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Leader: Bumblestar
Deputy: Spiderthroat
Medicine Cats:
 Drizzlecloud, Springlight

: Mistlewhisker
Medicine Cat: Mossfreckle

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Grousepaw

: Fadingstar
Medicine Cat: Mistyshard

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Medicine Cat Apprentice: None

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Old January 25th, 2024, 03:15 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing


Even with the chill in the air freezing her to her core, her lips curled upwards into an amused smile at the sight of Mudhound prancing about, nipping at the air as if the snowflakes were prey themselves. Oh! Would you look at that, they’ve noticed her. Offering them a big, toothy grin, she waved her tail in greeting as well. “Mhm, the snow sure is nice–cold, but pretty to look at.”

“Ah,” Drizzlecloud paused for a moment to chuckle at Mudbud’s astute observation. “Suppose I’m a little bit cold… I wanted some fresh air, though. My den was getting to be a little overwhelming for me, so I decided to brave the cold.”

[ @Rani sorry for how long this took! I’ve been really stressed. ]
Drizzlecloud is Thunderclan's current Medicine Cat!
She has a semi-closed den policy.
Thunderclan Healing

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Old January 25th, 2024, 09:17 PM
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ThunderClan Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Larkswoop - [ ACTIVE ] Flock Together T2 [ ACTIVE ]
ThunderClan Warrior - 24 Moons


v List of mentions for who all should be involved. v
@Omari [ Drizzlecloud. Larkswoop is injured <3 ]
@Desert Rain Frog [ Silverpaw. Larkswoop's apprentice as well as the cat who just pulled a heavy ahh branch off of her. ]
@BEAR. [ Wolfpaw. For Larkswoop to report her dangerous hunting patrol lol. ]
@eris [ Springpaw ]

Larkswoop limped into the ThunderClan camp, holding her hind leg off the ground.

A squirrel hung limply from the molly's jaws, and she turned to make sure Silverpaw was following her.

The warrior scanned the clearing for any signs of Drizzlecloud and Wolfpaw.

''Drizzlecloud? Wolfpaw?'' Larkswoop called out to the two cats.

Oh, wait. Drizzlecloud couldn't hear her. Larkswoop gestured towards the medicine den with her tail while looking at Silverpaw.

''Go fetch Drizzlecloud from her den, if she's there. If she's not yet Springpaw is, then bring Springpaw instead.''

Larkswoop's hind leg looked.....crooked, to say the least. The warrior knew it was broken and that she should stay off of it, but she needed Drizzlecloud or Springpaw to look at it first.


Rainstar is RippleClan's current leader. She has an open-den policy.

Rainsplash is HeatherClan's 'Wild Cats' Section Leader. She has an open-den policy.

Owlswoop is ValleyClan's current deputy.

Foxglovestar is BerryClan's current Leader. She has an open den policy.

Larkswoop is a ThunderClan Warrior. If she is needed, mention me.

Last edited by isla; January 26th, 2024 at 10:15 AM.
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Old January 25th, 2024, 10:09 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Thunderclan Warrior | They/them | 31 Moons
Bilingual T2 | Flock Together T3 | Rapid Recovery | Beefed up T3

Aww poor Drizzle! Mudhound was pretty cold resistant to begin with and after all that running they were downright warm but they knew all about the cold and did not like it. The tripods fluffy face crinkled in understanding and frustration on Drizzleclouds behalf as they leaned down and lightly bumped their heads together sympathetically.

Drizzlecloud deserved to be out and about but warm! It wasnt fair! For a moment Mudhound stood, tail flicking behind them as they considered the situation before beaming and chirping out a "OOOH! I can fix this! Mudhound to the rescue!" before proceeding to..... Well..... Sit on the medicine cat.

NOT IN A BAD OR PAINFUL WAY! No, Mudhound more of attempted to use themselves as a blanket, shifting to kind of drape themselves over top of the smaller cat using their fluffy fur and lingering fatty plushness to cushion any pokey bones until they existed as a furry breathing cat blanket. The tripod didnt go dead weight, knowing they'd basically squash Drizzlecloud if they did so but cuddled up close letting their warmth create a toasty little sitting space to watch the clearing from under their belly for their friend.

And Mudhound was really warm. The maine coon mix was already well insulated and a natural heater but after running around on top of that they were venting warmth to the point where snowflakes were melting on their bare scar patches.

So it was probably really awkward and silly looking but downright comfortable within and settled in Mudhound ducked their head down to look at the brooder-henned medicine cat they'd subjected to this and asked "Is that better? You can stay as long as you like! I wasnt planning on doing much today and here you can be outside and get fresh air without being cold!" At the sacrifice of your dignity and personal space.

Have an outsider who needs healing? Pm me!
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Old January 26th, 2024, 10:56 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Shellwhisker View Post

Larkswoop - [ ACTIVE ] Flock Together T2 [ ACTIVE ]
ThunderClan Warrior - 24 Moons


v List of mentions for who all should be involved. v
@Omari [ Drizzlecloud. Larkswoop is injured <3 ]
@Desert Rain Frog [ Silverpaw. Larkswoop's apprentice as well as the cat who just pulled a heavy ahh branch off of her. ]
@BEAR. [ Wolfpaw. For Larkswoop to report her dangerous hunting patrol lol. ]
@eris [ Springpaw ]

Larkswoop limped into the ThunderClan camp, holding her hind leg off the ground.

A squirrel hung limply from the molly's jaws, and she turned to make sure Silverpaw was following her.

The warrior scanned the clearing for any signs of Drizzlecloud and Wolfpaw.

''Drizzlecloud? Wolfpaw?'' Larkswoop called out to the two cats.

Oh, wait. Drizzlecloud couldn't hear her. Larkswoop gestured towards the medicine den with her tail while looking at Silverpaw.

''Go fetch Drizzlecloud from her den, if she's there. If she's not yet Springpaw is, then bring Springpaw instead.''

Larkswoop's hind leg looked.....crooked, to say the least. The warrior knew it was broken and that she should stay off of it, but she needed Drizzlecloud or Springpaw to look at it first.


Rainstar is RippleClan's current leader. She has an open-den policy.

Rainsplash is HeatherClan's 'Wild Cats' Section Leader. She has an open-den policy.

Owlswoop is ValleyClan's current deputy.
Yes, Lark Swoop. He Purred, His Claw Ached But That Wasn't Important. What Was; His Mentor's Leg. DrizzleCloud! Springpaw! He Called, Running In Their Den's Direction.
SilverPaw Is ThunderClans Mangled Tripod. If He Is Needed, Mention Me!
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Old January 26th, 2024, 03:54 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

•° Timberkit °•
Dreamwalker • Flock Together I • Kitty Softpaws

The little calico kit was currently entertaining herself by scampering under other cats paws, dodging and weaving before jumping into snow piles! The snow was big and she was small, which meant she could bury herself in the cold powdery pile and wait. And listen. And watch. Before ultimately jumping out and starting the whole cycle again!

This time, as she jumped out of a pile of snow, though, she let out he tiniest of sneezes and began to realize she was a bit chilly. She also realized that she'd jumped out at a big, kiiiinda scary-lookin' guy. Timberkit leapt backwards with a tiny mrrp! She blinked at him once, then twice, then sat down. "Whatcha doin'?"

// @Starfall \\

there's courage in being terrified, but still going forward.

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Old January 26th, 2024, 08:10 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

ThunderClan Kitshe/her3 moons
chatty • daydreamer • odd

Grovekit padded up to the fresh-kill pile to find something to eat. It was surprisingly plentiful considering it was the middle of leafbare, but Grovekit wasn't old enough to know any different. She sniffed at a thrush, then considered a small robin. She wasn't too much a fan of feathers. She moved it aside, then drew back in surprise as her nose touched on something icy cold.

Below the robin was a skinny mouse that was practically frozen solid. I wonder if it can still be eaten, Grovekit thought to herself. With a shrug, she picked up a shrew in her little jaws instead, and turned to move elsewhere. It wasn't her business.

( open )

No you have a good day!
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Old January 26th, 2024, 09:42 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing


Sunglow, Salamanderkit, and Curltail existed.

Foxglovestar is BerryClan's current Leader. She has an open den policy.

Larkswoop is a ThunderClan Warrior. If she is needed, mention me.
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Old January 27th, 2024, 12:59 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

___...*| Pudgekit |*...___
[ He/Him - Thunderclan Kit - 2 moons ]

Stumbling out of the nursery the young black tom with the one white spot on his chest tripped over his feet as he moved around the camp. Every time he tripped he just got right back up. After a while, he decided to slow himself down a bit. Then he saw another kit nearby and hurried over to them wanting to play. "Wanna play a game? There's Mossball, Hide and seek or we can pretend to be warriors.", he meowed with excitement. The chubby kit jumped up and down. He hadn't played any of those games, but they sounded like a lot of fun. Pudgekit wanted to try one of them. Though he hadn't realized she was getting ready to eat something.

[ @Collieheart; ]

Marigoldpaw(leap) is my main character and is currently a Shadowclan Apprentice if anybody wants to roleplay with her or has a small plot they need an extra cat for. If you do just mention me in a post no need to ask and I'll reply whenever I can. Also if its a plot vm me what it is, so I'm not confused.

Last edited by Madelaine; January 27th, 2024 at 01:00 AM.
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Old January 27th, 2024, 08:52 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Nightgaze sat.

Nightgaze kit finder!

Please tap on the eggs and small dragons!^^
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Old January 27th, 2024, 10:19 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Clearing

Wildtwist sat
x ghostie is haunting this signature
Bean's favorite staff member Lillian was here
lio sneezed here (achoo)
you see crude graffiti... it spells "velli wuz here"
Rose caught the sickness (oh dear)
My Soul is in @/Ian's basement with some ice cream
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