentor, AHA- He shut his brain up to keep on watching Dawnkit. She was focusing on the rock he had instructed her to… well, attack, centering her attention int he small object just as Rosekit himself had shown her a minute or two ago during his own performance. The russet and brown kit’s whiskers twitched in interest. She had caught onto the most important details, it seemed, so he was going to have to try a bit harder to find the deeper-detailed mistakes, as well as just pray to the stars that he actually knew what they were.

When Dawnkit began to creep towards the little stone, Rosekit felt the energy of anticipation pulse through his veins. It may not have been him performing the stalking of the stone, but it still energized him to judge the success of others. Adrenaline could come soaring into him no matter what, and whether or not he was the one doing the work on not normally didn’t matter in the least. Dawnkit seemed to have made note of the whole speed and silence mixture that Rosekit had explained and shown to her, because when she moved, she did it briskly and quietly. Rosekit watched her narrowly avoid a twig that had made its way into her path, and he bit back a snicker. Nice. She’s scared’a some tree-ly remains… such a good hunter, obviously!

He blinked to get rid of the sarcasm and stiffly returned to observing Dawnkit as she crept towards the stone ahead of her. Eventually the tortoiseshell she-kit reached the stone, sending an unexpected pinch of relief stinging in Rosekit’s heart. He hadn’t put much thought into it, but once she reached her goal, Rosekit finally came to understand the stress of her success, alongside the idea that if she failed to succeed then that meant he had failed to teach her. Well, that isn’t exactly true… but ya’ can’t help but think it, I think… right…? His lip curled a little. Goddang… mentor’s have gotta deal with this every day? Jeez, may as well just avoid apprentices if they can help it. The warriors, that is… eh, I’ve got nothin’ to worry about yet. First step is to get through this lil’ session, and I’m thinkin’ its ’bout to be over anyway.

Rosekit took a deep breath and started to think over his response. Judging from the fact that her stalk and pounce had proved itself to be decently successful, Rosekit had a feeling that this tiny training session was coming to an early end. He had nothing against this, thanks to his developing urge to go take a walk around camp by himself without Dawnkit breathing over his shoulder the entire time, but he also understood that Dawnkit deserved a proper response. So for a moment, Rosekit stayed silent, thinking over what he should tell her. I s’pose she DID avoid a twig, there wasn’t exactly any point to that. Apprentices an’ warriors outta put all’a their focus into the necessary stuff and ONLY the necessary stuff when huntin’ an’ fightin’, and things like twigs are pretty insignificant. Well, they DO make sound… ah, crap! What did she do wrong?! Whatever. I’ll just yell at ‘er for what all she doesn’t know how to do yet.., sure. Now, praise. He sighed deeply and slumped down into a sitting position, giving up on good posture and letting him fall into an unattractive slouch. His left ear twitched. So balance was great, speed was accurate, she was quiet, she was careful… yeah, I dunno. I’ve got nothin’ to criticize. Guess she did as well as a kitten could do… well, whatever, that’s all I’ve gotta tell ‘er. I’ll figure soemthin’ out while I’m out and about ramblin’, I’m sure of it.

A’ight, Prolly. That was decent, and there isn’t much negative stuff I can say ‘bout it, ‘Kay?” The tabby tom-kit cringed at the slight rasp in his voice when he spoke. He then lowered himself down to the creek again to take another sip, and once he was finished, he looked up with a grunt. “Sorry. Anyway, ya’ were well-balanced, decently organized with those clumsy paws of yours, and generally well calculated. Ya’ also stayed quiet and smooth when movin’ ‘round and ‘bout, so good job there. All I can say is that… uh… YA’ DONE GOOD.” He stared at her quietly for a moment, thinking of something else to say, until finally, it entered his mind. “Though… that ain’t all there is to trainin’, just to confirm. You’ve gotta learn to dodge, run, sneak, climb, heck- fly- like, there’s a heck-ton’a trash they’re gonna throw at us, and all ya’ know so far is how to pounce. So you’ve got yourself an obvious weakness and/or disadvantage here… ‘almost everything.’ So congrats, you can jump on a rock, now try single-handedly killin’ all’a ThunderClan’s enemies, hehe… actually don’t, you’ll get exiled… BUT THAT’S BESIDES THE POINT!!!” He grinned.

My point is, ya’ don’t know the half of it yet. Neither do I. So just ‘cause ya’ did well here doesn’t mean you’ll do well in huntin’ once ya’ have to learn’ta hunt an’ race after real creatures. That’s when the real deal begins.” Of course, Rosekit made sure to slip a joke into his explaination. “Oh, an’ speakin’a trainin’… let’s not forget romance. Many apprentices never get the hang’a that one… though I’m sure I’ll do just fine, uh, hehe… not so sure ‘bout you. No offense.Yes, very much offense. His thoughts told Rosekit slickly as he finished off the last buts of his vole. I’ve gotta be nicer- but then again, what’s wrong with some simple romance humor?! She’ll live past it, I’m sure. We’ll recover from my mean jokes, she hasn’t got any right to care too much… He shrugged, mumbled, “Tch!” and began to await the tortoiseshell she-kit’s response.


// This roleplay could end ranging from your next post to five decades from now, I have no preference! ^^ Hope you’re enjoying this! \\

~ @AriaTheFiremaiden { Dawnkit }

How’s it going?

- My characters’ opinions, thoughts, and behaviors are not necessarily a reflection of my own. I can assure you that we are certainly separate beings. -

// WIP Character Biographies * Training Tracker \\

Have a nice day!
~ Fritz ~

Last edited by Weekend-Wondering; June 8th, 2024 at 08:52 PM.
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Old June 8th, 2024, 08:53 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Thunderclan Apprentice| She/her | 14 Moons
Primal Instincts | Mind Reader

It was the night of the battle. It was the night of the battle and Bluepaw was sitting her not one of the attacking patrol. To a degree she understood it, she didnt have battle training but these were the cats that'd ruined her life and she didnt even get to be apart of the group that killed them! No she was just left at home 'guarding' the camp like a kit.

With an upset huff the mauled molly rested her head on her paws, watching the camp entrance and waited tail flicking for her clanmates to finished what she so desperately wanted to do.
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Old June 8th, 2024, 11:00 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Dawnkit/3 moons
(I think I'll have Dawnkit go to the nursery, you can have that walk of yours, and after a few posts we can meet up again. Feel free to message me if you need ideas!)

As Dawnkit watched from her rock-hmm, it's sorta pretty, all red and mossy-Rosekit almost seemed to sigh in relief. He shrunk down into a crouch and twitched his ear like something had landed on it. Dawnkit's earlier fear was quickly fading from her mind, and she had to suppress a mrow of laughter at the sight.

The tabby tom started by saying there wasn't much to criticize about her crouch. She cocked her head to the side, confusion filling her features. There wasn't a single thing wrong? As Rosekit lapped from the stream again, Dawnkit thought he looked rather proud of himself. It was a good look, so she didn't remark on it.

Her confusion melted into happiness as he continued praising her. It felt nice to know she was doing good, even if a hunting crouch apparently wasn't all there was to training. With Rosekit's help, she was sure she'd learn everything she needed to practice. He added on that while she was decent at stalking rocks, real prey would be much different. Well I knows that! Dawnkit thought indignantly. Still, she couldn't be too mad at this kit.

She was pleasantly surprised when he brought up romance, though. That wasn't exactly something she'd needed to think about much, but the way Rosekit acted, it was just bound to happen.Hmm, he is sorta nice and alls, I'm sure he'll be happy. When we older of course. Dawnkit supposed that if he was waiting for her to speak, she should probably say thank you. So she did.

"Thank yous for showin' me all this! I'm gonna learn everything I need to ta be an apprentice."When a quick thought crossed, her mind, she added "Ya might be right about the romance thing. Not many cats like me as it is, an' I don't think that'll change." She was distracted for a second by a bright orange butterfly fluttering through the clearing, but continued. "Except for ya, thoughs. You seem to likes me! In fact, let's be friends!"

Without waiting for Rosekit's response, the tortoishell kit ducked her head down and decided to end her little speech. "I should prolly head back to the nursery. I wanna sees if any other kits are awake!" Then she slowed down. She supposed Rosekit should get room to talk, in case there was something else he wanted to say.
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Lightningpaw existed, unfortunately for the rest of the clan
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Old June 9th, 2024, 08:59 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Mapledawn, Dreamspirit, Summerpaw and Firepaw exists

(Open but lazy activity post)

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Old June 9th, 2024, 09:03 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Mothkit Exists.
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Old June 10th, 2024, 08:46 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Header by @/Dolomedes / Male / About 5 Moons / ThunderClan / Sexuality Unknown
Chocolate-brown and russet tabby Tom with fluffy fur and bright amber eyes, thin scars on his legs and a large scar shaved across the bottom half of his face that exposes several teeth

Sure, I’ve got half a face, but you’ve got yourself half a brain, so I’m sure we’ll get along just fine, ey?


Rosekit held back a laugh when the strange image of an unrealistic kitten romance system entered his head. He certainly felt too young to be feeling such feelings for other cats, but that did not make the thought of it any less funny. I can only imagine how crappy confessions would be… oh man, it would be TERRIBLE. Rosekit could easily see his denmates formulating the most pathetic love triangles, consisting of shrieks, tantrums, jealousy, and the smallest bit of legitimate love for one another. It was when thoughts such as these came into Rosekit’s head where he was grateful that kittens his age were not expected to love one another in that sort of way. And yet here I am botherin’ Dawnkit ‘bout her future sad lil’ love life. Talk’a ‘bout off topic, huh… well, I s’pose everythin’ deserves a thought. We’ve just let this conversation take a lil’ bit of a turn, that’s all. Well, we meanin’ ‘I’, I guess. Whatever.

Then again, was talking about things as silly as Rosekit saw romance being truly all that bad? It was necessary, and especially as he got older, Rosekit would need to know how it worked in order to live an average life. He definitely did not want to be the one cat wandering around camp with no knowledge about romantic feelings whatsoever while everybody else found mates, girlfriends, boyfriends, all the rest, because- well, who did? It was awkward and there was no doubt that Rosekit would stand out at least a little bit in some unwanted attention comin from his peers. No, he needed to think about that sort of thing. Jeez, stars above- Why is this gettin’ so complicated all the sudden? Life HURTS sometimes, man- can’t I laugh at my own thoughts for a sec’ without somehow turnin’ them into a disadvantage? My personality sucks sometimes.

Rosekit sniffed with annoyance and shook his head to clear the unnecessary thoughts from his mind. He was supposed to be having a casual conversation with one of his noisy denmates, not thinking up romantic fantasies about his future love life. No wonder my clanmates like’ta tlel em that I do a bit much of thinkin’… He reminded himself, releasing another sigh. My brain’s refusin’ to shut up whenever ai’m just tryin’ to have a normal conversation. Like, literally- I’ve managed to go on an’ on about trainin’, Dawnkit, huntin’, birds, my personality, romance, along with even more crap, and all within the time span I’ve been tryin’ to keep peacfully talkin’ with Dawnkit. It was all fun and games until Rosekit made another realization, one that made him want to plant his face into the dirt beneath his paws. Oh, and now I’m overthinkin’ the fact that I’m overthinkin’. How does that even work, what?! I hate my brain, hate it, hate it, HATE IT!!!

Earlier on, while Rosekit was explaining what he had observed while his denmate tried out the crouch he had demonstrated for her, he had felt a slight pring of irritation. This irritation was coming from the sight of his tortoiseshell denmate cocking her head to the side, confusion filling her features. As he spoke, Rosekit’s eyes narrowed. Does… she not understand? Did I say somethin’ wrong? Hey, I’d thought I’d been talkin’ pretty well… even decently nicely, decently professionally! This ain’t fair, c’mon… But when Rosekit put a bit of extra thought into it, he came to discover that her confusion probably wasn’t coming from any sort of misunderstanding. No, she was surprised to find that he hadn’t noticed anything wrong. But that didn’t up Rosekit’s mood. In fact, the idea that he had not caught onto anything important to criticize the she-kit was confusing to her was beginning to make Rosekit wonder if he should have tried harder to find something to judge her on. Again, if this is what mentors have got to deal with all the time, then DANG. I kinda hate it, like, a lot. And Dawnkit was pretty obedient- Rosekit could only imagine how much effort the mentors with problematic apprentices put into being a good source of knowledge and skill for the younger generation. Well, fun. I now have an entirely new perspective on the life of mentoring dumb apprentices. Great, more thoughts- go away, shoo- GO-

Rosekit had bent down to get himself a drink of water, and once he was extra hydrated, his worries fell back just a little. When he continued to speak, he turned around to stare at Dawnkit as he did so. Yes, he had noticed Dawnkit’s attention slowly hopping over to things that didn’t involve Rosekit and his words every once and a while, and he was tired of wondering whether or not she was actually paying any attention to a word he said. So he tried at staring her down as he spoke, as well as slipping her nickname that he had come up with, ‘Prolly’, into his explanations and spoken observations. It might just be her age or somethin’ the crappy attention span, but… Y’know, maybe I should’a brought THAT up when tellin’ her about what all her weaknesses were seemin’ to be. Well, whatever, I’m sure ‘er MENTOR’ll bring it up eventually, let her know that she’s about as attentive as a rotten carrot.

Rosekit watched with boredom and impatience as Dawnkit’s confusion melted into happiness at the sound of his praise, briefly remembering his own reactions to praise. The russet tabby tom-kit couldn’t help but wish that Dawnkit had made a mistake, done something that he could use to judge her on, mostly just to compare her reaction to his own. He was well aware that he took criticism well and used it only to build up himself up to become something better, but he was just a part of the small group made up of master-criticism-takers. He acknowledged the judgement, thought about it, talked about it, and finally, he would use it to fix his mistakes. Praise was also a part of it all, but criticism was normally the thing that Rosekit noticed his denmates struggling with. They would put too much focus into either praise or criticism, leading the balance to fall out of place. Rosekit always made sure to respect both forms of commentary, but he had no idea how Dawnkit would handle it. One mistake, just one, made by Dawnkit, and he could have easily seen how she balanced those sorts of things out. But no! There wasn’t anything obviously wrong with her crouch! Oh boy, this is annoyin’! Another step closer to the mentor-life: Frustratingly Perfect Apprentices.

Rosekit blinked himself back into focus and started to slip in his romance jokes. The only reason he had decided to bring up romance in the first place was (a), to start a decently productive conversation, and (b), to finally make this miniatures training session of theirs slightly funnier and a bit more entertaining. Rosekit understood that they were only kits, and it would be a long, long time before they learned to complete any pure-boring task without falling over in boredom and exhaustion. No, humor was definitely a necessary factor in cats Rosekit’s age (and even a while older) when it came to success. Sure they were sort of immature, but at least they were happy and motivated because of it. Dawnkit was pleasantly surprised when Rosekit mentioned romance, but Rosekit wasn’t really paying attention. By that point in time, he had already begun his internal monologue about the importance of romance, romantic feelings, and love in his own lifetime, and he was far too long gone in those thoughts to pay any more attention to Dawnkit’s reaction to it all.

Rosekit finally snapped out of it when he heard Dawnkit begin to thank him, and he blinked a single, hard blink to knock himself back into reality and out of his fazed state. She started it off with simply thanking him, and Rosekit responded with a stiff, curt nod. He wasn’t exactly used to other cats thanking him for what all he said and did, so the young russet tom wasn’t quite sure how to react to it. All he could do was nod along and listen, so for the most part, that was all that he did. Dawnkit even told him that she was going to learn everything that she needed to know in order to be an apprentice, and Rosekit tilted his head to the side, eyes narrowing. Well… duh, ya’ don’t gotta know anythin’ to be an apprentice, technically… just how to not break the code or somethin’, I s’pose? But he kept his mouth shut and let his tortoiseshell denmate proceed to thank him. Dawnkit had a thought before adding that Rosekit might be correct about the whole romance thing. Rosekit was unable to completely hold back a laugh, and a “Pffpfth” noise escaped his mouth. Of course Dawnkit had taken the joke literally… that seemed to just be the kind of kit that she was. Dawnkit reminded Rosekit that most of their denmates weren’t too fond of her/didn’t like her, and she didn’t feel like that would change anytime soon.

Rosekit raised an eyebrow. Well, we shouldn’t start to makin’ all’a these assumptions this early, Prolly, now should we? He wanted to ask her, but he held his tongue to let her keep speaking. Rosekit waited patiently for Dawnkit to continue, but then suddenly, she was quiet. Puzzled, Rosekit squirmed at her to try and figure out why she has went silent so early, wondering whether or not his senate was just done speaking already, and that was when he realized that the she-kit’s amber eyes were drifting off in a different direction. Mildly frustrated with her attention issue, Rosekit followed her gaze to find a bright orange butterfly fluttering through the air. Wow. So, so attentive, Prolly… this idiot. Whatever. I can wait. And wait he did, because for a moment, Dawnkit’s gaze remained trapped on the butterfly. Eventually her focus returned to Rosekit and she told him that she felt like Rosekit was an exception to what she had said about their peers. Rosekit jerked his head back a little in surprise. Me? Hold on… dang! Dawnkit went on about how he seemed to like her, and Rosekit listened, stunned with surprise and doubt. I don’t wanna ruin her hopes, but… He didn’t finish the thought, and instead, blinked it away. Just then, Dawnkit suggested they be friends.

Rosekit was silent, and his jaw fell to allow an answer to leave himself, but he was not given the chance. To Rosekit’s annoyance, Dawnkit didn’t wait for his response, and instead, she simply ducked her head down to end her small speech. Rosekit closed his mouth and peered at Dawnkit through an unhappy amber glower. ‘Let’s me friends, let’s be friends!’ His thoughts started to mimic the she-kit. ‘Friends, yeah, watch me take your chance to speak, blah, blah, blah!’ Whatever, I can keep listening, sure. Dawnkit told him that she thought that she should most likely head back to the nursery now and check to see if any other kittens around and awakened yet. Rosekit blinked when Dawnkit slowed down and gave him a chance to speak, waiting seemingly patiently. Rosekit was quiet for several long moments, staring at his tortoiseshell denmate blankly while he figured out soemthing to say. He wasn’t too keen on straight up ruining this kit’s hopes in their friendship, but what else was there to do? She annoyed him, that was for sure… not that he felt any particularly bad feelings towards her, there just weren’t many good ones either. She was an acquaintance to him, that was it, and that was all. That’s all there is to it. A knowing of each other’s personalities and a bit of appreciation. Boom.

But Rosekit had never been one to cover up the truth in order to please others, and in situations like these, he valued honesty over all else. So forcing the usual strength and confidence into his voice, Rosekit grunted and began to respond to Dawnkit’s comments, suggestions, and whatever else had made its way into her mini speech. “Ah- well. Yes. There wasn’t exactly much for me to go off sayin’ about your huntin’ crouch other than the good stuff and the things about your future that ya’d have no way of know in’ yet. Anyway, the battle crouch is a bit different, yadayadayadablah, NEXT!” Grumpily, Rosekit moved onto the next topic. He was done with training and Dawnkit at the moment- he needed something different for once, spice up this conversation of theirs. “Romance? Yeah, I’m pretty solid on the idea that you’ll fail that- again, next. Friends, you said. Oh, well...” And here it was, the big issue. Rosekit felt his paws shift, but he was quick to make them still. Oh, shut up, self, just tell ‘er what she’s gotta know and move on. I ain’t an empathetic guy, I’ve got no reason to care. Movin’ on.

…So, friends, you said. Well, hate to break it to ya’, but I haven’t got any of those time-wasters breathin’ over my shoulder, and unfortunately for you, I ain’t lookin’ for any, either. Now, don’t go takin’ this the wrong way, ‘cause I think you’re a’ight. I don’t dislike ya’, but I definitely dont’t like ya’, either. I’d say it’s a neutral feelin’, I s’pose. You’re my… acquaintance. My neutral-friend. Nothin’ strong, nothin’ crazy. Just… neutral!” He took a step back to begin his walk as he spoke, tail swishing behind him as he did so. “Also, about the fact that ya’ thanked me- no problem. It was just an easy opportunity for me to start sharpenin’ up my own skills, and the fact that it was extra helpful’ta you as well was… well, a plus. An advantage. So don’t go havin’ the wrong idea about the amount of effort I put into this, it wasn’t that bad. No need to thank me, that is.

He sighed again and paused his walk to look back at her just once to finish speaking. “A’ight, I’m out on a walk now. You head back to the nursery with the rest of ‘em all, nap, chat, do whatever ya’ do. Goodbye, acquaintance. I’m off into my head, so you’ll have to holler at me if ya’ need somethin’ while I’m out walkin’, ‘Kay? Great. Goodbye.” He sniffed and waited briefly for a response, and whether he received one or not, he moved on and turned tail to head away after it was or was not given. And with that last comment, he was off, wandering about camp in circles.


~ @AriaTheFiremaiden { Dawnkit }

How’s it going?

- My characters’ opinions, thoughts, and behaviors are not necessarily a reflection of my own. I can assure you that we are certainly separate beings. -

// WIP Character Biographies * Training Tracker \\

Have a nice day!
~ Fritz ~
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Old June 11th, 2024, 07:13 AM
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ThunderClan Re: ThunderClan Clearing

╔══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╗
╚══ ≪ °❈° ≫ ══╝

the Tom screwed up his face, eyes narrowing. his eyes flicked towards rosekit, a look of complete evil, he then turned around and looked at the camp entrance, he watched as he parents walked in with no prey at all. he hissed as he whipped around to look at brumblestar.

◤─────•~❉᯽❉~•───── ◥
◣─────•~❉᯽❉~•───── ◢

the Tom walked into camp, his mate close by, his eyes narrowed when he looked around and smelled blood? "go check on the kits." he told his mate before pading over to dirt place...

◤─────•~❉᯽❉~•───── ◥
◣─────•~❉᯽❉~•───── ◢

after her mate separated from her, she felt a shameful feeling, she hoped her little Amberkit didn't do anything bad. as she padded over to the scent, she saw more clearly that indeed Amberkit must have done something. "bumblestar? o-oh what a surprise, what's happened? is my Amberkit okay?" she asked as she padded over and started to check her kit over, seeing blood, she felt concerned and started to lick him, only to be scratched across her face as she tried to lap her kit over. she lifted her head and stopped trying. "did he hurt a denmate? is Moonkit okay?" she felt wary now...of course Amberkit wouldn't listen to her. he own belif stopped her from caring for him properly.

@Weekend-Wondering (rosekit (only have to read what Amberkit said.)

@dino. (bumblestar (FlameStrike and amberkit has only spoken to bumblestar)
ThunderClan- FlameStrike-20M/she, Ashshadow-25M/Tom, MoonKit-5M/She, AmberKit-5M/Tom
ShadowClan- lostpaw-12M/She
RiverClan- frostpaw-6M/tom
WindClan- N/A
StarClan- Echoheart, Spottedfur,
Dark forest- N/A
outskirts- adderkit-2M/tom, garfy-20M/she, king snowflake-10M/Tom
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Old June 11th, 2024, 03:18 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

A very pretty sandy colored kit with an orange tail and ears with green eyes and one white paw.


Oleanderkit dashed into the clearing a towards the prey pile.
Due to her clear head start, Snowkit would probably beat him.
But that was fine!
He could let other cats take some glory every now and then!

@olive-shine - @SnowheartTC

Rapid Recovery-Raccoonsun(RiverClan), Silver Tongue-Whitekit(ThunderClan), Chill of Death-Leopardpaw(WindClan), Dreamwalker-Ravenpaw(ThunderClan)
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Old June 11th, 2024, 03:35 PM
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olive-shine olive-shine is offline
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

"Good job" Olivekit said, purring. She stopped and took some deep breaths. "You...you are fast." She smiled as Oleanderkit puffed out his chest like he usually does when he receives a compliment. "I'm hungry, wanna come join me?" Before he could answer, she padded over to the freshkill pile. A couple rabbit, a mouse, and a few squirls lay at the bottom of the hole. Then she saw a quail. She picked it up and set it beside her before reaching into grab her own food. "Nice, a juicy squirrel" she purred. Then she walked over to the shade of a tree, its leaves blowing in the wind. She would wait here until Oleanderkit returned. She glanced over and saw Oleanderkit comparing the size of the two mice. She laughed before she tucked into her squirrel.

Snowkit - @SnowheartTC
Peachkit - @kenjaku
Chasmkit - @Highsnow of Matterhorn
Oleanderkit - @IDIOTICBEAN101
Olivekit || She/Her || 1 Moon || ThunderClan || Kit
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