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Old February 11th, 2024, 08:44 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

He/They - 11 moons

The gray tabby crept to the leader’s den. He was afraid of them ever since beany was killed by Bumblebutt. But he knew furbs wouldn’t leave him. At least he hoped not. “Furbs?” he squeaked before looking in the den for his mentor. If Birdsnow were in the den, the one-eyed cat would crawl in, shuffling their paws. “I-I wanna tawk,” he whispered softly. “I-i understand i-if ya don’t fawna, swince youre busy with weader swuff,” the tabby said, getting up and preparing to leave.

[ @poppy - since rain hasn’t come out as demi and gay, figure why not have my baby tell bird]
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Old February 19th, 2024, 02:00 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Sunpaw slowly slunk over to the leaders den and stood just outside it. Nervously she shuffled her feet. "Birdstar?", Sunpaw called.

@poppy @Bean @finley.exe

Last edited by Yoshdo; February 19th, 2024 at 02:02 PM.
Old March 6th, 2024, 02:56 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Leader's Den


"B-Birdsnow?" wolfkit was outside waiting for her reply
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Old March 9th, 2024, 02:59 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Merp Machine View Post

"B-Birdsnow?" wolfkit was outside waiting for her reply

”Wolfkit, come in.” The leader invited the young cat, noticing the stutter and wanting to put the little cat at ease. Or at at least try to.

Originally Posted by Yoshdo View Post
Sunpaw slowly slunk over to the leaders den and stood just outside it. Nervously she shuffled her feet. "Birdstar?", Sunpaw called.

@poppy @Bean @finley.exe

The ragdoll looked up from her nest, eyes seeking out…. Sunkit. Hm. ”Yes, Sunkit?”

(having bird refer to sun as sunkit since she’s technically a kit still )

Originally Posted by Bean View Post
He/They - 11 moons

The gray tabby crept to the leader’s den. He was afraid of them ever since beany was killed by Bumblebutt. But he knew furbs wouldn’t leave him. At least he hoped not. “Furbs?” he squeaked before looking in the den for his mentor. If Birdsnow were in the den, the one-eyed cat would crawl in, shuffling their paws. “I-I wanna tawk,” he whispered softly. “I-i understand i-if ya don’t fawna, swince youre busy with weader swuff,” the tabby said, getting up and preparing to leave.

[ @poppy - since rain hasn’t come out as demi and gay, figure why not have my baby tell bird]

Head snapping upwards to lock her gaze on Rainpaw, the ragdoll smiled warmly. ”Rain, of course.” She murmured, scooting over to welcome him to her nest in case he wanted to lay down beside her, just to be more comfortable. ”I always have time for you, what’s up kiddo?”

Originally Posted by starry View Post

The silver tabby molly padded over to the freshkill pile and grabbed a pigeon, holding it in her maw along with a present for Birdsnow. She took a deep breath before entering her friend's den. The present was a pretty stone. Its main color was a pinkish-white, and it had grey and black swirls. Usually, Misty wasn't the type to give gifts, but Birdy definitely deserved one. She remembered the gifts Birdsnow had given her and wished that they were still somewhere around camp, but it was pretty impossible to be honest. She supposed it was "rude" of her to just barge into the leader's den without an invitation, but Birdy and her were best friends, so that didn't matter right? She let out a warm purr and dropped the gift and the prey in front of Birdsnow, settling down and looking at the ragdoll through her one amber eye.

"For you. It must be so much stress for you, so much weight on your shoulders. So just.. take my little gift and let's share the pigeon alright? You probably already know this, but you'll always have my support. If you have any worries, tell me, okay? Birdy, you're such a great friend, and you will do amazing leading the clan." She smiled a little and tilted her head, waiting for the leader to reply and take a bite of the prey.

[ @poppy ]

Birdsnow was ready to snap at the cat that entered without invitation, eyes briefly lighting up with annoyance at the audacity, but then she recognized the cat as Mistypaw and her eyes softened. Mistypaw was one of the few cats that could do that without losing their ears. ”Misty!” She purred softly, tired eyes trailing downwards to stare at the pigeon, reaching forward to pick up the small, pretty stone her best friend had given her. A slow, slightly tearful smile grew on her face at the nostalgic gift.

”Thank you.” She croaked out, cradling it like a newborn kit before placing it back down. ”I… lost all my other things in the flood, so… so this is really great.” Mistypaw’s words brought a familiar lump in her throat, and she leaned forward to lightly press her nose to Mistypaw’s cheek, a teary sniffle leaving her before she let out a soft sigh. ”Thanks, Misty. I… I don’t really feel like I’m doing the greatest right now, so that means a lot.” Scooting over, she flicked an ear, inviting her friend to join her if she pleased.

Originally Posted by Fish View Post
Determined ⋆ Loyal ⋆ Lawful Good ⋆ She/Her ⋆ Beefed Up T3
“One day I’ll be the greatest warrior of all the clans!”

As soon as the meeting ended Adderpaw forced her broken heart to walk into the den. This isn't what this was going to be about. Oh no this was going to be the opposite. She wasn't so sure how Birdsnow would take this offer but the worse thing that she could get was a very strongly worded no. I mean that was pretty terrible in its own right.

"Birdsnow? May I come in?" Adderpaw said calling into the den. "This might be a bit of a long conversation so its alright to say no." Now that this was spoken Adderpaw was fully committed to this. She took a deep breath to steel her nerves. There was no room for her to be a coward and run away, by the stars above she would do anything to not be seen as such.

Looking up as Adderpaw stood in the entrance, Birdsnow took in the apprentices appearance before nodding. This could really be about anything. It was Adderpaw. (in the most loving and prideful way possible because she was quite fond of this kid) ”Of course you can come in.” She called back, mentally sighing as the apprentice mentioned that this would be a long conversation.

Originally Posted by Rose View Post
She/Her | Post Count: 18/100

She'd never been in here before. Had never needed to be in here. Not even when Larkstar had been her mentor. And now, Pristinepaw felt guilty for it. What type of apprentice didn't visit their mentor? What type of apprentice didn't try to learn more about the cat they'd be training with for moons to come? At the time, Pristinepaw had told herself she hadn't wanted to bother Larkstar, but now all she felt was guilt. Remorse. Regret.

Would Larkstar still have been here if Pristinepaw had tried to talk to her?

Shaking her head, Pristinepaw allowed herself to stop imagining the what-ifs of the past for the time being. Padding over to Birdsnow's empty nest - Pristinepaw had waited for the bluepoint molly to leave camp - the young apprentice dropped the dandelions in her maw and wove them into the leader's nest. Just as silent as she'd come, the little apprentice turned and scurried out again.

[ @/poppy - Little gift for Birdsnow to find later ]

Returning back to camp from a walk, the leader swept into camp and entered the leaders den, the lingering scent of… multiple cats clinging to the air. Like ghosts. Larkstar’s was the most prominent, and the emotions that she had attached to that scent caused her to miss Pristinepaw’s scent- for now.

Her eyes widened as she stared at her nest, with little yellow blossoms weaved into her. Paws shaking, she approached the nest, jaw agape and bending down to sniff the flowers. Breathless, she sank into the ground next to the nest, the sunny flowers bringing overwhelming warmth through her, eyes slipping shut, breath shaking.

Later, she would try to hunt down who did this, but the gift was so overpowering that she just sat there, gently brushing her paws on the feathery dandelions.

Originally Posted by Cherry~ View Post
( @poppy )

Okay. Whew. Fadingsun had a lot of ideas bursting at the seams of his mind, and he needed to let the dam break so they could spill out. He'd been doing nothing but thinking since Larkstar had disappeared; he had several ideas for how he thought things should change around here.

He'd already voiced one of them during the meeting - that being the issue of Lionhearts - and Birdsnow's response had pleased him. He felt it fair to give Cherryswirl another chance; he supposed Nightspark deserved a chance, too, but that cat certainly wasn't high on the warrior's list.

Poking his head into Birdsnow's den, he announced his presence before walking in.

After the usual greetings had been exchanged, he dove into his ideas. "Right. I have quite a few ideas I'd like to share with you, about how we can make RiverClan better."

He sat down, curling his tail around his paws. "First, regarding Larkstar's plan to take Firefly Cove back. I think it's an awesome idea, but I don't think we're equipped to do it right now given what's happened. Maybe you've already thought about this and what I'm saying is redundant, but I thought I ought to say something since I don't want to see us throwing ourselves into a battle we aren't prepared for.

"However, the Clan still needs something to rally themselves around. In lieu of that, I'd like to propose a territory expansion. Nothing extreme, perhaps just a little bit of new territory. Push the outskirts border back a bit. It'll give us more space to hunt and look for herbs. I'm planning on doing some scouting soon, so I'll report back what I find. New territory can still be challenging and risky, but much less so than trying to fight a Clan over land. It's a good thing to hold us over until we're stable enough to try for the cove, I think."

His ear twitched. "Second, I think we need to start focusing on our status as a Clan of water more. Sure, we fish, but aside from fishing and recreational swimming we don't do a lot with the water. I think we should start focusing on water combat. Perhaps hold an event for everyone to practice fighting in the water; we're RiverClan cats, we should be able to use the water to our advantage in combat.

"Third, I think we should get a little more inventive with some of our punishments. Exiling, extra work, and demotions are great and definitely have a place, but I think we can put troublesome paws to greater work. There's tunnels that run beneath this Clan; we should actually make use of them. Make troublesome cats go down there, with supervision of course, and do the dirty work. Examine the tunnels, report what they find. Stabilize the tunnels that need it, and dig out new ones. It's dirty, hard work, and should make most cats think twice before acting like a jackass again."

He paused to take a few breaths and to let Birdsnow take in what he'd said so far.

Listening intently to Fadingsun, scrutinizing him and his words thoughtfully. Maybe Larkstar should’ve made HIM deputy (a joke… probably), and Birdsnow was extremely pleasantly surprised that he had so many good ideas. After he paused, she was silent for a moment, gathering and filing her thoughts- raising her eyebrows a beat too late when he mentioned the tunnels. Now that… that was quite an idea. ”The tunnels, hm?” She murmured thoughtfully, nodding slowly. ”I like that. I like that a lot. It would definitely be beneficial to have the tunnel systems set up, I know some cats have tried but sending troublemakers down there is a good idea. Although they would obviously need a supervisor, but that could always be arranged. Perhaps that could be a Lionheart job.” That was something to think about.

”About the new territory, pushing the outskirts border a back would be something we could think about- definitely report back when you’ve scouted and then we can discuss how far and where we’d be expanding, exactly.” Taking a breath, she continued. Clan of water. That wasn’t something she had heard lately- she wasn’t sure how necessary water combat would be, especially since it wasn’t too easy to lure the other clans to the river to fight. But if they wanted to see if they could get Cattail Pond or the Cove…. Maybe that idea wouldn’t be too shabby.

”Once the water warms up a bit, a water combat event sounds interesting. Are you thinking a competition or more of a lesson type event?”

Originally Posted by Fish View Post

Kind ❀ Sweet ❀ Patient ❀ She/Her
“Sweetness can be found anywhere, you just need to look hard enough.”

Honeystep walked into the leader's den. It felt strange, it felt empty without Larkstar in here but she held out on a hope. In the meanwhile she could talk to Birdsnow about her findings, she as well sent Honeystep in the first place. "Birdsnow.." Honeystep started a bit awkwardly before taking a breath and recollecting herself. "We found the badger's trail lead deep into the outskirts. I told the others we should head back after a few hours since I didn't want us to be caught out there in the dark. Fighting in the dark seemed like a very bad move. I hope this is acceptable." Honeystep said bowing her head a little to the deputy.

”Good job, Honeystep.” The leader murmured, rubbing her temple. Badger’s den. What a mess. ”You made the right call, fighting in the dark on unfamiliar territory would’ve been a bloody mess. Thank you.”

Originally Posted by tally View Post

She/her | 24 moons | [Open] • [Open] • [Open]
...Okay, no Birds. Whew. After having scoped the place out for any sign of the leader and not seeing any, Dusklion slunk into the den with her collection. There wasn't much in here, and boy was it dusty. Setting the trinkets she had gathered down, the dark tabby set to work. First was the nest. Mmmm, no. That was hardly a nest fit for Birds, so she made quick work of grabbing it in her teeth and dragging it towards the den entrance. Paws made quick work of crossing the clearing, ducking out, disposing of the moss, and then heading back in with a fresh batch. She had grabbed as much as she could carry - so as she made the nest, it was rather thick and big. A perfect perch for Birds!

Nest taken care of, Dusk started to use her plume of a tail to sweep around a bit. Gathering up the loose dust, debris, anything that didn't belong in the den. Soon enough the den floor looked cleaner and she gave a grin. "Perfect." Turning back towards the trinkets she had gathered she took the shells first, placing them up against the front of the nest so they were front and center. The wilted dandelions were placed on either side of each shell, and the bell? Dusk grinned and place that right in front of the rest of the trinkets.

By the time she stepped back the ground in front of Birds' nest was decorated with her collected trinkets. A nice little "welcome to being leader!" package, if Dusklion said so herself. Originally she was just going to leave and let her leader discover it on her own, but she had yet to personally congratulate her yet so... instead she took a seat off the side and looked towards the den entrance, waiting for Birds to come back.

[ @poppy - i figured i'd combine this little trinket post with dusk's suggestion about the floodstone! ]

Padding into the leader’s den, she didn’t expect anyone to be there. Her eyes first caught her nest covered in colorful blossoms, and her breath stopped in her chest, a surprised smile growing on her face. She hadn’t stayed in here yet, and she wasn’t sure what it would be like, after a few weeks of neglect.

A familiar dark tabby caught her eye and Birdsnow felt the youthful urge to run up and hug the other cat, like how younger Birdpaw and Birdkit would have. But obviously she couldn’t do that… probably. ”Dusklion…. i-it’s perfect. It’s all so lovely. I don’t even know what to say.” What had she done for this cat who barely knew her to do all this for her? She surely didn’t deserve this. This was far too nice for her. ”T-thank you. Oh, thank you. It’s all so nice-.... I-” Never the most articulate, she just smiled like a fool for the first time in moons.

nightshade | birdsnow | daybreak | fallenkit

Last edited by poppy; March 9th, 2024 at 03:00 PM.
Old March 9th, 2024, 04:05 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Dusklion - RiverClan Warrior

Paw steps sounding near the den had Dusklion sitting up straighter, unable to hide the grin that spread across her face. A part of her wondered if Birds recognized the effort as the specific gifts that she had lost in the flood - as the dark tabby had tried to recall to the best of her memory what the warrior's nest had looked like before the flood and get those things - but if it was, no notion was given by Birds if it was. "I tried to remember what you had before the flood 'n all," she gestured with her paw, gaze flickering from the trinkets to Birds. "'M sorry if I got some of it wrong." Maybe she hadn't gotten everything that was there, or her memory was going downhill...

At least Birds seemed to like it regardless, which made the dark tabby happy. "'M glad you like it, Birds! Just wanted to show my appreciation. I know you've got cats left 'n right comin' at you with ideas 'n such, but... wanted to make sure someone made the den ready for you after Larkstar's disappearance." Another bright grin was shot her way. As happy as she was, something felt... off about the interaction, like there was something more Birds wanted to do or say. Or perhaps it was just Dusk's mind playing tricks on her - she was awfully tired from all the collecting. Maybe asking to be considered for deputy right now wasn't the best idea.

Yeah definitely save it for another time. "I did also want to talk about the 'Floodstone' - eugh, you'll have to excuse me, even sayin' the name out loud makes my fur prickle." It was just... offensive to her to name the meeting place after such a tragic event. She honestly wasn't sure what the cats who had offered that name had been thinking. "Was thinkin' we could change it to somethin' that's a little less... a reminder about all of that. Maybe somethin' like... The Perch, since you're Birds," a chuckle escape her at her own lighthearted joke. "Or maybe the Wavestone, or Streamrock? That's a bit too similar to Streamstone..." Dusklion trailed off in thought.

[ @poppy ]

dusklion is riverclan's deputy; if you need her, mention me!
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Old March 9th, 2024, 05:39 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Leader's Den


Wolfkit walked in "I-I saw you were hurting last meeting and i-i was seeing if your were okay.... I-I also reached 6 moons and, and i want to be a medicine cat..." he lifted his chest as he said the word 'Medicne cat'.
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Old March 9th, 2024, 05:42 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

He/They - 13 Moons

TW: self-hate

The blue tabby crept into Birdsnow's den before making himself comfortable next to his mentor. Despite his mentor living here, he didn't like the den. It served as a reminder of the leaders that were in the position for too short of a time. They didn't want bird to fall victim to that too. Rainpaw looked at his mentor before looking down at his paws as they started to fiddle. The one-eyed apprentice stammered for a moment, struggling to get his words out. "Um, well I uh... I d-didn't just wanna be a twom, a-and I-I s-so I w-want He a-and t-t-they pwease," he stuttered, moving is half-tail to cover only part of his hind foot. He winced in pain, stars why did it have to hurt so much? Right, next topic. Rainpaw was still hesitant, but they wanted birdsnow to know, they knew she cared about them. "I-I a-a-also don't l-like sh-she-cats. T-T-there w-wa-was this t-tom I l-liked b-b-but he l-left," just more differences he had to deal with. "I-I d-don't know h-how they w-would r-react, n I didn't tell them a-and now t-they weft m-me," the small apprentice sobbed, attempting to bury their face in birdsnow's fur. "I d-don't get it! W-why do-does everyone l-leave m-me? A-Am I r-r-really that bad? A-A-am I-I u-ugly? N-N-Nobody l-l-likes m-me enough to stay, what d-d-did I d-do w-w-wrong?" he sobbed. He had only ever seen his face once, and he knew how ugly he looked. Even scary. He just didn't want furbs to leave him like everyone else. She wouldn't... Right?

[ @poppy ]
x ghostie is haunting this signature
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Old March 10th, 2024, 12:52 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

"The ragdoll looked up from her nest, eyes seeking out…. Sunkit. Hm. ”Yes, Sunkit?”

(having bird refer to sun as sunkit since she’s technically a kit still )" (First posted by poppy)

9 moons and 28 Sun journeys

"I-I'm sorry", Sunkit mewed. "I thought that was how you were made an apprentice". Sunkit gave her chest a few swift embarrassed licks. "How do I be an apprentice." She asked. "I'm already 'bout 10 moons."


Last edited by Yoshdo; March 10th, 2024 at 12:53 PM.
Old March 11th, 2024, 02:23 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

( @poppy )

Birdsnow was in agreement about all of his ideas, which pleased him. At her thought that perhaps the Lionhearts could serve as supervisors for the tunnel punishments, he ventured, "I was thinking of getting a few volunteers for that, actually. I think it's a good way for some of the warriors to make more of an impact on the Clan. Obviously they'd need to be level-headed and responsible, and have thick skin."

At her question about the water combat, he answered, "It would be a lesson! I'm not exactly sure how many RiverClan cats even are capable of water combat, so I think it would be best to just make it a mass lesson for all. I'm planning on taking a couple cats out to experiment with some moves eventually."


( Setting this after the meeting )

The calamity of the meeting hadn't stopped Fadingsun from doing what he'd intended on doing since the invasion ended: making his pitch to Birdsnow regarding what he thought RiverClan should do to retaliate against ThunderClan. As he whisked towards her den, memories of the battle - particularly of the fallen and how badly Dusklion had been wounded - filled his mind.

By the time he reached her den, any feelings of being overwhelmed or self-doubting were gone, replaced by anger at ThunderClan and a coursing desire for revenge. Slipping inside, he got straight to the point. "Hey. I know the battle just happened and all, but I want to talk about retaliation. I get why ThunderClan has issues with us, given the way some of our less-than-admirable warriors have acted over the past season. Invading our camp, however, is going way too far. Bumblestar seems to think that she's free to stride in and out of our territory whenever she pleases, and I think we need to put a stop to that."

He plopped his butt down, knowing that if he stayed standing he'd start pacing around the den like a mad cat.

"I think we need to hit back hard, once we're fully recovered and we've had a chance to prepare. We need to show ThunderClan that we aren't going to tolerate our camp being invaded by their cats - no matter whether it's one or thirty. My proposal is that we attempt to take Firefly Cove and Cattail Pond- together. One force will start the fight at Firefly Cove; while ThunderClan is occupied there, another force will occupy Cattail Pond and move the border so that it's within RiverClan territory again.

"I know this is an ambitious plan, but if we manage to do this we'll quash whatever feelings the other Clans have about us being weak and pathetic, and we'll show them what happens when they take things too far with us. It will give the Clan something to rally around, and it will restore confidence in RiverClan. We'd need as many cats participating in this fight as possible- hell, make it a requirement that all able-bodied warriors and battle-trained apprentices participate."

He had a couple of other ideas on how they could prepare, but he'd keep them to himself until Birdsnow gave her thoughts on the idea. "If you agree, I'm thinking we could strike in about a moon."
Fadingstar is currently RiverClan's leader. He has an open den policy; his den can be found here. If you have any questions or concerns about RiverClan, or any plots to propose, feel free to leave me a VM or DM! Please do not take my characters' IC opinions as reflective of my own.
Old March 14th, 2024, 07:42 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Leader's Den

Seagullwing slipped into the leader's den. "Birdsnow?" she asked softly. "Can I make a request?" she thought with delight about her soon-to-come kits. @poppy

Last edited by Nymph; March 14th, 2024 at 07:42 PM.
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