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Leader: Bumblestar
Deputy: Spiderthroat
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: Mistlewhisker
Medicine Cat: Mossfreckle

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Grousepaw

: Fadingstar
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Old March 4th, 2024, 07:31 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Highsnow of Matterhorn View Post
Alpinekit couldn't really hear Fallingpaw and Nectarkit talking to each other since she was still screaming. She then leaped onto the ground and saw the dead Moontail lying nearby. She then ran around the clearing screeching, "Help! Help, please! Bumblestar killed Moontail! I am VERY scared! Come on.....Anyone, please help!"

(Open - means anyone can reply to this post.)

Mousepaw - @TheRadioDemon

He/Him || ThunderClan Deputy
Beefed Up Tier III || Just a Scratch || Hulk SMASH
[Gentle FYI Moontail's body has been moved to the outskirts the same day the character was killed /w\ ]

Screaming. Why were kits always so loud? Gross. Nasty, snotty little things he would do his best to avoid...normally. But sadly today he had no choice. Walking over to the bellowing kit, one who was...seemingly screaming about something that had happened a good while ago.

Ick...urk. Consoling. How to console a kit. HRmmm. Sitting himself down beside the screaming cotton ball, Spiderthroat cleared his throat. "Well, Don't worry Bumblestar killed the bad cat. She can't hurt you anymore so no need to be scared."

"As long as I exist, you will always be loved."
Spiderthroat is the Deputy of ThunderClan
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The waves that crashed upon
The rocks that you were trying to walk along

And in my head I heard them play a song
For you and me

Let's get lost at sea
Where they will never find us

Got stars at night to guide us
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Old March 4th, 2024, 07:50 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
|She/Her | 3 moons | Purrks: N/A | Straight | Kit |
a ginger she-cat with darker ginger patches and blue eyes


Nectarkit smiled as she puffed out her chest in front of the tom. "Nectarstar the best leader all the clans will ever see!" she laughed and smiled even more brightly if that was even possible at the comment. "Your the best playmate to ever be!"

falling paw chuckled " the best leader ever" he said with a purr "you are fun to play with too." he said

risingstorm is a warrior of ThunderClan if he is needed mention me+-
(art by Dolomedes)
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Old March 4th, 2024, 08:03 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Alpinekit stopped and toppled over herself, causing her to roll onto her back. She quickly got onto her paws and breathed loudly since she was out of breath. She couldn't think properly and meowed in a rough voice to Spiderthroat, "But, Bumblestar killed her own clanmate! How was Moontail the 'bad' cat?! "

(1. How long is a 'good while'?
2. I did not see a post (in the Clearing) where Moontail was carried to the Outskirts. I hardly go there.)
Spiderthroat - @Starfall
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Old March 4th, 2024, 08:19 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

゚。 Strawberrymumble (TC)
 ゚・。・゚ she/they ~ warrior

❀⊱ { Active Purrk ~ The Collector } ⊰❀

Off Strawberrymumble had flitted, a bird on a warm summer breeze -even in the chill of leaf bare - soaring with the light feelings of joy and something she had yet to put her paw on, however, that was something for later and now she needed to head out and get more herbs for Springpaw… to be honest she hated the pained look on the pretty calicos face, her expression was contorted with stress and lack of sleep and the concerns for her herb supply which seemed to be dwindling almost as quickly as her patrols and special send outs were coming back. Marigolds and moss is what she had been sent out to get, more… she was happy to help though, happy to feel useful and to be noticed by the pretty calico… even if she was hardly paying any attention, why would she when she was figuratively and literally holding the clan together. Creamy paws carried her hastily to Tunderclan territory once again, back and forth and forth and back, this already felt like a routine but she was not going to complain… at least for once she was useful… her mind reminded her in a strange out of tune note on her mind, it was bittersweet to see the flowers bloom and wither as if the world was coming to an end and somehow rising the next day with the sun… the seasons of her mind where as wild and tempestuous as the storms that shook the whole world as Starclan wept at the hell of gnashing teeth and war that seemed to be becoming commonplace amongst the clans - she herself did not really care, blood and pain had become commonplace in her life long before, but her Springpaw’s sake she hoped that things would mellow at least in its involvement with Thunderclan.

Strawberrymumble felt so free out on her own, the roots in her throat loosened and the wild flowers of her mind seemed to bloom so brightly and warmly, was it the thoughts of Springpaw - of being useful to her and the clan, of being able to ease even the slightest fraction of the pretty medicine cat apprentices stress and anxiety - or was it light feeling that came from having her own anxiety lessoned by the fact that she did not have to force her songbird voice out of the cage of knotted roots in her throat, the fact that she did not have to force the wad lot words out in a rambling tumble of all the things she left unsaid - for fear, for her own sanity, for all the things that could go wrong… it was probably a combination of all of those things but in the end all that mattered was the feeling of crystalline frost biting into her paws and the chill of leaf bare prickling teasingly at her pelt… freedom. She would never be able to find the words to tell Spingpaw how thankful she was for these solo urgent trips, the breathless hurried trips that gave her purpose and a warm floral mind that finally seemed to loosen its grasp on her throat, her song bird voice hummed to herself… for once she was selfish and took words and melodies for herself… not forcing them out painfully for those around her.

Powder blue hues searched the tall pine forest that stretched out in front of her eyes peeled for orange buds and cobwebs - two trips, one for marigolds and one for cobwebs. Gaze flitted through the forest as Strawberrymumble’s fluffy oriental shaped form prowled through the brush, her apricot ears perking at the soft flutters of wings and chirps of songbirds creeping out to savour the sun while it lasted before the chill settled into the deep purples of night, ”I’m one of you,” she hummed trough her creamy muzzle that twitched at the corners in unbridled joy, her words were melodic and strong and she smiled because for once she hadn’t sounded meek. Strawberrymumble snapped back to reality as her powder blue hues found purchase on the orange buds of the marigolds she was searching for… right… she thought as her oriental shaped head dipped to carefully nip serval buds off of their stems. Maw full of buds she turned back to the camp and made haste to the medicine cat’s den, one trip done.

❀⊱ { TRIP I ~ + 8 marigold } ⊰❀

After she dropped off the marigold buds with no words she took off in the direction of the territory once more, her creamy paws picked up to a run almost as soon as she had silently slipped out of the camps entrance. Frosty winds howled in her apricot ears and the ice bit deeply into her paws but she felt as if she was flying.. anyway she had to make up for all the time she had wasted spacing out on her first trip. Skidding to a stop Strawberrymumble took in the tall pines once again feeling so small yet so alive, powder blue hues flitted from tree to tree and scoured the underbrush for any sign of the silvery silky fibered bandages, to her delight there was a good clump on some underbrush so she quickly grabbed all she could and began the trek back to camp, her pace slowed to a trot so as to not lose any of the precious herbs but she still padded diligently with purpose behind her paw steps - Springpaw was all that filled her mind, wild flowers bloomed manically in her mind and she smiled once again feeling light and alive and more unburdened than she had felt in a long time. Apricot oriental shaped form dipped whisper soft into the med den as she set the cobwebs alongside the marigold buds she had brought back to the med den on her first trip, power blue hues met the oceanic hues of Springpaw and Strawberrymumble gave the pretty pastel molly a soft smile, no words would tumble from her maw this time but for once that did not bother her, flowers bloomed in her mind and her pelt warmed even as the chilled air seeped into her fluffy pelt… for once it did not matter what the feeling was, all that mattered was that it was a light feeling that made her heart feel like it was soaring through the summertime sky in ignorant bliss.

❀⊱ { TRIP II ~ + 8 cobwebs } ⊰❀

Off she went again gathering all she could of the soft bedding that also doubled as a almost gauzy substance - goodness things had gotten mixed up in her head… but no matter all the herbs Sringpaw could get would be helpful. As powder blue hues fell on the herb in question she stuffed her mouth and ran back into the clearing and further on to the medicine cats den where she dropped then moss with her pile of marigolds and - accidental - cobwebs.

❀⊱ { TRIP III ~ + 8 moss } ⊰❀


Mossfreckle is Shadowclan’s Medicine Cat
Mossfreckle’s Tracker // ShadowClan Healing // ShadowClan Herb Storage // Roleplay Tracker

Last edited by elio; March 5th, 2024 at 08:26 AM.
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Old March 4th, 2024, 09:18 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

FoxHeather had just returned from a walk around the territory, her sleek and fluffy pelt sparkling in the light. She took a seat just outside the warrior's den, licking her paw and bringing it over her ear.
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Old March 5th, 2024, 07:40 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

|She/Her | 3 moons | Purrks: N/A | Straight | Kit |
a ginger she-cat with darker ginger patches and blue eyes


She jumped up and down. "Can we play more pretty please?"


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Old March 5th, 2024, 10:51 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing


Tc clan she cat | No purrks
DawnLeaf sat down hating everyone as normal (OPEN)
Welcome Home Neighbour!
It's Summer Neighbour!

Last edited by Sunny Cheerful; March 5th, 2024 at 10:52 AM.
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Old March 5th, 2024, 11:00 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
|She/Her | 3 moons | Purrks: N/A | Straight | Kit |
a ginger she-cat with darker ginger patches and blue eyes


She jumped up and down. "Can we play more pretty please?"

falling paw sat up "maybe later but I think I need to go on a patrol soon." he said with a smile "stay safe" he purred

risingstorm is a warrior of ThunderClan if he is needed mention me+-
(art by Dolomedes)
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Old March 5th, 2024, 03:52 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

GoldenFur trots out of the Warrior den and heads to a sunny spot in the clearing to give herself a good wash
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Old March 5th, 2024, 03:59 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

DarkMidnight walks into the clearing and looks around to see what the thunderClans camp looks like she smiles as she spots a young she/cat sunning herself "what a easy target" she whispered under her breath and heads over to the white and gold she/cat "hi" she says
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