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Old May 30th, 2024, 02:18 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Nursery


Dawnkit, quite simply, was really confused.
She sat still, almost frozen with thought in front of the now completely asleep Rosekit. She had assumed the conversation would go well with a funny remark and a apology, it worked with other cats right? But Rosekit had gotten even madder after mention of his scar. It's almost like he's touchy! And then he'd just flew off the tree like a squirrel with sarcasm and anger. That was a new word Dawnkit had picked up, sarcasm.

Even though he was apparently not in the talking mood anymore (or ever, it seemed) she couldn't help but think this temperamental guy was fascinating! Most other kits were fun to play with, but really sort of dumb. Her jokes went right over their furry heads like moss balls, and they never had anything interesting to say. But this one was so ..new! All Dawnkit had to say was hi and he went into a flurry of madness. It was kinda worrying, and new to be exposed to, but now that she considered it, funny as well. I don't think imma give ups being friends so soon, she thought. But now she was tired as well, and sitting here staring at a kit--a tom as well -- was just weird.

Dawnkit looked for an empty nest, then realized most of the ones in this corner were empty. Rosekit was alone in this corner. He prolly drove all the cats away with his moods. So, giving the nest closest to the tabby a sniff, she settled down to sleep.

(Alternatively, Rosekit could wake up first and notice)
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Old May 30th, 2024, 02:59 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Sweetheart sat in the nursery. She was pregnant with Icefurs kits, and wouldn't stop
complaining about being confined to the nursery. As she was rambling on about how she could walk just fine, Icefur came in. "That's funny. you don't complain like this around me." "bu-" she started, but he cut her off. "Don't worry. You will have our kits
soon and then you can finally stop bothering everyone else with your grating complaints." She gave him a look of love and annoyance at the same time "Well wait until you hear this! Another queen just told me I have to stay in the nursery until they are apprentices! and right now they're not even born yet!"He lay down beside her and with his tail, he motioned for her to stop talking. She laid her head down and went to sleep and he did too. It was obvious that it was going to be a long moon.
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Old May 31st, 2024, 08:44 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Male / 3 1/2 Moons / ThunderClan / Sexuality Unknown
Chocolate-brown and russet tabby Tom with fluffy fur and bright amber eyes, thin scars on his legs and a wide scar shaved across the bottom half of his face that exposes several teeth

Sure, I’ve got half a face, but you’ve got yourself half a brain, so I’m sure we’ll get along just fine, ey?


When small amounts of morning light began to filter into the nursery, shining past Rosekit’s eyelids, the russet tabby tom-kit began to stir and shift. There was the usual burning of his morning-jaw, but it went unnoticed until his eyelids began to rise over his eyes, opening his viewpoint up to the blurry nursery. Rosekit blinked repeatedly, knocking the bits and blurs of sleep fork his vision until he could see his surrounding properly, before sighing. Oh wow. I slept. The chaos of the day before seemed to have been gracious enough to allow him a good-night’s sleep, and he could feel energy coming back into his paws. I s’pose life felt like it and given me enough crap the day before, must’a decided to leave me be for a minute. I’m not complainin’, I love sleep.

Rosekit had almost forgotten about his interaction with Dawnkit overnight, so as he sat upright and slipped up onto all four paws, he wasn’t thinking about the tortoiseshell she-Kit at all. Instead, he stretched and yawned a wide yawn, ears flattening against the back of his head as he did. He ignored the abrupt explosion of stinging that pierced his jaw the moment he began to yawn, amber eyes fluttering back open and and darting around the nursery. He was almost ready for his morning walk around the clearing, and all there seemed to be left to do was fix up his jaw.

I hate this thing, Rosekit thought as he suffered through the usual five-minute routine of making sure it wouldn’t start burning every second throughout the day by stretching, pressing, and shifting it. It was very annoying to deal with, especially knowing that it wasn’t even crooked and shouldn’t be giving him this much trouble. But unfortunately, the issue was causing stiffness to the entire lower half of his face, and his jaw was one of its favorite victims. But the fluffy tom-kit was used to the pain, so he always stayed shut up about the pain, knowing there was little anybody could do about it. It had been looked at once, and once was more than enough, because it was as healed as it was getting. I should be grateful, He decided, sarcastically. He sniffed as he finished the thought, I still HAVE the top of my face left. Now isn’t that something?

Rosekit started to make his way towards the nursery entrance. He was getting rather bored with all of this walking, arguing, bothering, and he wanted something more. Mossball had been pretty interesting, but he would hate to do it every day. It was more of an on-occasion type of event for him. So that left him with one thing left to do after his walk: Find and bother/force a warrior into teaching him something. Rosekit inhaled slowly. How annoying was he getting, constantly asking warriors to do this for him? Maybe I should move on to asking apprentices… he suggested to himself, nearing the nursery entrance/exit. I haven’t really interacted with very many of them yet. Hm, it’s an idea- He stopped just behind the nursery, remembering a little incident form the night before.

Rosekit raised his eyebrows and turned around to look back and aorund the nursery. Right, Dawnkit! The russet tabby tom, slowly but surely, began to remember how he had treated the she-kit the evening before. He felt a slight pull on his heart. Oh, dang it… I got angry with somebody for waking me up. Again. Great… so much for a ‘better reputation.’ Amber gaze filling with irritation and disappointment in himself, Rosekit glanced around until he located his tortoiseshell denmate near the corner he had been sleeping in. He stared at her for one long moment, silent and still, before turning around fully and growling quietly. Great… now I’ve gotta make up for what I said! Maintainin’ the Goodie-Streak hurts, man.

Grumpily, Rosekit changed his course of direction and began to weave his way through the nursery dodging dens, kits, and queens all over again, thinking about the upcoming apology. So Nettlekit hissed at me… that says nothin’ about Dawnkit! Hopefully. An’ if she yells at me for sayin’ sorry, well too bad, the Goodie-Streak mist live on. Goodness Gracious, I hate this so much. So, so much. He jumped over a queen and her kits’ nest, landing directly in front of Dawnkit’s. Standing tall, he watched his shadow fall over her while he proceeded to plot out his apology. I should probably be specific ‘r soemthin’, acknowledge what exactly I did wrong, He suggested to himself. The thought made him want to fall right on back to sleep and give up on it, but he held his ground, and reluctantly, prepared to wake her up. Nobody wants a half-tried ‘sorry’. Then it’ll look like I didn’t mean it. Whatever, let’s just get this over with, I doubt Dawn would be TOO mean.

He grunted to prepare his voice, and awkwardly lifted his paw to nudge it against Dawnkit’s flank. He aimed to shake/nudge her awake as gently as he could, and once he was sure she would be awake to hear his voice, he began. He kept his eyes on the ground as he spoke, unwilling to make eye contact as he spoke. “O-okay. So… sorry ‘bout what I said, I guess. It wasn’t my fault- sorry, no, wrong phrase- uh-” He gave his lip a quick nip of annoyance with himself before snapping back to attention and trying again. “Not what I meant. It was my fault, but I didn’t mean to be rude, I guess. Well, I did but I regret it a bit now… just a bit.” Out of instinct, the natural appearance of his gaze faded into a glare. This was annoying. So keeping the honesty going, he added in a growl, “Freakin’ hate apologies. This sucks.

Rosekit still refused to look at the she-kit. He wasn’t finished- he had told himself that he would acknowledge what all he did wrong during his apology. So pained, he kept going. “I told ya’ to get outta my face, I think. So whoops. Also, I got real’ fired up when you mentioned my jaw. I know, I know… you wouldn’ta known that it was a… a sensitive topic,” He gritted his teeth and cringed at the words, ‘sensitive topic’ but got over it and finished his apology. “So… yeah. My bad, I guess. We can talk now, if you want. But… just don’t wake me up again, ‘Kay? That was still annoying. Rosekit almost stared going on and on in another rant about how, again, the she-kit needed to pay more attention to her surroundings and the moods of cats around her, but he stopped himself and held his tongue. That was enough apologies for one day,and he didn’t want to get himself caught up in a second one. So finally, simple-tones, he added, “‘Kay. Deal?


~ @AriaTheFiremaiden ~

How’s it going?

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Old May 31st, 2024, 10:07 AM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Nursery


Dawnkit awoke to a paw nudging her awake. She blearily sat up, blinking and twitching her tail, until she could clearly see--Rosekit? The tom was sitting in front of her nest, though once he saw she was awake his eyes focused straight on the ground. Huh, spose this is just like last night, with less yelling was her first thought of the day.

She scrambled into a sitting position as the tom started stumbling through an apology, saying it was his fault for yowling at her and other related things. At first Dawnkit wondered if he was being forced to say sorry by a queen or something, but as Rosekit went on she decided it was real enough. And she did want to be friends.

Once he trailed into a stop, Dawnkit responded. "Is' alright! I guess I wasn't thinkin' anyways, that cats would mind if I woke em up. Lessons learned! An' I don't care you was mad at me, spose is' better to see that first than be surprised by it later." She paused, then stepped out of the nest. "My ma doesn't really mind what I does as long as I don't leave camp. Wanna go get fresh-kill?"
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Old May 31st, 2024, 11:33 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Nursery


Amberwhisker was kneading new moss into her nest.

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Old June 1st, 2024, 02:53 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Nursery

@Kacey! (hope its okay if I do a small rp :] I also using this for an activity post as well lol)

Fallingpaw brought in a few plump birds and mice he looked over to the queen and smiled bringing over a mouse and dropping it next to her paws "here you go amberwhisker ." he said kindly before passing the rest of the food out
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Old June 1st, 2024, 08:35 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Nursery


1 Moons | She/Her | Unknown

ThunderClan Kit


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BlossomKit purred, her tail flicking back and forth as she prepared herself to go outside. Outside! For real! She was so excited she might explode. Wait. Could she explode? Oh no.. What if she exploded? It'll.. probably be okay. Pap wouldn't let her explode. If she looked like she might explode Pap would make sure she was okay.
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Last edited by Ladiebugg; June 1st, 2024 at 08:35 PM.
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Old June 2nd, 2024, 07:53 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Nursery


Fallingpaw walked in and sat down outside of any nest he saw a little kit that looked bored so he walked over carefully "Hey wanna play mossball?" he purred
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Old June 3rd, 2024, 05:27 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Nursery

Ivykit slept peacefully.
(whilst I try desperately to get my life together enough to be actually active)
Rest In Peace Jellie
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Old June 3rd, 2024, 10:23 PM
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Default Re: ThunderClan Nursery

《 Chasmkit 》

she/her | Thunderclan kit | 3 weeks

Chasmkit was cleaning herself for a long time.

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