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Oh no! Looks like someone dropped her clovers all over the place! Come help Rose with her search in the Lucky Clover Hunt!
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Old May 20th, 2023, 11:37 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place


The RiverClan border hadn't been checked too recently, as far as Shadowfur could tell, so he figured he ought to take a patrol out there. That was definitely the main reason. Not his paws itching to do something other than wander around the territory and yell at negligent mentors.

He was officially in charge of patrols now, which was... an odd feeling. None of the Enforcers had protested the change, although he wasn't entirely sure if all of them were pleased. Not that he cared... too much. It wasn't like he was going to back down, anyways.

He fleetingly wondered what Mirehound would've said about his decision. She'd been gunning for power in the same way he supposed he was now; would she have resisted his attempt to gain more influence? Would she have outright rejected allowing him to take over patrols?

He'd never know, so there was no point in dwelling on it. Shaking his head to clear it of thoughts he'd rather not have, he glanced around for suitable patrolmates.

First in his sights was his other apprentice, Sagepaw ( @valery ). He needed to get back on training him, too. This could be a good chance to see how he handled patrolling. "Sagepaw!" he called. "Come over here; I want you to join me for a border patrol."

As for a second cat, he supposed Whiteheart ( @Starfinder ) was fine enough. He'd never patrolled with this particular warrior before, so hopefully they were competent. "Whiteheart! Come join Sagepaw and I for a patrol."

( Your cat is required to complete this patrol. If they fail to do so, they will be subject to punishment. This patrol is more low-key than official patrols, in the sense that there isn't a strict deadline. However, I still want to keep it moving along. As such, you will be bumped after four days if it's your turn and you haven't responded. After I bump you, you'll be given an additional two days to respond before you'll be skipped. If I have to skip you twice in a row, your cat may be treated as negligent on the patrol and may be punished.

If you wish to be excused from this patrol, please let me know no later than May 23, 2023, at 11:59 PM ET. Please keep the time zone in mind. Thank you, and reach out if you have any questions or concerns )
Fadingstar is currently RiverClan's leader. He has an open den policy; his den can be found here. If you have any questions or concerns about RiverClan, or any plots to propose, feel free to leave me a VM or DM! Please do not take my characters' IC opinions as reflective of my own.
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Old May 21st, 2023, 09:38 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

@nykyrian @Rose @Trial/Rush

Coming to the attention of Wolfpeak's apparent absence from camp, Elmshadow stepped over to Butterflybrook and called out, "Pumpinglare, you'll be taking over the herb patrol to the Icy Heartlands with Butterflybrook and Coldpaw."

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Old May 22nd, 2023, 10:11 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Punishments

[ Did seven posts in the outskirts including gathering the herbs.]

Thornclaw took and breath before calling out"elmshadow i have gathered the herbs" he said firmly and boldly
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Old May 22nd, 2023, 11:10 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

shadowclan / 175/100
white w/ grey-striped tail, green eyes

Yes, he'd snuck himself a pinecone to bat around. It was extremely satisfying to Sagepaw, so he couldn't find any guilt for acting so childish. Of course, that didn't stop his shoulders from hiking up at the call from his mentor. His head whipped around as he shoved the pinecone away, an inquiry brewing on his tongue. Ah, but his question of "what" was already answered. The tom bounded over, beaming in greeting to Shadowfur. "Where're ya takin' us?" he asked excitedly, his gaze flicking over to look for Whiteheart.

@Cherry~ @Starfinder
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Old May 23rd, 2023, 12:32 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Punishments

Originally Posted by Queen_Coral View Post
[ Did seven posts in the outskirts including gathering the herbs.]

Thornclaw took and breath before calling out"elmshadow i have gathered the herbs" he said firmly and boldly


With his daughter in his den and everything else that had transpired in the days since he'd temporarily exiled the failed patrol members, he was not in the mood for the voice that met his ears. His ear twitched at Thornclaw's bold announcement, as though the warrior wanted a thank you or a congratulations for doing the job he'd been tasked with to begin with. He sighed and turned to face the returning warrior, apparently the only one who had cared to return at all. With a cursory glance over the herbs, he instructed flatly, "Go put them in the herb storage, I'll sort them when I get to it." His eyes narrowed slightly after a brief pause, "And Thornclaw, know that I'm letting you off easy by no effort of your own. If those herbs don't make it to my den or if I hear of you slacking off on patrols again, expect a punishment that you won't recover from. Understood?"

"You're dismissed."

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Old May 23rd, 2023, 02:05 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

Quickly Nightshiver hurried over to Sorrelflare after setting her prey down on the preypile, nerves tying a knot in her stomach for she knew she was late.
"I'm.. sorry for... being.. late"
The white feline mew as she came to halt near the enforcer, swallowing down some nerves. There really was no excuse other than that she got caught up. Stars, please have mercy. She'd never been late on a patrol before, she didn't want to start now and meet the ire that came with it -- but here she was.
"But.. the patrol.. w..went well. We caught... five.. p-pieces.. in total."
Nightshiver dipped her head, both in respect and apology as she continued.
"I'll.. be sure... to be.. more.. punc..punctual next.. time."

[ @perseus. ]


Sleepysunrise is ShadowClan's current Medicine Cat.
She has a Semi-Closed den policy.

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Old May 23rd, 2023, 03:45 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

Originally Posted by Estelle View Post

Quickly Nightshiver hurried over to Sorrelflare after setting her prey down on the preypile, nerves tying a knot in her stomach for she knew she was late.
"I'm.. sorry for... being.. late"
The white feline mew as she came to halt near the enforcer, swallowing down some nerves. There really was no excuse other than that she got caught up. Stars, please have mercy. She'd never been late on a patrol before, she didn't want to start now and meet the ire that came with it -- but here she was.
"But.. the patrol.. w..went well. We caught... five.. p-pieces.. in total."
Nightshiver dipped her head, both in respect and apology as she continued.
"I'll.. be sure... to be.. more.. punc..punctual next.. time."

[ @perseus. ]

Originally Posted by Alchemist Kitsune View Post

| Mousepaw |

"Sorrelie! Sorrelie! We are back, we are back!" Mousepaw chirped, his voice announcing his arrival as he entered the camp ahead of Vixie.

Today had been an odd day. After a slow start, Mousepaw had been so sure they would be late late late. But! But. They managed to make it on time. Or at least, he hoped they had. There was another patrol with prey reporting just now, yayayayayay! Hindquarters wiggling excitedly, the stocky apprentice bounced his way towards the enforcer, looking up at him in a positively delighted mood. Until he remembered he was supposed to be doing a report. Oh! Oh. Right right. Report time, yes yes. Serious business time. Puffing up his chest importantly - that's what serious cats did, yes yes - Mousepaw attempted his best to look stern and stoic, like Fuzzy did, for his most important report.

"Right right! Report report! So! So. When Vixie and I went over to the border, there was a bad smell. Vixie said it was smoke from a fire, mmhmmm. So WindClan must have been on fire, yes? It doesn't seem to be on fire anymore, though. Vixie explained all about fire, and since it's been raining, fire must have gone out, yes yes yes. So now we are back, we are, we are!" the gray tom mewed cheerfully, his attempt at looking professional gone the second he'd started speaking. Catching himself at the last instance, however, Mousepaw turned to look left and right before approaching Sorrelie and whispering in a still far too loud voice, "Is that a good report?"


@perseus. [Sorrelflare] | @Toya Todoroki [Vixenivy]
Originally Posted by Abyssopelagic View Post
A bit late, but whatever.
Honeybite deposited her prey at the preypile before finding Sorrelflare, confident that Blackhawk was still following her. He was perhaps the least irritating patrolmate she'd been chosen so far, which was.... saying a lot, actually.
Everyone annoyed her.
Yet somehow he hadn't. Quite a great cat, then.
"Sorrelflare. My apologies for being a bit late. The prey was especially elusive today, but our patrol was successful. Together, Blackhawk and I brought home 5 prey pieces."

[ @perseus. ; @WhiteDawn ]
Originally Posted by Rose View Post

Returning to camp, Larkfire headed straight to her former mentor, smiling faintly at xem as she neared. "Saltmeadow Marsh has been marked. Both Pinewhisker and Hollowpaw were with me." Having said her piece, the youngest Enforcer waited to be dismissed . . . unless Sorrelflare had something else to say to her.

[ @perseus. - Sorrelflare ]

Sorrelflare hummed lightly at what Larkfire said, giving a quick nod and sent her off. He hummed softly at Honeybite while he did not like the lateness she had only been the second to report he flicked his tail as a way to say”no matter”.

Though a frown came across his face as an apprentice as the one to report the patrol but hummed in interest at the smell of smoke and fire being scented from Windclan he would tell Dawnstar that when he went to tell the queen about how many cats did not report. “Thank you Mousepaw” he said with a nod at the young cat for actually taking the initiative

His gaze the shifted to Nightshiver he shook his head at the lateness but he couldn’t get mad, he was glad at least another patrol reported, “No matter Nightshiver, you at least reported. Just don’t do it another time.”

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Old May 23rd, 2023, 03:53 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place


Coming back into camp, Darkfall marched up to Sorrelflare. ”I am back to report that there were no suspicious activities at the border, however, ThunderClans scent appears faded and I imagine it has been many sunrises since they last marked their side of the border,” The dark tabby said matter-of-factly.
[I’m sooo sorry this is late @perseus. @Wingnettle @Brightstorm☆for character mentions]

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Old May 23rd, 2023, 09:37 AM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Punishments

Originally Posted by Ravensong View Post

With his daughter in his den and everything else that had transpired in the days since he'd temporarily exiled the failed patrol members, he was not in the mood for the voice that met his ears. His ear twitched at Thornclaw's bold announcement, as though the warrior wanted a thank you or a congratulations for doing the job he'd been tasked with to begin with. He sighed and turned to face the returning warrior, apparently the only one who had cared to return at all. With a cursory glance over the herbs, he instructed flatly, "Go put them in the herb storage, I'll sort them when I get to it." His eyes narrowed slightly after a brief pause, "And Thornclaw, know that I'm letting you off easy by no effort of your own. If those herbs don't make it to my den or if I hear of you slacking off on patrols again, expect a punishment that you won't recover from. Understood?"

"You're dismissed."
Thornclaw listened to elmshadow's words. a flat instruction that the tom igured he might get."yes elmshadow i promise to work harder on my duties i hold." he said before walking off to the herb storage
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Old May 23rd, 2023, 06:43 PM
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Default Re: ShadowClan Patrol Place

Originally Posted by Ravensong View Post
@nykyrian @Rose @Trial/Rush

Coming to the attention of Wolfpeak's apparent absence from camp, Elmshadow stepped over to Butterflybrook and called out, "Pumpinglare, you'll be taking over the herb patrol to the Icy Heartlands with Butterflybrook and Coldpaw."

When neither Pumpkinglare nor Coldpaw had arrived even after ShadowClan's dark medicine cat had replaced Wolfpeak, Butterflybrook lifted an eyebrow and cocked her head to eye Elmshadow. "Ya want me to take one of them?" The split-face patterned molly asked, gesturing with a flick of her bushy tail towards her neice - Larkfire - or that one blue-black apprentice that just sulked around camp - Starlingpaw. "I'd really rather go on my own, but dratted rules n all."

Little nightmare, you have beautiful eyes.
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