★ " Chaos in the midst of chaos isn't funny, but chaos in the midst of order is. " ☆
★ ' Welcome to your life.
theres no turning back ' ☆
Gender & Sexuality
Amab, He/Him, Demisexual.
★ ' Even while we sleep,
we will find you.
Acting on your best behavior,
turn your back on mother nature, Everybody Wants To Rule The World.. ' ☆
Lux is a shorter, black Tom with scruffy fur and white around his muzzle, tail, and paws that's bordered by a dark brown color. he has Heterachromia, his left eye being a dark brown and his right being a lighter blue. he has a small scar on his muzzle from previous shenanigans, and a small scratch on his black right paw.
★ ' its my own design,
its my own remorse,
help me to decide, ' ☆
Age & Role
He is 4 moons old, and his role would be young.
★ ' Help me make the
most of freedom,
and of pleasure,
nothing ever lasts forever, Everybody Wants to rule the world ' ☆
Lux is chaotic, and loves causing trouble. He loves making friends, and is super energetic, but has trouble talking to people. he views his emotions as 'Stars', and most think he may be mentally ill. he gets confused easily, but hates asking questions. when he's nervous, he starts talking faster, and talking more, about what? how could he know. he has trouble with rambling too much and fears people won't like him because of how much he speaks. he isn't much of a bully, he just gets himself into bad situations a lot of the time, and has trouble listening to older cats. he makes himself smaller when he's afraid, and in a fight or flight situation - he does neither - he freezes up. he needs help to figure out how to control his emotions and learn what to do in bad scenarios, which will hopefully happen as he gets older.
★ ' Theres a room where the light won't find you,
holding hands while the walls come tumbling down,
when they do, i'll be right behind you. ' ☆
Tw: Slight mention of death <3
Lux's mother was found dead, with him as a small kit at her Side. He was taken into the Atari, and doesn't remember anything about his mother or that night. he looks only a bit like his mother.. but.. his father was never found. overall, since then, he's grown a bit, and is definitely gonna be a work in progress for a while.
★ ' So glad we've almost made it,
so sad they had to fade it, everybody wants to rule the.. ' ☆
Lux is probably going to have some issues as he gets older, but he'll eventually become a decent member of the Atari! I spent a bit writing this out, and I hope ya check out the song
★ 'I can't stand this indecision
Married with a lack of vision
Everybody wants to rule the—
Say that you'll never, never, never, never need it
One headline, why believe it? Everybody wants to rule the world ' ☆
CLAN - Atari
RANK - Young
AGE - 5 Moons
GENDER: Female
FAMILY: Deceased
Ma’at comes from a lineage of honorable Atari cats. Traditional, proper, orderly, and disciplined, Ma’at is a bit of a diva. She prides herself on her beauty and her heritage. Her family is deceased, and she is the last of her bloodline. She’s also known as cold.
Hi! I need a physical description for the allegiances <3
_____________________________________ ”And there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch by night” ★M e r r y C h r i s t m a s★
DarkPaw is one of ShadowClans Aides. If He is Needed, PM/VM or Mention Me.
Name: slither
Rank: young
Gender: Male
Age: 6 moons
Brief Description (for allegiances): a light grey Tom kinda fluffy with white star speckled markings all over his face and body and one long scar from his right shredded ear to the bottom of his left chin white tipped ears and royal blue eyes.
Gone for a long while I dunno when I’ll be coming back
If you don’t have my email you can still message me here
My Characters thoughts and actions are not mine but theirs.
Please don't quote me during a roleplay unless you place it into spoilers!
Name: Kira Rank: Initiate Description: Gray and black cat with green eyes
Originally Posted by Beanz
Name: slither
Rank: young
Gender: Male
Age: 6 moons
Brief Description (for allegiances): a light grey Tom kinda fluffy with white star speckled markings all over his face and body and one long scar from his right shredded ear to the bottom of his left chin white tipped ears and royal blue eyes.
Both of your characters have been added to the Atari! Be sure to turn on Atari mentions to stay updated! <3
_____________________________________ ”And there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch by night” ★M e r r y C h r i s t m a s★
DarkPaw is one of ShadowClans Aides. If He is Needed, PM/VM or Mention Me.