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Old January 28th, 2017, 06:34 PM
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Default Re: WindClan | RiverClan Border

( @Hugz )

Limoncello padded across the 'border', noticing - disapproving of - the scent lines that created it. How rabbit-brained are these cats? Do they really think their scents are going to stop others from crossing into their territory? He made a quiet tsk tsk noise; not loud enough for Rippletail to hear, but still audible. He surveyed the bush, taking careful note of all of its features. Not to spiky... appears to have enough room for two cats... multiple exits available... Yes, I think this will do nicely. "I think it looks perfect," He purred with fake enthusiasm. He brushed his for up against hers before stepping inside, taking a look around its interior.

The bush was full of leaves, and Limoncello pushed them back with his paws until there was enough room for them both. He used the sticks inside to pin back certain branches, creating a nice space to rest. I wonder if she'd be ok if we slept together...? After all, she's already gone all goo-goo eyed on me. He could clearly see the affection in her eyes, and noticed the way she moved around him. She wanted him to be strong, and that was what he was going to do. "It's ok, love!" He called out, continuing to lure her in. "I've made a nice nest for us both!"
~ troubled times ~
~ you know i cannot lie ~
~ i’m off the wagon and i’m hitchin a ride ~

Profile picture by the wonderous Ever!
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Old January 28th, 2017, 06:47 PM
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Default Re: WindClan | RiverClan Border

( @MaskedBandits )

The purr of Lemoncello made her heart leap, making her have a purr of her own. She loved when his fur- on purpose - brushed against hers, for the small amount of time lay her head on his shoulder, before lifting it up as he moved. Rippletail watched his work silently, eyes admiring. She felt close to Lemoncello, closer to any tom she had ever known. The molly wanted to peek in to see for herself, but waited for him to finish

Once he said 'love,' Rippletail felt like she could jump in the air, but instead a loud purr rumbled through her throat. Ducking in, she pressed herself as close as possible to him, the purr still going. "It's perfect!" The molly exclaimed. She-she felt like they were getting... pulled together. Happiness sparked her once again once she settled down, waiting for him to join.

(New!) Character Site

If I don’t respond within 72 hours, please feel free to message me! Just to warn y’all, my immune system is trash so please check my profile to see if I have said anything about being sick ^ ^ So I don't get too overwhelmed (again), I'm only gonna have cats in Riverclan or as outsiders, so please keep that in mind if you want to rp with me for whatever reason (:
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Old January 29th, 2017, 07:01 AM
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Default Re: WindClan | RiverClan Border

( @Hugz )

Limoncello smirked, though tried to wipe all evilness off of it. Take no chances now. "Glad you like it," He whispered in her ear, hid tail slowly making its way forward. He knew he'd lured her in pretty deep, and at this point, there was no way she was leaving her state. I've got her where I want her, but that's no excuse to become lazy and careless. As she settled down, he lay next to her, the leaves of the bush providing the perfect cover. The moment couldn't have been more beautiful - you know, if he'd actually loved her.

"Oh - fox dung!" He suddenly exclaimed, the smirk disappearing from his face. "I forget to get us fresh-kill!" He glanced at Rippletail, mustering the most guilty eyes he could. "You don't mind, do you? Because if you're hungry I could run out and get a rabbit or something... Onto WindClan territory, so exposed, where every danger can come and attack me...!" He knew the best way to avoid doing something was to mention it, then list all of the reasons why you shouldn't do it - but without letting the other person know. It works every time. I suggest going and getting something, I pretend to be afraid, and we go to bed sooner - and she goes to sleep hungry! Genius! His gaze locked into hers, his guilty eyes never losing their charm.
~ troubled times ~
~ you know i cannot lie ~
~ i’m off the wagon and i’m hitchin a ride ~

Profile picture by the wonderous Ever!
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Old January 29th, 2017, 07:13 AM
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Default Re: WindClan | RiverClan Border

( @MaskedBandits )

"I love it." She whispered, eyes locked on his. 'Should I ask? What if he says no to join Riverclan? And... to be my mate?' Rippletail imagined him declining, and gave an un-noticing shake of a head, before resting it on his shoulder, tail lifting up and down. She searched his gaze, eyes loving like they had been through-out the session

At Lemoncello's almost threat, she bolted up. "N-no!" Rippletail exclaimed. "I-I could get some..." she said, pressing her head back in place. "What would you like?" The molly asked, hoping it wouldn't be a rabbit; they were much too fast, and the trouble of doing so would be large. "I can get you anything you want." Rippletail purred, opposing her thoughts.

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If I don’t respond within 72 hours, please feel free to message me! Just to warn y’all, my immune system is trash so please check my profile to see if I have said anything about being sick ^ ^ So I don't get too overwhelmed (again), I'm only gonna have cats in Riverclan or as outsiders, so please keep that in mind if you want to rp with me for whatever reason (:

Last edited by Silhouettes; January 29th, 2017 at 07:14 AM.
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Old January 29th, 2017, 08:04 AM
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Default Re: WindClan | RiverClan Border

( @Hugz )

Limoncello thought for a moment. What do I want? "Well, I'm ok with anything, honestly, just not fish." He was aware that was probably all she knew how to hunt, but he needed to know what she was capable of. He didn't want to face off against her, of have her suspect he was lying. If I know what she can and can't do, it'll be easier to get at her weaknesses, but I can also help her with it, throwing suspicion off of myself. He glanced up at her, his tail now stroking his chin. "Thank you love."

When Rippletail left, Limoncello would have more time alone with his thoughts. I can actually devise a real plan instead of just going with the flow. He had no intentions of running off while she was gone; he had unfinished business with her he needed to get to. Besides, he wanted to see how in love she'd get with him. If she's already in this deep, everything else should be easy! He smiled up at her, trying to get Rippletail on her way without saying a word. In his case, eyes were enough to get his point across.
~ troubled times ~
~ you know i cannot lie ~
~ i’m off the wagon and i’m hitchin a ride ~

Profile picture by the wonderous Ever!
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Old January 29th, 2017, 08:23 AM
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Default Re: WindClan | RiverClan Border

( @MaskedBandits )

Rippletail let out a purr. "Of course!" She trilled, rubbing her head against him, before getting up. "I'll try to come back as soon as possible." The molly said, before dashing out at the secret order. The breeze hit her pelt, ruffling it. She felt wildly uncomfortable, and her pelt stood mildly out. 'Now just have to find something....' all the scent she could smell was the stench of Windclan

A skinny rabbit shot into view. Rippletail shot after it, moving as fast as possible. The rabbit scurried down a burrow after she had run mildly far. Panting, she looked for more, catching her breath.

Rippletail came back with a young hare; which took a while to find. She droppped it at his paws. "Need... do you need anything else?" The molly purred happily.

(New!) Character Site

If I don’t respond within 72 hours, please feel free to message me! Just to warn y’all, my immune system is trash so please check my profile to see if I have said anything about being sick ^ ^ So I don't get too overwhelmed (again), I'm only gonna have cats in Riverclan or as outsiders, so please keep that in mind if you want to rp with me for whatever reason (:
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Old January 29th, 2017, 08:53 AM
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Default Re: WindClan | RiverClan Border

( @Hugz )

Limoncello smirked as she left, pleased with himself. Things couldn't be going better, and the show was just about to get interesting. I can't wait for tonight. If she falls for my tricks this easily, what's up next will be a breeze! For the while she was gone, he'd thought up multiple courses of action he could take, and they all sounded devilish. He didn't know which to chose, so he went with the easiest option out of them all. It's such a shame she ran off with me. She could've had a much better life in RiverClan, with a father who actually cared about his kits!

When Rippletail returned, he tried to look as normal as possible. He smiled up at her, nodding at the hare. "A lovely catch!" He exclaimed, actually a bit surprised she'd managed to catch a rabbit. She's got skills here. Hunting won't be an issue. He beckoned her to sit by him, patting the empty spot next to him. "Come, and we'll share a nice meal together." He said it as carefree as possible, but so many thoughts were racing through his mind, it was nearly impossible. Though if she gets suspicious, it's all you fault... Shaking his head to clear the thoughts, he grinned at her, mentally willing her to join him.
~ troubled times ~
~ you know i cannot lie ~
~ i’m off the wagon and i’m hitchin a ride ~

Profile picture by the wonderous Ever!

Last edited by MaskedBandits; January 29th, 2017 at 08:54 AM.
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Old January 29th, 2017, 09:12 AM
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Default Re: WindClan | RiverClan Border

( @MaskedBandits )

Rippletail was hungry, but was still disgusted by the taste of fur and the taste of the prey in general. "I'm good." She replied, but settled next to Lemoncello, fur easily touching his. "Do you need water?" The molly asked. She wanted to make him happy, if she wanted to become mates with him, she needed to do some work for him. "I could get you anything you need." Rippletail chirped happily and lovingly.

The molly was ready to leap up and do as he asked. Resting her head on Lemoncello's shoulder, she was purring happily. (I'm watching a show, so my posts probably will be short)

(New!) Character Site

If I don’t respond within 72 hours, please feel free to message me! Just to warn y’all, my immune system is trash so please check my profile to see if I have said anything about being sick ^ ^ So I don't get too overwhelmed (again), I'm only gonna have cats in Riverclan or as outsiders, so please keep that in mind if you want to rp with me for whatever reason (:
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Old January 29th, 2017, 03:13 PM
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Default Re: WindClan | RiverClan Border

( @Hugz )

Limoncello shrugged, then tore into the rabbit. He tried to eat as quietly and politely as possible, but since he never actually ate with anyone, it wasn't exactly the most pleasant sight. Hopefully she doesn't really mind... Nonetheless, the creature was gone in heartbeats, and he licked his lips, satisfied. "Tasty," He murmured, he himself leaning into Rippletail. "And thank you, but I'm fine." He was ready to curl up and go to sleep, for the light outside was slowly dying. And I'm quite tired as it is...

Limoncello turned to the she-cat, eyes locking again. "It's getting pretty late..." He said in a low, soothing voice. "What do you say we go to sleep soon?" He lay one paw on top of another, fluffing up his fur again. It was more of a defence against the cold then an attempt to impress Rippletail; he'd already nailed that part. There isn't much else to stay for, though. If I run off now, I could watch her little heart break from a distance... though I've got something much better planned. As night fell, he become even more confident in his plans, but the last thing he needed was for the she-cat to go to sleep
~ troubled times ~
~ you know i cannot lie ~
~ i’m off the wagon and i’m hitchin a ride ~

Profile picture by the wonderous Ever!
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Old January 31st, 2017, 07:51 PM
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MaskedBandits MaskedBandits is offline
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Default Re: WindClan | RiverClan Border

Originally Posted by MaskedBandits View Post
( @Hugz )

Limoncello shrugged, then tore into the rabbit. He tried to eat as quietly and politely as possible, but since he never actually ate with anyone, it wasn't exactly the most pleasant sight. Hopefully she doesn't really mind... Nonetheless, the creature was gone in heartbeats, and he licked his lips, satisfied. "Tasty," He murmured, he himself leaning into Rippletail. "And thank you, but I'm fine." He was ready to curl up and go to sleep, for the light outside was slowly dying. And I'm quite tired as it is...

Limoncello turned to the she-cat, eyes locking again. "It's getting pretty late..." He said in a low, soothing voice. "What do you say we go to sleep soon?" He lay one paw on top of another, fluffing up his fur again. It was more of a defence against the cold then an attempt to impress Rippletail; he'd already nailed that part. There isn't much else to stay for, though. If I run off now, I could watch her little heart break from a distance... though I've got something much better planned. As night fell, he become even more confident in his plans, but the last thing he needed was for the she-cat to go to sleep
( @Hugz )
~ troubled times ~
~ you know i cannot lie ~
~ i’m off the wagon and i’m hitchin a ride ~

Profile picture by the wonderous Ever!
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