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Old July 12th, 2024, 08:32 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den



Small, skinny, black she-cat with a light gray belly and tail-tip, a mangled tail, a crooked jaw, and one blind eye.

Twistedpaw crouched low, then leaped. She landed neatly in the tree hollow. Her round black paws scuffed against the smooth wooden floor, almost making her slip, but she managed to right herself. She couldn't help a flicker of delighted surprise; especially with her mangled tail, she'd expected to fall short of the leader's den, which lay several tail-lengths above the ground. I did it! Her small size and light frame certainly helped, along with the muscle she'd built from her many moons of training.

The young she-cat's pride quickly dissolved as she slid further into the cool shadows of the den. It was a nice break from the heat. The scent of fresh leaves and soft moss was relaxing. Still, her mind and stomach churned in tandem, thoughts caught up in roiling storm clouds that leapt about like a piece of grass caught in a raging river. Grief, regret, pain, fear - they settled deep in her chest and plagued her mind with restless thoughts.

It had been a long time since she'd spoken with Twilightstar. Twistedpaw was usually comfortable in the WindClan leader's presence. She was friendly and had some kind of connection with the mysterious Ashfeather. However, she couldn't help but feel a little... anxious. Like Twilightstar was judging her. I'm old for an apprentice. I accidentally trespassed on RiverClan territory. And... Her throat tightened. Wolffang died for me. Twistedpaw had been the one to break the news. The patrol had found his body, and his death had been reported at the Gathering. But what about Rosebriar? Did the others know about her?

So many thoughts, so many questions, spun through the apprentice's head. But she couldn't just stand here. She had to act.

Twistedpaw bowed before the Moorland Queen. Her crooked jaw dangled, and the bulging light gray tip of her tail twitched, a beacon in the shadows. "Twilightstar. I... I hope I'm not bothering you." She forced herself to look up, her gray-blue eye meeting the leader's emerald-green one. "I... wanted to talk to you about some things. If that's okay?"

Her training. Wolffang. Rosebriar. Ashfeather. Brightpaw. So many names, so much pain and confusion. Twistedpaw couldn't help eyeing Twilightstar's comfortable nest. Normally, she liked to stroke soft things when she was worried. It calmed her. However, she wouldn't dare encroach on Twilightstar's privacy like that. So, she resorted to rubbing one paw against the smooth maplewood floor. Not the best substitute, but it was something.

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Old July 16th, 2024, 04:34 PM
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WindClan Re: WindClan Leader's Den


Fadingdawn slipped into Twilightstar’s den with a polite dip of her head to the WindClan Leader.

“Twilightstar, I came to report that Cardinalpaw’s training is going well. He’s shaping up to make a great hunter,” The white and pale-ginger tabby explained with a wave of her plumy tail, green eyes bright. “He kept messing up on his leap, so I made him practice until he got it right. I’ve told him to rest, now, and that I’d bring prey to him.”


Foxglovestar is BerryClan's current Leader. She has an open den policy.

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Old July 16th, 2024, 05:02 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Nice try, lack of motivation! There's no escaping more Owlkit posts! The cinnamon mottled feline bundled into Twilightstar's den as she had once before, too big paws causing her a problem. SNEEZE! with a loud noise she tumbled to her bottom, hind legs splayed out. With a soft chirrup she lifted her muzzle with the flower she had found- no thorns this time- and although it was now very dirty, The Tumbleweed Transformer was quite concerned about her dear Bigcat after a dead cat and grownup talk. So with a sober huff Owlkit proudly presented the scarred leader with her gift. A dandelion that looked like it'd been sitting in a dead rabbits mouth for three days. But it was the thought that counted, and Owlkit hadn't really tried too hard to keep it neat. "Bigcat!" She chirped, dropping the gift. "Gotchu a gift! Cause you 'er sad durin th' grownup conva- con- con... conversation!" HA! TAKE THAT HARD WORD! Owlkit puffed up her short tail proudly, then plodded up to Bigcay and attempted to wrap her forepaws around her friends neck, muzzle buried in Twilightstar's chest fur. Voice muffled, she would then mumble; "There ther', Twi'star." She'd say, giving wherever her forepaw resided on the molly a pat-pat. "I' help you." because of course, only the brave and helpful and awesome and fierce Owlkit could help her! Duh!
@Moonraven [Victim of the Transformer]

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Old Yesterday, 08:57 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Seamrog View Post

17 Moons | He/Him | No purrks

WindClan warrior

As Twilightstar spoke, the disappointment on her face and in her voice evident, Sunburst knew he’d really messed up. When she said that he was a potential danger, he was about to say something, but then Twilightstar mentioned that he killed this young cat. Immediately his expression changed to shock, and his eyes filled with regret at what he’d done. "I ki-" He couldn’t even finish, lowering his head in sadness and regret, he whispered "Great StarClan, what have I done?!"

Sunburst lowered his head as Twilightstar continued to speak, everything she said was true and he knew it, he’d made a big mess. When she’d finished, for a moment he remained silent, trying to comprehend everything. "I…" He didn't know what to say, he’d done an incredibly mouse-brained thing and maybe he did put WindClan at risk by doing it. "I'm truly sorry for this, I did something really stupid and reckless." He said, "I did warn her, I told her I wouldn't hesitate to do whatever I needed to to protect our borders, I told her to leave but she didn’t listen, she didn’t listen and she insulted me, and that’s when I…" Saying what he did was still hard, he felt incredibly guilty, not just for endangering WindClan, but for taking a young cat’s life, he wondered if StarClan would ever forgive him for that, in fact he wondered if he could ever forgive himself.

"I was going to report this, but as you said I have…weird sudden blackouts. I didn't think it was real when I woke up! I thought it was all a dream…and if it was all a dream, I didn't want to waste your time. I still didn't remember everything, the details came back to me gradually, and I went back there to see if it was real, if she was still alive or not…I knew it really happened when I seen the blood on the tree, but I thought she had escaped and survived…" Raising his head a little bit, he continued to try to explain, although he knew Twilightstar probably saw him as a danger now. "I know I shouldn't have left her in our territory regardless, it was a stupid thing to do and I accept that, I will learn from my mistakes, I promise. You'll never have any trouble from me again, but…if you don't want me around anymore so that I can't endanger WindClan again…I understand." He felt even more sadness at the thought of being unwanted by his clan, a tear forming in one of his eyes as he finished speaking.

"If you give me another chance, I swear by StarClan this will never happen again. I could never bring myself to attack my clanmates, even when I do lose my temper, I can't even imagine that thought, I won't be a danger." He wiped the tear away with his paw. "But…if you can't forgive me for this…just say the word and I'll be gone."

'Oh Sunburst, you've messed up big time. How can any cat ever forgive you for what you’ve done?!' He told himself, lowering his head again knowing now he'd probably be kicked out, deservedly so.


This could prove to be a real problem that she was sure she wanted to deal with. Sunburst was genuinely shaken at the killing of the young cat. He hadn't known he had done it. That might be worse than doing it knowingly. Twilightstar did not like the sudden blackout excuse, it's not like she could call him a liar, but as far as she was aware this wasn't a common occurrence with him or any cat.

Sighing, Twilightstar weighed the pros and cons of this new situation. "You're getting demoted for the next moon and a half." She replied after a long thought. "During your demotion, you will have all the same restrictions as the apprentices, and not allowed outside of camp without supervision. Honestly, I don't know if I can keep you as a warrior with these blackout issues. You need to speak to Lightingstorm. If she can't figure out what's going on with you, then I'm not certain I can trust you within the clan." Twilightstar meowed seriously.

"I can't depend on you with these unknown faint spells. If Lightningstorm can't deduce the cause by the time your demotion is up. You will be retiring early to the elder's den or exiled. " This went beyond losing a sense, a limb, or even memories. Warriors live a dangerous life, if he went down in combat he could not only get himself killed but his clanmates as well.
[Sunburst's demotion will be up on August 19, however, due to his blackouts Twilightstar may retire him early after the demotion if a diagnosis and solution aren't found]

Originally Posted by SeonghwaBerry View Post

(oh. ok sorry)

Watertail sighed. "I don't know. I'm just old and my bones don't feel like they used to. They feel fragile and..." Watertail stopped himself. "I've had heart issues sense I was young... but heart skips a beat... like literally skips a beat, I don't know what it is. But it's getting worse with age. I haven't felt myself in moons. Physically and mentally." Watertail admitted. "Orangepaw died... I don't know how but it had to have been suicide! I found him near a rabbit nest, no scent but his own and..... he didn't have a mark on him but he's dead....." Watertail meowed, his eyes distressed, eyes filled with pain as he moved his paw upwards to steady it from trembling. Watertail's not split in half ear twitched gently. Causing a flair of pain in the warriors eyes, though he didn't move from his spot."What... Lightningstorm said wha....what?" Watertail wondered, trying to rack his brain.

(For context of his condition, Systematized amnesia is a loss of memories related to a specific category or individual. Which is what he has and in this case it's reaccuring only in the aspect of names and faces of cats. It goes away and comes back and is life long caused after major head trauma. But in Watertail's case he developed it slowly from a previous trauma and when he banged his head during the battle it kinda "set it off".

he's also just an old cat and has really bad arthritis <3 Hope this clears up and confusion or makes it a bit easier to understand )

So the more she listened the worse the story got and the more troubled she grew. "I'm getting many contradicting things here." Twilightstar decided to stop trying to understand what had happened with Orangepaw, the tom had passed. She was going to accept that.

"You're telling me that you have bad bones, and heart problems on top of that, but Lightningstorm told me physically you are healthy and fit enough to continue serving as a warrior." She told the distressed tom. At this point, she was dragging this out to get to the bottom of it. Someone was lying to her here and she wasn't having it.

"If you haven't felt well for moons, you should have spoken to Lightingstorm sooner. As for your amnesia, as strange as it is, I do not see it as a reason to send you off to the elders. But, if you speak to Lightingstorm and she agrees that you are no longer fit to continue your warrior duties, I'll allow you to retire."
[So thank you for explaining, that helps a ton! But the story isn't adding up well for Twilight. As far as Twi's aware, Lightningstorm has only told Twi that aside from the amnesia, Watertail is fine to continue serving as a warrior, so he'll need to get Lightingstorm's approval before he can retire.]

Originally Posted by Alchemist Kitsune View Post

| Lightningstorm |
20 Moons - WindClan Medicine Cat
Flock Together [Tier 3] - Inactive | Mind Reader - Active | Dreamwalker - Inactive

A cheeky grin pulling at Lightningstorm's whiskers as the leader mentioned wanting to speak to her, she couldn't help the skipped heartbeats that ensued. She had been admittedly dreading talking too much to the leader. She'd managed, of course. Especially during their little debacle of whether she should go to the raid or not. The leader won that one out, what with the calico not wanting to out herself too much, and with plenty of trained healers already on the field it was really little more than stubbornness and pride in her own ability that made her so obtusely insist on coming along. But enough time had passed. She'd managed to learn the names. Or relearn them, she supposed. To make herself more at home in this place. It certainly felt like home, in any case. Perhaps not as many friends as she would like. Seemingly no family. But... she had a place to rest her head and the cats were nice enough. There was little to complain about.

There was just... one thing, apparently. She might have mostly had everyone fooled. Unable to see past her facade. Crowtooth had proved to be too smart for her. She believed there were others - few and far in between - that sensed it as well. The change she had gone through. The memories she'd lost. None had been quite so open, however, as Twilightstar was now.

"Aw, fox dung," the Abyssinian mix groaned, her shoulders slumping as she tossed her head backwards in exasperation. "And here I thought I'd been so good at hiding it, too."

Slowly, the herbalist let her head drop back down, allowing it to follow her shoulders in the defeated slump, one eye opened as she studied the lilac warrior before her. While the green eyed leader regarded her with some curiosity, she did not seem... angry. Annoyed. Or even disappointed. If Lightningstorm was the type to blindly assume without having all the facts - which she loathed - she would almost believe Twilightstar was... used to stuff like this happening by now. There was just... no surprise. Not even mild exasperation. And here the pale medicine cat had thought she might be in danger of being kicked out of the clan if she was found out. An unfounded paranoia, yes. But one that had come about from her instant shock at finding herself surrounded by strangers in a place that felt so familiar yet so distant all at once. It seemed her fear had been in vain, however... or so she hoped. One would assume the leader would not be entertaining her if she was about to be kicked out beyond the borders, after all.

"Guess I shouldn't have expected much less from WindClan's leader, though. Can't very well lead cats if you don't know 'em. Funnily enough, other than you only Crowtooth has noticed any change. Oh! But I'm bloody well rambling at this point, ain't I? Did come here for a reason... Or two. Maybe even three," she mewed, the grin returning to her face, a bit of levity before she went on with her reports.

"To start off, I know it's been a bit. Since the RiverClan raid, I mean. Most of the patients are all well and good after I patched them up, but one of them seems to be a bit of an oddball that I can't quite figure out. His name's Watertail. He got proper banged up in the fight. Looked like a wolverine had confused him for one of those soft bones the twoleg dogs sometimes chew on. Managed to patch him right up, 'course. Well... most of him, in any case. He was acting quite strange. A curious case of amnesia. I chalked it up to shock, if I'm going to be honest with you. Seemed to be able to remember his name as well as the name of the cat he fought. Seemed incapable of remembering anyone other than that. Including his son.

A bit... strange, really. That he would remember the name of a complete stranger but not the name of a family member. I know I'm not one to speak. What with my own affliction. But this seems different. I would take a guess at a concussion, but I treated concussions during that mass influx of patients, and this was not it. He walked right. Seemed perfectly at home with the exception of his lapse in memory concerning his clanmates. There's a quality to concussions. A confusion that accompanies it that is wildly different to amnesia. I wouldn't rule out that he did suffer a concussion and somehow walked it off on the way back, but none of his injuries would indicate a severe enough blow for a concussion to begin with."

The medicine cat took a pause, tail swaying lazily by her side as she considered her next few words. He was a bit of a mystery to her. An unsolved puzzle that frustrated her. To all intents and purposes, he should have been fine after a while. Other than shock causing him to block memories of his clanmates, she couldn't think of a single other reason for him to suffer the loss he had. It had not improved, either. His mental state. While externally he had most certainly healed, Lightningstorm felt as if she was missing... something. She simply didn't have enough information to know what that something is.

"I've kept him in observation, of course. Ever since. He doesn't really seem to be getting much better on the memory aspect, but physically I would say he is proper healed. Wouldn't really think amnesia is a reason to demote him or anything, but then, that might be bias talking here," the herbalist finished, a teasing glint in her eye.

There was more to report. More to say. But might as well let the leader get a word in. Stars knew she'd gotten so used to talking to the little beetle in her den without response she could go on for days without ever giving the other cat a chance to speak back to her. Well... Maybe that wasn't fair. She was certain they could get at least a small groan in whenever she had to pause for a breath.

@Moonraven [Twilightstar]

Twilightstar smiled broadly at Lightingstorm's cursing and exasperation. She wasn't laughing at the she-cat, but she couldn't help but find it amusing that she had thought that she had hidden her dilemma. Honestly, she might have gone unnoticed a while longer if Firestorm hadn't said anything. Twilightstar had quite a bit on her mind, so carrying on as Lightningstorm had she might have slipped unnoticed for a time.

As the medicine cat slumped down seemingly waiting for some sort of something, Twilightstar twitched her tail tip. "I'm not getting rid of you because you have amnesia. You'd be surprised how many cats have come up to me saying they've lost their memory and yet were still able to continue serving WindClan." It was nothing new to her. She was glad to see Lightningstorm perk up quickly and dipped into her reasoning for being here.

Watertail. Twilightstar had already gotten a brief report on him by Leechscar. If he was healing fine she doubted Lightningstorm would be here chatting with her right now. Everything told her sounded more than reasonable, except for the part about not remembering his son. "So in your opinion, he shouldn't need to retire due to his lapse in memory. Leechscar informed me that he recalled his son back at RiverClan's camp, but lost memory of him as soon as he was checked over by you." It wasn't a question more of an observation from the leader.

"Odd, but all I need to know is that you deem him fit to continue serving as a warrior."

Originally Posted by TheNyanCatMinecart View Post


Small, skinny, black she-cat with a light gray belly and tail-tip, a mangled tail, a crooked jaw, and one blind eye.

Twistedpaw crouched low, then leaped. She landed neatly in the tree hollow. Her round black paws scuffed against the smooth wooden floor, almost making her slip, but she managed to right herself. She couldn't help a flicker of delighted surprise; especially with her mangled tail, she'd expected to fall short of the leader's den, which lay several tail-lengths above the ground. I did it! Her small size and light frame certainly helped, along with the muscle she'd built from her many moons of training.

The young she-cat's pride quickly dissolved as she slid further into the cool shadows of the den. It was a nice break from the heat. The scent of fresh leaves and soft moss was relaxing. Still, her mind and stomach churned in tandem, thoughts caught up in roiling storm clouds that leapt about like a piece of grass caught in a raging river. Grief, regret, pain, fear - they settled deep in her chest and plagued her mind with restless thoughts.

It had been a long time since she'd spoken with Twilightstar. Twistedpaw was usually comfortable in the WindClan leader's presence. She was friendly and had some kind of connection with the mysterious Ashfeather. However, she couldn't help but feel a little... anxious. Like Twilightstar was judging her. I'm old for an apprentice. I accidentally trespassed on RiverClan territory. And... Her throat tightened. Wolffang died for me. Twistedpaw had been the one to break the news. The patrol had found his body, and his death had been reported at the Gathering. But what about Rosebriar? Did the others know about her?

So many thoughts, so many questions, spun through the apprentice's head. But she couldn't just stand here. She had to act.

Twistedpaw bowed before the Moorland Queen. Her crooked jaw dangled, and the bulging light gray tip of her tail twitched, a beacon in the shadows. "Twilightstar. I... I hope I'm not bothering you." She forced herself to look up, her gray-blue eye meeting the leader's emerald-green one. "I... wanted to talk to you about some things. If that's okay?"

Her training. Wolffang. Rosebriar. Ashfeather. Brightpaw. So many names, so much pain and confusion. Twistedpaw couldn't help eyeing Twilightstar's comfortable nest. Normally, she liked to stroke soft things when she was worried. It calmed her. However, she wouldn't dare encroach on Twilightstar's privacy like that. So, she resorted to rubbing one paw against the smooth maplewood floor. Not the best substitute, but it was something.


The WindClan leader was resting on her side, front paws splayed out in front of her where her chin rested. Her tail twitched stiffly behind her as started at the wooden walls that made up her den. She was lost in thought. Sometimes she couldn't help but wonder if she was cursed or something of that. Every single deputy she's had has died, outside of Brindlejaw and Brightsky, every cat who's held the rank beneath her has joined the stars.

It was a disturbing thought that weighted down her heart like stone. It's gotten to the point that Twilightstar wasn't looking forward to picking out the next deputy, if she could she'd avoid it all together. Each ones deaths seems worst than the last. Twilightstar knew she was only thinking like that becaue of Wolffang, but could one blame her after all the loss.

Her full ear twitched irrdicataly as she noticed the she-cat at the mouth of her den. Twistedpaw. She gave the apprentice the sad smile while shaking the gloom from mind. She'd get like that once in a while, depressed and beaten down, but Twilightstar never stayed that way for long. Her will wouldn't allow it.

"You're no bother, Twistedpaw." Twilightstar trilled while lifting her head from her paws. "I could use a talk, what is it that you need?" Twilightstar asked, arching her back as she stood up and then sat down in a more regal postion befitting of one her age.


Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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Old Yesterday, 09:14 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Moonraven View Post

This could prove to be a real problem that she was sure she wanted to deal with. Sunburst was genuinely shaken at the killing of the young cat. He hadn't known he had done it. That might be worse than doing it knowingly. Twilightstar did not like the sudden blackout excuse, it's not like she could call him a liar, but as far as she was aware this wasn't a common occurrence with him or any cat.

Sighing, Twilightstar weighed the pros and cons of this new situation. "You're getting demoted for the next moon and a half." She replied after a long thought. "During your demotion, you will have all the same restrictions as the apprentices, and not allowed outside of camp without supervision. Honestly, I don't know if I can keep you as a warrior with these blackout issues. You need to speak to Lightingstorm. If she can't figure out what's going on with you, then I'm not certain I can trust you within the clan." Twilightstar meowed seriously.

"I can't depend on you with these unknown faint spells. If Lightningstorm can't deduce the cause by the time your demotion is up. You will be retiring early to the elder's den or exiled. " This went beyond losing a sense, a limb, or even memories. Warriors live a dangerous life, if he went down in combat he could not only get himself killed but his clanmates as well.
[Sunburst's demotion will be up on August 19, however, due to his blackouts Twilightstar may retire him early after the demotion if a diagnosis and solution aren't found]

So the more she listened the worse the story got and the more troubled she grew. "I'm getting many contradicting things here." Twilightstar decided to stop trying to understand what had happened with Orangepaw, the tom had passed. She was going to accept that.

"You're telling me that you have bad bones, and heart problems on top of that, but Lightningstorm told me physically you are healthy and fit enough to continue serving as a warrior." She told the distressed tom. At this point, she was dragging this out to get to the bottom of it. Someone was lying to her here and she wasn't having it.

"If you haven't felt well for moons, you should have spoken to Lightingstorm sooner. As for your amnesia, as strange as it is, I do not see it as a reason to send you off to the elders. But, if you speak to Lightingstorm and she agrees that you are no longer fit to continue your warrior duties, I'll allow you to retire."
[So thank you for explaining, that helps a ton! But the story isn't adding up well for Twilight. As far as Twi's aware, Lightningstorm has only told Twi that aside from the amnesia, Watertail is fine to continue serving as a warrior, so he'll need to get Lightingstorm's approval before he can retire.]

Twilightstar smiled broadly at Lightingstorm's cursing and exasperation. She wasn't laughing at the she-cat, but she couldn't help but find it amusing that she had thought that she had hidden her dilemma. Honestly, she might have gone unnoticed a while longer if Firestorm hadn't said anything. Twilightstar had quite a bit on her mind, so carrying on as Lightningstorm had she might have slipped unnoticed for a time.

As the medicine cat slumped down seemingly waiting for some sort of something, Twilightstar twitched her tail tip. "I'm not getting rid of you because you have amnesia. You'd be surprised how many cats have come up to me saying they've lost their memory and yet were still able to continue serving WindClan." It was nothing new to her. She was glad to see Lightningstorm perk up quickly and dipped into her reasoning for being here.

Watertail. Twilightstar had already gotten a brief report on him by Leechscar. If he was healing fine she doubted Lightningstorm would be here chatting with her right now. Everything told her sounded more than reasonable, except for the part about not remembering his son. "So in your opinion, he shouldn't need to retire due to his lapse in memory. Leechscar informed me that he recalled his son back at RiverClan's camp, but lost memory of him as soon as he was checked over by you." It wasn't a question more of an observation from the leader.

"Odd, but all I need to know is that you deem him fit to continue serving as a warrior."

The WindClan leader was resting on her side, front paws splayed out in front of her where her chin rested. Her tail twitched stiffly behind her as started at the wooden walls that made up her den. She was lost in thought. Sometimes she couldn't help but wonder if she was cursed or something of that. Every single deputy she's had has died, outside of Brindlejaw and Brightsky, every cat who's held the rank beneath her has joined the stars.

It was a disturbing thought that weighted down her heart like stone. It's gotten to the point that Twilightstar wasn't looking forward to picking out the next deputy, if she could she'd avoid it all together. Each ones deaths seems worst than the last. Twilightstar knew she was only thinking like that becaue of Wolffang, but could one blame her after all the loss.

Her full ear twitched irrdicataly as she noticed the she-cat at the mouth of her den. Twistedpaw. She gave the apprentice the sad smile while shaking the gloom from mind. She'd get like that once in a while, depressed and beaten down, but Twilightstar never stayed that way for long. Her will wouldn't allow it.

"You're no bother, Twistedpaw." Twilightstar trilled while lifting her head from her paws. "I could use a talk, what is it that you need?" Twilightstar asked, arching her back as she stood up and then sat down in a more regal postion befitting of one her age.

(Alright thank you!!)
Watertail gave a gentle sigh. Nodding Watertail meowed, "I suppose I can share my worries to her and see." He concluded respectfully, dipping his head. Watertail stood slowly, giving a gentle grunt as he flicked his tail, eyes drooping he walked out of the den with a final dip if his head. Watertail headed to the medicine den.

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hope dropped a bundle of chocolates here
Rose littered this profile with flowers

]@/Beanz@/mars@/Merp Machine@/CrimsionOaks@/WCUEhoneyfur@/Hollyheart of thunder@/MaplestrikeWCUE@/PINTO BEAN@/AriaTheFiremaiden@/Mike29@/constellation@/Snowyfeathr@/KestrelPaw

Willowtail of Riverclan is Tier 3 Beefed up <3
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