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Old December 4th, 2023, 03:16 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

“I know their scent just wanted to make sure.” Ryefur said indignantly. @Moonraven
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Old December 4th, 2023, 04:41 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Beetlecrest nodded and headed out.

"Do you and Barley have kits?" - Bella

*awkward silence*

"Er... no." - Ravenpaw
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Old December 4th, 2023, 08:58 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Moonraven View Post

Twilightstar sighed softly before shaking her head, unable to hide her aggravation with RiverClan's carelessness. "I've already spoken to Larkstar about this, but it seems that a mere verbal warning is not enough. Not only are they stealing but also damaging what little herbs we have for leaf-bare." She hissed the last bit to herself as her fur bristled.

"Thank you for the report, if you don't mind keeping a close eye on RiverClan's border. If we can catch who's doing it a more severe warning can be given. I'll have to send a patrol to issue a warning in the meantime, I'll add you too if you wish to accompany them."Twilightstar meowed dismissively. If words weren't getting through their heads claws would have to do.

s o f t s o n g
she/her - 97 moons - WindClan - bisexual
Softsong dipped her head. "Of course. And I'd be happy to go on the patrol."
She would make sure to keep a watchful eye on RiverClan - they'd be sure to regret crossing the border.

"Thank you, Twilightstar," she mewed, dipping her head one again before leaving the den.

Last edited by lesbianism; December 4th, 2023 at 08:59 PM.
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Old December 5th, 2023, 03:36 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by FruitBatz View Post

Blizzard / Cow

Blizzard's tail flicked as he tried to maintain his cool, he soon stood up and cleared his throat to speak. “It is more than a mere interest that I have about joining your clan….” He took a deep breath, his country accent sinking into every word he says as his frame towers over the supposed leader. She sounded like a screeching bird in his opinion..but he had to be nice. “I did not come here to kill your kin nor your clan mates. I also did not come to be ridiculed on the contrary…” his heterochromia eyes pinned onto Twilightstar. “My interests of joining this clan is for two reasons… which of one is personal and the other is on what makes the oh so powerful clans better than us. What makes them better than the damned…the pets, the savages, loners, rogues. And I’ll never get that answered if I don’t learn from being in a clan…and dying by being a clan mate.” Blizzard took a deep exhale as he finished, thinking his next words before speaking. “If loyalty, dedication and me dying for this clan is what you want then so be it…” And that was that, he sat back down beside Featherpelt as he nudged him softly. Waiting for him to speak, he felt like he was going to have a sore throat with all that mouthing…but hopefully it made it clear to the Leader he meant no harm nor threat.


Featherpelt - he/him - 21 moons


"Maybe we can come to a sort of compromise? Perhaps you'd like to set up something of a trial? I don't know how to show you but I can vouch personally for his loyalty." he glanced gently to the other cat "He had several instances in which he could kill me, but he didn't. I trust him." he says firmly. This could certainly go awfully, but Featherpelt decided to take a chance

"you idiot. we couldve been.. us."
hope left a banana peel here. careful, don't trip!

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Old December 5th, 2023, 05:07 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den


{ @Moonraven }

Usually Tigermist needs to be called in here. But she was coming with her own free will. And for a special reason.

The tabby orange molly slowly approached the leader's den and stood outside of it. Her belly was pretty swollen, and very noticeable. Her kits kicked more and more over time...

"Um... Twilightstar? Are you available for a few minutes? I just have a question..." She called.
testing my activity. plz don't bother me too much.

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Old December 8th, 2023, 02:37 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

| Dapplebreeze |
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The soft featured warrior soon found herself fluffing up, thick fur on end as her daughter relegated her tale. Oh, it was horrid. To think that those... those... oh, those rats had dared to keep her little bird from the clan! There was a small part of her that blamed herself. She had been patrol leader. She should have stopped Bravebird from heading out alone. But she hadn't... because it was what she would have done. Had she been younger, less wizened by age, the former queen would have bounded off, knowing more cats were no doubt in need of help, confident that her knowledge of the lay of the land would guide both her and any paws she found to safety.

It would have been foolishness. Hard headed pride and stubbornness. Dapplebreeze knew that now. Understood that the fire would consume everything beyond recognition. Scent markers, features upon the landscape, vegetation... gone. Drifting away as nothing more than ashes in the wind. But who was she to tell her daughter that? Who was she to stop the equally stubborn molly from carving her own name and doing all she could for their clan? True, she might be her mother, but more importantly, she was a fellow warrior, and as such, she had to put aside those familial bonds when the time came and trust that everything would be alright. She could only be grateful now that even though the consequences had been dire, her little bird had gotten through it, stronger, and with an even brighter, fervent loyalty for the clan she had sworn her life to.

Despite the sorrow in her heart at the knowledge that her daughter had suffered so, there was unmasked pride. Because she had survived as only a true warrior could. And clearly Twilightstar thought the same, for despite Bravebird's most sensible conclusion that she would have to prove herself to rejoin the clan - as should every cat that came back consider - she was welcomed back in a heartbeat. Praise the moors, perhaps this was a sign from the stars themselves that they were blessed and had StarClan at their side in these most trying of times. To think that a warrior... no, not just a warrior, her daughter had returned! WindClan had grown stronger tenfold in the blink of an eye with this most wondrous of occasions. Oh... perhaps they could go on a grand race through the plateau to celebrate... once she caught her breath.

"We thank you, Twilightstar. I believe I speak for both of us when I say that we will both do everything we can for our clan. RiverClan and ThunderClan will be sorry they ever dared think WindClan nothing more than a stepping stone in their quest for power," Dapplebreeze mewed, dipping her head respectfully, her eyes brighter and more alive than they had been in moons.

@Moonraven [Twilightstar] | @birdie [Bravebird]
Lightningstorm is WindClan's current medicine cat.
She has a semi-closed den policy.

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Old December 17th, 2023, 08:09 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

[Sorry for the delay all!]

Originally Posted by Pumpkin Latte View Post
“I know their scent just wanted to make sure.” Ryefur said indignantly. @Moonraven

Twilightstar twitched her hear, finding the warrior's indignity more amusing than anything else. "Alright, I apologize." The leader meowed with an apologetic dip of her head. "I didn't mean to insult. Did you find it near ThunderClan's border."

Originally Posted by roo! View Post

Featherpelt - he/him - 21 moons


"Maybe we can come to a sort of compromise? Perhaps you'd like to set up something of a trial? I don't know how to show you but I can vouch personally for his loyalty." he glanced gently to the other cat "He had several instances in which he could kill me, but he didn't. I trust him." he says firmly. This could certainly go awfully, but Featherpelt decided to take a chance

When the outsider finally spoke, the WindClan leader found herself even more annoyed than she had been moments ago. She's had arrogant and cocky clanmates, and dealt with more of them than she could count on her four paws. However, she found that she was less calm when it came to outsiders acting the same. Especially when it was an outsider asking her for something.

"I don't know what it is about you, but you're rubbing my fur wrong and I can guess the feeling's mutual," Twilightstar bluntly told Blizzard with a piercing glare of her own. Twilightstar never let her personal feelings get in the way of her duties to WindClan. At the moment her job was to decide whether she felt Blizzard would be a good clanmate to WindClan, she'd be more open with accepting outsiders, but the way this came in and spoke to her made her feel otherwise.

"If you weren't looking to be ridiculed you should not have set foot into my camp, let alone crossed into my borders." He really shouldn't have expected anything other than a harsh greeting and should be pleased that ridicule was the only thing he was receiving. "Since you refuse to share your personal reason and I am, once again, only hearing about your desires to sedate your curiosity about how and why the clans believe themselves above all, nothing you are saying or have said makes me feel like you are worth keeping in my clan," Twilightstar told Blizzard more thoughtfully.

"I don't want your loyalty, your dedication, nor do I want your life, those are all fundamental parts of being in a clan. I truly don't think you understand this. This place is home to many young and old, a place of safety from everything out there wanting to hurt my clan. It is not a place to study or to fulfill selfish quests for knowledge and insight. Nor is it a place for a stranger who seemed more troubled by the fact that I was ridiculing him for walking into my home, unannounced, and questioning his intentions to understand why I am."

If the roles were reversed, and Twilightstar just showed up in his home, harmless or otherwise, she'd be apologizing, not trying to explain away his concerns like he was crazy for even thinking she was harmful. But more importantly, the fact that he wasn't even trying made her believe that he had had a severe lack of respect both for her and for WindClan. One does not just show up in a cat's home expecting to be taken in like this.

"I've taken in many outsiders before, but the difference between you and them is that they genuinely seemed to want a home, a place to belong, and are willing to do whatever it takes to earn it, whereas it feels like you are looking for a means to an end." Twilightstar's eye darted over to Featherpelt, done trying to explain her standpoint to someone who most likely wouldn't get it.

"I've never bothered with trials before and I am not going to start now." She meowed. "As much as I would like to trust your judgment, Featherpelt. I think that your judgment may be clouded, I won't risk the clan's safety for it."

Originally Posted by peppermintbubble. View Post

{ @Moonraven }

Usually Tigermist needs to be called in here. But she was coming with her own free will. And for a special reason.

The tabby orange molly slowly approached the leader's den and stood outside of it. Her belly was pretty swollen, and very noticeable. Her kits kicked more and more over time...

"Um... Twilightstar? Are you available for a few minutes? I just have a question..." She called.

Twilightstar's ears perked up and a smile formed on her maw as she heard the orange tabby's call.

"Tigermist, welcome. What do you need?" The leader meowed. She had probably a few more troubling memories over fond with Tigermist, but she was genuinely quite proud of the molly's achievements and how far she had come in life.

She had grown quite a bit... perhaps more than she had initially thought. The leader eyed the molly's noticeably large belly and beamed. "I suppose you need to take some time in the nursery?"

Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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Old December 17th, 2023, 08:19 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Moonraven View Post
[Sorry for the delay all!]

Twilightstar twitched her hear, finding the warrior's indignity more amusing than anything else. "Alright, I apologize." The leader meowed with an apologetic dip of her head. "I didn't mean to insult. Did you find it near ThunderClan's border."

When the outsider finally spoke, the WindClan leader found herself even more annoyed than she had been moments ago. She's had arrogant and cocky clanmates, and dealt with more of them than she could count on her four paws. However, she found that she was less calm when it came to outsiders acting the same. Especially when it was an outsider asking her for something.

"I don't know what it is about you, but you're rubbing my fur wrong and I can guess the feeling's mutual," Twilightstar bluntly told Blizzard with a piercing glare of her own. Twilightstar never let her personal feelings get in the way of her duties to WindClan. At the moment her job was to decide whether she felt Blizzard would be a good clanmate to WindClan, she'd be more open with accepting outsiders, but the way this came in and spoke to her made her feel otherwise.

"If you weren't looking to be ridiculed you should not have set foot into my camp, let alone crossed into my borders." He really shouldn't have expected anything other than a harsh greeting and should be pleased that ridicule was the only thing he was receiving. "Since you refuse to share your personal reason and I am, once again, only hearing about your desires to sedate your curiosity about how and why the clans believe themselves above all, nothing you are saying or have said makes me feel like you are worth keeping in my clan," Twilightstar told Blizzard more thoughtfully.

"I don't want your loyalty, your dedication, nor do I want your life, those are all fundamental parts of being in a clan. I truly don't think you understand this. This place is home to many young and old, a place of safety from everything out there wanting to hurt my clan. It is not a place to study or to fulfill selfish quests for knowledge and insight. Nor is it a place for a stranger who seemed more troubled by the fact that I was ridiculing him for walking into my home, unannounced, and questioning his intentions to understand why I am."

If the roles were reversed, and Twilightstar just showed up in his home, harmless or otherwise, she'd be apologizing, not trying to explain away his concerns like he was crazy for even thinking she was harmful. But more importantly, the fact that he wasn't even trying made her believe that he had had a severe lack of respect both for her and for WindClan. One does not just show up in a cat's home expecting to be taken in like this.

"I've taken in many outsiders before, but the difference between you and them is that they genuinely seemed to want a home, a place to belong, and are willing to do whatever it takes to earn it, whereas it feels like you are looking for a means to an end." Twilightstar's eye darted over to Featherpelt, done trying to explain her standpoint to someone who most likely wouldn't get it.

"I've never bothered with trials before and I am not going to start now." She meowed. "As much as I would like to trust your judgment, Featherpelt. I think that your judgment may be clouded, I won't risk the clan's safety for it."


Twilightstar's ears perked up and a smile formed on her maw as she heard the orange tabby's call.

"Tigermist, welcome. What do you need?" The leader meowed. She had probably a few more troubling memories over fond with Tigermist, but she was genuinely quite proud of the molly's achievements and how far she had come in life.

She had grown quite a bit... perhaps more than she had initially thought. The leader eyed the molly's noticeably large belly and beamed. "I suppose you need to take some time in the nursery?"

The orange tabby smiled back at the leader, her tail curling over her swollen midsection. Twilightstar definitely noticed. How hard was it to not notice? And her response definitely answered the question. "Yes, that's why I came. I'm so excited for my new kits. I wasn't even planning on becoming a mother. But here I am now. They are due any day now, so... I need the time in the nursery." Tigermist itched her ear and licked her belly before looking back up at Twilightstar.
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Old December 17th, 2023, 08:44 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by peppermintbubble. View Post


The orange tabby smiled back at the leader, her tail curling over her swollen midsection. Twilightstar definitely noticed. How hard was it to not notice? And her response definitely answered the question. "Yes, that's why I came. I'm so excited for my new kits. I wasn't even planning on becoming a mother. But here I am now. They are due any day now, so... I need the time in the nursery." Tigermist itched her ear and licked her belly before looking back up at Twilightstar.

The molly's happiness was infectious, Twilightstar was already delighted to learn that WindClan would be getting new members. "That's wonderful news, Tigermist. Go ahead and take as much time in the nursery as you'd like, will I need to find Beastpaw a temporary mentor in the meantime?" If Queens didn't want to stay a whole six moons in the nursery with their kits or preferred to carry on with warrior duties while in the nursery, then a substitute mentor wasn't needed. But she didn't want Beastpaw to follow behind in her training if Tigermist preferred spending time with her kits.


Twilightstar is the current leader of WindClan has an open den policy.
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Old December 17th, 2023, 08:56 PM
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Default Re: WindClan Leader's Den

Originally Posted by Moonraven View Post

The molly's happiness was infectious, Twilightstar was already delighted to learn that WindClan would be getting new members. "That's wonderful news, Tigermist. Go ahead and take as much time in the nursery as you'd like, will I need to find Beastpaw a temporary mentor in the meantime?" If Queens didn't want to stay a whole six moons in the nursery with their kits or preferred to carry on with warrior duties while in the nursery, then a substitute mentor wasn't needed. But she didn't want Beastpaw to follow behind in her training if Tigermist preferred spending time with her kits.


(I can't tell you how happy I am. Tigermist is my oldest OC, and I never thought she would get to this point. Also sorry for the kind of pathetic post I'm going to bed)

Tigermist was very happy Twilightstar was happy. How could she not? New kits was always great. Depending on... The parents... No, don't think that yet!

"Yeah, probably a good idea. Beastpaw didn't seem so happy when I told her that I was expecting kits and she even seemed a little jealous. She'll get over it." She smiled.
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