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Old April 17th, 2024, 09:42 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Littlecloud lay curled up close by the entrance to camp watching his clanmates share tongues or find their own thing to do it felt like a lazy day
StrawberryTansy of Thunderclan

BlackberryStrike of ShadowClan

BeaverTail of RiverClan

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Old April 17th, 2024, 10:06 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

He/him | WC Apprentice Tunneler | Moons: 6 | Purrks: none | Part Manx cat

Rabbitpaw turned his head to listen to Poppysong as the other warrior came over to give her opinion on his offer. Well, yes, he knows that being a healer on a battlefield was very difficult and dangerous but he wouldn't be healing and also doesn't that mean they should have as many paws as possible helping out? He nodded respectfully to Poppysong and then turned to Crowtooth as his mentor spoke. He tried not to look as dejected as he felt, after all it wasn't a flat out no, if Lightningstorm said yes then Rabbitpaw could still help in the fight! The blonde apprentice spoke to his mentor, "Alright, I understand! I'll go and ask her right now." With that the apprentice leapt away, making his way through the crowd and heading towards the medicine den where he thought he could find the medicine cat.

Then his mind brought to the front the memory of his gathering flowers for his friends and he stopped to briefly duck into the apprentice den to dig out the white flower he had gotten while out with Russetnose. Then he returned to his original path, he just figured that he would give his gift right now since he was going to see Lightningstorm anyways. The flower was a bit wilt-y after spending a few days in his nest while he waited for a moment to give it. His green eyes peered around the area before they landed on Lightningstorm and he padded over and set the flower down. He waited until it seemed that Lightningstorm was free, he didn't want to interrupt and be rude!

Rabbitpaw smiled softly, with a touch of nerves, at the medicine cat. Where should he start? "Hello Miss Lightningstorm, I got this flower for you a few days ago and I haven't been able to give it to you," He started and pushed the flower forward to the spotted she, "That's not the only reason though, I was talking with my mentor, Crowtooth, about helping out at the mink fight and he said that I couldn't fight. Then I asked if I could ask if you would need help running herbs around or anything, and he said I could ask you!" The apprentice explained, a bit ramble-y with nerves, which was why he continued on a bit more, unable to help himself. "I am very fast, and I am good at dodging! I don't know many herbs but I am a fast learner and I only need to know what they look like. I just...really, really want to help."

Rabbitpaw ended a bit quieter, but with just as much genuine eagerness to help that he had with everything else he had said. He thought about what Poppysong and Crowtooth said about honor and the minks' aggressiveness. If he couldn't help on the field he would do everything possible in the camp to help with Poppysong's potential herb patrol and he'll check the camp's entrance and guard. The anxiety he felt and the urge to help burned under his pelt and made him squirm a bit, shuffling his paws beneath him. He kept his eyes on the medicine cat, ears forward as he waited for Miss Lightningstorm's answer.

[ +1 Daisy given to Lightningstorm ]
[ @Alchemist Kitsune - Lightningstorm ]

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Old April 17th, 2024, 10:08 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Mosspaw and Willowpaw listen to Twilightstar.

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Old April 17th, 2024, 11:29 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Lightningpaw would listen to Twilightstar sitting with his tail over his paws. Lightningpaw had heard the other cats talk about their uncertainty of trusting Shadowclan and while he might be a bit naive he didn't really feel the same sentiment. At least for now Lightningpaw wanted to believe there was good in Shadowclan but he wouldn't dare let himself not feel some apprehension about Shadowclan. Lightningpaw just wanted to give Shadowclan the chance to prove who they were one way or the other. Until then Lightningpaw would withhold his own judgement. This would be his first battle. Lightningpaw would soon hear Bravebird would be one of the Fury's as well as Rabbitpaws mentor Crowtooth. While Lightningpaw himself had yet to have the chance to meet Crowtooth he knew from how Rabbitpaw his friend spoke about him he had to be a great Warrior. And Bravebird certainly was Lightningpaw remembered his training with her. She was definitely strong and committed to Windclan she too deserved the role. The other cats Lightningpaw didn't yet know but he trusted Twilightstar's judgement. Lightningpaw would then here they were attacking the Minks and taking them down. His claws would grind the earth at the idea of his first battle. Crowstumble hadn't been around for awhile to keep him from doing anything. Lightningpaw was training with other Warriors like Bravebird and stuff for a while now as such Lightningpaw had no one telling him he could or couldn't join this fight. He would fight with the wrath of 100 apprentices for Windclan without question!
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Old April 18th, 2024, 06:09 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

@Alchemist Kitsune
(Sorry if I can't do this ;-; )

Orangepaw gave a gentle cough. Padding up to the medicine cat. "Could I maybe help during the battle? Not with fighting but I mean with herbs?" Orangepaw asked, his tone a bit wheezy as he hadn't had his berry yet that day. Orangepaw's eyes shown with sadness that he couldn't go out and fight, he'd had battle training... the only thing stopping him from fighting was his abnormally small lungs and breathing issues they'd caused. Sighing gently he looked at the medicine cat in hopes, "I-if not could I at least help when they get back? As many times as i've been in the medicine den I'm starting to remember smells and stuff...I-i know how to use dock and cobwebs... maybe I could help with scratches?" He asked in a soft, hopeful mew.

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Willowtail of Riverclan is Tier 3 Beefed up <3

Last edited by SeonghwaBerry; April 18th, 2024 at 06:10 AM.
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Old April 18th, 2024, 08:41 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Wolfkit felt pride for her clanmates... a feeling that seemed a bit unfamiliar given her time away... But She believe'd this feeling would last for a long time.

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Old April 18th, 2024, 08:58 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Bravebird - WindClan Fury
She/her | 45 moons | Beefed Up T3, One with the Warren
Having planned to head out to the territory to see what she could to do shake this grief - or rather, now growing anger - Bravebird's head snapped up at Twilightstar's call. It was unusual for her to call the Clan together in any unofficial capacity, so it drew the lilac lynx-point in with curious blue eyes.

Her first announcement wasn't a surprise; Fallownose had served as her deputy for two season-cycles, and although Brave had her own aspirations she hadn't expected any cat to replace him for quite some time. It was a huge loss, one that was shared by all of WindClan. As her leader continued, speaking of needing help keeping order, she blinked. The Guardians would come back, then? She nodded in agreement, eyes flickering to the sky above briefly before they landed back on her leader. She was sure the gray tom approved of this.

Bravebird had her hopes, and as Twilightstar listed off the names she was both surprised and not to hear hers among them. It cemented within her that her paws were back on the right track after her talk with her leader, as well as the dream - nightmare? - from Blazingstar. Batglare was to be their Lead Fury and Dapplebreeze his Lieutenant. She couldn't help but grin and glance around for her mother in the crowd.

"Can't wait to toss some of those tunnel rats around," the lilac warrior grinned at Twilightstar, bowing her head briefly. "Honored to serve WindClan as best I can." With more cats stepping forward to come together at the call for the patrol, Bravebird weaver her way through the crowd to come stand at Crowtooth's side, sparing a friendly glance towards Rabbitpaw (she had grown found of the young tom since the Gathering) and Poppysong.

"I know we're allied and all," she murmured under her breath to her friend, "but if I accidentally toss a mink into the face of one of those ShadowClan toads? You won't catch me losing sleep over it." Her quip was lighthearted, but she knew Crowtooth would pick up that she was, in fact serious. Glancing at the tom, her grin faltered just a bit. "...Hopefully Fallownose will be there, lending his strength." Then, another glance towards the sky. It felt nice to know that there was, at least, one start up above looking out for them.

[ Crowtooth - @Rani ] [ Twilightstar - @Moonraven ]

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Last edited by taillow; April 18th, 2024 at 08:58 AM.
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Old April 18th, 2024, 11:22 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by MangofDoom View Post

✱ ═ Poppysong ═ ✱

windclan warriornb/demigirl they/them23 moons
tags; @Dolomedes (open to anyone else too)

Poppysong tilts their head up and stands to watch the leader from their perch near the entrance, which they have rarley moved from since… well, they haven’t had a deputy, which it seems their leader is addressing now.

Poppysong winces. Twilightstar has been so calm since Fallownose’s passing, it makes sense they wouldn’t make a rash decision with their next deputy. Poppysong adjusts their paws to lessen the pressure on their right front leg for a moment.

‘Fury’? That’s not a bad idea. Twilightstar certainly needs more help around camp and perhaps this would make disagreements easier to resolve. Poppysong smiles at the new Furies, excited to have a bit more peace around here. Would they have a specific role in battle? Likely not now, of course as- oh! The battle with Riverclan so soon!

Poppysong listens and tilts their head. Shadowclan, right. Poppysong grits their teeth but says nothing. Then-

Why can’t Firestorm come-? Lightningstorm needs help? Poppysong opens their mouth but is cut off by Rabbitpaw. They flick their tail as they limp over to the little apprentice.

”I think you underestimate how difficult being a battlefield medic can be. Especially with non-cat opponents who won’t leave you alone just because you have herbs,” they say, trying to be gentle. Before they can think to regret acting like a random apprentice’s mentor, Poppysong limps a few paces away and sits.

Spiraltail trotted over to Poppysong and sat by her he looked around anxiously do you think will be able to handle the minks?' I know we will have shadowclans help but I'm not so sure about working with them" He flicked his tail over his paws
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Old April 18th, 2024, 11:27 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

✮ Redstrike✮He/Him✮ 20 Moons✮Straight ✮Warrior ✮App: Orangepaw
Redstrike stretched as he leaves the Warrior Den. His nose twitched as he turned towards the fresh-kill pile, his stomach letting out a soft grumble, letting him know he was hungry. He padded over to the pile, and carefully plucked up a rabbit. He went over to a small spot in the sun, to eat his meal.

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Old April 18th, 2024, 11:41 AM
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Default Re: WindClan Clearing

Originally Posted by Tallstar View Post
Spiraltail trotted over to Poppysong and sat by her he looked around anxiously do you think will be able to handle the minks?' I know we will have shadowclans help but I'm not so sure about working with them" He flicked his tail over his paws

✱ ═ Poppysong ═ ✱

windclan warriornb/demigirl they/them23 moons
tags; @Rani [Crow]

Poppysong flinches back from Crowtooth before relaxing. It’s just them, whew, and they agree. Their heart quiets and their nerves relax. They watch Rabbitpaw bound off with a sigh, glad they are at least sort of informed of what they’re getting into.

Poppysong turns to Crowtooth and smiles brightly, nodding. ”That’s a good idea! I’ll ask Lightningstorm what herbs they’ll need and get that started here soon.” Poppysong moves towards Lightningstorm but is interrupted by one Spiraltail.

Poppysong offers a smile to the warrior. ”With the force of the entire clan, and some help from Shadowclan, yes.” Poppysong pauses. ”Shadowclan would find Windclan being indebted to them as more valuable than outright killing us. Especially with their current relationship with Thunderclan.”

(btw tallstar, u dont nees to quote and mention me! And if you highlight the quote and click on the spoiler button, it’ll make it smaller- just some tips! not mad)
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