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Old June 11th, 2023, 10:13 PM
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Default Re: Swimmy days [ apps & above who can swim ]

Riverclan | Apprentice | He/Him | 2 moons | 6/100
a cream-pelted, thick-furred tom
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Lionpaw bounded on little legs towards the river, excited to join in this swimming competition. Although he was basically still a kit and had never even sniffed the river before, he was confident that Gingerfrost would allow him to compete.

(he'd definitely drown btw do not let him join lol)
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*Image of my oc was created using Clangen Cat Maker*

Last edited by Tecumori; June 11th, 2023 at 10:15 PM.
Old June 11th, 2023, 11:20 PM
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Default Re: Swimmy days [ apps & above who can swim ]

Beepaw walked towards the river. She had only learned to swim a few moons ago but she'd been practicing every day. A swimming competition would be fun!
Old June 13th, 2023, 06:10 AM
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Default Re: Swimmy days [ apps & above who can swim ]

Event [#event]

Well this was... A little disappointing. Was he allowed to say that? Yeah, probably. Seven cats, not counting those who'd only come to watch. He'd hoped for more, but alas. It seemed no one else was coming anymore. Gingerfrost heaved a little sigh. He hoped for more participants and looked over his shoulder a last time to see if there were any stragglers. But no, none. It really was just these seven cats. Well, seven was still better than nothing, he supposed (maybe he didn't make this look fun enough? Cats were so complicated).

That being said, there were some cats who sought his momentary attention. First came the familiar Siamese that was Beansprout, whom he greeted with a polite nod of his head, ears turned towards the feline to catch his words. Frankly, he'd rather see the leader participate than just watch... Maybe he should throw him in the water? Or not. That thought is akin to something his sister could come up with; he's supposed to be the responsible one. He supposed he couldn't force the Beansprout to partake, though he wouldn't let it go without a little comment. Firstly, the tabby nodded in agreement to his words, and added in a mutter;
"Though if you want to participate at any time don't hesitate to jump in."
[ @vellichor ]

Then, a familiar pelt approached, dual-coloured and fluffy. Gingerfrost soon recognised the cat as, of course, Pebblesplash -- one of the few reliable patrollers of the clan. He turned from Beansprout towards the feline who joined them, also only looking to watch and not participate. He huffed a little at that, holding back a light shake of his head, but instead nodded at her words. Maybe he should start throwing some cats in randomly, but that would be dangerous and bla bla bla. Well, at least her idea wasn't half bad. It would save him some voice and surely Pebblesplash would be better at motivating the swimmers than he ever could. So, with a nod of his head, he agreed to the proposition.
"Go ahead."
Whether Beansprout decided to participate in playing announcer or not was entirely up to him, though it could be a fun sight.
[ @Loveless.Fawn ]

Alright then. With seemingly all the chit-chat done with and no one else coming, it was about time this event got started. He began approaching the river himself, ready to call the marks, when a young apprentice nearly ran into him, skidding to a half just in time. Gingerfrost stopped dead in his tracks, just barely not walking on the youngling's paws before she skidded away. Gingerfrost watched her leave with a little huff, though it was more bemused than irritated.
"Alright everyone, line up at the river!"
He called, watching as each feline began to line up.

That's when he noticed a little something, or should he say, a little someone. His eyebrow lifted as he watched little tiny Lionpaw, just barely weaned off, run to line up at the river too. It was certainly a funny sight, the little kitten so ready to participate. But that one, and he was very well certain, hadn't had his kit swimming class yet. And Gingerfrost wasn't about to watch a kit drown, so no participating for him. Padding up behind the kitten, the deputy swiftly leaned down to try and grab the kit's scruff.
"No swimming for you."
He muttered, padding towards Beansprout and Pebblesplash should he have managed to pick the kit up, intending to drop it off with them.
"Stay here."
he mew, a little sternly (for this one looked like a little rascal), before padding off again.
[ @Woodlow ]

He raised his voice for all participants to hear.
"See those upright sticks? Those are the checkpoints you'll have to pass. First to pass the last checkpoint wins. Everyone ready? Get set, Go!"


Briarpaw - Jupiter
Rolled a 9! Faulty start - they do not pass the first checkpoint.

Briarfang - The Doctor
Rolled a 16! The first checkpoint gets passed!

Spirittail - MORBID
Rolled a 12! The first checkpoint gets passed!

Lakeblossom - Silvershadow13
Rolled a 10! The first checkpoint gets passed!

Wormbite - x ghostie
Rolled a 1! Faulty start - they do not pass the first checkpoint.

Falconpaw - Chrysanthemum
Rolled an 18! The first checkpoint gets passed!

Beepaw - Cornbread1233
Rolled a 16! The first checkpoint gets passed!

(Juniperpaw - Silvershadow13 | in case you want her to jump in last minute)
Rolled a 12! The first checkpoint gets passed (if they join now)!

Old June 13th, 2023, 09:52 AM
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Default Re: Swimmy days [ apps & above who can swim ]


Bursting past cats and jumping into the river, she swam out,
“Wait, I want to Join!”

Nothing is Impossible. The word itself says I’m Possible
- Audrey Hepburn -
Old June 13th, 2023, 06:02 PM
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Default Re: Swimmy days [ apps & above who can swim ]

Riverclan | Apprentice | He/Him | 2 moons | 8/100
a cream-pelted, thick-furred tom
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Lionpaw was just about to line up with the other contestants when he felt sharp teeth grasp him by the scruff of his neck. He squirmed as he was hoisted into the air and carried away from the riverbed. Who dared to take him out of the competition? He craned his neck over his shoulder to get a better look.

It was the clan's deputy of all cats! Gingerfrost muttered something between his teeth as he set the apprentice down between Beansprout and Pebblesplash. Lionpaw watched with angry eyes as the deputy returned to the others, ordering the young apprentice to stay where he was.

Lionpaw growled quietly as tears pricked the corners of his eyes. Why wasn't he allowed to swim with the others? He was a RiverCat just like the rest of them! He looked up at Beansprout and Pebblesplash, hoping one of them would tell Gingerfrost that he was wrong for taking him out of the contest. It was just a measly river after all.

(Beansprout and Pebblesplash don't have to respond if you don't want them to~)
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*Image of my oc was created using Clangen Cat Maker*
Old June 14th, 2023, 11:45 AM
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Default Re: Swimmy days [ apps & above who can swim ]

Briarfang smiled triumphantly as he passed the check point and continued swimming strongly determined to win.

Nightgaze kit finder!

Please tap on the eggs and small dragons!^^
Old June 15th, 2023, 09:56 AM
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Default Re: Swimmy days [ apps & above who can swim ]

She made it! Beepaw swam past the first checkpoint.
Old June 18th, 2023, 04:08 PM
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Default Re: Swimmy days [ apps & above who can swim ]

Event [#event]

Well this was... Something. Paths clear ahead, yet he saw only three cats actually swimming forward. He would've expected a little more from some of these participants; a little more energy, if you will. Maybe it was because he wasn't being motivational enough. But how can someone be motivational in something like this? It certainly was a dilemma, though maybe energy will rise once Pebblesplash and Beansprout start their game of playing announcers. Hopefully they'd help keep an eye on Lionpaw too, who so far seemed to look rather upset, though made no move to jump in the water anyway. Yet. But let's not give the child any ideas. Turning his gaze away from the threesome, he looked back at the race. Ultimately, it was their gain and the other's loss.

Juniperpaw - Silvershadow13
Rolled an 18, and passes the next checkpoint!

Briarfang - The Doctor
Rolled a 12, and passes the next checkpoint!

Beepaw - Cornbread1233
Rolled a 17; a log gets in the way, blocking passage to the next checkpoint!

Not rolled for:
Briarpaw - Jupiter
0/10 checkpoints passed

Spirittail - MORBID
1/10 checkpoints passed

Lakeblossom - Silvershadow13
1/10 checkpoints passed

Wormbite - x ghostie
0/10 checkpoints passed

Falconpaw - Chrysanthemum
1/10 checkpoints passed

Old June 18th, 2023, 04:38 PM
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Default Re: Swimmy days [ apps & above who can swim ]

Riverclan | Apprentice | He/Him | 2 moons | 12/100
a cream-pelted, thick-furred tom
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Unfortunately for Lionpaw, neither Beansprout nor Pebblesplash spoke out against his totally unfair removal from the contest. He glared daggers into the deputy's back as he supervised the start of the race. Only three cats had begun swimming and only two managed to cross the first checkpoint. Lionpaw knew that if he were in the water he would have made it halfway to the finish line by now! Or more like halfway under the river, as he still couldn't swim.

Lionpaw thought about jumping in anyways, but knew with both the leader and deputy watching he wouldn't get a paw in, and would most likely be demoted for such disobedience.

He turned away from the river and plopped himself dramatically on the ground, burying his face into his paws. He tried to muffle the growls and cries in his fur as he threw his little tantrum.

"This isn't fair! Gingerfrost is just a stupid worry-wart! I want to swim with the other apprentices too," he whined loudly. At that moment he didn't care if he got in trouble for disrespecting the warrior, he just wanted to cry.

(lol, again no need to respond if you don't want to~ He's just have'n a hissy-fit)
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@Estelle Gingerfrost
@vellichor Beansprout
@Loveless.Fawn Pebblesplash
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Image of my oc was created using Clangen Cat Maker

"If I had more time, I would have written a shorter post~"
Old June 18th, 2023, 04:39 PM
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Default Re: Swimmy days [ apps & above who can swim ]

Juniperpaw •|• 4 moons

Swimming past the second checkpoint, she was excited to see how well her swimming was, pushing herself forward, she aimed for the next one.

(Can the others still swim forward, if so here)


Already at a disadvantage she had passed the first checkpoint, doing her best she strove to make up the lost time.

Nothing is Impossible. The word itself says I’m Possible
- Audrey Hepburn -

Last edited by Silvershadow13; June 19th, 2023 at 09:49 AM.
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