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Old March 22nd, 2023, 11:42 AM
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Default Re: March Gathering

Originally Posted by lio View Post

huge, dark grey tabby tom with orange eyes and many scars.

Okay, really, was this guy just stupid?

Nighthound could hardly stifle the urge to roll his eyes as Shadefrost avoided his attempts to get the tom to calm down. His tail lashed, annoyance beginning to bubble within him. Really, was Shadefrost keen on single-pawedly making ShadowClan's reputation even worse than it already was? Please! This imbecile just needed to calm the hell down and shut the hell up.

With the addition of Rosecougar, Nighthound nodded his head as a silent show of thanks before returning his gaze to Shadefrost. He would focus on the ThunderClanner's speaking, but... his mousebrained Clanmate was all he could think about currently. Please, just keep your mouth shut for once.

Then Shadefrost decided to do another threat. In front of everyone. At a Gathering. After ShadowClan had already mentioned another border skirmish like three heartbeats ago. Nighthound could hardly contain the frustrated groan that wanted to escape his lips. Was this guy that stupid? And what the hell did the ThunderClan medicine cat have to do with a border fight? Nighthound glared at Shadefrost and frowned.

"I said to keep your claws to yourself. You only look stupid throwing baseless threats everywhere. And really, a border skirmish? Are you not aware that we just had one? I may not be your mother, but I'm also not an idiot," the huge tabby growled, ears flattening against his head.
@jupiter @Levi 99 @ anyone else
Shadefrost gave his annoying clanemate a look that said, “-_- really” and “get off my back” at the same time. “Did you really not just hear her challenge me to the fight,” he said with a bit of irritation. ”All I did was accept it while simultaneously offering her the chance to kill a Shadowclan cat since she seems so adamant about it.”

“Maybe I Should Just Kill All The Higher-Ups.” - Satoru Gojo

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Last edited by Levi 99; March 22nd, 2023 at 08:09 PM.
Old March 22nd, 2023, 01:13 PM
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Default Re: March Gathering

Another moon, another gathering. Dapplebreeze tended to fail to see the use in these meetings. Chaos, discord, foolish bravado. These were just some of the common displays and sentiments thrown about by the gathered cats, understandably so, she assumed, albeit with some reluctance. After all, if the clans were meant to coexist in peace, then surely there would be no borders to defend in the first place. Nonetheless, their ancestors had for some inexplicable reason decided these meetings were to be held, and like a proper warrior of WindClan, she was present here today, providing a strong front for her clan.

This was not her preference. Despite being in her prime, Dapplebreeze did not frequent these gatherings. She was a social cat to be sure, always eager to share tongues and a meal with a fellow clanmate. Forming bonds with those who ran the moors with you was of import, both for teamwork purposes as well as for the heart. It was always good to know you mattered to someone as well as let others know they mattered to you. This was not something she extended to the rest of the clans. The forest dwellers could keep their trees and overly cluttered lands. As long as they stepped not a paw on the moors, they were of no consequence to her. That said, this was no average gathering. The fever and chills that seemed to be plaguing their clan had made it so many of the clan's cats were sick or busy helping Cowtuft with most noble intentions at heart. A true display of honor and strength, putting those in need and sick before yourself, even at the risk of their own health.

The memory of her newest apprentice being among those taking care of their sick provided a gleam of pride in her blue eyes as Dapplebreeze found a comfortable location to sit, still lost in her own thoughts. It was because of cats like her apprentice that she sat here now, providing support to their leader in stead of those who had to be left behind. It may not be her preferred course of action for the night, but it felt like the sensible one. It would be a sign of weakness for Twilightstar to show up alone for the gathering, no deputy or medicine cat with her, and with barely a clanmate in tow. Looking up at the stars, the former queen's whiskers twitched. Perhaps today would be different? Maybe the other clans would reel in their pointless need to fluff out their fur and strike out with cowardly words what they refused to back up with claw and teeth. A small, to the point gathering. And then back to their camps. Certainly not too much to ask for, was it?

Of course, the tan and cream warrior should have known better. The gathering started well enough. WindClan's glorious leader was quick to start, and Dapplebreeze couldn't help but sit taller as Twilightstar spoke. It was an elegant, concise, brief announcement with all necessary points spoken out. No arrogant words thrown about, sufficient display of proper vitriol towards the heedless rogue who had taken one of their own, and respect towards those fallen due to causes not entirely in her control. A promising start to the gathering, but one that would not last long.

ThunderClan's newest almost leader - another rank change it seemed - spoke out, and the strongest of WindClan's buffeting gales would have found it impossible to contain the outbreak of this rage induced storm. The patched molly had not seen anything wrong with Thrushfur's words, truth be told. Not only that, but it was a discourse meant for Dawnstar to respond to. That much was certainly clear. But of course, the Queen of Rot's soldiers of plague had much to say.

It started with just one. One mere rat speaking nonsense. Arrogant, believing himself to be the one to represent his clan and speak out to the ThunderClan leader's words. She would have thought it an embarrassment. Something that should never have happened, and assumed their leader would have properly handled the situation, but this was Dawnstar and her ilk. Rats banded together at the worst of times to prey on what they assumed was weak, and no doubt making fun of killing an innocent apprentice and skinning it after the fact - actions of rogues who played to be a clan - would no doubt be the prime time for the scoundrels to act.

Face kept emotionless as ThunderClanners were quick to respond, Dapplebreeze almost caved with a grimace to her generally soft features. Like moths to flame, the youngest of the clan began to speak up. She understood, of course, the need to defend one's clan. But one could not hope to reason with that which had stopped being feline season's pass. With this skinning and callousness being thrown at how easily and efficient it had been to kill one so young, ShadowClan showed one thing and one thing only in her mind. There was not a shred of decency left in the lot. A fact perpetuated further the longer the argument went on, with the rats left defending their actions with mockery in their words, not a shred of respect at the cat they had slain for their pelt. These were not the actions of a cat, and much less a clan. Foxes. Snakes. Rats. Any and all pest seemed to be closer to these treacherous monsters than the cats they pretended to be.

Whiskers twitched once more as the Queen of Rot spoke out, her face still an emotionless mask, the only hint at her hatred the light gleam in her eyes. More callousness. More incoherent, ruthless laws. It's alright because we said we would do it. Petty, insignificant kit. That was what she was. An overgrown kit who had somehow been given the powers of the stars. Yet another showcase of just how worthless ShadowClan was, if this was the cat their ancestors thought best to lead their savage band. It would not surprise her at all to learn that this was just a ruse to gain more pelts. An assessment placed on each cat that they spotted by the border. If their pelt was deemed desirable, they would be killed. It was easy enough to state it had been a trespass, after all. Because there was no reason for her to believe the rats were being honest. How could she trust the word of ones who took glee in causing such vile actions to others? Of ones who defiled the bodies of fallen felines like if they were prey.

Wrapping her tail around her tan paws, the former queen looked up towards the leaders' perch, her emotionless mask finally gaining a crack. The moon... the moon was... gone? Covered. Dark clouds had descended upon it. Upon them. Was this a sign? Had StarClan had enough? Surely after seasons of such horrendous actions from the rats... surely now wasn't the time to let their anger be known? But if not ShadowClan, then who could StarClan's ire be for?
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-closed den policy.

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Old March 22nd, 2023, 01:33 PM
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ShadowClan Re: March Gathering


He/Him | Open | WC: 342

It seemed that him arriving late to gatherings was a recurring theme. He hadn't been sleeping well the last few nights, which made sense, being in camp all day couldn't really wear him out. So of course, that had to catch up to him on this night of all nights, because that was his luck. Groggily, he drug himself out of his nest to catch up to the rest of his clan.

When he finally arrived, he slipped through to the back of the crowd once again, all the clans were there, but it seemed no one had begun any announcements. He looked toward the leaders with confusion, there was a new face amongst them, and a prominent one missing. He knew thunderclan had a problem with running through leaders but this was a little much, no? It was with that thought that Twilightstar began speaking. Something about an illness running through windclan, as well as three deaths. Personally, he couldn't care less what happened to the bunnies, he had seen how ruthless they could be firsthand, so no doubt it was deserved.

More deaths were announced from Thunderclan. One being more interesting than the others. It wasn't exactly surprising, it was common for pelts to be brought back for Dawnstar (though the boy wasn't entirely sure how he felt about that tradition), but the circumstance was a little odd considering. Then Thrushfur finally got into to interesting part, Sparrowstar's disappearance and it wiped the smug look off of his face. Sure, he wasn't a fan of thunderclan either (though there really wasn't a reason behind that), but having been captured himself, he would never wish that on anyone else.

At last, Dawnstar spoke, explaining the situation. After that, Aspenpaw struggled to see how anyone could view Shadowclan as in the wrong. (Though this was blatantly hypocritical of him, seeing as how he had purposefully trespassed onto Riverclan territory before, but in his mind, he was justified in doing so, so that didn't count). His ears perked forward, awaiting the next reaction.
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Old March 22nd, 2023, 03:31 PM
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Default Re: March Gathering

Originally Posted by poseidon View Post

The Thunderclan tom turned to face the she-cat who approached him. She smelled strongly of Windclan so he assumed that was her clan. "Hello. I'm Hailhawk of Thunderclan." He said

*⋆*❀❁❀*⋆*❀❁❀*⋆*❀❁❀*⋆*❀ ❁❀
Female[he/him] -Windclan

Caterpillarpatch watched as the finale clan arrived to the gathering. She heard her leader started the gathering. Oh she had almost forgotten about the sick cats in her clan. Hopefully they'd all be alright. She didn't want to lose any more of her clanmates. Then she heard Thrushfir talk about an apprentice who was killed and skinned and her heart stopped. Poor thing. She felt anger towards Shadowclan. How could they be so cruel. An apprentice? She turned to Hailhawk. "I'm so sorry for what happened to your clanmates. It must be awful seeing them go.", she meowed. Sure it wasn't her place to, but it made her deeply upset.

Marigoldpaw(leap) is my main character and is currently a Shadowclan Apprentice if anybody wants to roleplay with her or has a small plot they need an extra cat for. If you do just mention me in a post no need to ask and I'll reply whenever I can. Also if its a plot vm me what it is, so I'm not confused.

Last edited by Madelaine; March 22nd, 2023 at 03:34 PM.
Old March 22nd, 2023, 04:20 PM
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Default Re: March Gathering

she/her | 6 Moon

Swanpaw could feel a cold chill run down her spine, the nervousness from the beginning was starting to bubble over. The clans never could have a very peaceful gathering, but was Shadowclan so in the wrong? No. Perhaps skinning a child was the worst part but he should have known not to cross the border it's his fault. She wasn't heartless. He should have followed their rules if he didn't want to get hurt everybody should know by now that what Shadowclan said they meant apprentices were not an exception. But Thunderclan had the right to be upset about losing their children but Shadowclan also had the right to protect their borders.

It seemed that the Warrior Code had not told her what to do in these situations it was a battle more of a onesided trampling but the apprentice had also been crossing the border. Her mind was spinning in circles always coming back to the same resolve he had crossed the border it was just unfortunate that Vixensnarl had been the one to find him. She found herself getting increasingly annoyed with Shadefrost why couldn't he just shut his trap?!

The booming sky above them made her perk her ears and dial her eyes. Alert. Tensions were rising so high it was almost suffocating the thundering sky and clouds covering the moon were enough of a sign to see that Starclan was potentially mighty upset. Was Starclan just going to watch them fight? Watch them tear each other apart? Blood for blood was the only thing that her clanmates seemed to listen to and to be honest all she really needed was prey, herbs, and territory to satisfy her pride.

[ open // @Willie Warf (sorry for the double mentions!) ]

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Old March 22nd, 2023, 04:32 PM
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Default Re: March Gathering

Asterpaw of WindClan stalks along the area, her tail held high but her eyes downcast. She feels uncomfortable, but she is here.


Antpaw is alone, watching a constant stream of little ants, his namesake, march along their path with their tiny little feet. The cat giggles softly, before pulling away and shaking out his fur with a soft, barely audible laugh.


The Mute Frozenpaw sits alone, his eyes downcast as he contemplates his choice for coming here. It was a mistake, he knows. A huge mistake.


The deaf apprentice of WindClan, Frigidpaw, sits somewhat close to Frozenpaw, but not too close. He admires the other cat slightly, but wary of the ShadowClan apprentice.


Story Writing(tips and others) |

Lynxfang - Beefed Up Tier One
Shatterpaw - Skip The Steps
Burnetkit - Silver Tongue and Mind Reader

Old March 22nd, 2023, 07:40 PM
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Default Re: March Gathering


{ @SpiritedWarrior }

The elderly tom (although if you asked him about this, he would say he was still in his prime) was a tad late to the Gathering. He had old bones! As he entered the Seastones, utter chaos had erupted. Hm! Just like old times. He looked at where the leaders stood; Dawnstar, check, Pikestar, check, Spa- wait. He squinted up at the massive stones to see... His son! His ears immediately perked and happiness coursed through him. His son was the newest leader of ThunderClan! But... that meant Sparrowstar... Oh, dear. He bowed his head for a moment, praying for either her safe return or happy afterlife in StarClan. Even if he was a RiverClan cat, he would never be happy for a new leadership to start so soon.

He sat down, looking about the clearing for somecat he knew, maybe even his grandson! Almost as if speaking him into existence, the brown tabby tom saw the other tabby, and he grinned. That grin slowly turned into a grim frown. His grandson was scarred. And shredded. Who did this to him?! If the cat who did this ever came across Pondwhiskers path, they better pray he'd gone blind.

"Rainpaw! How are you, my boy?" His mew rang out, hoping he wouldn't startle the apprentice.
once the strings are tied, you are nothing but a puppet

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Old March 22nd, 2023, 08:30 PM
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Default Re: March Gathering

Originally Posted by carmen View Post

The tom was fairly certain that he wasn't that late, for once. Rather, as he strolled in behind his leader, he realized that they were, in fact, here before Riverclan. To many, that wouldn't have been too big an accomplishment, but to Beastpaw, himself arriving before half of the drama that seemed to occur at a gathering was an achievement. Though, as he looked around at the gathered cats, he was yet to find one to approach. Eyes narrowed in on a grey figure in the corner, one of Dawnstar's cats, it seemed. And while it wasn't in his nature to be spiteful, the grudge that he held against the massive leader extended to most of her clanmates. Except this one in the corner seemed rather young, young enough to not even know the battle that had occurred so many moons before. Perhaps, yeah, perhaps he could go talk to her.

Trotting over to Larkfire, he blinked. Once, slightly confused. Wasn't she that enforcer? The itty bitty one who became so as an apprentice? This was, er, Pigeonflame? Warblerspark? Regardless, he sat down beside her, nodding his head. "I'm Beastpaw. And you?" It felt weird to talk to someone who wasn't part of his family. Heck, it felt weird to talk to anyone at this point. Of course, chatting with a Shadowclanner wasn't the perfect option, but he was yet to hear of this feline committing murder, so that was at least one thing in her favor.

Of course, she could always be a secretive murderous monster, but he found that as mysterious as they pretended to be, they didn't seem to be able to keep their mouth shut when it came to bloodshed. Kind of revolting if you asked him, but he was working on being less judgemental. Yeah, he wouldn't judge her for being Shadowclan, not yet at least.

Originally Posted by Darkclaws View Post


This was the first gathering that the tom had attended since he and Larkfire had spent that one beautiful night talking under the stars almost 6 moons ago now. The tom had grown considerably since that night and despite the season, muscles rippled underneath his black-striped pelt. He was here on a mission, or at least that was the original idea anyways. He was here to collect intel on ThunderClan but as he looked around it seemed that many of the other cats were already doing that, so it appeared as though he wouldn’t have to take the direct approach of actually talking to any of the squirrels and could listen from a distance.

That was good. He still felt anger over the border battle that he had witnessed and wasn’t quite sure if he’d be able to fully restrain himself should his buttons be pushed too much and he wasn’t particularly inclined to get on Dawnstar’s bad side at this gathering.

Ushering Moonpaw forward with a flick of his tail, Darkfall scanned the beach to find a good spot to observe the proceedings of the events and noticed a familiar grey face in a back corner alone. Unwittingly, his feet began moving before he could even think about what he was doing. ”Follow me,” He told his young apprentice as he made his way towards the familiar she-cat, weaving in between the crowd of cats.

Knowing how jumpy she could be, Darkfall didn’t bother masking his presence as he approached Larkfire. When he got closer he gave the she-cat a sly grin ”Good evening my lovely friend, what has you out here in the cold all on your lonesome?” He asked smoothly. He knew that the young enforcer was probably just doing what she felt was her duty, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t susceptible to being cold just like the rest of them. He took up a spot next to her ”C’mon now, I’m sure you’ve got to be cold over here. How about the two of us keep you company?” he offered, gesturing toward Moonpaw.

Originally Posted by Wingnettle View Post
╔═════════*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═════════╗
Moonpaw (she/her)
Shadowclan | 9 moons
Black calico with half face ginger and amber eyes
╚═════════*.·:·.☽✧ ✦ ✧☾.·:·.*═════════╝

Moonpaw trotted behind Darkfall with satisfaction, watching the pine trees leaving the way to bare sand and the incredible view of the sea.
Apprenticeship wasn't as bad as she'd thought; she'd got a nice mentor, and going out of camp to learn new things every day was a duty she took on with pleasure and anticipation. She was still trying to forget the abandonment of her family, but she knew that wouldn't matter anymore one day. Maybe, it didn't already.

The black tabby tomcat had suddenly stopped and changed direction, beckoning her to follow. Where are we going? She hoped his mentor was getting someone new to meet her, but only Thunderclan was present now and she couldn't avoid noticing the icy glares and the tense pace that Darkfall held while he looked at them, or any time one of their scents crossed their way as they went through the sandy clearing.

Wait, the gray and brown she-cat Darkfall was pointing to was... an Enforcer. She tried her best to recall the she-cat's past actions, but she couldn't remember any. Did she belong to the cruel troops of Dawnstar? Is she one of the mean cats from my kithood?
Moonpaw narrowed her eyes distrustfully at the lithe warrior, noticing with dismay Darkfall's honeyed voice as he addressed her.

She glanced with unhidden surprise at him, then at her, then at him again. Wait... am I getting stuck between a couple? She bit her tongue to hold herself from speaking up and being rude to an Enforcer, but she couldn't believe her hears. And, most of all, that Darkfall could talk like that. He seemed like a completely different cat in front of this she-cat!

•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•

[ @Rose @Darkclaws ]

For one thing, Lark had certainly been asking for too much when she'd wished for a quiet, uneventful night. The atmosphere seemed to want her to interact with cats for some reason. Sighing to herself as a brown-furred tom approached on quick paws, and Lark resisted the urge to roll her eyes. One would think that all these tensions between the Clan would stop this WindClanner from sauntering up to her, but apparently not. Tensing her muscles in preparation - in case the idiot attempted to try anything - Larkfire tipped her head to the side at his question. Hm, he'd announced himself as Beastpaw. And he didn't seem to know her name. She could use that.

"It's nice to meet you." The youngest enforcer hummed, pointedly avoiding answering his question. However, her tone wasn't rude in the least, even if she'd ignored his query. Parting her maw to say something else, Larkfire found herself snapping it shut before she'd uttered a word because of the sound of pawsteps moving in her direction. Dark paws, a tabby pelt that she knew by heart, and eyes the color of cornflowers. Ah, she recognized that cat. It was someone she'd not thought to look out for, seeing that Darkfall hadn't attending many gatherings after that initial one where they'd met.

'Good evening my lovely friend, what has you out here in the cold all on your lonesome?'

The words hit her with a wave of nostalgia, and now Larkfire found herself really rolling her eyes. "I have Beastpaw here for company." She told him, expression a mask of amusement. Though one glance over Darkfall's shoulder had her notice his apprentice. Oh. Well, she wouldn't disappoint, for sending Darkfall away would mean having to send Moonpaw off too. Besides, she could still do her job on guarding this side of the Seastones with a few cats at her sides, right? Except, one of them was infuriatingly handsome, which would only probably serve as a distraction.

Glancing at Darkfall's tortoiseshell apprentice, Larkfire found her brows furrowing with bewilderment. Why had Moonpaw's expression twisted into one that suggested she'd just unwillingly stumbled upon a courting couple? Because La- Oh. Oh please no. The last thing Larkfire needed was rumors flying around. Who knew how gossipy apprentices could be? However, Moonpaw did seem the quieter type, though judging someone so quickly hadn't ever worked at all for Lark before. "Sit." She huffed after a moment. There was no use turning them away.

Leaving them feeling betrayed.
Breaking the bonds that you've made.
Old March 22nd, 2023, 11:11 PM
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Default Re: March Gathering

[just so nothing is misconstrued, not once did mire raised her voice in this. she is continuously talking with a calm and steady tone. ]

As much as Mirehound knew a majority of the ThunderClan cats to whine and complains, stars it seemed like her own Clanmates did to. To her it seemed like Rosecougar just loved to hear herself talk, because she did an awful lot of it. Shadefrost had more fluff in his brain than the nests in the nursery, though she had to admit she was mused by his spitfire personality. Nighthound - stars, how he was given that prefix but lacked the ability to pick up on the fact that neither of these cats would ever listen to him was beyond her.

Looking to her left and right at Shadwofur and Sorrelflare who were still nearby, she gave them a nod as if to watch her area while she slipped off the rock. Paws strode forward, carrying the shadow incarnate fluidly across the beach. Blue eyes illuminated against her dark pelt were void of any telling emotion, instead focused on the Seastones. Dawnstar had covered a majority of it, and so had the others, but so far no cat outside of another ThunderClanner had spoke on how the border skirmish had actually started.

Mirehound had been there. She had seen the hatred in the eyes of the cat who had attacked her - after she gave a verbal warning to leave, after he had clearly seen she was with three apprentices.

Ignoring the squabbling kits, and the way the thunder rolled in the dark sky overhead, the Enforcer looked first not to the ThunderClanner who had been at the battle, but at Sootfur, the one who was once again preaching the warrior code, as she passed him on her way to the front. Observant ears caught the hissed words and she turned to look at him. "You still preach the code in a Clan full of those who break it. It was ThunderClan warriors who crossed the border. ThunderClan warriors who sought to hunt prey on our territory. ThunderClan warriors who killed ShadowClan cats to win fights. ShadowClan is not the only one who treads in the darkness. Pull your own head out of the sand and recognize that if you want any hope of your Clan moving forward, you must stop always playing the victim." Her voice was calm, steady. Didn't they ever get tired of their own hypocricy?

Looking now to the ThunderClanner who had been there - she did not know her by name - Mirehound padded forward the rest of the way and blinked. So the apprentice who had died had been her sister. She could feel sympathy for that, if only for the fact that losing kin was more difficult than the shadow could imagine. "As warriors, it was their duty to pull your sister back over the border, and they did not. Instead they gloated about hunting on ShadowClan land. They reveled in the fact of breaking this code you hold so close in your claws, that gives you an easy sleep at night." She wasn't about to let another ThunderClanner follow in Thrushfur's steps and cover up the way this had started.

"I remember the look in that first toms eyes, the one on the patrol. I knew even as I gave the order for him and his patrol to retreat, they would refuse. I gave them a path that would allow for them to exit ShadowClan territory without bloodshed, because I did not wish to involve untrained apprentices in an unfair fight. Do you want to know what your Clanmate did instead?" A curiosity to her tone as she tilted her head slightly. "He attacked me, with the intent to kill me and harm the three apprentices I had with me." Looking over to Cinderpaw, she blinked again. "I do hope that your concern for the lives of children and their innocence is true. But I cannot see how it is while you condemn our actions but refuse to acknowledge the cats in your own Clan who have committed the same crimes."

There wasn't much else to add, Mirehound wasn't here to start a fight. The Enforcer had no desire to get in a quarrel, and her sharp look to the ShadowClan cats held a silent command to stand down, at least from arguing with each other. They didn't need to waste their energy arguing with a Clan who would never see the wrong they did, never acknowledge their part in the carnage that the first ThunderClanner spoke of. Although truthfully she didn't really care if they listened to her or not - it was no skin off her back if they wanted to continue to make fools out of themselves with petty arguments while the sky was black and the moon was gone and the smell of rain was clear on the wind's breath.

Looking now to Dawnstar, she watched her leader looking to the WindClan matriarch. Would this change in atmosphere cause the Clans to depart? Mirehound certainly hoped so. She rolled her shoulders back, forcing herself to not wince at the ache she still felt. If the cats she had spoken to wished to speak to her, they were welcome to do so, but the shadow was quite out of words tonight, only having wanted to say her piece.

[ @perseus. @Cherry~ @carmen @Wingnettle @littlelove @Levi 99 @jupiter @lio ]

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Old March 23rd, 2023, 01:20 AM
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Default Re: March Gathering

Originally Posted by daenerys View Post
[just so nothing is misconstrued, not once did mire raised her voice in this. she is continuously talking with a calm and steady tone. ]

As much as Mirehound knew a majority of the ThunderClan cats to whine and complains, stars it seemed like her own Clanmates did to. To her it seemed like Rosecougar just loved to hear herself talk, because she did an awful lot of it. Shadefrost had more fluff in his brain than the nests in the nursery, though she had to admit she was mused by his spitfire personality. Nighthound - stars, how he was given that prefix but lacked the ability to pick up on the fact that neither of these cats would ever listen to him was beyond her.

Looking to her left and right at Shadwofur and Sorrelflare who were still nearby, she gave them a nod as if to watch her area while she slipped off the rock. Paws strode forward, carrying the shadow incarnate fluidly across the beach. Blue eyes illuminated against her dark pelt were void of any telling emotion, instead focused on the Seastones. Dawnstar had covered a majority of it, and so had the others, but so far no cat outside of another ThunderClanner had spoke on how the border skirmish had actually started.

Mirehound had been there. She had seen the hatred in the eyes of the cat who had attacked her - after she gave a verbal warning to leave, after he had clearly seen she was with three apprentices.

Ignoring the squabbling kits, and the way the thunder rolled in the dark sky overhead, the Enforcer looked first not to the ThunderClanner who had been at the battle, but at Sootfur, the one who was once again preaching the warrior code, as she passed him on her way to the front. Observant ears caught the hissed words and she turned to look at him. "You still preach the code in a Clan full of those who break it. It was ThunderClan warriors who crossed the border. ThunderClan warriors who sought to hunt prey on our territory. ThunderClan warriors who killed ShadowClan cats to win fights. ShadowClan is not the only one who treads in the darkness. Pull your own head out of the sand and recognize that if you want any hope of your Clan moving forward, you must stop always playing the victim." Her voice was calm, steady. Didn't they ever get tired of their own hypocricy?

Looking now to the ThunderClanner who had been there - she did not know her by name - Mirehound padded forward the rest of the way and blinked. So the apprentice who had died had been her sister. She could feel sympathy for that, if only for the fact that losing kin was more difficult than the shadow could imagine. "As warriors, it was their duty to pull your sister back over the border, and they did not. Instead they gloated about hunting on ShadowClan land. They reveled in the fact of breaking this code you hold so close in your claws, that gives you an easy sleep at night." She wasn't about to let another ThunderClanner follow in Thrushfur's steps and cover up the way this had started.

"I remember the look in that first toms eyes, the one on the patrol. I knew even as I gave the order for him and his patrol to retreat, they would refuse. I gave them a path that would allow for them to exit the territory without bloodshed, because I did not wish to involve untrained apprentices in an unfair fight. Do you want to know what your Clanmate did instead?" A curiosity to her tone as she tilted her head slightly. "He attacked me, with the intent to kill me and harm the three apprentices I had with me." Looking over to Cinderpaw, she blinked again. "I do hope that your concern for the lives of children and their innocence is true. But I cannot see how it is while you condemn our actions but refuse to acknowledge the cats in your own Clan who have committed the same crimes."

There wasn't much else to add, Mirehound wasn't here to start a fight. The Enforcer had no desire to get in a quarrel, and her sharp look to the ShadowClan cats held a silent command to stand down, at least from arguing with each other. They didn't need to waste their energy arguing with a Clan who would never see the wrong they did, never acknowledge their part in the carnage that the first ThunderClanner spoke of. Although truthfully she didn't really care if they listened to her or not - it was no skin off her back if they wanted to continue to make fools out of themselves with petty arguments while the sky was black and the moon was gone and the smell of rain was clear on the wind's breath.

Looking now to Dawnstar, she watched her leader looking to the WindClan matriarch. Would this change in atmosphere cause the Clans to depart? Mirehound certainly hoped so. She rolled her shoulders back, forcing herself to not wince at the ache she still felt. If the cats she had spoken to wished to speak to her, they were welcome to do so, but the shadow was quite out of words tonight, only having wanted to say her piece.

[ @perseus. @Cherry~ @carmen @Wingnettle @littlelove @Levi 99 @jupiter @lio ]
Shadefrost blinked at Mirehounds sudden appearance (and speech), faintly wondering why she was here and not at her guard post. ”Umm,” he said with uncertainty, looking for something to say that wouldn’t get him fussed at by the somewhat scary molly. His sapphire blue eyes briefly gazed into Mirehound’s icy blue orbs, darting away quickly after only a second. It was a bit unsettling to be around a cat who was very similar to him in appearance (even if only a little). ”Am I supposed to say or feel anything concerning what you just said?”

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