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Old June 25th, 2021, 07:15 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Topaztaill View Post

He blinked. Didn't she know that he couldn't speak?
Frostpaw blinked back. Was he going to just stand there? He did realize he would have to learn to become a mute warrior at some point, right? Or did he even want to become a warrior? But that would be absurd! Who didn't want to become a warrior.

"Ok, forget about that." If Redpaw didn't want to answer her question then fine
. She would ask a new question. "Do you plan to become a warrior?" This one was just as important, since it would tell her how ambitious Redpaw was - and how much combation he would be.
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Old June 25th, 2021, 08:32 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by FrostCat View Post
Frostpaw blinked back. Was he going to just stand there? He did realize he would have to learn to become a mute warrior at some point, right? Or did he even want to become a warrior? But that would be absurd! Who didn't want to become a warrior.

"Ok, forget about that." If Redpaw didn't want to answer her question then fine
. She would ask a new question. "Do you plan to become a warrior?" This one was just as important, since it would tell her how ambitious Redpaw was - and how much combation he would be.

He cocked his head so slightly, but nodded. He did want to become a warrior! He was just... scared?
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|:| Unnamed |:| Redpaw |:| Miststone |:|
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Old June 25th, 2021, 12:53 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

| White'paw, the ambitious actress of Riverclan |

She'd just returned from being missing, and she was already infuriated. I mean, it was a blessing to no longer have Rumbling'storm as her mentor, but elder duty! The nerve of that new leader, now she remembered why she was so happy without leadership in the clan, even if Lion'storm wasn't great. She'd try to avoid elder duty until it was needed, which I mean, at least she'd be doing her job. Hopefully, after that horrible moon, she'd be able to have a nicer life, maybe become a warrior, she knew how to hunt, she just needed some fighting refreshers, and swimming.

Maybe if her new mentor, who she already forgot the name of, she could do hunting by the waters, that was probably important. By now, she was probably one of the older apprentices, she was what, 10, almost 11 moons? Pathetic, how could she mess up so badly. It was shocking, she actually looked back on her younger self, and hated it, but for all the wrong reasons. Oh well, now she could boost her reputation and her skills, maybe she can try to make some elder friends as well, hm, this was becoming more and more beneficial for her.

| Open for anyone to interact with her, maybe and elder if you want, if multiple people respond I can just have them be seperate rps, or they can be in the same rp, just tell me which one you want!
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Old June 25th, 2021, 01:07 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by WinterRabbit5350 View Post
| White'paw, the ambitious actress of Riverclan |

She'd just returned from being missing, and she was already infuriated. I mean, it was a blessing to no longer have Rumbling'storm as her mentor, but elder duty! The nerve of that new leader, now she remembered why she was so happy without leadership in the clan, even if Lion'storm wasn't great. She'd try to avoid elder duty until it was needed, which I mean, at least she'd be doing her job. Hopefully, after that horrible moon, she'd be able to have a nicer life, maybe become a warrior, she knew how to hunt, she just needed some fighting refreshers, and swimming.

Maybe if her new mentor, who she already forgot the name of, she could do hunting by the waters, that was probably important. By now, she was probably one of the older apprentices, she was what, 10, almost 11 moons? Pathetic, how could she mess up so badly. It was shocking, she actually looked back on her younger self, and hated it, but for all the wrong reasons. Oh well, now she could boost her reputation and her skills, maybe she can try to make some elder friends as well, hm, this was becoming more and more beneficial for her.

| Open for anyone to interact with her, maybe and elder if you want, if multiple people respond I can just have them be seperate rps, or they can be in the same rp, just tell me which one you want!

Flypaw had been sitting around, trying to find something to do when she spotted Whitepaw. Well I have been trying to talk to more people lately. She thought to herself. "Hello" she meowed as she walked over to her. "Would you like to talk?"
Bye bye
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Old June 25th, 2021, 02:03 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by -Skyfall- View Post
@Zesty Mango
{Well, isn't she a peach }

StarClan give me strength and patience. Rainstorm thought with an snarky growl. She stretched, then padded to the camp entrance. Do you know the basics or nothing at all?She asked, fully expecting a sassy retort. At a cat your age, you must have a garbage mentor if you can't fish. She muttered, leading the way towards the river with a couple backwards glances to make sure Webpaw was following.
Webpaw narrowed her eyes at the warrior,” I can swim, I don’t know if that helps in fishing, but that’s the only training I’ve been given, and it wasn’t even taught by my lazy mentor. Who frankly I haven’t seen since I became an apprentice.” she replied smugly
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Old June 25th, 2021, 11:52 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

| White'paw, The Ambitious Actress of Riverclan. |

As her mind got to it's usual dark place, a cat showed up. Was this one of the newer apprentices, she didn't recognize them, to be fair, the only cat on her mind was Rumbling'storm, and for all the wrong reasons. ' 'Of course, I'd enjoy a conversation, I haven't had one outside of talking to Kestral'star about my return.' ' Well, and Kestral'star and Lion'storm were cats she disliked too, every cat on her mind she disliked for some reason. Thank Starclan that tom died.

| @Riverfly sorry for the late reply, I've had a busy day!
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tal was here... and here.... and also here!

Last edited by WinterMara; June 25th, 2021 at 11:52 PM.
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Old June 26th, 2021, 11:03 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by WinterRabbit5350 View Post
| White'paw, The Ambitious Actress of Riverclan. |

As her mind got to it's usual dark place, a cat showed up. Was this one of the newer apprentices, she didn't recognize them, to be fair, the only cat on her mind was Rumbling'storm, and for all the wrong reasons. ' 'Of course, I'd enjoy a conversation, I haven't had one outside of talking to Kestral'star about my return.' ' Well, and Kestral'star and Lion'storm were cats she disliked too, every cat on her mind she disliked for some reason. Thank Starclan that tom died.

| @Riverfly sorry for the late reply, I've had a busy day!

"Ok!" She meowed. "What do you wanna talk about?" Flypaw didn't really have any good idea's in mind for a conversation. She never really had any good idea's.
Bye bye
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Old June 26th, 2021, 04:19 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Shallowkit walked up to Flypaw and asked," What is it like to be a apprentice?"
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Old June 26th, 2021, 08:48 PM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Shallowpool View Post
Shallowkit walked up to Flypaw and asked," What is it like to be a apprentice?"

"Oh?" She turned around to face Shallowkit who had walked up behind her. "Well, its not as awesome and exiting as I imagine being a warrior is, but it is fun. We get to hunt and patrol and hang out with are mentors. But sometimes its not like that. Sometimes it can be lonely and stressful but the best thing to do when that happens is just to think about the positive and look to the bright side." She meowed to the kit. "But judging by your personality I don't think your life as a apprentice-or as a warrior- will be that lonely at all."
Bye bye

Last edited by Riverfly; June 26th, 2021 at 08:48 PM.
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Old June 27th, 2021, 08:33 AM
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Default Re: RiverClan Clearing

If Snakeheart had the good humour and emotional capacity for anything but blank cold furious calculation he probably wouldve actually laughed at that (not done his usually wry but not properly emotional chuckle) but as is he could only really give a flick of his tail in acknowledgement. Stormtalon had a point, some cats really just didnt have forethought and Junipersong headed the charge there, she's the type who'd run into a thorn bush in an open field. As for Kestrelstar.... He was probably correct but the medicine cat doubted the older tom would be pleased even by the most palatable version of this news.

"I do hate wasted time.... Theres nothing good about it."
Waste it was always waste in this life.

"I do think anyone would choose Junipersong over Blizzardsky and they'd be right to do so, I pity the poor souls that'll end up mentoring his kittens Ive heard they were quite like him... If something comes up and I need assistance you'll be the first I call on, good day and good work with the patrol."
With that and a sort of returned dipped head the medicine cat rose and with a swished tail turned on the spot b lining it to his den. Snakeheart had an influx of herbs to sort now and emotions to calm before he talked to Kestrelstar, what a stressful ever busy life.

Crowtooth is Deputy of Windclan, If he's needed mention me at any time~

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