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Old June 30th, 2024, 06:58 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by KestrelPaw View Post
Sure we can do that! Kestrelpaw said, releived that she didn't have to sit around any longer.
"Um.... so where?" asked Snowpaw.
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Old June 30th, 2024, 06:59 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Windy View Post
"Um.... so where?" asked Snowpaw.
@GrimLock: Protectors
wherever you want, She replied.
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Old June 30th, 2024, 07:35 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Even prepared, it still hurt. There would always be this heartbreak at losing her warriors. Twilightstar fell silent for a moment while absorbing what Twistedpaw had told her. Coyote? Twilightstar hadn't seen or scent coyotes around WindClan for years, foxes and even badgers are more frequent than coyotes. While Crowtooth had a little breakdown, and Lichenpaw pleaded about going with on a patrol. Twilightstar had half a mind to tell both of them sit down and shut up. Her head hurt, her heart hurt, and the denial and pleading was making it so much worse.

Her tempers been shorter than usual, probably had to with lack of patience with it all. She's been losing clanmates left and right, constantly left behind to deal with anguish of their departure. Unable to grieve properly, constantly having to push through it all, because life went on. It was rough to say the least. It never ever got easier, but letting go was part of living as was pushing on.

Twilightstar ignored Crowtooth and Lichenpaw for a moment and fixed her gaze on Batglare and Leechscar. She couldn't trust Crowtooth to be levelheaded enough to lead a patrol and if there was a cat killing coyote in the vicinity, she wanted Batglare on the patrol as he was one of the few with actual experience with coyotes. Leechscar should be able to handle this, Twilightstar knew the tom had bad history with his former mentor, but he had the same curse or gift to push aside his emotions when things got tough. He'd make a reliable deputy if he didn't have such a disdain for the clan.

"Leechscar, you can take Batglare and at least two more and see if you can find Wolffang's body. He deserves a proper burial in the Starry Meadow." Twilightstar wasn't even going to entertain the thought that Twistedpaw had seen wrong. For her it was better to assume the worst and be proven wrong. Not need to set herself up for disappointment. "The coyote needs to be dealt with, if it still lives or is scented in our territory it needs to be hunted down and killed. I need to be certain there isn't a pack in our territory."

"Twistedpaw, I need to know where exactly you were in the territory. After that go and visit Lightningstorm for your injuries. You can bring Vinepaw if you'd like so long as he doesn't get under Lightningstorm's paws." The she-cat finished issuing her orders.

Twilightstar needed some time on her own. Wolffang had been her only deputy to retire, and although he had passed before, StarClan had seen it fit to return him to WindClan. Twilightstar had been hoping that he'd live out his life as peacefully as one could living in the wild, with a family and kits, before retiring to the elders. That's all she really wanted for WindClan, for her clan to live out their lives with whatever form happiness they deserved.

But that was a difficult dream to fulfill, all she could realistically hope for was that her clanmates fell honorably, and that they return to the stars surrounding by loved ones.
@Undertaker [Leechscar] | @Neptune. [Lichenpaw] | @TheNyanCatMinecart [Twistedpaw] | @Tallstar [Vinepaw] | @Rani [Crowtooth]

Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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Old June 30th, 2024, 07:47 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Vinepaw-8 Moons,Anxious,Kind
Vinepaw slowly processed Twistedpaw words..Wolffang..dead no that couldn’t possibly be true..his stomach lurched as Twistedpaw described the doglike attacker..a coyote damn the thing he looked back up at twistedpaw and wrapped his tail around her the sudden outburst from lichenpaw and Crowtooth made him shrunk back he wasn’t good with these things leg alone grief he himself never got the chance to meet wolffang he did know he was a loyal warrior and that alone was good enough for him.Once Twilightstar issued her orders he nodded “If Twistedpaw will have me then I promise not to be a nuisance to Miss Lightningstorm “he said in a quiet tone..his thoughts raced he had failed Twistedpaw he hadn’t been there.Why..WHY DID IT ALWAYS HAVE TO BE HER..he cried out into the void of his mind his heart ached

Vinepaw wishes you well

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Last edited by Tallstar; June 30th, 2024 at 07:48 PM.
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Old June 30th, 2024, 10:03 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

| Snowybreeze |
26 Moons - WindClan Warrior

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He hadn't even gotten to swallow that rather large bite he'd taken from the rabbit, and Snowybreeze felt a small bump on his side, coaxing him to instantly choke on the prey. A small coughing fit escaping him, the gentle giant closed his eyes, praying to StarClan that he wasn't being too loud for the clanmates that might have called in an early night. Gratefully, it seemed the stars had taken pity on the white furred tom and he soon took a deep breath, the rabbit no longer blocking his airway. Having taken note of a small voice that had chirped besides him moments before his rather clumsily ingested meal, sky blue eyes searched for the clanmate, soon landing on a black and white she-kit with green eyes. A whisper of a purr escaping the tom, he shook his head, ignoring the small tears still brimming at the corner of his eyes from the hawking blowout before. As polite as the kit was being, there was no need to apologize - for her - by golly! It had been an accident, after all.

"O-oh. Please. N-no. No need. To apologize. It was. My fault. Entirely. I should. Really. Not be out. In the. Middle of. The clearing. Having my meal. Like this. A-are you. Alright?" the warrior mewed softly, nose twitching delicately as he made sure he could scent no blood on his young companion.

@Ladiebugg [Heavykit]
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
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Old July 1st, 2024, 09:44 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

As was somewhat usual, Deadmoon was late to the party. She had been outside of camp, fruitlessly chasing rabbits because starsdamnit she had to teach her apprentices how to do it at some point and needed to find away to succeed at least ONCE. She really wished she could dump that duty on some other cat, but it was like....core Windclan knowledge. If she couldn't do it she'd just look dumb, but if she didn't at least TRY then she would look downright neglectful. She just....had to hope she got lucky on the day, or hope that they could get the hang of it without a demonstration. It was probably going to have to be the latter.

But thoughts of apprentice training were driven out of the window when she pushed through the camp entrance with the scent of blood clogging the air. This in and of itself wasn't immediate cause for panic, it could simply be a tougher than usual bit of prey, or someone got nicked during battle training. Perhaps a patrol had needed to chase off a dog. But as she approached the crowd (she certainly had enough curiosity to kill her at times like these) Deadmoon was pretty sure it wasn't something so simple. After all, not only was Twilightstar there, but Crowtooth and Batglare were in attendance as well. And she liked Crowtooth, she really did, but he had a knack for showing up when something important had happened. And blood plus importance was DEFINITELY not a good thing.

And then she heard the name. The name that was being bandied around by every cat in the little circle, Twilightstar and Crowtooth and Twistedpaw and Lichenpaw. Wolffang. Wolffang was the subject of the hullabaloo that was currently occurring. And then she heard the critical word. Twilightstar, as ever, issued it in a calm, crisp voice. She always did. Deadmoon didn't understand how, but she was used to it, even in the face of tragedy. Body. Cats had to go retrieve the body. That meant there was a body. A DEAD body. WOLFFANG's dead body.

Her brother. Her brother was dead. Again.

Twilightstar was sending a patrol to find him. To find him. Crowtooth might be right, he might still be alive. And even if.........even if. She didn't want to finish the thought. Deadmoon had to be part of the patrol, she HAD to. But Twilighstar......she might not send her. She wasn't a strong fighter like Leechscar and Batglare. But she NEEDED to be there. If he was alive, if he.....wasn't. I'm coming. she mewed, almost absentmindedly. Not, perhaps, intentionally said outloud. She probably would have phrased it more appropriately if she'd thought it out. But it had been said. Might as well double down. I'm coming on the patrol to bring Wolffang back. Now wasn't a time for trying to be polite. @Moonraven @Rani @Undertaker @Neptune. @TheNyanCatMinecart @Tallstar
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Last edited by gs29513; July 1st, 2024 at 09:44 AM.
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Old July 1st, 2024, 09:05 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

@Rani - Crowtooth [Moon's helping me make Leech less OOC so don't mind this post too much] | @gs29513 - Deadmoon | @Neptune. - Lichenpaw | @Moonraven - Twilightstar/Batglare | @TheNyanCatMinecart - Twistedpaw

Leechscar was oddly numb while listening to Twistedpaw retell the tale of how she got to her current state. That numbness gradually melted away and turned to hot rage when learning Wolffang was dead. That dumbass!

He and Wolffang have never seen eye to eye and never well. Leechscar's resentment towards his former mentor was far too deeply ingrained his being. He refused to forgive, and he refused to forget, but oddly enough despite his strong dislike for the tom. He's never wanted Wolffang dead. Leechscar was aware of Wolffang's good qualities, his loyalty, his strength, his determination, his stupid honorable code. Leechscar had only wanted the best as his mentor when he was an apprentice and that is why he requested to be trained by Wolffang, even after learning about the hell he put his foster mother through. His tolerability for the tom soured completely after he died and left Leechscar to finish his training alone.

Now he was doing it again. Leechscar was unable to tell what he pissed him off more. That fact that Wolffang died almost identically to the first time, or that he died sacrificing himself again. He had a serious hero complex. Leechscar forced his fur to lay flat as it began to prickle as he stewed in his anger. He bit back the urge to snap at both Crowtooth and Lichenpaw when they started pestering Twistedpaw.

They clearly didn't know what it was like to be a survivor, to know that someone died for you. How damn guilt-ridden it was to be alive knowing they were dead. They never laid awake torturing themselves with thoughts of 'if only' and 'buts', only to fall into an uneasy sleep full of nightmare and wake up the next day remembering that you're only breathing because someone else was dead. If they did, they wouldn't dare be telling Twistedpaw that she had seen wrong or begging her to lie to them. Leechscar knew they were going through their own little emotional breakdowns, but he didn't care. They could try and be a bit more considered to Twistedpaw.

He knew it was just his anger talk as his mother's voice broke through the red haze he had been seeing through. He swallowed his rage and let the tension leave his body while listening to her calming tone. Work, now this was something he could get behind. Find Wolffang's body, bury him in the Starry Meadow, and kill the coyote if they could find it. Great, he could do that. Whatever kept his mind busy and away from the fact he'd have to go break the news to a pinning queen when all was said and done.

He didn't see Leopardsong, his gaze focused on the nursery waiting to see those big cooper eyes demanding answers. The kits must be playing loudly, or she was rest, he hoped it stayed that way. He didn't have time to consol her or be gentle about it with the new task placed on his paws. His mother gave him a job and he needed to carry it out.

"You're coming if I say you're coming. " Leechscar's adopted the same authorative tone Twilightstar spoke with as Deadmoon showed up making demands. This felt like deja vu all over again. He had about as much patience as Batglare did when it came to cats trying to overrule him. Leechscar didn't want to bring any of the three cats, Crowtooth, Lichenpaw, or Deadmoon, if he was being honest. They were emotionally distraught and far too attached to Wolffang, he could see them ignoring his orders or getting into trouble that he didn't need.

If that coyote was still around, he needed levelheaded warriors to deal with it. Wolffang was dead, there was nothing that would change that now. Their priority was to make sure that coyote was dealt with. Wolffang was secondary to the cat eating coyote. "I'll see to it that it's done and report back when finished." He fixed Twilightstar with a firm stare and a slight nod of his head.

His gaze wandered over to Batglare in a wordless question. He didn't want to get arrogant, but as he's hunted predators of the sky with the tom, he wondered if he needed the extra paws or if they'd just slow them down. Batglare was the only one who could probably convince his mother of the latter. Otherwise, he was sure his father would give him names to bring with them.

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Dawnstar is the leader of ShadowClan and her kits currently reside in her den, enter and she may maim or kill you. She has a closed den policy.
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Old July 2nd, 2024, 02:12 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing


The gray tomcat made his way out into the clearing, amber hues scanning the clearing. He perked his ears up when he heard a bunch of cats crowded around young Twistedpaw. Curious, the tom padded forward before hearing the apprentice's voice. The older tom's heart sank.

Wolffang was dead?

Perchwind stood there, frozen for a moment before shaking his head. The former deputy sacrificed himself for an apprentice. That was... stars the tom couldn't even find words to describe what was going through his head at the moment. He let out a sigh as he turned to walk away.

Thoughts swirled in the warrior's head as he sat down. They had lost a warrior, and this was what, Wolffang's second time dying? He had heard the warrior died and came back, but now they were truly with the stars.

Perchwind heard the cats volunteering to go fetch his body. Perchwind normally would have done it in a heartbeat, but something felt off with this one. So, he would just let the others take care of that. No need to get old Perchwind involved with this.

So, the gray tom sat outside the warriors den, grooming his pelt. Hopefully, he could find something to distract him from this.

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Old July 2nd, 2024, 05:00 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Stonetail looked up at all the commotion welp this was a sight to be seen.Wait..something was off..was that blood on Twistedpaw chest..Wolffang..dead? No that couldn’t possibly be right he didn’t butt in.It wasn’t his place he noticed a familiar face and sat down besides Perchwind.He wanted to keep things light with this new found grief..”Hows green leaf been treatin ya?..I know it’s seemed to make the kits sturcrazy “ he said with a halfhearted smile
Vinepaw wishes you well

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Last edited by Tallstar; July 2nd, 2024 at 05:00 PM.
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Old July 2nd, 2024, 05:51 PM
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