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Old June 7th, 2024, 08:28 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

A familiar cinnamon tortoiseshell kitten was bouncing with energy around the camp as she explored every inch of every den. She was growing quite fast, at the age of 5 moons, and was more than curious about... well... everything, to say the least. Two dens remained uncharted by the fluffy, stubby explorer, and both areas were intended to be properly mapped in her brain. Those brain juices were juice...ing... as she discovered what lay in wait within one of the uncharted territories. Gasp! Bigcat! Pure delight Scorched through every fluffy patch on her pelt as Aubs herself scampered into the area and straight up to her glorious role model and savior. Yay! Oh, crap, she was going too fast to stop and tripped over her to-big paws before tumbling almost right into Bigcat's paws. Oh, dear!

" 'M real sorry Bigcat!" She chirped, and it was quite obvious that her rumpled speech had straightened out into more identifiable words and sentences. But either way she gave Bigcat ( or tried to give her) a biiiig hug around her throat. "Haven't seen y' in while!! Missed you!" Questions for Bigcat piledin her jaws, tumbling around until she finally spit one out. "Als' had questions! Whats a Fury?" shockingly, the emanated question was reasonable. "I 's just 'xploring n found your den! Got sortsa excited." Admitted the furry explorer humbly, for such an intrusion may not be taken well. BUT this was also Bigcat who was suuuper awesome so she may not mind! In this case her apology was squeaky and but by instead of as humble as intended.

| @Moonraven [Pardon her silly intrusion ]

Paris, Alec, Bean, Glitch, Indy, XxGhostStarsxX, PeanutCash, Morrigan, Dolomedes, Marigoldwhisper, and iliri all reside in here. They will never escape :>

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Last edited by Blaaze; June 14th, 2024 at 03:05 PM.
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Old June 11th, 2024, 05:42 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Windclan Tunneler/Fury | He/him | 51 Moons
Power Card: Cold Gust

The fury was still mad when he entered the leaders den and maybe thats how he got in without previous struggle, a feat he was sure to not manage again. Indicating Flowerheart follow him the tom started explaining, looking frankly done with everything.

"Im sure ya heard the shoutin' in the clearin' Twi but heres the situation. Silverfur is bein' too snarky an' while she needs mindin' Flowerheart here took it too far an' physically attacked her. Claws an' fangs. After the argument continued an' when I ordered Flowerheart ta come wit' me ta see you it was a whole other fight.

Further it seems she wants ta adopt Frogkit an' sent the kit inta a tizzy wit' some.... Assumptions she made." Crowtooth still didnt understand why she thought he'd kill her. "Punishment is in yer paws but if my advice means anything I dont think those two should interact until we can be assured she's calmed down.

Flowerheart, anythin' ta say on yer behalf?"
An apology might be a good start

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Old June 11th, 2024, 06:27 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

"Thank you Crowtooth. Twilightstar I'm sorry for my mistake I know I was wrong and I know I need to control my temper and I do accept any punishment you give me but please let me adopt Frogkit that was the first time I've attacked anything or anyone besides my prey I love Frogkit and I promise I won't teach her any bad behavior." Flowerheart said hoping for forgiveness. @Moonraven @Rani
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Old June 11th, 2024, 06:38 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

The kit walked into the den, she
walked over to crowtooth. "Y-you monster,
you don't know how much y-you took from
me. you don't know how happy I was, but
oh guess what? excuse me for my language,
but I think you should take a stick and shove
it up ur $%# you #$%hole!"

@Rani @---Bluestar---

"Baby who cares."

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Old June 11th, 2024, 08:29 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by zBlaze View Post
A familiar cinnamon tortoiseshell kitten was bouncing with energy around the camp as she explored every inch of every den. She was growing quite fast, at the age of 5 moons, and was more than curious about... well... everything, to say the least. Two dens remained uncharted by the fluffy, stubby explorer, and both areas were intended to be properly mapped in her brain. Those brain juices were juice...ing... as she discovered what lay in wait within one of the uncharted territories. Gasp! Bigcat! Pure delight Scorched through every fluffy patch on her pelt as Aubs herself scampered into the area and straight up to her glorious role model and savior. Yay! Oh, crap, she was going too fast to stop and tripped over her to-big paws before tumbling almost right into Bigcat's paws. Oh, dear!

" 'M real sorry Bigcat!" She chirped, and it was quite obvious that her rumpled speech had straightened out into more identifiable words and sentences. But either way she gave Bigcat ( or tried to give her) a biiiig hug around her throat. "Haven't seen y' in while!! Missed you!" Questions for Bigcat piledin her jaws, tumbling around until she finally spit one out. "Als' had questions! Whats a Fury?" shockingly, the emanated question was reasonable. "I 's just 'xploring n found your den! Got sortsa excited." Admitted the furry explorer humbly, for such an intrusion may not be taken well. BUT this was also Bigcat who was suuuper awesome so she may not mind! In this case her apology was squeaky and but by instead of as humble as intended.

| @Moonraven [Pardon her silly intrusion ]

A new face in her den, familiar, but new nonetheless. A warm smile pulled at her muzzle as Owlkit came tumbling towards her paws. "That's alright, Owlkit." The leader chuckled as she stood up and leaned down into a stretch. Her green eye reflected the warm adoration she looked at most kits with. She was a little startled as a set of paws wrapped around her neck when she tried to straighten up. She laughed when she realized it was the kit hugging her. It's been some time since she received such a warm greeting.

"I missed you too." She purred sweetly, she had forgotten how rambunctious this little one was. She could help be recall her first kit, Stagleech. She had his clinginess, something Twilightstar hadn't noticed how much she missed until now.

"A fury is a rank within the clan. My most dependable and loyal warriors serve as furies and help me care for the clan." She explained, wondering where Owlkit had heard about the furies. Before she could ask, Owlkit was already moving on, speaking of her explorations.

"It sounds like you've been having fun. How do you like camp? Have you made any friends or met any of the other cats? I know several clanmates would absolutely adore you." It was the leader's turn to ask some questions. Owlkit was a sweet and confident little one. It was hard not to love her. She was sure as she could, with such an adventurous spirit, Owlkit would find trouble, but with the stern enough mentor, she was sure the kit would have a wonderful life within WindClan.

Originally Posted by Rani View Post

Windclan Tunneler/Fury | He/him | 51 Moons
Power Card: Cold Gust

The fury was still mad when he entered the leaders den and maybe thats how he got in without previous struggle, a feat he was sure to not manage again. Indicating Flowerheart follow him the tom started explaining, looking frankly done with everything.

"Im sure ya heard the shoutin' in the clearin' Twi but heres the situation. Silverfur is bein' too snarky an' while she needs mindin' Flowerheart here took it too far an' physically attacked her. Claws an' fangs. After the argument continued an' when I ordered Flowerheart ta come wit' me ta see you it was a whole other fight.

Further it seems she wants ta adopt Frogkit an' sent the kit inta a tizzy wit' some.... Assumptions she made." Crowtooth still didnt understand why she thought he'd kill her. "Punishment is in yer paws but if my advice means anything I dont think those two should interact until we can be assured she's calmed down.

Flowerheart, anythin' ta say on yer behalf?"
An apology might be a good start

Originally Posted by ---Bluestar--- View Post
"Thank you Crowtooth. Twilightstar I'm sorry for my mistake I know I was wrong and I know I need to control my temper and I do accept any punishment you give me but please let me adopt Frogkit that was the first time I've attacked anything or anyone besides my prey I love Frogkit and I promise I won't teach her any bad behavior." Flowerheart said hoping for forgiveness. @Moonraven @Rani
Originally Posted by PINTO BEAN View Post
The kit walked into the den, she
walked over to crowtooth. "Y-you monster,
you don't know how much y-you took from
me. you don't know how happy I was, but
oh guess what? excuse me for my language,
but I think you should take a stick and shove
it up ur $%# you #$%hole!"

@Rani @---Bluestar---

Twilightstar wasn't surprised when Crowtooth's familiar bulky form made his way into her den, without falling this time. He looked livid, and she couldn't fault him for his anger. She had been listening to the back-and-forth dispute between him and Flowerheart for a bit now, awakening from her nap to their shouts. She had been debating on intervening for a bit now, not wanting the whole clan drawn into their argument, however, decided to wait. She was feeling lazy, and she knew that Crowtooth would bring the problem to her if he couldn't settle it himself. Which was where they were now.

"Yes, I've heard quite a bit." The older leader arched her back after she rose from her nest, listening to the pair as they spoke. It was funny how quickly a cat's tune changed when facing her. She wished cats would show the same respect they showed her to her furies. Frogkit's appearance and harsh language had the leader's fur bristling.

"Frogkit, you've just earned yourself an extra moon in the nursery, and half moon of confinement. You'll be another moon away from your apprentice ceremony and add another half-moon of confinement in the nursery if I or anyone else sees you out of the nursery before the half-moon is up. If you want a mother you'll have plenty of time to get acquainted with the queens in the nursery." She told kit, not in the mood to play around here. Twilightstar was done playing nice with pain in the tails.

"Flowerheart, you have no control over your temper, escalate problems out of proportion, and seem to be an all-around bad influence on the young. I don't want you near Frogkit or any of the clan's kits. You are unfit to be a mother as you are, let alone be around kits, you are not allowed to adopt any of the clan's kits until you show me you can behave properly. You're being demoted for the next moon to Flowerpaw for attacking Silverfur, and if you cause any more trouble, have any more outbursts, or are found anywhere near Frogkit or any kit during the duration of your punishment, it's grounds for an immediate exile." She told her unforgivingly. Twilightstar found no reason to keep troublesome warriors within her clan. She questioned how Flowerpaw managed to make it to warriorhood in the first place with her issue.

"Crowtooth, inform Silverfur that she's forbidden from going to the next gathering, and add on whatever punishments you deem fit for her mouth. I don't need her running around thinking she can get away with disrespecting my furies and stirring up trouble without punishment. If she continues with the snark for no reason, she's getting demoted for half a moon." These punishments might be on the harsh side, but she was keen on nipping this chaos in the bud.

"Also, let Leopardsong or one of the queens know about Frogkit and Flowerpaw's punishments. I don't need Flowerpaw to negatively influence the rest of the kits' young minds like she has Frogkit. She is to stay away from the nursery."

[Frogkit's confinement will be done on June 25th, and she can't request an apprentice ceremony until after July 11th. If posts are found with her anywhere outside of the nursery before June 25th. Two more weeks will be added to the confinement and another month will be spent waiting for an apprentice ceremony.
Flowerpaw's demotion is up on July 11 as well as her ban from being around kits. She'll be exiled if she's found engaging (talking to kits or in the nursery) with any of the clan's kits before then.]


Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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Old June 11th, 2024, 08:34 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

"Twilightstar?" Cinderflame poked her head in"May I come in?" Cinderflame glanced around nervously, as she wainted for her leader's response.

Last edited by Shadowflower; June 12th, 2024 at 09:09 PM.
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Old June 11th, 2024, 08:39 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Windclan Tunneler/Fury | He/him | 51 Moons
Power Card: Cold Gust

While the tom had been shocked at the kittens response, jaw popping open and eyes bugging as restrained absolute rage bubbled below his pelt he was not at all shocked by Twilightstars reply to this. The molly had grown less tolerant of mess as years had gone by, leveling harsher punishments then she mightve before and for good reason. The clan by now shouldve known what was acceptable or not and that they didnt meant action needed to be taken.

However Frogkit had gone beyond the worst Crowtooth had ever seen out of a kit so far and had really only made things worse for him and Flowerheart. This, this response the swearing and insults because of the situation was clear proof the kid needed reigning in and that a negative influence was the last thing he needed. Maybe had he held his tongue separation wouldnt not have occurred but at this point it didnt matter. He did act out when on thin ice already and there were consequences for it.

Flowerheart was Flowerpaw as he'd predicted and to boot now had a ban from the nursery. Frogkit was going to be a kit for a long time and was even confined to said nursery where Crowtooth had no doubt he'd be watched like a hawk.
Silverfur had punishment too and the tunneler would happily pass on that information.

But that was after this meeting was resolved so he simply nodded at the leader, shooting a glare are Flowerpaw and Frogkit, silently daring them to keep wailing and make things worse.

@Moonraven @---Bluestar--- @PINTO BEAN
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Old June 11th, 2024, 08:40 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

"but wait when my punishment is over then can I adopt Frogkit if she wants also I never said any of those words." Flowerpaw said with sadness. @Moonraven
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Old June 12th, 2024, 08:25 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Shadowflower View Post
"Twilightstar?" Shadowflower poked her head in"May I come in?" Shadowflower glanced around nervously, as she wainted for her leader's response.

[Before I reply to this, I'm going to need you to change her name or something because you have an identical cat with the same name in ShadowClan and that will cause IC problems.]

Originally Posted by Rani View Post

Windclan Tunneler/Fury | He/him | 51 Moons
Power Card: Cold Gust

While the tom had been shocked at the kittens response, jaw popping open and eyes bugging as restrained absolute rage bubbled below his pelt he was not at all shocked by Twilightstars reply to this. The molly had grown less tolerant of mess as years had gone by, leveling harsher punishments then she mightve before and for good reason. The clan by now shouldve known what was acceptable or not and that they didnt meant action needed to be taken.

However Frogkit had gone beyond the worst Crowtooth had ever seen out of a kit so far and had really only made things worse for him and Flowerheart. This, this response the swearing and insults because of the situation was clear proof the kid needed reigning in and that a negative influence was the last thing he needed. Maybe had he held his tongue separation wouldnt not have occurred but at this point it didnt matter. He did act out when on thin ice already and there were consequences for it.

Flowerheart was Flowerpaw as he'd predicted and to boot now had a ban from the nursery. Frogkit was going to be a kit for a long time and was even confined to said nursery where Crowtooth had no doubt he'd be watched like a hawk.
Silverfur had punishment too and the tunneler would happily pass on that information.

But that was after this meeting was resolved so he simply nodded at the leader, shooting a glare are Flowerpaw and Frogkit, silently daring them to keep wailing and make things worse.

@Moonraven @---Bluestar--- @PINTO BEAN
Originally Posted by ---Bluestar--- View Post
"but wait when my punishment is over then can I adopt Frogkit if she wants also I never said any of those words." Flowerpaw said with sadness. @Moonraven

Crowtooth's reaction would have been comedically in any other instance, alas, she was unable to find any humor in the situation before her. She looked back over to Flowerpaw after her question.

"Your behavior is more than enough to cause a bad influence, Flowerpaw. As I said you're not allowed to adopt kits until I see some improvements and maturity in your behavior." She told the she-cat. "If Leopardsong, WindClan forever queen, deems you fit enough to be her mother, I'll think about it." Twilightstar told her dismissively.


Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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Old June 14th, 2024, 08:39 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Friends? Wellllll Owlkit hadn't EXACTLY made a Lotta friends. Yet. The cinnamon tortie sat, legs splayed out in a goofy sit, before perking up. She was working... on.. it. But she wanted to make friends! Lots of them! And she was very keen on doing so. She would! She would be friends with everyone! SHE WAS UNSTOPPABLE! "N' yet! But I'LL! I friended one, but dunno where'sh went. Don't see her round of..of..offen." Dang it, she never could say often. Oh wait! She remembered now! Yay! "N' talked a bit to Robinsnow!! Heard bout super cool stuffs! Like oth' clans! Cause we're WindClan! And then there's Thuuunderclan and Shaaaadowclan. Riv'Clan are bullies! So they're on timeout!" The Tortie's chirp was innocently oblivious. She hadn't really thought too much about the severity of what happened to Riverclan or the harmed WindClan warriors. Scars had become a normal thing to her, like patterns on a pelt. Oh? WOW! Lots of warriors would wanna be FRIENDS with HER? WOWEE! But her explorations had taken a whole lot of time and the fluffball was much too focused on knowing the camp better than every other cat EVER! To focus on friends. That was a surprise to herself, as it was super hard for her to stay focused on one task for long. But somehow Owlkit had managed it. Somehow.

"Also gonna show how to climb!! Trees!! I learned that when I was little! Mama showed me! Am Suuuper good't it." She boasted, finding a new topic. "I'm gonna be the best warrior! Gon' climb better than Thundercl'n! Heard they climb lots, but I'm gonna climb better! They're stinky!" As though proving her point, a sneeze exploded out of her, causing the cinnamon molly to nearly tumble backwards in surprise. Allergies often plagued her at this time of year, and her sneezes came at the seemingly worst times. But she didn't let that stop her from bouncing around like a rabbit on cat mint. That was a peculiar thought. What did rabbits do when they ate catmint? Nope, stop thinking bout that! Back to her old topics! "Gon be such good warrior I'll be dep'ty but not leader cause you're leader and I like you lots."


Paris, Alec, Bean, Glitch, Indy, XxGhostStarsxX, PeanutCash, Morrigan, Dolomedes, Marigoldwhisper, and iliri all reside in here. They will never escape :>

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