Basilkit walked along the sides of the nursery, Wide eyed, thinking about something to do with her life, something fun.....A HAH ATTACKING A KI- nope no basilkit no more attacking innocent kits. Ok well plan one for her was gone! She kept thinking, until she thought of a name that sounded very familiar, wolfhive. Yes! She was going to give wolfhive annn uhhhhhhhhh FLOWER! YES! perfect! She would give him a hive but she would get attacked by bees, safer way is the best way for basilkit ever since she lost her little leggy due to mad doggy and bad trappsies.
She then began her "journey" to a random flower, She thought for a moment about what flower to get wolfhive, then she found a "flower" -it was a weed- and it looked nice, it was white and green and ummmm that's it. Well it wasn't the best flower but it'll do! She then grabbed it out of the ground with a tug, bringing the roots with it. She thought the roots were a very nice touch to it! Making it even more special than before! Perfect as always!
She then heard talking by sunkissed creek, hm maybe wolfhive was there! She better go check! She then ran through the short path that led to sunkissed creek. The place her mom took her when she was one moon! She then felt something, something weird coming up her nose something like a sn- ACHOO she jumped back. WHAT WAS THAT????? she thought to her self, was she magic somehow? But she will worry about that later. She then saw wolfhive as she got up close to sunkissed creek, she then started running for him. But turns out she couldn't stop when she got to him. UMPH she knocked into wolfhive, oops! She looked to see if the flower was ok though, it was! She then got up and looked at wolfhive and then the same weird feeling came, the feeling of a sn- ACHOOOOOO oops she sneezed on wolfhive! This is weird! She never sneezes! Well it's probably just her! Oh well! "WOLFHIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! i have a flower for you." she yelled out to him though she was right in front of him. Heh basilkit likes yelling! "It's yours!" she said as she looked up proudly at wolfhive, still holding the flower in her mouth.
@BEAR. -i thought wow the perfect time to make basilkit get sick and to do something she isn't allowed to do! :3-
Where you can find me.. Toyhouse ... Pinterest ... Tiktok
♡ Keep your head up, ignore them ♡
Last edited by PINTO BEAN; September 9th, 2024 at 06:13 PM.
°•. info & relations ✿ they/them ✿ finder coming soon ✿ challenge mode! [skill-perk free] .•°
Beachpaw -
Dang, that scar didn’t seem to be the only thing wrong with Wolfhive. Beachpaw had never seen the guy so lacking in energy. “Hey, so, good training session, right? Do you want to go back?” Really, why they were asking -- they kind of wanted to go back too. This training could wait for another day, so they were more than willing to pitch the thought.
Wolfhive looked like a SLUG. An actual slug. Slow-moving, out of it, and weirdly... goopy. Mucusy. Coughed more than a slug, though.
Oh, ew. That was probably what was the matter. He had the Cough. ... They did not want to get the cough. Could they do battle training without making contact?
“Your face!” they reiterated with a vague motion. “Also, coughs are coming out of it, and that doesn't seem healthy. But you’re all rugged now! Scarred. What happened?”
Brackenclaw- He/Him, 25 moons old, Thunderclan Hornet. Purrks: Just a Scratch.
Brackenclaw was outside the Warriors den enjoying a rare moment of just sitting down and resting. When he saw something odd a... kit leaving the camp. Brackenclaw decided to follow the Lockdown was still in effect and kits shouldn't be leaving the camp. Brackenclaw would just grab the kit and bring them back to the camp. And for Basilkit that's exactly what he would end up doing. Catching up to the tiny... 3 legged kit!?!? With ease. Seriously though what happened to that kits 4th leg. This made it easier to get them he would circle silently from the shadows before the kit could get to Sunkissed Creak he would jump out in front of them. The large menacing Maine Coon would look down at the kit his menacing stare steeled for a scolding. He would for once not care about his deep dark intimidating voice or the way his large frame likely made him seem to tower over the tiny kit. "So Little one what do you think your doing out of camp? You know there is a Camp Lockdown yes? Only those who are Hornets, Deputy, or Bumblestar herself are supposed to be out of camp. Unless you are given permission by a Hornet and escorted. And last I checked Thunderclan didn't have such a tiny Hornet." Brackenclaw scolded allowing his intimidating voice carry weight. Brackenclaw wanted to scare this kit into listening it beat being attacked by predators. If Brackenclaw had to play the bad guy to keep the young safe then so be it. @Otoko (Thunderclan is on a Lockdown due to the predators)
lalalala AHHHHHHHHHHHH she just felt something! WHAT WAS IT???? She jumped up high in the air, tail and fur fluffed out, a little hiss coming from the tripod. She finally made eye contact with the attacke- oh it was just an older cat, well maybe an elder due to all the gray hairs in his fur. Basilkit needs to stop insulting people in her tiny mind for once, how rude this little damn tripod kit is. Anyways back to her situation, her eyes turned out of slits and into big black pupils.....hmmmmm maybe this "elder" would make a good friend, she ready had to put her head up to look at them, they were tall, like that dog that made her run and hurt her leg in a trap, she needed to be more careful.
"Huh? What do you mean lockdown? Well i didn't know about one!" she said as the weird feeling came from her nose once again, this time building up more, like an bom- ACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wow, her nose and whole body really felt that one, she put her paw on her nose just to wipe it and look down at her paw to see this weird thing, like snot thing, oh well no biggie! Anways she needs to get back to talking. "Well! I was taking a flower to big ole wolfhive! He's my bestie westie!" she said as she looked down, to see the flower on the ground squished, aw shucks. "Why are you so tall? How old are you? Why do you have so many grey tufts of fur? Who even are you?" she said with brown big eyes, tapping the hornet's foot in a playful motion. "You must be oldddd!" she said as she sat her little butt down on the warrior's foot.
@Lightningpaw666 -i know i just thought i wouls get some basilkit trouble action in!-
Where you can find me.. Toyhouse ... Pinterest ... Tiktok
♡ Keep your head up, ignore them ♡
Last edited by PINTO BEAN; September 9th, 2024 at 06:14 PM.
art by @/hiraeth Skunkridge- Any Pronouns
32 Moons
Skunkridge gave Raggedear a cheerful nod "Alrighty!" He beamed.
Walking to Sunkissed Creek wasn't troubling, but boy it was just great to be out of camp and moving around in the territory again, even if only to collect some herbs.
So thyme and stinging neeetttlleee....
She sniffed around for a moment, and her nose was pricked by something pointy.
Skunkridge's head jerked up in surprise, before going right back to their usual demeanor once they spotted what it was.
"Found some nettles!" He announced.
lalalala AHHHHHHHHHHHH she just felt something! WHAT WAS IT???? She jumped up high in the air, tail and fur fluffed out, a little hiss coming from the tripod. She finally made eye contact with the attacke- oh it was just an older cat, well maybe an elder due to all the gray hairs in his fur. Basilkit needs to stop insulting people in her tiny mind for once, how rude this little damn tripod kit is. Anyways back to her situation, her eyes turned out of slits and into big black pupils.....hmmmmm maybe this "elder" would make a good friend, she ready had to put her head up to look at them, they were tall, like that dog that made her run and hurt her leg in a trap, she needed to be more careful.
"Huh? What do you mean lockdown? Well i didn't know about one!" she said as the weird feeling came from her nose once again, this time building up more, like an bom- ACHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wow, her nose and whole body really felt that one, she put her paw on her nose just to wipe it and look down at her paw to see this weird thing, like snot thing, oh well no biggie! Anways she needs to get back to talking. "Well! I was taking a flower to big ole wolfhive! He's my bestie westie!" she said as she looked down, to see the flower on the ground squished, aw shucks. "Why are you so tall? How old are you? Why do you have so many grey tufts of fur? Who even are you?" she said with brown big eyes, tapping the hornet's foot in a playful motion. "You must be oldddd!" she said as she sat her little butt down on the warrior's foot.
@Lightningpaw666 -i know i just thought i wouls get some basilkit trouble action in!-
Brackenclaw- He/Him, 25 moons old, Thunderclan Hornet. Purrks: Just a Scratch.
Brackenclaw remained steeled to bring back the kit to camp even if he had to bring Basilkit back kicking and screaming. Brackenclaw would simply meow. "My names Brackenclaw and I am a Hornet and your somewhere where you shouldn't be. Now we are going back to camp is that understood!" Brackenclaw meowed sternly making sure that Basilkit had no way to say no he would reach down to pick her up by the scruff and meow through her fur. "You can say hi to Wolfhive when he returns from where he is." Brackenclaw would meow his dark deep voice made sure to let his displeasure known. Brackenclaw wasn't even that old after all he was a young cat in all actuality. Still in his peak really. @Otoko
art by @/hiraeth Skunkridge- Any Pronouns
32 Moons
Skunkridge gave Raggedear a cheerful nod "Alrighty!" He beamed.
Walking to Sunkissed Creek wasn't troubling, but boy it was just great to be out of camp and moving around in the territory again, even if only to collect some herbs.
So thyme and stinging neeetttlleee....
She sniffed around for a moment, and her nose was pricked by something pointy.
Skunkridge's head jerked up in surprise, before going right back to their usual demeanor once they spotted what it was.
"Found some nettles!" He announced.
Raggedear padded padded along quietly behind Skunkridge, giving a mrrow of laughter when they almost got stung. "Be careful or we'll have to call you Stungstripe." Okay, not his best work, but he laughed regardless. He should start looking as well.
He had a mind to help pluck some of the nettles that Skunkridge had found, but instead wound up slightly stinging his nose with one. Nothing bad, but enough to make him want to steer clear. He would look for thyme instead.
"Ow!" He bit back a yowl cursing under his breath. He had stepped on a tiny nettle patch, stinging his front paw. He forced himself to continue walking, limping slightly. What the hell? Why do plants hurt?
After a moment, a plant similar to what Hollowpaw had described came into view. He sniffed it. Surely this was it, but he hesitated. He'd have Skunkridge confirm first. It sure looked like thyme, but even though it wasn't in the young medicine cat's description, he took no pleasure in the idea that this could be another plant that hurt him. "Hey, Stripe! Check this out- is this thyme?"
With a frown, Raggedear nodded in response and gently nipped at the stems. Relief flooded his body as these ones didn't seem to sting.
[ +3 thyme ]
Before he picked them up in mouth, he looked back up at Skunkridge. "Should we grab more or do you think Hollowpaw will be satisfied with this?" He asked, tilting his head curiously. Not that he couldn't handle the temper of the young medicine cat...he'd just prefer not to be scolded by an apprentice.
Slunkridge's tail twitched cheerfully as he picked of some thyme.
[+2 THYME]
"I fan't thit afyghifg elthe." Skunkridge replied, though her speech was very poor due to all the herbs in her mouth.
She meant to say; 'I can't fit anything else'.
Because it was true, Skunkridge had all they could pick up.