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ThunderClan Medicine Cat Applications are open!

Leader: Bumblestar
Deputy: Spiderthroat
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Medicine Cat Apprentice: None

: Mistlewhisker
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Old July 20th, 2024, 03:32 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications


(Lotuspaw shall enter.)

Foxglovestar is BerryClan's current Leader. She has an open den policy.
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Old July 20th, 2024, 03:56 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications

Any actions or words said by my characters are not a reflection of how I feel!!

Feel free to hit me up if you want to rp with me
Springburst/ Sunpaw / Wispypaw

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Old July 20th, 2024, 04:33 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications

Best of luck to all!

PLEASE KNOW THAT MY CHARACTERS HAVE VERY DIFFERENT VIEWS AND OPINIONS THAN ME!! And that they may think or act in ways you might not deem acceptable, but I do not think or act in these ways.

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Old July 20th, 2024, 04:33 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications

to rule the world, you must first know the world

In his desire to sequester as much possible knowledge in preparation for the day he rules the world as the most powerful cat in the forest, Hollowkit is nothing if not a well of questions and curiosity. Although young and only turning 4 moons old on August 1st, it is my personal belief that he would bring to the table something I have yet to see a lot of on WCO... I'll let the application speak for itself, though...
all herbal knowledge portrayed in the following section should not be taken as examples of things Hollowkit already knows and should instead be assumed to merely be a glimpse in the future

To start off his day, Hollowpaw would have very much liked a quiet morning where he could grab a mouse off the fresh kill pile, and maybe sort some herbs while categorizing, in his head, the next steps in his plans for world domination. Of course, that wasn't how his morning went, and chestnut ears flatten at the call of his name from outside the den.

"Hollowpaw?" The cat asks, and Hollowpaw stops what he's doing to glare at the intruder, saying nothing and expecting them to speak up about their ailment. "Er," the cat continues awkwardly, and Hollowpaw doesn't hide his scoff of annoyance at their hesitation, "I think I stepped on a thorn while out on patrol..." the patient finishes, and Hollowpaw can only blink at them. A thorn? They really came all the way to the medicine den over a stupid thorn??

Without a word, the tabby rolls his eyes and gestures to an empty nest with his tail, turning back to his herb stores while the patient moves to the nest he pointed out to them. Instead of getting the marigold he would need to make a poultice, Hollowpaw goes back to sorting his herbs. A thorn could wait and, honestly? Hollowpaw really just wanted to see how long he could make the idiot warrior squirm in the uncomfortable silence before he had no choice but to treat them.

After several minutes had passed and he could no longer pretend to be busy, Hollowpaw turns to face the warrior with the thorn in their paw, an unimpressed brow raised.

"You said you have a thorn stuck in you?" He deadpans, although he hadn't actually forgotten, he just enjoyed making other cats feel stupid and watching them wriggle in embarrassment beneath his gaze. The warrior nods, and Hollowpaw steps closer, lifting the affected paw and turning it over to look and... yep, there's a thorn in there. It's wedged in pretty good, too, Hollow can admit. "Hold still," he instructs and bends forward to grab onto the very end of the thorn with his teeth, ignoring the warrior's hiss of pain. Seriously, warriors were all babies. With a sharp tug, Hollowpaw yanks out the thorn, flattening his ears against the loud yelp the patient let out as he did so.

"Oh, would you be quiet?" He snaps, glaring, "it was just a thorn, it won't kill you. I'm getting some marigold, so stay there and lap up the blood." His patient is glaring at him, but Hollowpaw ignores it, slinking to the herb stores and taking out a marigold so he can chew up a poultice that he then applies to the wound. It's a little tedious, because the patient keeps jerking away their paw and hissing in pain.

"Stay. Still." Hollowpaw growls, "unless you want this to get infected and lose your paw, then, by all means, keep squirming away! It isn't like your constant movement makes my job more difficult than it needs to be or anything!" That shut the warrior up, and he was able to finish applying the poultice and wrap the paw around with cobwebs without complaint. "There," he says, putting the spare cobweb back. "You should be fine to keep working tomorrow, you might just be a bit tender. Now get out of my den."

"But... what about a poppy seed? For the pain?" The warrior asks, and Hollowpaw actually feels his last nerve snapping, because seriously??? A poppy seed? For a thorn?

"You're kidding, right?" He asks, and when the warrior denies it, he bares his teeth. "You had a stupid thorn. You didn't just lose your whole paw, I think you'll be able to manage without a poppy seed. Suck it up and act like the warrior you supposedly are." With that, he turns his back on the warrior, uncaring if they had any further comments for him.

My Comfort Levels

Illness rps
~ w/ minimal angst and description [10/10 i am 100% comfortable roleplaying these]
~ w/ moderate angst and description [10/10 i am 100% comfortable roleplaying these]
~ w/ detailed angst and description [10/10 i am 100% comfortable roleplaying these]

Injury rps
~ w/ minimal angst and gore [10/10 i am 100% comfortable roleplaying these]
~ w/ moderate angst and gore [9/10 i am pretty comfortable with these, i'd just prefer them marked under a spoiler]
~ w/ detailed angst and gore [9/10 i am pretty comfortable with these, but i'd prefer them under a spoiler]

Death rps
~ w/ minimal angst and gore [10/10 i am 100% comfortable roleplaying these]
~ w/ moderate angst and gore [10/10 i am 100% comfortable roleplaying these]
~ w/ detailed angst and gore [9/10 i am pretty comfortable with these, but i'd prefer them to be marked under a spoiler]

Kitting rps
~ w/ minimal descriptions of birth [10/10 i am 100% comfortable roleplaying these]
~ w/ moderate descriptions of birth [8/10 i'm pretty comfortable with these, but i'd prefer them under a spoiler]
~ w/ detailed descriptions of birth [7.5/10 im fairly comfortable with these if that's what you want, but it is not preferred]
"And what is this herb? What do we use it for?" Hollowpaw's mentor, RECATED asked, poking a paw towards a fuzzy green leaf with small ridges all along it's edges. The leaf was slightly rounded, and had a very sharp, fresh scent. Honestly, every kit and theit mother could recognize mint if you shoved it in their face, this lesson was stupid.

"Mint," Hollow deadpans, tail tip twitching irritable. Seriously, why did acquiring the knowledge needed to rule the world have to be so tedious and boring? "It's doesn't have a whole lotta medicinal uses, but we can use it to cover the scent of the dead." At his explanation, his mentor nods, an approving glint in their eye that makes Hollowpaw want to vomit. Seriously, where did REDACTED get off acting all high and mighty? He might be the one with the title of apprentice stuck to his back like an annoying burr, but REDACTED was no more fully trained medicine cat than he was! They're both learning together, this isn't a situation where one has all the knowledge and has to teach it to the younger.

Briefly, the tabby tom debates getting riled up about this, but before he can open his mouth, his mentor slides forward a different herb, and the lesson continues. "That's dandelion" he says with a yawn, "the leaves are a painkiller, kinda like poppy seeds, the flowers can help with bee stings, and the roots can cure, uh, some kind of poison. Not somethin' we have to worry about too often." The whole plant was useful, which was good, because there was always plenty of the fuzzy yellow flowers in late new-leaf and early green-leaf. He especially liked the bit about the leaves being painkillers - that was the most useful part of the plant, according to him. "Can you quiz me on the more dangerous plants, now?" It's a shot in the dark, Hollowpaw isn't sure REDACTED will actually agree to it, but hey, can't fault a guy for tryin!

"Why?" His mentor questions skeptically, and Hollowpaw rolls his eyes, easily fabricating a lie to tell. [hypothetical silver tongue active]

"'Cuz,," he drawls. "It wouldn't be smart for me not ta know what plants can kill a cat, and the earlier I lern 'em, the better, don't you think?" A soundly logical conclusion to be drawn, now, if only his mentor would fall for it...

Hesitantly, his mentor wanders to their herb stores, and returns with two plants, a poppy, and a thin green stem with a few small, purpleish black berries on them. Gently, almost fearfully, REDACTED sets them down, and Hollowpaw can't help holding his breath, though he doesn't quite know why they brought over a poppy, those aren't poisonous.

"The poppy," his mentor begins, "is to give you a vague sense of what the plant might look like we don't keep foxglove in camp, so this will have to do." Tilting his head at the mention of foxglove, Hollowpaw waits for his mentor to continue. "Foxglove seeds look nearly identical to poppy seeds, although the flowers they come from are bell shaped. It isn't a painless way to die, you's first suffer paralysis, then your heart might give out, you could fall into a coma, and only then would you die."

As his mentor moves the poppy to the side, Hollowpaw commits the description of the foxglove flower and the effects of its seeds to memory. This was good to know, not only so that he might be able to identify the poisoning a cat might suffer from, but also so that he could potentially use them should the need arise. Not that he has anyone in mind right now, but you never know.

"This here is called deadly nightshade. Its flowers, too, are shaped like bells, the branches of the bush it grows on are long, and the leaves are green. When ripe - like these ones - they're a deep purple, almost black color, but they're green when unripened. We keep them because they offer a very quick death, and if some cat is suffering too greatly and there's nothing to be done to help them... it's good to offer them a way out on their own terms." Well, that was certainly a sobering explanation. Hollowpaw doesn't have much to say about that, but it might be useful to know that the berries are kept in camp, so he commits it to memory anyway.

With a nod, his mentor picks both plants back up and carries them again to the herb stores, leaving Hollowpaw to sit and ponder... suddenly this whole 'rising to power' thing doesn't feel quite right if it means he has to hurt others to accomplish it. He used to think he'd do anything to become the ruler of the world, but, now, maybe there were a few things he wouldn't do...

Last edited by Neptune.; Yesterday at 10:49 PM.
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Old July 20th, 2024, 08:42 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications

Good luckkkk!
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Old July 20th, 2024, 08:51 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications

You approach a snow-white cat with blue eyes, and talk to him! But he doesn't hear you! With very bad pronunciation, he says his name is Whitepaw, and that he is deaf!

LOOKS: white fur, blue eyes

PERSONALITY: He's nice, and is very smart. He does read lips, although he doesn't know sign language. He likes to help cats, and wants to do his best to understand what it going on.... although being deaf, he sometimes fails.

Random Warrior (RW): So do you have a good sense of smell?

Whitepaw: Ih makes uhp foh nah heawing. (it makes up for not hearing)

RW: Do you think you'd make a good warrior?

Whitepaw: Noh! Cand heah, so I'd beeh uthleth in a battle, or hunting.(No! Can't hear, so I'd be useless in a battle, or hunting.)


Age: 6 moons

That's all, folks!
https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...t=76821&page=2 Claw! He's nominated for COTM and I wanna win that!
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Old July 20th, 2024, 08:54 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications

Darkclaw for medcat!

---- Join WaffleClan! https://warriorcatsonline.com/forums...25#post1614025 Pretty Please?
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Old July 21st, 2024, 02:41 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications

Rosepaw’s Application is still a work in progress, and it will be finalized by the end of June 23rd, EST.
Good luck to all else who apply! ^^


How’s it going?

- My characters’ opinions, thoughts, and behaviors are not necessarily a reflection of my own. I can assure you that we are certainly separate beings. -

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Old Yesterday, 01:08 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications

ThunderClan's Mangled Tripod
Lyebirds Lullabye - Beefed Up T3 - Wheel Of Missfortune: Amnesia, Forget One Skill(Battle)

The Mangled Tripod, SilverPaw, Has An Intrest In Herbs And Battle. More So Battle, But Will Strive To Be Known For Anything Good. May It Be Hornet, Deputy, Leader (Most Likely Not) Or Herbalist, He Wants To Be Known. Silvs Has Gone Through 2 Mentors, And Is On His 3rd. He Strives To Be The Better Cat, Though He Does Snap Easily. A Force To Be Reconed With, He Limps Around ThunderClans Camp And Territory, Lost In Thought.


Last edited by Desert Rain Frog; Yesterday at 01:20 PM.
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Old Yesterday, 01:21 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Medicine Cat Apprentice Applications

Placeholder for Bluebellpaw!

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