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Deputy: Spiderthroat
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: Mistlewhisker
Medicine Cat: Mossfreckle

Medicine Cat Apprentice: Grousepaw

: Fadingstar
Medicine Cat: Mistyshard

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Old May 8th, 2024, 08:22 PM
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Default Re: Rugged Range

Originally Posted by starry View Post

Ah okay, so they were starting from a blank slate. The molly purred a little, trying to make Eaglepaw more comfortable. She didn't need to be ashamed for not knowing something. They were here to learn. Besides, she really enjoyed teaching, especially from blank slates so this wouldn't be a problem. "That's alright, and yeah I'm sure you'll learn quickly," she mewed softly. "We'll start this the most basic thing - the crouch. It's something you can use for stealth, battle, hunting and many more things.. but we'll be adapting it to our hunting practices today."

"I will demonstrate you the crouch. Watch closely. Then you can try it yourself. The most important thing is staying balanced on all legs. Distribute your weight evenly. Keep your tail somewhat off the ground but not so high in the air that it will serve as a warning beacon. Also, make sure your belly fur is ever so slightly brushing on the ground but not making a noise. Your pawsteps should be silent."

With a determined nod she dropped into a hunters crouch, evenly spreading her weight across all her legs and keeping a steady stance. To demonstrate the moving part, she took a few steps forward, paws barely making any noise. Her one amber eye darted across the ground as she tried to locate any leaves and sticks in the way as to not make a noise. Then she got back to a normal standing position and looked at Eaglepaw. "Also keep alert and don't step on anything. Now you try."

[ so sorry about the delay, replies will be faster from now on ]
she/her | 7 moons | 64/100
[Golden and white tuxedo tabby with green eyes]
Purrks: Dreamwalker, HK T2
· · ────────────── · ·
[Mistyshard - @/starry ]
· · ────────────── · ·
Stars, so many instructions!! Here's hoping Eaglepaw could keep up... But for the bright-minded young apprentice, following instruction wasn't difficult. She made sure she ticked off all the boxes, keeping her tail low, legs spread out evenly, and belly fur gently brushing against the ground. The position felt natural, though her tail did twitch with excitement at finally being able to learn something.

Taking a cautious step forward like Mistyshard did, Eaglepaw managed a tail length before stumbling on a stone she didn't see over her fluffy fur, cursing under her breath before squeaking in surprise at her outburst. She gave Mistyshard a sheepish glance, then continued to stalk a random point ahead of her.

Mistlewhisker is ShadowClan's current Deputy!
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Old May 11th, 2024, 12:11 AM
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Default Re: Rugged Range

[ Cherryswirl - 54 Moons]
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Smiling as Adderpaw called out for the marigold, and nodding as Fallenwish started prying up some moss, Cherryswirl gave an exasperated sigh,

"Spiders again, huh?" She threw her head back with a whiny groan, eyes squeezed shut as she seemed to muster all her courage to go searching. "Never free of the webs, I swear!" Murmuring under her breath, in playful nature, the warrior began the search.

[ ROLLED A 20!! +3 Cobweb ]

Eyes to the ground, Cherryswirl was on a quick mission! A few minutes of searching showed that the spiders had been busy because she could spot a good few! And, even better, the tenants weren't home - Thank the stars! Cherryswirl sighed. Then, to work she went, slowly plucking the cobwebs from where they were situated. Dang, she must have taken a while trying to get the web off the trunk... A glance over her shoulder revealed that her patrol was waiting for her! Keeping them wrapped around her arm, she quickly padded over to her patrolmates,

"Think we kept them waiting long enough?" She meowed with a smile, giving them both a signal flick of her tail, "Come on, let's head back before we get wall repair duty!" And with that, Cherryswirl began to make her way back to camp.

[ @Fish - Adderpaw | @hades. - Fallenwish ]

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Last edited by Dust; May 11th, 2024 at 12:12 AM.
Old May 12th, 2024, 12:36 PM
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Default Re: Rugged Range

|[ Mud'smoke ]|
he/him | 21 moons | RC warrior | more of a hunter
__________________________________________________ ___

That walk was tiring and not what you'd call enjoyable. He rather be hunting or fishing, swimming was also better than this. He thought to himself as he glanced up at the branches of the trees around him. Where are the beehives!? Complaints filled his head but he ignored them, what happened to he optimism? He didn't know and frankly he didn't care. Maybe it's because he hadn't hunted in a few days or maybe it was all the negative energy that riverclan was currently offering. Last meeting was meant to be happy, a new start for the clan but it ended up being an execution and not at all a joyful event. The weather was overcast, that was also great.

Walked around the trees and jagged rocks a bit longer in search for bees or even a flower, bees liked flowers they must be near some. No signs of bees nor a beehive yet, and he was getting increasingly more frustrated. He just wanted to go back to camp and sleep this whole day away, maybe tomorrow when he woke up he'd feel so much better..everything it would probably be better in general too. He cast a glance over his shoulder wondering if slatestripe had followed him or not. He wouldnt mind a bit of help right about now.

-Slatestripe [@occultation]
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Old May 13th, 2024, 08:05 PM
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Default Re: Rugged Range


She nodded her head to Drizzlesnow first before smiling warmly at Birdsnow, who appeared to be very tired. After making sure all of them are ready, she would let the patrol leader lead the three out to the Rugged Range. Her eyes darted back and forth as they walked. RiverClan sure has beautiful territories. Despite having a little forest, it was mostly ragged, Stoney hills though, made it hard to walk.

@paris @poppy [They'll spread out after this post?]
Old May 14th, 2024, 08:41 AM
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Default Re: Rugged Range

Drizzlesnow nodded respectfully to Pigeonpelt and then turned to Birdsnow, who looked extremely tired. She didn't want to give the former leader pity, but she didn't want to anger her, either.

Instead, Drizzlesnow blinked warmly at Birdsnow. ''Alright, let's split up,'' The silver-and-white tabby instructed with a wave of her tail. ''We should catch as much prey as possible, if we don't want Dusklion to hit us with as much angry words as possible.''

''Let's meet back here around Sunhigh,'' Drizzlesnow gave both of her patrol mates a nod. ''And remember, if there's a threat - yowl for me. I won't be too far away.'' Without another word, she bounded off deeper into the terrain.

@poppy // @Blazing

Foxglovestar is BerryClan's current Leader. She has an open den policy.

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Larkswoop is a ThunderClan Warrior. If she is needed, mention me.

Last edited by isla; May 14th, 2024 at 08:49 AM.
Old May 14th, 2024, 11:53 AM
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Default Re: Rugged Range

Originally Posted by Neptune. View Post

10 moons || she/her || RiverClan Apprentice || Silver Tongue
medium furred silver smoke she-cat; blue eyes

Stars, she was already starting to regret agreeing to this. Whatever, just suck it up and this will all be over so much faster. Training is training even if it's coming from... him.

"No questions," Wrenpaw says, shaking her head. The faster they could do these tours, the better. "Lets go to the range next - we can save the springs for last, I've already seen Sleepy Thicket more than once, I don't need to go again."

[ waterworm - @/Neptune. ]

20moons || he/him || RiverClan warrior
dilute ginger classic tabby; yellow eyes

Alright, alright! To the Rugged Range!! Waterworm practically prances all the way over, his tail held confidently high even as the apprentice trailing beside him held hers low. Maannn, this one's kinda a buzzkill! Waterworm is not looking forward to the day when they have to share a den! Oh, no- that'll probably be after next moon's meeting, won't it? Oh, the horror! Anyways.

"Welcome to Rugged Range!" He cheers, "You've probably been here before when the old camp got all flooded and we had to rest here a bit, and then Beanstar died, and then WindClan attacked us here because Beanstar took one of Twi's lives, and then Gingerfrost became Gingerstar, and then we moved out of this territory and Ginger appointed Larkwing deputy, and then Ginger died a week later and Larkwing became Larkstar and everyone hated her! Ahhh... good times..." Waterworm rambles as he walks through the range, relating the story with all the carelessness an unbiased outsider might have and none of the tact someone who witnessed it should use. "Anyway, you've seen the thicket, so, onto the springs next!!"

[ wrenpaw - @/Neptune. ]
Old May 14th, 2024, 12:00 PM
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Default Re: Rugged Range

Originally Posted by Neptune. View Post

20moons || he/him || RiverClan warrior
dilute ginger classic tabby; yellow eyes

Alright, alright! To the Rugged Range!! Waterworm practically prances all the way over, his tail held confidently high even as the apprentice trailing beside him held hers low. Maannn, this one's kinda a buzzkill! Waterworm is not looking forward to the day when they have to share a den! Oh, no- that'll probably be after next moon's meeting, won't it? Oh, the horror! Anyways.

"Welcome to Rugged Range!" He cheers, "You've probably been here before when the old camp got all flooded and we had to rest here a bit, and then Beanstar died, and then WindClan attacked us here because Beanstar took one of Twi's lives, and then Gingerfrost became Gingerstar, and then we moved out of this territory and Ginger appointed Larkwing deputy, and then Ginger died a week later and Larkwing became Larkstar and everyone hated her! Ahhh... good times..." Waterworm rambles as he walks through the range, relating the story with all the carelessness an unbiased outsider might have and none of the tact someone who witnessed it should use. "Anyway, you've seen the thicket, so, onto the springs next!!"

[ wrenpaw - @/Neptune. ]

10 moons || she/her || RiverClan Apprentice || Silver Tongue
medium furred silver smoke she-cat; blue eyes

Wrenpaw barely pays any attention to what the tom is saying to her, his tone is one of amused indifference and it makes Wren sick to listen to. She might have been very young for most of the beginning of that, but she had still been there and to hear someone who was also there tell it like it's ancient history and not history that's less than a full season cycle old? It rubs Wren the wrong way.

"Yeah, ok, sure," she replies, a little distracted, and scowling. What is wrong with this cat? Why is he so callous?

[ waterworm - @/Neptune. ]
Old May 16th, 2024, 10:16 AM
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Default Re: Rugged Range

|[ Mud'smoke ]|
he/him | 21 moons | RC warrior | more of a hunter
__________________________________________________ ___

It was now the afternoon and golden hues filtered through the trees intricate branches casting long shadows against the rocks and mossy ground, it was the gathering this night right? And he still had to get back to camp ugh! He glanced around tiredly, he had smelt the scent of riverclan strong nearby which meant some of his clanmates were probably here or had been here recently, didn't matter in the slightest to him since his main problem was finding a beehive. He could here birds cawing overhead and the occasional scuttling sounds of prey nearby, he couldn't hunt now he didn't have time he would remind himself. Then the sound of a woodpecker being a nuisance and pecking into tree all the while that annoying buzz filled his ears. So frustrating- wait buzz?

Mudsmoke followed the sound, his steps becoming faster the closer he got to the source until he was practically bounding towards the source of the buzzing. Skidding to a halt he looked up and bingo! There it was, a beautiful flipping beehive. Mudsmoke would have cried if he hadn't been so tired. Thee beehive was nestled between a tree and a a ledge, the tree seemed to go vertical up with no branches, he had never climed one of those before...huh...

It was getting late and the plan he had managed to form in his head was a two person plan, where was Slatestripe!? He didn't have time for this, he thought with a growl to himself. He had a second plan which was more dangerous and would consist of way more bee stings then needed. But what other plan did he have? He had waited and waited for Slatestripe to show up and yet he hadn't. There was no more time for waiting, time was almost up and mudsmoke wasn't getting his ears bitten off by Fadingsun because he failed to collect honey. One more chance, he was giving slatestripe one more chance to show up otherwise he was doing this alone.

-Slatestripe [@occultation]
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Nyx is the Claw of the Crown of the Atari. If you need her please mention me
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Old May 17th, 2024, 09:05 AM
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Default Re: Rugged Range

// @paris @Blazing

Birdsnow silently followed the rest of her patrol after returning a warmer smile to Pigeon. The ragdoll nodded dutifully as Drizzlesnow spoke, slinking away to go off the hunt on her own.

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Old May 19th, 2024, 12:30 AM
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Default Re: Rugged Range

@paris @poppy


Going off to the side, the warrior scented the air, and before long smelled a prey. Ears perked up, she would get into a hunting crouch and stalk over. Reaching the perfect length, Pigeonpelt pounced and landed onto the mouse, ending it swiftly.
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