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Old March 5th, 2024, 08:06 PM
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Default Re: Lionsbeach

Dusklion - RiverClan Warrior

She was suppose to stay put, she knew it and knew that she would get an ear-full from Cobs afterwards. But Dusklion needed out of camp and away from the battle scene if only briefly. She had headed out of camp limping, going towards Lionsbeach, when a yowl sounded throughout the forest. Against her better judgement and her screaming wounds she bolted onto the sand, only to stop short upon seeing Birchpaw. Oh. What kind of pity party had she stumbled upon? Confusion flickered across her gaze and she gave a snort. "Why all the yowlin'? I thought some cat was bein' attacked out here," she huffed and shook out her fur - wincing as the cobwebs that clung to her wounds shifted a bit. "You're not suppose to be out of camp alone, 'n I figured you'd be out in the territory after you bolted from the den earlier." Limping closer to the warrior-apprentice, the dark tabby raised a brow. "What's up with you lately?"

[ @paris - please note: IC opinions/actions here do not reflect OOC opinions ]

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Last edited by taillow; March 5th, 2024 at 08:07 PM.
Old March 5th, 2024, 08:17 PM
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RiverClan Re: Lionsbeach

Originally Posted by tally View Post
Dusklion - RiverClan Warrior

She was suppose to stay put, she knew it and knew that she would get an ear-full from Cobs afterwards. But Dusklion needed out of camp and away from the battle scene if only briefly. She had headed out of camp limping, going towards Lionsbeach, when a yowl sounded throughout the forest. Against her better judgement and her screaming wounds she bolted onto the sand, only to stop short upon seeing Birchpaw. Oh. What kind of pity party had she stumbled upon? Confusion flickered across her gaze and she gave a snort. "Why all the yowlin'? I thought some cat was bein' attacked out here," she huffed and shook out her fur - wincing as the cobwebs that clung to her wounds shifted a bit. "You're not suppose to be out of camp alone, 'n I figured you'd be out in the territory after you bolted from the den earlier." Limping closer to the warrior-apprentice, the dark tabby raised a brow. "What's up with you lately?"

[ @paris - please note: IC opinions/actions here do not reflect OOC opinions ]

birchbranch art created by @/rust`rock

Birchpaw / Birchbranch
Beefed Up Tier 2, Lyrebirds Lullaby
a pretty, dappled light-brown-and-white she-cat with deep amber eyes
´´Looking like I know what to do with it.´´


Birchpaw just barely lifted her head at Dusklion´s voice, and she winced as she pushed herself into a sitting position.

Closing her eyes, the demoted warrior took a deep breath before speaking.

´´I just wish I were fast enough to have gotten to Frostpetal sooner during the battle,´´ She murmured softly. ´´I feel as if she died because I wasn´t fast enough.´´

The she-cat´s ears lay flat against her head, and she wrapped her tail around her paws as she stared at the ground.

´´Every cat has been so....´´ How would Birchpaw put this? ´´....fussy....lately. I admit that I am one of them, but every cat seems like they want to claw another´s ears off at every face I turn to.´´

´´I feel useless. Like I mean nothing to no one in this....goddamn Clan,´´ Birchpaw hissed, then instantly regretted her words. She turned to Dusklion. ´´I´m sorry. That was rude. I know how much you love RiverClan and Birdsnow. I shouldn´t have said that in front of you.´´

Tail tip twitching, Birchpaw turned back towards the ocean. ´´Sometimes, I wish I could just walk into the ocean and....and drown,´´ She mewed softly. ´´It´s not like any cat wants me here, anyway.´´

Foxglovestar is BerryClan's current Leader. She has an open den policy.

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Old March 5th, 2024, 08:28 PM
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Default Re: Lionsbeach

Dusklion - RiverClan Warrior

Face contorting a bit as Birchpaw brought up the battle, the warrior shook her head. "Don't hold back your opinions because you think they'll hurt my feelins', I've got thicker fur than that," she chuckled with a glance out towards the ocean. Sure she was loyal and dedicated to RiverClan and hearing any cat speak out against them didn't make sense - especially when it was one of their own warriors - but she wasn't naive enough to believe every single one of her Clanmates held the same opinions. "But if I can be blunt here?" Not that she was asking for permission, but this situation reminded her of Kitefly. He had always been so... skittish and unstable in ways that Dusk had to approach his training different. Well, before he -

"Cats die, Birchpaw. It's apart of life. I get that Frostpetal meant somethin' to you, but boltin' from camp? When you know you're under punishment? That's just mouse-brained, 'n you know it." Dusklion gave a shrug of her shoulders. "As far as feelin' useless... well every cat feels like that. At some point, 'least. But have you stopped to ask yourself just how much of your current situation you've gotten yourself into?" Turning her piercing gaze back to the demoted warrior, she continued, "You were at the meetin' when Birds announced harsher punishments, you had ears, 'n yet ever since you were given what in my opinion was a lighter sentence than I've seen handed down before you've thrown fits, 'n made it everyone else's problem instead of just... ownin' up to it. You're a warrior, for stars sake, not some blubberin' kit." Okay maybe this wasn't a smart idea, but stars if she heard one more string of words of Birchpaw playing the victim in a situation she had created, she was going to claw her own ears off.

Immediately the task of walking into the ocean was dismissed with another snort. She wasn't going to bother playing into that. "I gotta bring you back to camp, or it's my hide 'n I don't want to necessarily piss Birds off, nor do I want to give her any unnecessary trouble. So come on." With that she jerked her head to start the walk back to camp. Hopefully the demoted warrior would simply come along, because right about now the adrenaline Dusk had found to come out here was wearing off and her wounds were making it difficult to walk.

"I do have a question though - why stay here if you feel that way? No cats keepin' you here, you're free to leave 'n join another Clan if you want. You don't sound all that giddy to be here if all it takes is a lenient punishment to get your fur in a bunch." Dusklion turned to look at Birchpaw as she waited for an answer, hoping the she-cat had followed her out of the beach.

[ @paris ]

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Last edited by taillow; March 5th, 2024 at 08:29 PM.
Old March 5th, 2024, 08:41 PM
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RiverClan Re: Lionsbeach

Originally Posted by tally View Post
Dusklion - RiverClan Warrior

Face contorting a bit as Birchpaw brought up the battle, the warrior shook her head. "Don't hold back your opinions because you think they'll hurt my feelins', I've got thicker fur than that," she chuckled with a glance out towards the ocean. Sure she was loyal and dedicated to RiverClan and hearing any cat speak out against them didn't make sense - especially when it was one of their own warriors - but she wasn't naive enough to believe every single one of her Clanmates held the same opinions. "But if I can be blunt here?" Not that she was asking for permission, but this situation reminded her of Kitefly. He had always been so... skittish and unstable in ways that Dusk had to approach his training different. Well, before he -

"Cats die, Birchpaw. It's apart of life. I get that Frostpetal meant somethin' to you, but boltin' from camp? When you know you're under punishment? That's just mouse-brained, 'n you know it." Dusklion gave a shrug of her shoulders. "As far as feelin' useless... well every cat feels like that. At some point, 'least. But have you stopped to ask yourself just how much of your current situation you've gotten yourself into?" Turning her piercing gaze back to the demoted warrior, she continued, "You were at the meetin' when Birds announced harsher punishments, you had ears, 'n yet ever since you were given what in my opinion was a lighter sentence than I've seen handed down before you've thrown fits, 'n made it everyone else's problem instead of just... ownin' up to it. You're a warrior, for stars sake, not some blubberin' kit." Okay maybe this wasn't a smart idea, but stars if she heard one more string of words of Birchpaw playing the victim in a situation she had created, she was going to claw her own ears off.

Immediately the task of walking into the ocean was dismissed with another snort. She wasn't going to bother playing into that. "I gotta bring you back to camp, or it's my hide 'n I don't want to necessarily piss Birds off, nor do I want to give her any unnecessary trouble. So come on." With that she jerked her head to start the walk back to camp. Hopefully the demoted warrior would simply come along, because right about now the adrenaline Dusk had found to come out here was wearing off and her wounds were making it difficult to walk.

"I do have a question though - why stay here if you feel that way? No cats keepin' you here, you're free to leave 'n join another Clan if you want. You don't sound all that giddy to be here if all it takes is a lenient punishment to get your fur in a bunch." Dusklion turned to look at Birchpaw as she waited for an answer, hoping the she-cat had followed her out of the beach.

[ @paris ]

birchbranch art created by @/rust`rock

Birchpaw / Birchbranch
Beefed Up Tier 2, Lyrebirds Lullaby
a pretty, dappled light-brown-and-white she-cat with deep amber eyes
´´Looking like I know what to do with it.´´


Getting to her paws, Birchpaw followed Dusklion, slowing her pace to match the older warrior´s. They were both injured and should be taking it easy.

´´I´m not sure why I´ve stayed,´´ She meowed after a moment of hesitation. ´´I think it has something to do with Larkstar. After her disappearance, I´ve felt like I am....´´

The she-cat gave a whisk of her white tail as she searched for the word she was looking for. ´´...Like I am destined to be a part of RiverClan, if you know what I mean.´´ Birchpaw turned her gaze to Dusklion.

´´I don´t know what it means exactly, but I´ve been trying my best to figure it out,´´ The RiverClanner continued. ´´though it´s hard trying to find something out when you have threats on all sides of you.´´

´´ThunderClan and WindClan, mostly, but ShadowClan, too, even if they haven´t been as much of a bother.´´

Birchpaw lifted a paw and waved it in the air for a moment. ´´It´s hard knowing that your Clanmates are slowly turning on you, too. From within. Life without a proper leader is hard - not saying that Birdsnow isn´t a proper leader,´´ She added on quickly. Birchpaw didn´t want to start a fight with the one warrior who was actually letting her confide in them - even if Birchpaw knew she would probably regret it later.

´´About the punishments, though, you´re right. I was there, but I most likely wasn´t paying attention.´´

´´It´s just that I didn´t expect my first punishment to be as....I don´t want to say harsh, but....as unrelenting as it was,´´ Birchpaw padded on, muscles rippling beneath her pelt.

´´Thank you, Dusklion,´´ The she-cat mewed. ´´I appreciate you letting me confide in you.´´

´´You´d make a great deputy,´´ Birchpaw continued. ´´Most certainly much greater than me. I won´t be surprised if Birdsnow chooses you.´´

Foxglovestar is BerryClan's current Leader. She has an open den policy.

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Old March 5th, 2024, 09:01 PM
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Default Re: Lionsbeach

Dusklion - RiverClan Warrior

"Well, the punishment may've been harsh, but are you going to repeat what got you punished in the first place?" There was a gleam in Dusklion's eyes as she glanced at Birchpaw. "If the answers no, then the punishment served it's purpose. 'N I'd consider yourself lucky it was just demotion. I've heard tales of cats getting exiled for failin' to complete and report their patrols. There's a reason behind it," she added on as an afterthought. "If you're on a border patrol, or a huntin' patrol, 'n don't report back, all the effort that went into assignin' it in the first place is for nothin'. 'N you don't strike me as the type to discredit the work of others." Or maybe she was, Dusklion didn't know this cat beyond the fact that they'd managed to piss her brother off so much, as well as most of the Clan.

Dusk hummed thoughtfully to herself as they made their way back towards camp, careful to not trip over any fallen logs or get a paw twisted in a hole. "Threats are the way of Clan life - if you don't want threats, I'd suggest findin' a nice twoleg den to warm yourself in at this point." She gave a shrug of her shoulders, wincing as her injured one flared up again. "'N by the way, your Clanmates aren't turnin' on you, so cut it with that mouse-dung," she snapped, shooting a sharp look towards Birchpaw. "You got yourself into this mess, 'n its gotta be you who gets yourself out. Placin' blame for your life on others is gonna do nothin' but piss you 'n everyone around you off." As blunt as she was being, Dusk had some hope that her words were making it through. She was tired, exhausted, and really had no idea if any of this was helping. She wasn't exactly the comforting type.

Another head tilt. "Well there you go. Not payin' attention. That wasn't Birds fault - that was your own. Instead of whinin' about it, own up to it. That's what a warrior does," she replied, this time her tone less harsh. Maybe it was because of the way her wounds were screaming at her in pain that she wasn't as rough-edged as she normally was. Or maybe it was due to the fact that she could relate a little to what Birch had been feeling on the beach. "You got what, a quarter moon left? Suck it up, get it over with, 'n just be a productive member of the Clan. Havin' different opinions is fine - stars knew I had a few back when Floppy Fish was our leader-" how that dog attack was handled poorly was one "-but disrespectin' your Clanmates, bein' nothing but rude and argumentative when it was you in the wrong?" Dusklion shook her head and looked up ahead on the path.

"Sure, what else are Clanmates for?" She offered a flick of her ear, having learned her lesson last time with her shoulders. "Don't get me wrong - your antics haven't exactly impressed me, but you've got fire in you. You just gotta stop usin' it to burn down your own Clanmates." Dusk tossed a glance her way, as if trying to figure out what else to say. Before she could though, Birchpaw was telling her she would make a great deputy and the rest of what she meant to say was thrown out the window. "Well yeah, 'course I would," she huffed, making a point to puff out her chest. "I may not've been born here, but I'd love nothin' more than to whip this Clan back into shape - back how it was before when we were lead by Lions - Lionstar." The inflation of her ego pushed out any pain in her wounds and Dusk grinned. "Though you might come to regret those words if I do become deputy. Demotion 'n chores won't be the punishment for unreported patrols - I'm thinkin' sending cats who fail to report out on their own to think over their mistakes. So careful what you wish for." There was a lighthearted way of her words after that, meant as a half joking manner.

[ @paris - uh oh, birch has made the mistake of fueling dusk's ego with the deputy comment ]

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Old March 5th, 2024, 09:12 PM
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RiverClan Re: Lionsbeach

Originally Posted by tally View Post
Dusklion - RiverClan Warrior

"Well, the punishment may've been harsh, but are you going to repeat what got you punished in the first place?" There was a gleam in Dusklion's eyes as she glanced at Birchpaw. "If the answers no, then the punishment served it's purpose. 'N I'd consider yourself lucky it was just demotion. I've heard tales of cats getting exiled for failin' to complete and report their patrols. There's a reason behind it," she added on as an afterthought. "If you're on a border patrol, or a huntin' patrol, 'n don't report back, all the effort that went into assignin' it in the first place is for nothin'. 'N you don't strike me as the type to discredit the work of others." Or maybe she was, Dusklion didn't know this cat beyond the fact that they'd managed to piss her brother off so much, as well as most of the Clan.

Dusk hummed thoughtfully to herself as they made their way back towards camp, careful to not trip over any fallen logs or get a paw twisted in a hole. "Threats are the way of Clan life - if you don't want threats, I'd suggest findin' a nice twoleg den to warm yourself in at this point." She gave a shrug of her shoulders, wincing as her injured one flared up again. "'N by the way, your Clanmates aren't turnin' on you, so cut it with that mouse-dung," she snapped, shooting a sharp look towards Birchpaw. "You got yourself into this mess, 'n its gotta be you who gets yourself out. Placin' blame for your life on others is gonna do nothin' but piss you 'n everyone around you off." As blunt as she was being, Dusk had some hope that her words were making it through. She was tired, exhausted, and really had no idea if any of this was helping. She wasn't exactly the comforting type.

Another head tilt. "Well there you go. Not payin' attention. That wasn't Birds fault - that was your own. Instead of whinin' about it, own up to it. That's what a warrior does," she replied, this time her tone less harsh. Maybe it was because of the way her wounds were screaming at her in pain that she wasn't as rough-edged as she normally was. Or maybe it was due to the fact that she could relate a little to what Birch had been feeling on the beach. "You got what, a quarter moon left? Suck it up, get it over with, 'n just be a productive member of the Clan. Havin' different opinions is fine - stars knew I had a few back when Floppy Fish was our leader-" how that dog attack was handled poorly was one "-but disrespectin' your Clanmates, bein' nothing but rude and argumentative when it was you in the wrong?" Dusklion shook her head and looked up ahead on the path.

"Sure, what else are Clanmates for?" She offered a flick of her ear, having learned her lesson last time with her shoulders. "Don't get me wrong - your antics haven't exactly impressed me, but you've got fire in you. You just gotta stop usin' it to burn down your own Clanmates." Dusk tossed a glance her way, as if trying to figure out what else to say. Before she could though, Birchpaw was telling her she would make a great deputy and the rest of what she meant to say was thrown out the window. "Well yeah, 'course I would," she huffed, making a point to puff out her chest. "I may not've been born here, but I'd love nothin' more than to whip this Clan back into shape - back how it was before when we were lead by Lions - Lionstar." The inflation of her ego pushed out any pain in her wounds and Dusk grinned. "Though you might come to regret those words if I do become deputy. Demotion 'n chores won't be the punishment for unreported patrols - I'm thinkin' sending cats who fail to report out on their own to think over their mistakes. So careful what you wish for." There was a lighthearted way of her words after that, meant as a half joking manner.

[ @paris - uh oh, birch has made the mistake of fueling dusk's ego with the deputy comment ]

birchbranch art created by @/rust`rock

Birchpaw / Birchbranch
Beefed Up Tier 2, Lyrebirds Lullaby
a pretty, dappled light-brown-and-white she-cat with deep amber eyes
´´Looking like I know what to do with it.´´


Birchpaw winced at Dusklion´s brisk words and barbarous tone. She knew she would have regretted confiding in the warrior.

On the other paw, perhaps Dusklion was right. But she didn´t have to be so upfront about it. Coulda been kinder.

´´I got punished for ´leaving Marigoldleap behind´ - despite the fact she followed Mothcrash and I out of the clearing and then bailed on us - and ´taking over the patrol´ whenever all I did was suggest some herbs to be found - since Fadingsun never named which ones - and suggested places to find them,´´ She answered, keeping her voice friendly. ´´Then Mothcrash fell into the river from a tree and I had to save his tail. Main reason why the patrol wasn´t reported.´´

Birchpaw let out a low growl. ´´I got the worst of the punishment, too. Mothcrash got let off easy.´´

Fear flickered in the RiverClanner´s deep amber gaze for a quick moment. Maybe Fadingsun would be a better choice - or Dusklion would be just as bad.

´´That´s pretty ruthless, Dusklion..´´ It would be a mistake saying that line and Birchpaw knew it. But it needed to be said.

Birchpaw´s ears flattened a little bit and she stepped backward. ´´O-On second thought, I´ll hunt for the elders while I´m out here. That´s part of my chores.´´

Birchpaw turned back towards the trees. ´´Stay or go. I don´t mind.´´

The demoted warrior bounded off in the direction of Haven Springs. Didn´t matter whether or not there were still foxes there. The Beefed Up she-cat could take them down easily.

[ dusklion would be pretty cool lolz - but now, with her response, youve got me rethinking that choice /jjjjjj ]

Foxglovestar is BerryClan's current Leader. She has an open den policy.

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Last edited by isla; March 5th, 2024 at 09:18 PM.
Old March 5th, 2024, 09:19 PM
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Default Re: Lionsbeach

Dusklion - RiverClan Warrior

She didn't quite care much for being called ruthless, especially when the warrior knew her intentions. The comment was easy to shrug off. But as the demoted warrior stepped back, Dusklion sighed. "Oh for stars sake, Birchpaw." Had her words meant nothing? Had she wasted all of that breath? Knowing she was going to regret this, the warrior dashed after her, feeling little trickles of blood dropping down her leg. "WAIT UP!" if the demoted warrior wasn't going to listen, then the least Dusk could do was stick with her so she wasn't out camp alone. "You want to get demoted to a kit? Run off like that again, 'n the first thing I'm doin' is going straight to Birds." Her tone was serious as she tried to catch up with her Clanmate - difficult, given her injuries.

[ @paris - you're welcome to have birch continue to run off, as dusk will not be able to catch her unless she slows down, however if she does dusk will be reporting this to birdsnow! ]

dusklion is riverclan's deputy; if you need her, mention me!
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Last edited by taillow; March 5th, 2024 at 09:20 PM.
Old March 5th, 2024, 09:31 PM
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RiverClan Re: Lionsbeach

Originally Posted by tally View Post
Dusklion - RiverClan Warrior

She didn't quite care much for being called ruthless, especially when the warrior knew her intentions. The comment was easy to shrug off. But as the demoted warrior stepped back, Dusklion sighed. "Oh for stars sake, Birchpaw." Had her words meant nothing? Had she wasted all of that breath? Knowing she was going to regret this, the warrior dashed after her, feeling little trickles of blood dropping down her leg. "WAIT UP!" if the demoted warrior wasn't going to listen, then the least Dusk could do was stick with her so she wasn't out camp alone. "You want to get demoted to a kit? Run off like that again, 'n the first thing I'm doin' is going straight to Birds." Her tone was serious as she tried to catch up with her Clanmate - difficult, given her injuries.

[ @paris - you're welcome to have birch continue to run off, as dusk will not be able to catch her unless she slows down, however if she does dusk will be reporting this to birdsnow! ]

birchbranch art created by @/rust`rock

Birchpaw / Birchbranch
Beefed Up Tier 2, Lyrebirds Lullaby
a pretty, dappled light-brown-and-white she-cat with deep amber eyes.
´´Looking like I know what to do with it.´´


Upon hearing her Clanmate´s words, Birchpaw slowed to let the older warrior catch up. She was already in enough trouble - and possibly more.

The first thing Birchpaw noticed when she turned to Dusklion was the blood dripping down her leg. The molly winced, knowing she had caused the wound to reopen because Dusklion had ran off after her.

Searching around the clearing, Birchpaw spotted cobwebs high up in a nearby tree.

Memories of Mothcrash´s incident flashed through her mind, but the demoted warrior shook them off. She wouldn´t end up like he did.

Tail lashing determinedly, Birchpaw raced to the tree. She sprang from branch to branch, avoiding the trunk at all costs. She was climbing like a ThunderClan cat though she was RiverClan from head to toe.

Scooping up the cobwebs of a light-brown-and-white forepaw, the RiverClanner launched herself down the trunk and onto the ground, landing gracefully. With a glance at Dusklion, Birchpaw padded back over.

´´You should probably sit down so I can apply these properly,´´ She instructed, voice firm yet gentle. Cobwebs was a basic herb that all warriors, apprentices, and kits knew.

Birchpaw crouched, gently applying the cobwebs to the reopened wound on Dusklion´s leg. Then, she applied a bit of pressure to hopefully stop the bleeding. The demoted warrior then took the rest of the cobwebs she had grabbed and applied them to wounds slick with herb poultices where the old cobweb plasters had fallen off.

´´Does that feel any better?´´ Birchpaw stepped back and tilted her head, inspecting her job of bandaging. ´´I tried my best not to cause you too much pain.´´

Foxglovestar is BerryClan's current Leader. She has an open den policy.

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Old March 5th, 2024, 09:43 PM
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Default Re: Lionsbeach

Dusklion - RiverClan Warrior

Panting and slowing down before Birchpaw turned around, Dusklion was left with her sides heaving, pain rocketing through her body, and her head turned down. Everything felt a bit off, nausea making her stomach roll. She needed to get back to camp, or lie down, or something. Black dots sparkles in her vision and she staggered sideways before catching herself. The pain itself had snapped her patience in half, and gone was the understanding Dusklion.

As Birchpaw approached her, Dusk let out a sharp hiss but allowed the leg to be wrapped, her haunches effectively slamming down against the ground. Lifting her head, she shot a glare towards her Clanmate. "I tried to help you, you inconsiderate fox-heart, 'n you run off like some stubborn kit who got an earful," she snapped breathlessly. Pushing herself shakily to her paws, the dark tabby gave a weak lash her tail. "All you want to do is blame others for your problems 'n go around disobeying. You know what?" Anger reared its ugly head in her chest as she glared at the demoted warrior, wondering why there were two of her now. "If that's all... you want.."

. . . Immediately turning from Birchpaw, Dusklion hobbled over to the nearest patch of undergrowth where the contents in her stomach were emptied out onto the ground. She fought the wave of unconsciousness that rolled over her, memories of the last time she had been this injured flickering in her mind. "If you want... to disobey... 'n disrespect RiverClan..." she huffed, lifting her head to fix the cat with a disappointed glare, "...then by all means, don't let me stop you."

She was tired of this. She had come out here and found Birchpaw, and probably could've been much more rugged in returning the warrior to camp. But no. She had tried to offer her some words of advice, maybe make her see the error of her ways. All she wanted to do now was go home. "Either you return to camp with me... or you go off 'n do your huntin'. I'm done tryin' to play nice with you." This had been a mistake. Dusklion cast one last glare towards the demoted warrior before limping heavily back to camp. Stars above, she hoped she didn't pass out before getting back into the warrior's den.

[ @paris - unfortunately because her wound got reopened trying to chase after birch, her patience is gone and she'll be returning to camp. it's up to you if you want birch to follow her back or remain out here! ]

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RiverClan Re: Lionsbeach

Originally Posted by tally View Post
Dusklion - RiverClan Warrior

Panting and slowing down before Birchpaw turned around, Dusklion was left with her sides heaving, pain rocketing through her body, and her head turned down. Everything felt a bit off, nausea making her stomach roll. She needed to get back to camp, or lie down, or something. Black dots sparkles in her vision and she staggered sideways before catching herself. The pain itself had snapped her patience in half, and gone was the understanding Dusklion.

As Birchpaw approached her, Dusk let out a sharp hiss but allowed the leg to be wrapped, her haunches effectively slamming down against the ground. Lifting her head, she shot a glare towards her Clanmate. "I tried to help you, you inconsiderate fox-heart, 'n you run off like some stubborn kit who got an earful," she snapped breathlessly. Pushing herself shakily to her paws, the dark tabby gave a weak lash her tail. "All you want to do is blame others for your problems 'n go around disobeying. You know what?" Anger reared its ugly head in her chest as she glared at the demoted warrior, wondering why there were two of her now. "If that's all... you want.."

. . . Immediately turning from Birchpaw, Dusklion hobbled over to the nearest patch of undergrowth where the contents in her stomach were emptied out onto the ground. She fought the wave of unconsciousness that rolled over her, memories of the last time she had been this injured flickering in her mind. "If you want... to disobey... 'n disrespect RiverClan..." she huffed, lifting her head to fix the cat with a disappointed glare, "...then by all means, don't let me stop you."

She was tired of this. She had come out here and found Birchpaw, and probably could've been much more rugged in returning the warrior to camp. But no. She had tried to offer her some words of advice, maybe make her see the error of her ways. All she wanted to do now was go home. "Either you return to camp with me... or you go off 'n do your huntin'. I'm done tryin' to play nice with you." This had been a mistake. Dusklion cast one last glare towards the demoted warrior before limping heavily back to camp. Stars above, she hoped she didn't pass out before getting back into the warrior's den.

[ @paris - unfortunately because her wound got reopened trying to chase after birch, her patience is gone and she'll be returning to camp. it's up to you if you want birch to follow her back or remain out here! ]

birchbranch art created by @/rust`rock

Birchpaw / Birchbranch
Beefed Up Tier 2, Lyrebirds Lullaby
a pretty, dappled light-brown-and-white she-cat with deep amber eyes
´´Looking like I know what to do with it.´´


At the word inconsiderate, anger hardened Birchpaw´s gaze, and it soon turned to rage.

´´Inconsiderate?´´ The RiverClanner hissed. ´´I just patched up your wound - and rebandaged the rest of them - and you dare call me inconsiderate?´´ Birchpaw´s ears flattened and she bared her teeth in the beginnings of a snarl, though she kept her claws sheathed.

´´You´re lucky that I´m even helping you back to camp right now, you ungrateful mouse-brain,´´ The dappled molly grunted, stepping forward and letting Dusklion lean on her shoulder so she could help her back to camp. The elders could be hunted for later. Right now, Dusklion needed medical attention.

´´Don´t you dare think about going to the warriors´ den when we get back. You´re going straight to Cobwebpaw. Maybe she´ll chew your ears for disobeying her.´´ Birchpaw whisked her tail, walking slow.

[ sorry to tell you, talls, but you had dusk walk right into that /lh ]

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