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Old May 17th, 2021, 02:21 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

// Stormtalon | RiverClan - interact at your own risk <3
It was Storm's habit to linger behind the mass of clan cats at gatherings; distance assured he could observe the unfolding scene without much threat of socializing. However, this wasn't just any gathering. Tonight tensions peaked, a metaphorical dissonance playing loud in the ears of every RiverClan cat as they carried with them images of carnage and injustice: Lionstorm's shredded corpse. Fawnsqueak's unseeing eyes.

There was a heaviness in the air that weighed Stormtalon's paws deep into the sand as he chose a spot at the front, earning him a good view of the leaders. Like many of his clanmates, Storm's conflicted feelings had morphed into anger directed at the tundercats. It burned cold in his sharp green eyes. Even so, there was much he had yet to learn about the conflict at hand. When ThunderClan arrived...Storm wanted to soak in every detail like a sponge.
Full hiatus except for a couple threads I hope to finish up, ily all <3

Last edited by Ziera; May 17th, 2021 at 04:04 PM.
Old May 17th, 2021, 02:28 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

Firepaw padded after his new leader to the gathering. Unlike most cats, the calm tom had neutral feelings towards the murdering of Lionstorm. He had heard a rumor that Thunderclans leader had been killed too, and maybe they found Riverclan scent on it, and made a mistake. He wouldn't think Lionstom was a murderer thought. (OPEN)
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Old May 17th, 2021, 02:35 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

Snakeheart..... Wasnt expecting good things outta this gathering to say the least. This would be a disaster in one way or another and if a fight didnt break out by the end of it then everyone would be better behaved then he expected them to be. Still Snakeheart had his own issues to deal with tonight and had to focus on that, whatever happened with the murderers could be dealt with after in due time..... (But if the riverclan medicine cat had a bundle of herbs hidden on the fringes of the beach no one had to know).

A lot had happened over the last moon and Snakehearts head was full to busting trying to remember it all but he managed, from coyotes to minor scuffles with shadowclan on the border but he wasnt sure he could say the same for Kestrelstar. The young tom was fairly certain his brother in bonds had forgotten about Streamrunner creating a mess and fighting... Grimdog was it? and if he was being honest that was probably for the best. Kestrelstar had a rightful grudge against the woodborn clan where Snakeheart only had waryness so with tensions with thunderclan at an all time high it was probably best he stayed away. That left the task to smooth things over to the medicine cat hoping currying favour with Ebonyfang and a gift/promise that punishments will be handed down would be enough. Who knew though...

Right he had a plan; Ignore Rainywhisker (who would no doubt start droning about connectivity again), be friendly to Peachfrost, and talk with Ebonyfang. With that set in mind Snakeheart padded over to the designated area for medicine cats to gather and sat, waiting for the other arrivals.

@Angelique @Fletcher @Rockfall @Exis @Panda1440
Have an outsider who needs healing? Pm me!
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Old May 17th, 2021, 02:43 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

She was right. Tonight would decide how the clans would see eachother moving forward. Its unlikely anything would happen with Windclan, as they were on semi-good terms with Riverclan at the moment. Shadowclan was always a wildcard, though.... Thunderclan is what worried Junipersong the most. They hadnt had a chance to explain themselves yet. Although it was almost doubtless that at least one Thunderclan cat had been responsible for the death of Lionstorm or Fawnsqueak, they deserved a chance to give their reasoning to it. She would look forward to seeing what Buckstar had to say, as he always seemed to be reasonable, if a bit timid for a leader.

Shifting uneasily as she was asked about if she had talked to Kestrelstar. Junipersong felt it was wrong to use her own personal bond with him to try and influence his decisions. All she had tried to do was to help him ease the tension and stress he had been feeling lately, so hopefully he was in a state to make more reasonable decisions, and think before he responded to anything rather than lashing out emotionally. "Not about this gathering, no. I've just been trying to help him cope with all the..... Wait, you mean about the incident with the coyote. Yeah, he is the first one I talked to after speaking with you. Him and Snakeheart, both of which thought I was getting worried over nothing. But if I abandon my beliefs, my core values, even against something like a coyote pup.... it feels like I lose a piece of myself."

As Starlingflight said that Junipersong may be one of the few with the capacity to lead Kestrelstar in the right direction, she stood a little bit taller. Staring up towards her leader, hoping he caught her gaze. She was so good at communicating with her eyes alone. Even from this distance, he would be able to know exactly what she wanted to tell him. That she trusted him, and knew that he would make the right choice for Riverclan. No matter what, at the end of the day, she would be there for him, to love and support him through every endeavor.

// @Tiabirb
Idk. Insert something inspiring or edgy here so people think that im cool.

Message me if you ever want to roleplay together or set something up!

Riverclan Leader's Den. Page 132. Bottom of the page.
Old May 17th, 2021, 02:51 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]


Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Stars, this gathering wasnt going to be fun. It was only, what? His third gathering as a high rank? Maybe fourth? Either way, this time was different. Those other times he had just been deputy, but now...now he was leader. And with that rank came a whole slew of issues; namely handling clan conflicts. From what he had seen, gatherings were like the breeding ground for those. If last gathering was anything to go by, this one certainly was going to be an absolute nightmare.

The tom felt so out of place, leading all these cats. It still hadnt really sunk in that this was permanent - well, permanent at least until he lost his last life or resigned. He let out a small chuckle, his weight shifting from paw to paw. Oh stars, this was actually happening. Taking one more deep breath and hiding his nerves, the new leader stepped through the bushes and into the open, leading the large group of Thunderclan cats behind him.

The first thing he noticed upon arrival was the lack of a certain golden pelt up on the rock. In his place was a lean gray tom who he didnt quite recognize. Looking around for a moment, he couldnt see Lionstorm anywhere. Maybe he was still healing? Well, no matter what the case was, Riverclan still needed to be alerted of the former leaders crimes.

Swiftly yet carefully, he made his way over to the large rock the other presumed leader was already perched on. After a moments hesitation, he began making his way to the top of it to stand next to the other tom. Upon further inspection, something seemed....off. Hostility exuded from the gray tom in waves, his rage so obvious that Eveningstar could tell from a mere glance. Without saying a word, he took a seat next to the riverclan cat, his shoulders squared and his expression unreadable.


// @BILL. @spade

base credits go to Chuwigirls on DA!

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Last edited by Quasar; May 17th, 2021 at 02:51 PM.
Old May 17th, 2021, 02:51 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

Starling hadn't intended to imply any means of manipulation, no. She simply meant that as one of Kestrelstar's closest friends, she could be someone he could confide in when he felt he had nowhere else to go. She didn't envy the poor youngster. But he was strong, and many of his aggressions seemed to have subsided for the moment.

Turning her attention back to Junipersong, Starlingflight nodded. "That is good to hold onto your beliefs. They make you who you are. Lessons that have touched you and taught you, and those lessons you hold close to you." Feeling a flood of affection, Starlingflight uncharacteristically reached out and touched her nose to Junipersong's ear as the other warrior gazed up at their leader.

Her head turned to spy the first of ThunderClan entering the Gathering Place. Wait, who was that? That wasn't Buckstar...


Last edited by Tiabirb; May 17th, 2021 at 02:54 PM.
Old May 17th, 2021, 02:55 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

Porcupineberry padded into the clearing and glanced up at the angry looking Riverclanner on the stone, assumably the new leader, whoever it was looked angry, they hoped they wouldn’t attack Eveningstar that wouldn’t be good at all. (OPEN)

Blizzardsky scanned around looking for a Thunderclanner he could speak to, he needed to warn them about Kitnapperstar, yes they now were rivals, but Thunderclan’s kits were innocent, they hadn’t done anything wrong, they deserved to be protected. He wasn’t being a traitor, allegiances were unimportant when it came to the safety of kits. (OPEN for a TCer)
RIP Blizz

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Last edited by Mango; May 17th, 2021 at 02:55 PM.
Old May 17th, 2021, 03:00 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

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Ah. So the stars had blessed him, landing a gift right into his waiting paws. Kestrelstar watched as Eveningmist bounded up onto the rocks, his traitorous Clan filing in behind him. One by one, none of them looking even the least bit guilty. It angered him, driving up the rage until his ears felt like they were on fire. Yellow hues darkened as he swung his head to look over - oh, he dared sit beside him? "Where the hell is your coward of a leader?" he growled, making sure his voice only traveled to Eveningmist. Lionstorm. Fawnsqueak.. A flick of his tail betrayed to the cats sitting below just how tense the storm was above them.

// @Jackpot

Last edited by spade; May 17th, 2021 at 03:01 PM.
Old May 17th, 2021, 03:09 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

Originally Posted by spade View Post

High Rank Announcement [#hrannouncement]

Ah. So the stars had blessed him, landing a gift right into his waiting paws. Kestrelstar watched as Eveningmist bounded up onto the rocks, his traitorous Clan filing in behind him. One by one, none of them looking even the least bit guilty. It angered him, driving up the rage until his ears felt like they were on fire. Yellow hues darkened as he swung his head to look over - oh, he dared sit beside him? "Where the hell is your coward of a leader?" he growled, making sure his voice only traveled to Eveningmist. Lionstorm. Fawnsqueak.. A flick of his tail betrayed to the cats sitting below just how tense the storm was above them.

// @Jackpot
Vinepelt walked around the gathering. Where were ShadowClan and WindClan? She looked at Kestrelstar, wishing she could say something to him. She wondered what happened to the current patrol. They wouldn't have missed the gathering... why would they? They must have encountered trouble. She was worried. [open]
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Last edited by Glitch_Candle; May 17th, 2021 at 03:12 PM.
Old May 17th, 2021, 03:11 PM
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Default Re: May Gathering

jaypaw walked in and sat down looking around. riverclan seemed mad which was stupid! why where they the mad ones? they had killed buckstar and many more!

aspenpaw looked around shyly before running to a far back spot and sitting down staying away from others. why did riverclan and thunderclan have to be first! why not windclan, a clan that could keep them from fighting... maybe

littlepaw let out a hiss wheres you leader cowerds! he looked around for buckstar wondering where the weakling was
( previously feather lily )

Sup I’m back! I’m trying to get back into doing rp’s though I only have a windclan kit right now.

not feeling great mentally and stressed about school starting. if i don't respond to rp's in 24 hours feel free to bump me. i apologize in advance
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